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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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He smiled, grabbing a fresh shirt and sliding it on. "No. Guard and police follow the laws of the town. I follow my own, it's how I do my work best. It's how I saved you and killed that murderer." Recalling when he had to save her life on those three occasions.

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((I already Post Juna, I waiting for Nick to reply, It back on the last page, but I'll re post it.))

Spinx Turn on his heels and point his sword at Kai. "You think I did not know that, though this one is special, very special." Spinx said as he ready himself, "And, her wind if I have to guess was just to close the gap, nothing else." Spinx free hand shot into his coat and removed the black cloak his body, with his hand full of vials. He throw all five vials into the air, as He swung at Kai with his sword, but leaving himself wide open for an attack.

The drake look hard as the dragon, and ran around the shield at lighting speed, and was under the giant dragon, and suddenly the wind spell was gone, and her scales start to turn into a very light shade of crimson. She took her paw and went to slash at the right front leg of the dragon.


Azera laugh at the kid, "I guess not worth my time. But still wondering, where are you going?" Azera said as he weaved his way thought the city to his arrow, and out the gates. He could not see where they went, but as he was, he was good at tracking, and look to the ground, and saw foot prints leading to the forest. 'Hm, do I go after the dragon who stole my gold, or the kid who peck my interest. Hm, I had very rarely found or saw someone to peck my interest, so after the kid it is.' Azera thought to himself as he stood up from the ground, and followed the tracks.


Juna look at Nick for a second before answering, "Lost. I really don't have a clue of were I am." Juna sound a bit nervous. "And I had no idea this was a yard, not use to there being boarders among a city anymore, not after a certain event." Juna head kind of sunk a bit lower so her hood hid more of her face as the cloak hid her winds and her claws. She just wanted to know were she was at and which direction she need to head. "By any change do ether of you two know how to get to trident mountain from here?"


The large room was empty, except for the shadows, and a hollow wind. Nothing was a-mist in side this room, until running like a messenger, was heard heading up the stairs. A young male burst into the room breathing hard.

"Lo-rd.... Dracul...." The messenger said as he try to caught his breath, and his breathing start to slow, almost coming to a stop, when a large red tail land next to him. "You better have a good reason for waking me, worm. Now speak." A deep voice echo off the walls of the room.

The messenger took a breath of air and keeled on one leg "Lord, We have reports of a hoard of dragons in Solomos. Also we got the latest report from Spinx to night. He have taken a image of the helper of Axle, which one of the teller dragons have identify as Atlas Firestar. She is a formal Slave and a champion gladiator, but it seems she have connection with the hoard as well. After a bit of digging on some slave books and following back to where she came from, it turn out she is friends with the leader of the hoard, according to one of his old master's friends." The messenger said as his head still look at the floor.

"Hm. Leave pest, before I squash you, and leave the report." The voice echo off the wall, as the messenger got up with being told twice and ran straight out the door. "So what do you think, Arch. Worth a shot to get the hoard to help us hunter Axle, even this Atlas person." Dracul said as he pick up the image and report between two talons.

"It maybe, lord. But where are we going get to them?" Arch said as he came from the shadow. Arch was a gold dragon with scar across his eye.

Dracul simple laugh, "Teleportation to their camp, that is if you can feel this leader of the hoard, or the hoard full present." Dracul said as arch simple nod his head, and found the present of a large group of dragons. Dracul look at the image and laugh, seeing how it included Axle in it as well. "Soon, Axle, you will be history itself, you and your small party." Dracul said as wind start to shift in the room, and both dragons were gone.

--------------After Teleport--------------

Dracul and Arch end up just outside the hoard group, as both the gold dragon and the red dragon stood there looking at the group. "So this is the hoard. Kind of..." Arch did not finish the words as Dracul look at him. "We are greatly out number here, and it would be wise not to say anything that would get us killed." Dracul said in a harsh voice to Arch. "Let go find this leader, and see if he is willing to 'help'."


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Well now that he'd shown off his magic Tyler didn't have an excuse to get into city hall. That kinda sucked but there was always a plan 'B.' As Akira walked away Tyler gave a little wave goodbye before turning away from his original destination and heading back out into the streets, the earthen Rhino collapsed into a pile of rocks with a wave from Tyler's hand. Tyler returned to the ally he had ditched his stuff in and put both his hat and coat back on and discarded the golf cap. Now where was that sweet shop? He thought to himself trying to remember where the woman at the stand had pointed. It was....just down the street from the fair entrance. With a new destination in mind Tyler set off from the alley with a new spring in his step. If he couldn't destroy town hall yet he would at least score another local store tonight.




"Thanks Kathia." Jason said with pride. "Actually, do you mind if I call you Kat?" He asked as they loaded up the last of the tower's lumber onto a truck. All around them others were doing the same. More people had joined in taking down the towers as they finished up packing their own things. "I'm just not used to being formal with much of anyone."

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Nick looked at Juna, listening to her for a moment before shrugging. "Never even heard of it before." he shifted his gaze to Akuma and asked "What about about you Akuma, ever heard of this 'Trident mountain?" he asked the hybrid boy although he doubted he would know either. They were after all in the middle of a city surrounded by miles of forest land.Whoever this person was Nick felt bad for her. Wherever she was going it sure as hell wasn't near here. She had a long ways to go as far as he could tell. Letting out a sigh, he looked around and picked up another piece of wood and threw it onto the fire, might as well as long as he was standing.

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((Umm... Sorry, I've missed most of the conversation... xd.png))


Zeditha sat back, thinking, while the others talked. This little pygmy seemed mad, but honest, and his experience with some human research could be useful. However, it would also be difficult to shut him up, which could be a severe drawback if they needed to hide at all. She debated this, and then suddenly stood back on all fours. "I think you can come with us," she said. "Can't do much harm; three loners, and considering that Chi and I only just met, why the heck not travel with another stranger." She shrugged. "What's your opinion, Chi?"

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((Is Juna a Halfing or a dragon?


Uhhh, might wanna edit that Zeditha xd.png he's looooooong gone))


"Yeah. Special in the head" Kai mocked with a laugh. "Close the gap all you want, it takes more than that pipsqueak to do any damage to a guardian dragon" she snorted. Kai moved back easily again from the swing. Swords were so redundant anymore. It almost felt like she specialized in evading them. Not to mention broadswords were so slow it was almost comical to her. "Swing swing swing. Typical. Barbarian swinging a hunk of metal around. How quaint" she noted, crouching down and sitting on her haunches as he threw up vials. Kai didn't much feel like fighting. She hardly put any effort into this. No, this was no fun or simply not worth the time. She'd tried much more fighting Nick. He'd been loads of fun. She grinned at the thought. But maybe because he didn't take himself so seriously like... Spinx was his name? She didn't care. The guardian dragon lumbered quickly out of the way of the smaller drake as it moved underneath. If the drake stayed long he would get trampled. Kai looked at the drake with mild interest. Is this guy stupid? Is he actually looking for a weak spot? ... It's already dead. You can't kill it again she thought, refraining from laughing.


Akuma growled briefly in annoyance. Why was a stupid human wandering into people yards? Or was it a dragon... the smells mixed. Maybe a halfling. Bleh. "What are you blind? You get lost and the first thing you do is wander into people's homes?" he snapped. Akuma may have grown fond of Nick, but he still bore the same... hatred for everyone else. His resentment grew as he looked her over. Halflings seemed to get better treatment than Hybrids anyway. Halflings were an 'abomination' as well, but at least they weren't 'mindless killing machines out of control'. Akuma ate another marshmallow as Nick asked him about some trident mountain. "We have a long set of mountains to the east, but they're not called the trident mountains. So sorry. Your princess is in another castle" he said, pointing his nose in the air with his eyes shut as he grabbed for another marshmallow. At least, the mountains never had a name as far as he'd heard. He'd learned the phrase from humans before. While Akuma generally avoided cities, he would visit them from time to time before the spell for food and shelter in the back allies.


Zaros wandered through the forest for a while before seeing what he was after. A nest of unattended hatchlings. He motioned for Akira to wait where he was. The bounty hunter leaned against a tree. Zaros cast a dreamlike illusion over the hatchlings. They were a nest of golden wyverns upon closer inspection. There seemed to be six. They stared up at him as he drew closer. "You are lost children" he spoke softly, shifting the illusion over them into a different, gnarled forest while keeping them in a lucid state. "Your parents are gone. They will not return" he spoke again. Even in the delirious state they were in, the hatchlings started to look flustered at the illusion over them. "You will perish on your own" Zaros added. He remained quiet for a few minutes as he let the hatchlings soak in their new information. Their little minds could do little to prove otherwise under the illusion. Zaros gave a wave of his hand to the air. From the clouds came a large, white eastern dragon, Yuki. Yuki landed softly and curled around Zaros. "But do not fear, children" Zaros spoke up, parting his way into the illusion. "Come with me and I will take care of you. You will be safe" he said, his words echoing within the bubble of the illusion. The hatchlings wandered over in a trance-like state. Zaros smiled, "That's it... we can go home now. Where you'll be safe and comfortable. A loving family" he spoke. He nodded to Yuki and she slithered her long, slender body around the children before disappearing in a flash with them. Zaros turned to Akira. The bounty hunter cocked an eyebrow, "You know... sometimes you scare me" he laughed. "Doesn't that bother you to steal kids in the night?" "Not if for the sake of something better. They will not be harmed" the mage replied cooly.

Edited by Sai

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((Sorry for the OoC post, but I've been meaning to ask, does anyone with human-ish not-too-powerful characters wanna join in for what I have planned with Bryce? PM me or interact with him at the Double Barrel Pub in Windfall. He's sitting at the bar and horking down a mug of ale.


Also, Zeditha, Petey went off on his own and met Dosh along the way. They went to the laboratory and he took revenge against one of his old tormentors. On the way back, he met Jupiter, and that's where we left off. I can't move that subplot along till SparksflY posts though. sad.gif ))

Edited by Psyduсk

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The words about Vulture Horde caught Rina's attention, and seeing as she was already close to the group, she decided to ask about it.

"Excuse me?" she asked the dragoness who was speaking, keeping her voice low enough to avoid getting attention. "I don't want to interrupt you, but I heard what you said about Vulture Horde. Before you ask: no, I'm not one of them." she quickly added, afraid that they'll think that she is one of the killers.

'Nice first contact here, Rina.' said her inner voice with an obvious sarcasm.

((Zeditha, you missed Tron's post. Also, I'll be replying later after church.))

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(Argh, sorry I've been busy. School starts tomorrow. DX)

(I have a human character that I have nothing to do with. Her name is Seliss, and she can do some magic. But I'm not sure if she'll be up for helping Bryce...)


Jupiter nodded. That was the reaction she had expected from them- They needed as much help as they could get. "Great. But, can I bring someone along with me? She can help a lot, and I can't really do anything without her." Sparks would freak out if she just disappeared without saying anything, but if Jupiter told her where she was going, the girl would insist on tagging along. The Brute sighed, her tail swishing gently over the ground. Better to bring her along than to leave her clueless.



Pyro nodded, listening intently as Aeolus explained their strategy. The leader had clearly thought this through. "Where do I go after I've killed the halflings? I should probably get out of the way, because even from a distance, my powers can affect other dragons' magic."

Edited by SparksflY

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"So you're a vigilante then," said Minerva. She knew vigilantism was just as heroic, but she also knew that it was frowned upon by the law as well as some members of society. Which made her wonder... "Tell me; have you gotten chased or arrested by law enforcers?" she asked. She imagined that kind of scenario happened at least once or more times. It may also explain why people didn't trust him. A good man getting shunned by society for doing a good deed sounded kind of sad.




The girl replied contently, "Not at all. I don't mind that kind of nickname." After everything was packed up, the refugees drove far away from Windfall and settled near to Trident Mountain. By then, it was now night time. They got out the tents and set them up for people to sleep in tonight before it got too late when everybody would feel too tired to stay up. There would be no time to start building up a town, but tomorrow there will be.


((Had to speed this up since it was night time.))




Pyro expressed his concern of where he should go after the halflings are killed. Aeolus answered, "Then you and the black phases should quietly leave the camp and tell us through telepathy when you're out. That way our magic won't be nullified when we try to attack."


Later at night, the horde woke up from their nap that they took to get their energy ready for the midnight raid. Eitri and Zylanon arrived via teleportation from Chief Doubloon's village. Aeolus looked telepathically contacted his whole horde and asked, 'Is everybody up and ready?'


'Yeah!' replied everyone.


'Good, we shall get strike immediately!' the horde leader said.


A dark pygmy saw through the darkness and caught sight of an approaching red dragon and a gold dragon alongside him. 'Aeolus, wait! We got company here,' he said.


The disaster dragon raised his tail and brought it back to the ground to gesture the magi dragons to not teleport them yet. 'Who is it?' he asked.


'Two dragons, sir,' the dark pygmy reported.


Aeolus told his cousin, "Bam, give me some light from your fire."


"Sure thing, cous!" the royal blue replied. He opened his mouth and blew a little bit of fire to hold in and use as a torch.


The two cousins walked together to search for the strangers. 'Where are you?' Aeolus asked the pygmy.


The dark pygmy spoke out loud so his leader could find him more easily, "Over here! Can you hear me?"


"Loud and clear," the disaster dragon replied, going over to the direction of the pygmy's voice. There they saw the red and gold dragons. There was a noticeable scar on the gold's eye. "Can I help you?" he asked the two.


((Don't know what else to post for Aeolus.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Tís okay. Just post when you can.))


There are a lot of variables to that, but we'll see once we meet her. For now, let's just get out of here. Petey? -Dosh arced an eyebrow as the pygmy refused to budge, almost as if he was trying too busy figure something out.

I found some pretty large high pressure propane tanks in the laboratory. Three, two, one...

Oh n...


Dosh reeled backwards before he could finish the word, when the sound of an ear-shatteringly loud explosion pierced the air! The ground shook as a colossal fireball emerged from between the treetops, it's light illuminating the ground like a second sun! The shockwave came not a second after, knocking the winds out of Dosh. Coughing violently, the white dragon could only feel Gylfie huddled under his ear for safety. Everything else seemed like a blur. A few seconds later, after getting over most of the shock, he coughed a few times and looked over towards the laboratory. There was no sign of it any more. Just one huge bonfire and a lot of knocked down trees. Thankfully, the thing was in a wide enough clearing so that even an inferno like that wouldn't start a forest fire.


Now THAT's a big boom, I tell ya what! -Petey rejoiced after getting back on his feet, after being knocked away by the shockwave roughly five meters from where he once was, straight into a tree.


You idiot! You could have killed us! -Dosh snarled angrily.

Ah... -Petey raised one talon, hopped out of the tree, landed on Dosh's head and poked him on the nose. But I didn't. Trust me, I know what I'm doing! ...sometimes. And besides, that schmuck was smuggling equipment in there. You seriously want them to get the chance to haul it all away to their new site? Hm?! Am I the only one that thinks that place needed to be destroyed? Jupiter? You'll back me on this, right?

For censorkip.gif 's sake... -Dosh let off an exasperated sigh and covered his face with one claw.

Edited by Psyduсk

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((Red, I sent Dracul, Which might end up being a mistake, to interact with Aeolus. Also, Juna is a dragon, though her sharp shifting magic is a bit iffy, making her look like a halfling.))


The drake head snaps towards Kai when it heard the word pipsqueak. Spinx caught a glimpse of the drake's eyes, than he heard the breaking sound of a vial he have thrown in the air, as his free hand shot to a vial, that change color during the time it was in the air from purple to green, and caught it. The other four from purple to red. "Let see how well you fight when your lungs start to burn in a cloud of gas." Spinx said as he drink the vial of green ooze. "The Cloud is invisible and expands at a rapid rate, and without the little vial I just drunk, your lungs will start to burn." Spinx said as he smash the vial in his hand, causing blood to come from his hand. "There is another way to get some time to breath in this gas, but the fact is, you or I don't have it." Spinx grin at Kai, than look at the drake. "Tris, get out of here before your lungs start to burn." Spinx said to the drake, as the drake kind of stared at him for a split second and took to the air, and land on a building and almost look as if it was on the edge of it nerves, as if a bit worried. Spinx snapped his figures together as lord Tork came back up from the ground. Spinx sheath his sword, as chains from the ground and wrap around his arms, as he pulled the end from the ground. The hang from his arm as the ends coiled around on the ground. "Swords are good for carving and slashing, but now, well you can guess." Spinx said as he start to make the chains dance on the ground. "Let see if you can keep up now, and see how the chains are not magic, your little pet won't stop them easily." Spinx devilishly said as he start to whip the chains though the air towards Kai's way at a speed that was faster than the blades own speed.



Juna look to the ground a bit. "I see. Well have any of you two seen or heard of a dragon by the name of Axle? He was to heading to Trident mountain for some reason by father." Juna asked still looking at the ground. Juna did wonder about her brother, and if anyone have seen him, or heard of him. "Or maybe a man named Cloud?"

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((Gonna wait for Nick on Akuma's part. Also broke Kai's part up since it was rather long ._.


Sparks, make sure your dragon's ability of weakening magic is within the small 'bubble' we talked about. No covering long distances. Just a few feet outside its body. Enough to be used against close targets is all.))


Kai watched the vials, ignoring the pressing stare of the drake. Drakes were more predictable, potions- not so much. Spinx revealed what it was before the 'cloud' had even begun to spread. The Drake fled the immediate area and Spinx drew chain weapons from the ground. Well at least he's getting more original she thought as she rose to her feet and backed against the wall of a building. What to do... Ah, of course. "Again, an obvious mistake. That trick might work if were were in an enclosed space buddy-boy, but, oh yeah, we're in the open" she twirled her index finger in a circle. Her guardian dragon straightened its posture and started to pump its wings hard and fast. The size of his wings was enough to make a powerful wind, making Kai grab the window frame of the building to stop from falling over. She held her breath momentarily as the dragon presumably blew the gas cloud away into the sky. Once the immediate gas cloud was... thought gone, the dragon settled back down, folding its wings down. If it wasn't magic it would be able to be treated like any other gas.


Kai regained composure, edging along the side of the building until her back was to the open street again. Kai stared at Spinx expectantly again. This was a bit different than going against most mages. Maybe because most mages weren't muscle heads. Their effort went into learning their magic. "What a drag" she muttered. A brute was just about always no fun to her. But they were among the easiest to exploit she found. "Who says I need it to get around chains? Boy I've been doing that for years" she smirked, making a joked reference to her 'career'. "But you, twinkle toes, must have an ego the size of this city. That or more emotionally unstable than a stereotypical woman. Because damn. I got under your skin laughably easy. I sure hope somebody isn't insecure about their manhood" she prodded.

Edited by Sai

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Ronan chuckled. "More than once." he stepped around past her and went over to the window. "I've done many things that would look bad to the eyes of some people. But the eyes of the majority is what matters." Knowing from experience what he was talking about.

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"And what do they think? I mean of your actions," asked Minerva, referring to the majority. She guessed that maybe many people thought of him as a hero.


((No idea what else to write.))

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Nick looked at Juna, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Isn't that the pair of miscreants that tried to drag you off not to long ago?" he asked the hybrid boy without taking his eyes off the newcomer. If who Juna was referring to who he thought they were, he didn't like them one bit after the stunt they tried to pull with Akuma. No one was going to hurt Akuma as long as Nick had a say in it. Unless he deserved it that is. "If they're who I think they are then they aren't welcome around here, they tried to drag off my pal Akuma a while back, and I don't take too kindly to people who try to hurt Akuma, am I understood." Nick said, his voice dropping into a more dangerous tone as he spoke, and his eyes narrowing into hostile slits.

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Akuma's stomach churned at the mention of Cloud and Axle. He'd had an... interesting experience with them. Akuma put his hands up in front of him as Nick went on to berate the two, "No... I..." his mouth felt dry. Where to begin? He shut his mouth to think and then opened it again, "I was by the river. I was... dying. A dragon attacked me and cut my throat open. Axle healed me and insisted I follow them. They showed me some human things in town and gave me some gold. Some nut case named Spinx came after them. They said they had a bounty on their head. And evidently someone had thought I should have a bounty for hanging around them. So they fled town and tried to take me with them. But... I don't really think I'm in any more danger I've been in at any other point in my life. As you heard from my experience at the river, things try to kill me with or without a bounty" he explained in depth. Akuma didn't usually like talking to strangers but Axle and Cloud seemed genuine people enough to warrant an explanation.

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((That's fine, I've been having difficulty getting online this month.))


As the refugee's started settling in for the night Jason approached Roderick signaling for Kathia to follow him. "Excuse me Roderick." Jay said as he neared the portly refugee leader. "I think we should assign people to take certain watches at night to help ensure everyone's safety. The forest is full of dangers other than dragons after all, we can't afford to be caught with our trousers down." Jason explained to Roderick.




Tyler was soon standing in front of that detestable sweet shop the candy lady owned. Around him children were gazing at it as though it were made of pure gold and had to be ushered past it forcefully by their parents. Smirking the little rodent stepped into the sweetshop. Tyler was immediately greeted by the clerk at the other end of the store. Tyler just gave a small nod and meandered around, gazing idly at the assortment of lollipops, chocolate bars, various forms of peanut brittle, and gummies of all shapes, sizes, and levels of sourness. The collection of sights and smells...were repulsive. Tyler walked over to the clerk and leaned on the counter. "I don't suppose you do tours of your production center do you? I'd love to see where all this is made." Tyler said sounding genuinely interested. The clerk puffed up his chest as he replied with a pride that could fill the room. "Of course! We are very proud of our work and are happy to show how it's all made to the public!" The clerk said beaming down at Tyler. "That's great, suppose you could take me on one now?" He asked looking hopeful. "Absolutely, just please do not cross the yellow tape. It's for your own safety. Now if you'll just follow me." the clerk said leading Tyler to the back of the store.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Kathia followed after Jason as he suggested to Roderick that they needed to assign watchmen to to keep an eye out for potential dangers throughout the night. The man smiled and said, "Ah don't worry about that, Jason buddy. I already got that covered from the beginning. We have guards taking watch every night and then taking shifts in the early morning. That way everyone can have enough rest without anybody sleeping on the job."





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((Like I said. Wasn't following. xd.png I decided not to read everything, because it was a couple pages. This darn RP moves too fast for my half-hour-a-day time limit... :'( ))


Err... Zeditha said something appropriate, such as 'goodbye', as Petey flew off, then turned to Chi. "What should we do now?" she asked, bouncing up and down. She had found a burst of hyperactive energy from nowhere, or possibly from Petey, and was using it as fast as she could. "Think fast, before my hyper mood wears off! I want to do something fun!"


(Edit...) Suddenly, Zeditha noticed a small voice, saying 'Vulture Horde'. She turned quickly to face it, and noticed a small dragon. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" replied Zeditha, in a more normal voice. "I was too busy bouncing to catch it." She giggled a bit and bounced a few times, riding the energy burst still.


((Think Pinkie Pie bouncing xd.png I've suddenly become obsessed with MLP... And its fanfics. Nobody mention cupcakes for a while, ok?))

Edited by Zeditha

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((Notice i was spelling Mekarth name wrong.))


Axle laid unconformable against Mekarth's scales and the heat of his body, and Axle could not bear it anymore. Axle slide from under his brother wing and stagger a bit on the cold ground, try as hard as he could not to make noise. Axle went to the entrance and look out the mouth of the cave, and look for a place better suited for sleeping, after all he preferred the cooling wind than his brother heat any day. He soon found one that was over by a ledge that was a bit away, but still close enough for him to still see the cave, and for anyone to see him from the cave. Axle jump from the ledge and shift forms to his dragon form as he flow to the ledge, and landing on it and kind of patted around on it until he curled up and laid down on his tail on the ledge. He breath in the cold air as he look at the black sky and saw the stars and the moon he was so fund of, almost as if watching over him, as he smiled bit before laying down on his tail and falling asleep.


Dracul notice the small group of dragon that have gather. "Yes you can. We are looking for a dragon that may know another dragon by the name of Atlas Firestar." Dracul said as he look at the group, than he look at Arch walked back a bit and nodded to him. "Certainly, she is help a traitor dragon by the name of Axle Incarus. I would hate it if anything would happen to her or the hatchlings she have with her. That is the reason and the only reason why we are here, so it a bit urgent."


Juna head shot up as she heard Akuma's story about his encounter with Axle and Cloud, until she heard the name Spinx. "Spinx... How I wish to rip out his guts for what he did to me, and shadow wind. Him and that damn uncle of mine, along with their followers." She snared at Spinx's name. Her hand grip tighter against her cloak as she try to hold down her anger. It was evident that name struck a nerve in Juna, and it was unclear to even her, what she would do if she heard or even saw Spinx again.


Spinx close the gap again on Kai, but this time, using the chains to sling himself faster toward Kai, and coming with in close range, even closer than what he was using for his sword, and went to punch Kai straight, while whipping the chain from behind. Do to this though he left himself more wide open for any attack than normal, and he was grinning, as if want a blow.


((Ya, scrapping the barrel now on Spinx fight with Kai...))

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Aeolus's interest got piqued at the mention of his old friend's name. But more curiously, he was wondering who exactly this traitor dragon known as Axle was like and why the magi dragoness was helping him. Bam's mind shared his curiosity as his cousin. He looked to the disaster dragon and spoke him to telepathically, 'Hey didn't you say you knew someone named Atlas a long time ago?'


'I do, and it sounds just like her. I heard her sister, Flarina, and her mate got killed by hybrids. That's why Atlas is raising her nieces by herself, which is why she couldn't join the horde,' Aeolus answered, recalling what Atlas said to him days ago when he tried to invite her into the horde.


Bam felt sorry for the magi and the hatchlings. 'Oh that poor dragoness,' he said.


Going back to the topic at hand, Aeolus said to the red dragon, "Yes I do, and it's me."


((I'm going to put a scene of Aeolus talking with Atlas in chapter 15.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Jupiter shut her eyes tight and braced herself for the explosion. She heard a deafening boom, and a wave of wind washed over her, almost knocking her off her feet. When she opened her eyes, the lab was gone, completely demolished. She wondered how many people in Windfall had heard the explosion- They would be wondering what happened. The Brute listened to the two dragons argue, and sighed when Petey asked if she was on his side. "Well, I think it was a good idea to get rid of the equipment, but NOT in an explosion! Just think of how many people heard that blast? Windfall's not far away from here, and they will be wondering what happened. They'll search the woods and find that the old lab is completely demolished. They might find us! If we're going to pull this off, we'll have to talk strategy."

Edited by SparksflY

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Nick listened to Akuma's explanation. He hadn't known that Akuma had almost died. Turn to Akuma he said "Oh, I didn't know what." he mumbled before turning back to Juna and regaining his composure. "Regardless, neither of us know where this mountain is, and I don't really know who they two you seek are, so if you don't mind..." Nick hinted at Juna trying not to be too rude about it, but she just barged into his backyard afterall, and he was in the middle of something with Akuma. He was hoping he could learn more about Akuma's past, but after Juna walked in on their little campfire session, the conversation had dropped rather quickly.

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