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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Brian Montague Fycher. -a deep voice echoed through the emptiness.

Traitor, Heretic, Murderer. -the voice went on, as Brian struggled against his restraints, still unable to see anything.

Time and time again, your recklessness has lead to the pain and suffering of those around you. Even in prison, you cause more trouble then one cares to put up with...

Struggling proved useless, fear was turning into terror as the room grew noticeably colder, and the voice grew increasingly loud, as if emanating from just inches away...

...and so here you are, standing on hallowed ground. I wonder, just what kind of demons are you harboring within you. What sort of monstrosities would your death unleash?

Demons?! He'd never tampered with that sort of magic! Trying to speak was pointless, the gag upon his mouth made sure of that. He had to get out of here, immediately!

Which puts us at a very advantageous position...

Suddenly, he could hear movement in the room. It sounded like the sound of footsteps coupled with a strange chanting. The sounds drew nearer, and nearer, until finally he could feel two other people on either side of him.

You will never pose a threat to anyone ever again, nor will I allow whatever you brought into this world to leave your corrupted shell of flesh and bone.

Suddenly, he felt a cold metallic object surround the midsection of his arms on both sides, the feeling began crawling down towards his wrist slowly.

Panic was starting to settle in, but there was literally nothing Brian could do. He was locked down so tightly, that he could barely even breathe.

For you will carry your prison with you. I hereby sentence you to life in exile, in the hopes that if ever you are slain, the festering menace corrupting your soul will serve a greater purpose, and wither away our enemies instead.

Feeling the cold metal finally reaching his wrists, Brian started to panic, desperately struggling to at least feel for his hands, when his restraints suddenly snapped off. He immediately reached to remove the rag over his eyes and opened his mouth.


I'm not! ... -the man yelled, only to be met with the familiar sight of the same room he'd always rented at the Double Barrel pub for the night. Brian had been having that recurring nightmare ever since it happened. Sighing deeply, he examined his arms once more, still hoping in vain that it was all just a dream, and the shackles weren't there. But they were, always there, covering his wrists and reminding him how much he hated the inquisition for placing them there.




Here's your strategy. It's gone. And it took me, what, a few seconds! -Petey said smugly and rolled his eyes.

We should just get moving then, before the people come. -Dosh sighed and rubbed his temples.

Too right. Petey gestured for them to get going.

Dosh carefully removed his pet owl from under his ear and set her back atop his head.

So who's this other dragon you wanted us to meet?

Edited by Psyduсk

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"I'll take that as a yes. Or perhaps the insinuation is over your level of intellect" Kai laughed when Spinx didn't give a response. "You changed weapons but..." she rolled out of the way of his chain, "Still the same hair brained brute swinging his weapon around" she said, rolling into a crouched position. She opted to perform a leg-sweep at Spinx. She knew that outright punching him would be a wasted effort given the size and muscle difference between them, so she opted for something more strategical. Kai's guardian dragon returned to its idle state, sitting down and staring blankly ahead. Kai still gripped her needle-like shuriken. They were dipped in the same poison she used against Nick. Nothing fatal but enough to paralyze a scratched limb for a few minutes. She tended to use them more to knock out guards in her thieving.


Akuma frowned as Juna went on about how sad and or angry the man made her. He was already aware the guy was a jerk. "I don't know where Cloud and Axle are now. So. Yeah. But..." Akuma raised his nose. "There's... he was here tonight in Windfall. I can't smell him over the incense of the festival, but, he's probably still at the bar down the road from the entrance gate. That's to the south" he pointed. Akuma didn't really care for their affairs anyway and was glad to be rid of it all. He didn't mind meeting... nice people. But not at the expense of trouble. He'd had enough of that in his lifetime already.

Edited by Sai

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Azera lost track of the pair in the forest do to how dark the forest have become. He pulled his sword from it sheath as it start to emulate it golden glow a bit, giving him a small range to see with. 'So much for tracking them and see what they were doing.' Azera thought to himself as he, until he heard some words in the distance of people talking, and he sheath his sword and ran as quietly as he could to the chat, and came within sight of two figures. He grab a rock and throw it at a tree on the very far side of the of the pair, but still keeping himself hidden. 'Let see if it the kid, if so, well maybe.' Azera thought to himself as he heard the rock hit some wood some bit away.


Dracul look at the dragon that spoke up about he was the one that know Atlas. "Well let me introduce myself. My name is Dracul Caruisn, and I'm the current Lord for a city named Shadow Wind. With me is Arch Dravinca, a current lord as well. Like I said, Atlas have start to help a traitor from shadow wind. He currently wanted for killing another dragon by the name of Crimsrion drago, A gold dragon that was after him in the first, to bring him and bring him back to shadow wind for another crime of buying slaves, human, dragons and halflings." Dracul said calmly. Arch was sitting back as he simple watch, almost enjoying this. "All I simple care for is Atlas safety and the hatchlings safety. We currently have a special... human, after Axle, by the name of Spinx. According to one of his report, she went and fought him, and teleported Axle to a unknown location. If she would to continue her assistance with Axle, she would be consider a threat to shadow wind, and it would leave me no choice but to kill her over the protection of shadow wind. It my job to protect all that live in shadow wind, and i will have see to it." Dracul said looking to the ground, almost looking like he would regret it.


Juna look to the place the hybrid point to "South, I will head north than, away from Spinx. Thank you for your help you two, most to you." Juna said as she look to Akuma, As Juna turn and walked from the yard and a small black cat came the shadows and meowed at her a bit before following her, for some odd reason, but both of them left and vanish in the shadow heading north.


Spinx saw Kai drop to the ground as was suddenly trip, but he never hit the ground, as he stood on his hands, as he push himself in the air, and land on his feet. "Interesting. You could have use those needle weapons of yours on me, but instead, you choice to trip me, very odd. Oh and as a good necromancer, you first judge and test someone skills first, so if you have not notice, I have all the information I need on you, your movement and strength. Great agility, yet lower strength, with a different body build." Spinx said, "And by the way, those insulted don't really get you no where, and your right I did change weapons to see what you were skilled at countering, so I say your little test end there, and next time our path cross, there will be no holding back on my part."

Spinx Pick up his cloak and place it back over him, "That was really no fun, you really did not try to attack me, just try to ware me down. What a pain, and here I thought you would be more fun, oh well." Spinx said as he pick up his beer and finish it off, and left, leaving the other beer. "I have a target that is more fun than you to chase, so later."

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The red dragon introduced himself and his partner as Dracul Caruisn and Arch Dravinca, the the lords of Shadow Wind. From what Aeolus was hearing, Axle was a wanted criminal for buying slaves and killing another dragon. The horde members near Dracul were shocked at atrocious acts of the Shadow Wind traitor. Normally it would be humans doing those things, but for another dragon to do that was totally a shock. Aeolus growled with disgust and loathing for Axle. He had never heard of a dragon this despicable ever since the ancient story of the first and probably only wicked dragon, Evila, whose name gave rise to the word 'evil'. To the horde leader, Axle was nothing more than a race traitor, who would do harm to his fellow dragons. He didn't understand why Atlas, a dragoness who hated crimes against her race, would help someone like him. Unless maybe he had her tricked perhaps.


Then Dracul expressed his concern for the Firestar family's safety and said that he had a special human named Spinx who fought Atlas after she teleported him to parts unknown. Aeolus didn't like the idea of a human working for them, considering their treacherous nature, but he kept quiet about it. If Atlas continued protecting him, then she would be killed. This was very serious indeed and Aeolus couldn't let that happen to her. He replied to the lord, "Thank you for telling me this, Dracul. I will see to Atlas and make sure she realizes the truth, so that she won't bother protecting Axle anymore." Then he turned to the horde and told them, "Vulture Horde, the attack on the army camp will have to be put on hold. Right now, we must deal with this Axle dragon and bring him to justice." Then he telepathically told the night magi, 'Eitri, I need you to place the tracking spell on Atlas, so that we can all warp over to her. This is what she looks like.' Using his memory, he sent him an image of the red-tinted magi dragoness and her sparkling purple eyes.


Eitri received the image and said, 'I got it, sir!' He teleported the tracking spell over to Atlas and told the leader, 'It is done. Will we be teleporting over to her, too?' He figured that was what the leader wanted.


Aeolus nodded and said, 'Of course we will. I want you and the magis to warp me, Dracul, Arch, Pyro, Tavurth, Uvanis, Lutarn, Zylanon, Hewey, the flower pygmies, and the crimson flares over to where she's at. You will come with us as well, Eitri.'


'Yes, sir!' the night magi obliged. Then the magi dragons teleported the chosen dragons over to the spring cave mountain.


Bam relaxed his hold on the fire inside his mouth until the flame died down. He heard his cousin's voice telling him, 'Bam, you are in charge of this horde until I get back.'


The royal blue smiled with pride at having being trusted to be temporary leader. 'Don't worry, cous. Everything will be alright.'




The Firestars were sleeping when suddenly lights were flashing inside the cave. Atlas squeezed his eyes tight in response to the disturbance, before she opened them up and groaned, "Ugh, what the hell?" Draconic smells caught her attention and she realized that there were other dragons in the cave. "Huh? Who's there?" she asked, lifting her head. A flame appeared and gave light to reveal a brute dragon's face. The magi was about to respond, when a fireball flew by fast and zoomed around like a winged insect. Another one appeared flying around as well and then came four more other like them. The lights from these balls showed a shadow dragon, a cassare, and a healer dragon inside the cave. One of the fireballs passed by another one and revealed that the carriers of these balls were crimson flares.


The hatchlings woke up to see all these strange dragons and fireballs in the air. The sisters were mostly mesmerized by the fireballs with tails as Danielle smiled and said, "Ooh, so pretty!"


Zylanon the shadow dragon went over to the black dragon, thinking he was Axle and bit him at the neck while trying to hold him down.


Lutarn the storm dragon and Uvanis the dark leaf pygmy, who were outside the cave, went down to Axle and grabbed him, holding him down. Eitri went to cast chains and tried to wrap them around the white dragon.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Cenor was accepted))


"Nah, the needles would render you a vegetable. And seeing as how I have no interest in your body or your soul, it would be a terrible waste of poison. Call it a way to peel an annoyance off my shoe if need be. But, judging by your lack of ability to hit me, I don't need them" Kai explained. She straightened up to a standing position again and put her shuriken away. She dusted her palms as Spinx decided to give up. She made a short snort of laughter at his explanation, "Yeah sure" she rolled her eyes, "Oh what's that I hear? Oh, just excuses. I never tried in the first place. You're not even fun to toy with. Insults stick to you like glue, you're rather easy to flare up from how little goading it took to get you to react. Not only that, you don't even make fun comebacks. Jeez, at least that other little mage earlier could make a good argument" she shook her head and clicked her tongue. A shadow darted across the street and melded into her own shadow.


She laced her fingers behind her head, "No, I wasn't trying to wear you down. That would be exerting effort. No, I was merely avoiding the annoyance you are. You try to pretend you know everything about me and you're 'testing' me but. Hah. You didn't even know my name a few minutes ago. You know nothing about me twinkle toes. So why don't you go back to the slime hole you crawled out of" she snorted. Kai beckoned her guardian dragon over, "I have better use of my time than putting up with your petty dancing like you got something to prove." she added. Kai didn't like any other necromancers really. She had yet to get along with another of her kind. She didn't even like her master. But that was because he was always breathing down her neck. Though, Spinx was doing just the same, though maybe creepier. What the hell is his problem anyway? A few minutes after meeting me he has a problem with his ego and comes cleaving at me? What a nut job... she rolled her eyes, starting to mend her guardian dragon again, "Stupid drunk necromancers. What else is new?" Kai muttered to herself.

Edited by Sai

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Axle was at peace under the moon and the stars, until he smelled three dragons coming toward him, snapping him from his sleep, as two of the three dragon grab him from behind. The wind was knock out of him as chains appeared from the ground as the wrap around his neck and legs, but that was it before the chains lost their grip on Axle as he change forms to keep the chains off, and slide from under the dragons towards the edge of the ledge. Axle arm was bleeding from him sliding across the ground escaping the chains and the dragons. Axle was breathing heavily as he heard a roar come from the cave that Atlas, Mekarth and the hatchlings were in. Axle was about to jump in the air, until he caught the scent of another dragon, one he know was banish. Now he know why these dragons attack he, "Idiots, your helping a once banish dragon and a dangerous dragon, Arch. Are you three Insane?" Axle manage to say with him holding a snare back as he saw Arch use a lighting spell at close range, which caught Axle off guard. Axle screamed in Pain as the spell shock him, causing him to fall to his knees. His vision started to blur from the pain and the shock of the lighting.

"Hm, odd you did not pass out from that Axle. That was enough lighting shock to knock out a dragon twice your size. Let try this again shall we?" Arch said as he used another lighting spell, but it never hit Axle, as two sphere circled him, one pink, one blue. They made almost a barrier around him, as they went back into his pocket.

"They protected me. Hm, I guess they still have fate in me after all." Axle said to himself as he look up at Arch and start to push himself off the ground as all his wound healed up, his eyes were close as he spoke "My name is Axle Incarus, Son of Dragon lord Excab Incarus and Lavnta Incarus, and grandchild to Dragon lord Brancin Incarus. I will do my sworn duty and live the Incarus code. My mission, Return to Shadow wind and reclaim it back from Dracul Caruisn, and the force that follows the once banish dragon." Axle said as he was now in a full stand and his eyes snap open revealing almost cat like dragon eyes "And I will never forgive Dracul for what he did, or anyone that follow him!" Axle yelled at Arch, which took Arch a bit off guard. Axle start to emulate a very deep low growl, as Axle re-enter his dragon form. Both him and Arch had a stare down, nether moving, and both snarling at each other.


Azera heard a roar of a dragon very close by, almost sounding like it in pain, than a human scream soon followed, but he did not move from his spot as he keep on watching the kid and the mage, who seems not to notice him at all. He just watch and waited for their next move. 'A cat stalking a mouse.'


Mekarth felt the bite on his neck and caused him to roar in pain, as it woke him up from his slumber. Mekarth instanced reaction was to slam the thing biting him into the wall next to him, which is what he did, and when he did that he rip his neck out from the whoever was biting him. Mekarth next move was he stood between Atlas and the dragons. He start to snare as he pick up a scent he recognized instantly. There standing near the front was the red dragon with a scar down his side, and instantly Mekarth snared the name out "Dracul."

Dracul took no heed to Mekarth as he waited for the green dragon.

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The Firestars quickly turned their heads to the direction of Mekarth's pained roar. They saw him slamming the shadow dragon into the wall next to him. Zylanon became dazed as he felt the black dragon slip loose from his fangs. Knowing that they were in danger, Atlas casted a fire aura around herself and got ready to engage in battle. She glared and growled at the enemy dragons. The sisters backed away to the corner and huddled themselves there. They were afraid of these bad dragons.


Eitri, Lutarn and Uvanis were taken by surprise as Axle turned into a human being. When he tried to flee, they heard Aeolus telling them, "Get him, he must not be allowed to escape!" So the two pursued him with the flower pygmies flying with them. They didn't listen to Axle telling them that they were helping the wrong dragons; but it was probably just a lie to save his skin. The horde members stopped briefly to let Arch zap the man.


After Mekarth smelled his uncle, Atlas became alert and shouted, "What? He's here?!" She looked to where the black dragon was looking and saw a red dragon with a scar. The magi furrowed her eyes and growled, "So that's Dracul, huh? He's got a lot of nerve showing his face around here!" The dragoness channeled up a lot of her magic energy for to prepare a fire beam made just for him. But before she could cast it at all, Eitri dispelled her aura with his wind magic and Tarvurth the brute dragon tackled her against the wall and held her neck with his jaws, pinning her to the way. The magi struggled to get free of his strong hold as she snarled, "Get off of me!"


The brute refused to let go as he told her telepathically, 'Trust me!'


Aeolus looked down at Axle and saw the barrier that protected him. Then he listened to Axle telling everyone about who he is and his mission to return to Shadow Wind and take the kingdom back from Dracul. The disaster dragon started to get skeptical and he looked over to the red dragon lord and asked, 'Did I just hear that you were banished, Dracul?' He wasn't about to deem Dracul the real bad guy or a liar just yet. But hearing the word 'banished' made him think that the current dragon lord did something wrong that removed him from Shadow Wind. It could make him the real villain unless he had redeemed himself or he had been framed. Then there was Axle saying that he'll never forgive the lord for what he did, but it could mean anything. Aeolus wanted to make sure that he was helping the right dragon out before he could make any more moves.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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(Argh, this is so late. XP And I'm not going to make Pyro's powers too strong, so he has to be really close to someone to nullify their magic.)


The Cassare listened intently to the conversation, and acted immediately when he was teleported to the cave. While the other dragons tackled Axle, he snuck around to the back, towards who he assumed was Atlas. He watched as she prepared to use magic and padded closer, staying near to the wall where he wouldn't be noticed. When he was within range, Pyro focused on nullifying the Magi's powers, but stopped briefly when he heard something about Dracul being banished. He looked up, confused, but kept his focus on Atlas. Where they helping the right dragon?



Jupiter fidgeted, "Well, I wouldn't call her a dragon..." She laughed nervously. "But she can be of great assistance to us, and she hates the lab more than I do, so she'll be eager to help out." The Brute didn't know how the dragons would react if they knew that Sparks was a human.

Edited by SparksflY

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'Like hell I will!' Atlas yelled back in Tavurth's mind. She thought of the hot spring in her mind and tried to warp there to escape. But for some reason, her teleportation spell wasn't working. 'What the hell? What's going on? Why can I warp?' she wondered. No matter how much she tried, the magi could not teleport. So Atlas went for the another solution and that was to burn his mouth with her fire aura. But when she tried that, nothing happened as well. "Son of a censorkip.gif*!" she yelled. Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan looked to her with a smirk. "Some people have wanted me gone or killed for things I have done. They either gave up, were killed themselves, or...who knows." he shrugs. "Minerva, I appreciate your kindness. You have more respect and honor than most....but I don't think I should stay long. I'm not exactly the safest person to be around. I'm.....not capable of having someone special.....not with the life I live....the risk....it's too great of one." Indirectly he had admitted a level of attraction to her.

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I see where this is going... -Petey grumbled and zipped his lip. He didn't like the fact that they were bringing a human into this. No, he absolutely hated the idea, but the little dragon was patient, if a bit out of it. For now, he knew he had to focus all his pent up anger at his target, and the thoughts of the tortures he'd inflict upon him kept his mind from going haywire, for the most part.


Is that so... -Dosh arced an eyebrow.

Well, I suppose it's irrelevant. As a matter of fact, diversity comes with it's advantages, I must say -he shrugged as they walked, the rooftops of the city already coming into view.




His head pounding like a drum, vision blurred heavily and breathing ragged as if he'd run a marathon, Brian cupped his forehead with both palms and gritted his teeth. This had to stop. The recurring nightmares would be the end of him otherwise. Looking at his hands, he glared angrily at his shackles, and for a moment visualized the things he'd have done to the one who put them on him. It was a reassuring thought, and it did well on his headache, if anything, at least distracting him from it.


With a groan, he stood up from his bed and proceeded to get dressed. There was no point in trying to fall asleep now, he figured. Shutting the door behind him, Brian descended down the stairs of the Double Barrel pub, and shrugged his way past the crowds, before leaving the building. The cool air and quiet mutters of the crowds outside were soothing, but the familiar hunger pains in his stomach made it quite clear that he had other pressing matters to attend to.


Brian had long since deserted the pleasures of human food, and fully relied on hunting and devouring freshly caught prey instead, so he headed towards the outskirts of town.

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((TheTron? I replied... Sai, my character spoke to Chi as well xd.png))

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Dracul simple look at the green dragon, "Yes, I was banish for taking an action in my own hands, I killed a thief that stole an artifact. That end up getting me banish from town for 100 years, that was 800 years ago. During that time Exbac, Axle, Mekarth, and Juna Incarus father, took lordship. He would not let me back in my city, and would always keep me out, well that was until recently." Dracul simple look back at Mekarth, "But you, Mekarth, have noting yet on your head, so just back down and let us get Axle, and you could live the rest of your life peacefully."

Mekarth shook his head "Hold you tongue, snake, your going to need it when I squeeze the hidden secrets out of you." Mekarth snared, as Mekarth got in to a ready stance, almost as if he was load spring.

Dracul simple shook his head, "You know what will happen if you attack a lord, so why do it? It's your only and final warning, Mekarth." Dracul said as he ready himself.

Mekarth simple look at Dracul and spoke though his snarling "The attack on a lord is a threat to the lord's life and a threat to shadow wind, but I willing to die to uncover the truth." Mekarth said and with in a seconds, Pounced on Dracul's back and both him and Dracul went out the mouth of the cave, roaring all the way down until they both hit the forest below.

-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\ Music that kind of game me this idea<-

Axle and Arch both attack each other at the same time, both drawling blood from each other, but arch infused his bite with lighting, causing Axle to lose his bite on Arch. Arch took the advantage and shoved Axle over the edge, Arch soon followed and grab a hold on Axle wings, until he let go just enough to save himself from harm. He could hear the trees snap as Axle went though the forest below. Arch went down to see if Axle was dead, but found no body of him, yet he did see his blood. It look as if Axle have slowed himself down just enough to survive, but not with out some sort of wound. "Now where did you go, Axle?" Arch ask himself as he look around though the dark forest.

Axle took no time on attacking him from the side of a blind spot, as arch roared in pain from Axle attack. Arch soon channeled lighting around his body, knocking Axle off of him, and onto the ground. Axle scales were scorched by Arch lighting attack, and Arch look at Axle. "No one going to help you Axle, not after what you did to Crimsrion drago."

Axle staggered a bit as he stood up and look at Arch "Crimsrion drago, he died for his honor. He laid down his life for his honor, and he could not accept losing and thought it was dis-honoring to himself, and his family name." Axle said as blood came from his mouth as he started to pant hard. "Crimsrion, he was my dragon teacher, and he the one who taught me to fight as a dragon. His last words I will never forget when I asked him why. He said that if he was going to die, he was going to die with honor by one of his students, and known that student have surpassed his teaching." Axle said still staring at Arch with his cat like dragon eyes.

Arch start to have lighting dance across his body, "You will pay for killing another dragon, and I don't care why!" Arch snared as he pounced on Axle and bit down on his neck. Lighting Dance from the forest almost like a cosmic storm have just happen, and the only thing that could be heard was a dragon roar that sound like pain. This light the dark sky up like a light bulb in a dark room, and soon fade into silences.


Juna saw the sky light up with a glow, than heard a dragon roar that sound like pain, and she know who it was. 'Axle' She change into her silver dragon form in the middle what ever town it was and took to the skies, in the direction of the glow that was now gone. 'Hang on' She thought as she pushed herself to the very limit to reach Axle in time she hoped.



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((I sent him a PM here, I think. I'll try and see if I can get him on DeviantArt after I make this post.))


Atlas watched the brothers attack the enemy dragon lords. When she saw Arch biting Axle and pushing him over the edge, she got scared of what would happen to him and shouted, "Axle!!!"


Aeolus watched the four dragon lords tumbled down out of the cave and into the forest below. He looked to Eitri, Lutarn, Uvanis, and the flower pygmies and said, "Follow after them and make sure Dracul and Arch are okay. Stop and defeat Axle and Mekarth. I will go have word with Atlas." The horde members nodded and descended down into the woods. The disaster dragon went inside the cave and approached Tavurth and Atlas who were shown in the light by the crimson flare's fireballs.


The magi looked surprised to see her old friend here among these dragon. "Aeolus, you're working for that censorkip.gif***, Dracul?!" she asked in shock and betrayal.


The disaster dragon was unfazed by her emotions and replied calmly, "I am, if it'll keep you from getting killed. Listen Atlas, I don't know how you got into working for Axle. But you're siding with the wrong dragons here. Axle is a wanted criminal who killed another dragon and bought dragon slaves."


Atlas looked in angry disbelief at what she had just heard. "What?! That's a damn lie if I ever heard one! The real bad guy here is Dracul! He's a tyrant who killed his own family just for the sake of getting leadership. And ever since then, Shadow Wind went to hell under his rule," she yelled.


Aeolus looked at the dragoness and begun processing information in his head. Dracul never told him that he was related to Axle. But was probably perhaps because there was no need to. But the murder of Dracul's family was bothering him. It was indeed a terrible act, but how could know for sure if the whole thing or part of it was really the truth or just a lie fed to her by Axle. Either Atlas was the one getting duped or maybe Aeolus himself was. For now the only thing he could do was press the story on for more information. "And I assume that you heard this story through his words only?" he asked.


"Are you calling him a liar?! Because he ain't one for sure! His messenger, a drake came by and told him what happened today!" the magi yelled.


((I will do Minerva's part next time.))

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Pyro watched what was happening from his spot in the shadows. He heard what the dragons had been saying, and was confused. Murdering your own family was a terrible, terrible deed, and yet Dracul had done just that. It seemed to the Cassare that they were on the wrong side of the battle. He tried to contact Aeolus telepathically. Aeolus! I think we're helping the wrong dragon-- Killing your own family seems much worse than anything Axle could ever do to become a traitor! And I don't think he's even that. Pyro looked up at his leader, awaiting an answer.



Jupiter sighed. She had been expecting this kind of reaction. "Well then, have it your way! Let me just tell you that this particular human has earned the trust of many, many dragons, that will protect her with their lives. If you are willing to make a small sacrifice, and bring her along, you will also earn the trust of many other dragons, including Magis, Cassares, Blacks, and many more." She knew that these dragons desperately needed more help if they were to invade the new lab. Hey, Sparks? Get a few of your best dragons ready.

Ok... Whatever. Sparks replied, going to round up some of her dragons.


(Out of inspiration)

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...who ever said we need a whole army?! -Petey yelled and flailed his arms.


We're up against a small pack of humans, not a bloody armada!

Petey, just...

What if...

Shut it! -Dosh snarled loudly at his miniscule companion.

Let's just see what this person is like before making any final decisions. I understand why you hate them so much, I would too if I'd gone through what you have, but this is bigger then us. Can't you just take one step back, get your head out of the ground and look at the bigger picture?! We're at war! Get it through your head that we need as much support as we can get!

...fine. -Petey squinted- But maybe you're the one that needs to get his head out of his arse, and remember that everything has a catch. -the little dragon spoke, stern-faced and visibly disappointed. To him, Dosh's inclination to trust anything and anyone without any concern was ridiculous. One thing was certain, however... Petey was keeping the map to himself, henceforth and forever. If it was a human they'd be dealing with, then it made the most sense to him that every precautionary step needed to be taken. And so...

Town's just up ahead. You two go talk to your human. I'll find you when I'm ready. -he stated, poked at his nose as if trying to indicate something, and scurried off so fast that he was out of sight between the bushes and trees within an instant.




Slinking into a secluded spot, away from the eyes of others, Brian took out his knife and brought it to his neck, pressed the blade against the flesh and closed his eyes, focusing intently on what he was doing. When the blade ripped through the skin and exposed the flesh, the blood started gushing out and down the knife, onto Brian's hand. Muttering some words under his breath, the human surrendered himself to the spell's effect, watching as he dematerialized into nothing more then a cloud of bloodmyst. The process was short, however, for not two seconds after, where Brian once stood as a man, he was there as his all too familiar to him Brute dragon form. Shuffling a little bit of dirt onto the knife he'd dropped, Brian made a mental note of his location, so that he might change back when he was done with his hunt, and retrieve his knife in the process.


Cracking a few joints and adjusting to the sensation of his now much larger stature, he calmly walked out of his hidey hole and towards the woods, eager to hunt.

Edited by Psyduсk

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Jupiter half grinned, half sighed. What did this guy have against humans? "We don't need to go find her." Her pendant began to glow, and five dragons soared over the forest, landing beside the Brute. Amongst them there was a Magi, a Cassare, a Gray, a Falconiform, and an Electric, all of which had a pendant similar to Jupiter's. A girl, about fifteen years old, jumped off the Magi's back, a sword hanging at her side and a bow n' arrow strung across her back. On her shoulder sat a Crimson Flare Pygmies, glaring at Petey. Sparks smiled at Jupiter and rolled her eyes. "Ok, what is it this time?"

Edited by SparksflY

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Eitri's group split up into two with the night magi going with most of the flower pygmies and Lutarn, Uvanis, and the other pygmies going the other way. Eitri's group found Dracul and Mekarth. The night magi cast his magic chains spell at the black dragon and then the flower pygmies went to blow out their pollen breathes at him, hoping to make him sleep or at least, dizzy.




Lutarn's group walked through they woods until they heard a roar and stopped. "It that them?" asked Uvanis.


"Probably, let's go!" said the storm dragon. They saw flashes of lightning and it confirmed to them that it was Arch and Axle fighting. They found them. "Arch! Is everything alright?" asked Lutarn.




'You're probably right, Pyro. But we can't get to the conclusion until we hear the whole story from both sides and see through their lies,' Aeolus said to the cassare. Then he looked back to Atlas and asked, "So tell me about Axle, Atlas. How much do you know about him?"


"He's a nice dragon who wants to save his kingdom. He cares for his family's safety, his friends' safety, as well as ours," Atlas answered.


"Really now, how so?" asked Aeolus.


"When his friend and bodyguard died, Axle gave him a proper ceremony for his death. When some of his family died, he cried. Then when I fought a necromancer and his zombies, Axle came rushing over to save me. Axle warned me that traveling with him would be dangerous as the necromancer's goons would be coming after him, but I decided to travel with him anyway," Atlas told the story.


Aeolus frowned in disappointment and scolded her, "And you would bring your only known family left into harms' way for the sake of someone else." He looked over to where the hatchlings were at and then back at her and continued, "How foolish of you, Atlas!"


The magi defended herself, "Hey, I was pretty confident that I could handle the whole world, okay? I'm a dragon champion, I've fought and won all battles!"


"That doesn't mean that you'll always win and it certainly doesn't mean that you are invincible. You need to think rationally before you make decisions like that!" Aeolus told her. "What if you were killed, who would take care of your nieces? And what if they died, what will you have left of your sister or family for that matter, if all of your ancestors and descendants are dead or non-existent?"


"Alright, alright, sorry! I won't be stupid next time, alright?" Atlas yelled, getting upset over the stress of having to listen to his rant. "Besides, Axle already told me about this before."


"Hmm, so he really does care for others. He sounds nicer than what Dracul told to me," said Aeolus. Perhaps the red dragon lord may have been the one lying all along. If that's the case, then the horde shouldn't be helping Dracul and Arch at all.


"Aeolus, you're the one being duped here, not me," the magi told him. "If we don't stop Dracul now, he's going to get Axle and Mekarth killed and then there'll be no one left to take Shadow Wind as the new lord."


"Very well, we'll go save your friends and seize Dracul and Arch to hold trial," said Aeolus. He looked to the brute dragon and ordered, "Tavurth, you can let her go now." The brute let go of the dragoness, letting her fall back to her fours, and stepped away from her.


The hatchlings bounded over to their aunt's side, feeling safe now that the apparent danger was over. "Aunt Atwas, are you okay?" asked Danielle.


The magi looked down and smiled at them. "I'm fine, don't you two worry," she answered. "Aeolus is a friend, he won't hurt me."




"Not safe?" asked Minerva confused. "Sure you kill dangerous people and get the law upset with you, but why would you consider yourself too dangerous for me to be around with?"

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Nick watched her go, and just staired for a few moments before scratching his head and turning to Akuma "Eh, people are strange, just barging into my backyard." he shook his head steering the conversation in a different direction. "But anyways, you never told me that this Spinx guy tried to take a shot at you. If I had known that I would have torn him a new one. Last time we saw him." he spat in the fire as he sat down, making the flames sizzle. "Can't even use forbidden magic right." he mumbled on poking the fire with a stick to stoke the flames. "I'd give 'em the old 1-2, a little fisticuffs action."

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((SparksflY, Petey's not there any more, he went away. xd.png It's in the last sentence of my post.))

Edited by Psyduсk

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Chi looked down at Zeditha and shrugged, "Well we can go watch the fireworks. You've probably never seen them up close. They're actually quite lovely. Loud. But lovely" she laughed. She glanced over at Rina when the stranger questioned about the Vulture Horde, "Maybe we should just leave... this is warranting more attention than it needs" she mumbled.


Kai snorted as she received no reply from Spinx as the necromancer retreated. "As I thought. Pitiful" she looked back to her dragon, finishing the repairs. "What a creep. Doesn't even have a personality. And he calls me boring" she muttered. Kai snapped her fingers and the now sparkling Guardian dragon sank into her collection. "That's enough practice for the night. Sir censorkip.gif*** took up all my time" she spoke to her shadow. Tix clicked back in response. "Oh that's right, there's fireworks" she slapped her fist into her open palm as she recalled the fact. Kai looked at the bar Spinx had come from, "Maybe I'll get a drink after all..." she put her hands into her pockets and wandered into the bar. She ordered a Long Island and picked up the drink. "I'm taking the glass" she said flatly, flipping the bartender an extra coin, to which he simply rolled his eyes. Kai walked towards the festival again, picking up the lemon garnish and licking it as she went along.


Akuma sighed quietly as the stranger finally left. He nodded subconsciously at Nick's words. Weird people. Right. Akuma flinched out of his thought as Nick suddenly inquired about Spinx further. "Well no... not exactly..." he murmured. "I think the dragon got a bigger piece" he murmured, rubbing his neck where it had been torn. He stared at Nick briefly. What was a fisticuff? ... Whatever. "It was someone who worked for Spinx. A hired hand or somethin. He didn't seem all that interested really. He passed me up because he said my bounty wasn't worth it. At the moment anyway. He wanted Cloud and Axle more. Who knows how they're doing" he wasn't exactly shocked. Everything wanted a piece of a Hybrid. He'd met Nick over someone trying to kill him for nothing. What else was new? "What do humans call it? Hard knock life?"

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((I hate Adwares))


Arch stood over Axle, as he turn around to see a group of dragons. Axle was covered in blood, and Arch had a small gash on his side. It was still evident that Axle was alive, but barely though. Axle wounds were not healing, as two sphere lay next to him., glowing a bright white, as the spheres content begin to disappear. "Hm, still alive Axle, impressive, but at what cost?" Arch said as Axle change into his human form. Arch shook his head, "You should be dead for your sin, but that is much better." Arch turn away from the dragons and in a full sprint towards Dracul and Mekarth.

Axle, and with much struggle, push himself to sit against a tree next to him and grab the now empty spheres, that once held the souls of his parents. Axle was still bleeding from his arm, legs, side, and part of his neck. Axle look closely as the spheres and than let them both go and they rolled across the grass, as Axle vision went black from the lost of blood.


Mekarth try to hit Dracul, but was soon interrupted by chains that wrap around him. Mekarth struggled to get out of the chains, as he started to feel a bit drowsy, and Dracul took full advantage on Mekarth, and with one quick slash across his side combine with his darkness magic, He tore a part of Mekarth side off as Mekarth start to black out. "As punishment, you are banish from Shadow wind, you and Axle, and if you come with in 100 leagues, I will kill you." Dracul whisper harshly in Mekarth ear. Mekarth passed out right after than and fell to the ground.

Dracul heard some foot steps coming from the forest as he saw Arch come from the shadows. "Time to go, Dracul. Would not was to be late for the entertainment." Arch said as both him and Dracul vanish from sight by Arch's teleport.


Juna came within sight of the cave that Atlas was at currently, and could smell her from there, and do to so many dragons were around, she could not smell her brothers or anyone else she know. She decided to take a shot in the dark and see if anyone know if they have seen Axle or Mekarth, and land in the cave behind Aeolus, with a bit of a wind gust behind her. "Um, would anyone here happen to know two dragons by the names of Axle Incarus and Mekarth Incarus?' she asked in a nice tone as she could without sounding worried.

Edited by draco8967

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(Oh noes! I messed up. D: Lets just say she's talking to Dosh xd.png *iz too lazy to edit post*


Pyro gasped as he watched what happened. He jumped out of his place in the shadows just as Dracul and Arch teleported away. He turned to Atlas, his eyes wide with worry and sorrow. It was his fault this had happened. He had stopped her from using magic, if she had been able to help Axle none of this would have happened. Pyro blinked, composing himself. "You should go help Axle..." He said awkwardly, stepping away so that he wouldn't nullify her spell again. The Cassare looked up at Aeolus, then turned to Mekarth. He was badly injured and he needed medical help immediately. Unfortunately, that was not Pyro's area of expertise.

Edited by SparksflY

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((O-kay then.))


Scurrying through the dense overgrowth of the forest, Petey took a sharp detour from the usual, short path to town, and ended up at Windfall's edge, far enough from where his two new companions were. He double-checked on his new belongings, and proceeded to examine the other unknown trinkets he'd picked up along with the bag he'd stolen.


Thermite, Chloroform, Nytroglycerine... -he listed out the chemicals contained within the various vials and bottles. He went on to list several kinds of acids and a few chemical compounds he was even unable to fully pronounce the names of. In addition to which, he found a small heavily reinforced metallic looking container labelled "DHCMV-4.1" Huh, wonder what that's about... -and though he was curious, he knew better then to just open it.


Tucking the bottles and containers back into the bag, he turned his attention towards the map. While the text was scribbled on there as if someone had used their foot to write it with, he made a mental note of where the new lab site would be, then ripped the map into shreds and buried it in a shallow pit. He didn't trust humans, they were inquisitive, nosy creatures, among other much worse things that Petey was convinced of.


Finally, he took out the folder full of sheets of paper, detailing the findings the crazed humans had made from their barbaric experimentation. Or at least, part of them. Most of it was dry, useless information, explaining the reactions of various other test subjects to certain kinds of stimuli. Nothing about Petey, though, so he gave up and re-foldered the papers, deciding to look at the rest on another day.


Confused and somewhat annoyed, the little dragon let his mind wander for a moment, and considered his options. On one paw, he had the prospect of keeping all the information to himself, and dealing with the laboratory on his own, after he'd amassed enough skills and power, ofcourse.


On the other, he had the opportunity to do it immediately, but risk the outcome on the whims of those around him. One thing was for sure, he wanted to deal with this in any way he saw fit, but that human... that human Dosh and Jupiter were ready to just accept into their venture without considering the liabilities, well...


One way or another, I'll make sure it goes my way. -he muttered under his nose. He'd massacred one of them and demolished one building already, he knew he could do it again, and go even further then that. These people had to pay for what they'd done to him with the most painful, inhumane deaths his twisted little mind could conjure, and they would. He would stop at nothing until they did.


Composing himself, Petey lifted his bag back upon his back, and scurried towards town, heading towards the centre.




So, so I see... -Dosh was taken aback when out of the blue, an entire pack's worth of dragons surrounded them, with the human in question among them. On one of them's back no less. This both perplexed and angered Dosh somewhat. Why would any dragon lower themselves so far as to serve as a mere mount for something else, be that human or otherwise. The whole idea made him question just what sort of influence this human girl, this teenage human girl would have on them. And what an underwhelming sigh it was indeed.


Who exactly are all of you? And Jupiter, we really shouldn't be bringing, I mean, well... -he wanted to say children, considering the girl's appearance. True, she looked armed, but the fact remained she looked far too young to be even considered dangerous at first glance. Clearing his throat, he went on... We didn't find any guards at the abandoned building, but I'd imagine the new spot will be fortified by lots of human guards, better armed and better equipped, especially after that fireball Petey caused. Even worse, considering what we saw in there, I wouldn't be surprised if they have some sort of giant monster or something guarding the perimeter. That's something worth mulling over, in my opinion. -Dosh stated, squinting slightly. It was hard for him to not be offensive when pointing something like this out.




Something had caught Biran's attention. It looked like... it looked a lot like a white dragon and a brute dragon, and he was sure he'd caught glimpse of a pygmy too, then suddenly, a whole lot of them arrived, as if out of nowhere... Keeping his distance, Brian merely observed, waiting to see if this might all go down south for some reason.

Edited by Psyduсk

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((Here goes nothing))


Cursing as she pushed branches away from her face, Damia trudged through the woods. She was supposed to be in Windfall already had it not been for that stupid accident detaining her back at the village.


"You're a thief! That much money for that little loaf!"

The baker stood up suddenly cracking his knuckles, evidently he was the sort of man that enjoyed throwing out customers, even if it was a woman defying him. Plus her temper wasn't helping.

"I'd rather starve! I bet your bread is just full of maggots!" she ranted on.

The baker moved towards her to throw her out but in one swift move Damia brought her fist down on his arm. He stumbled back clutching his arm. She followed up with a backhand and a blow to the baker's ribs. An hour later she walked out of the bakery carrying a sack of bread as well as a black eye and two bruises.



"Oh no you just couldn't stop just had to open your big fat mouth and now I'm late," she chided herself angrily pushing a branch.

That's when her sixth sense kicked in telling her to hide...and quickly. She darted behind a tree just as a large group of dragons appeared less than thirty yards away. They would surely smell her from that distance. But for now they seemed occupied.

Edited by Cenor

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