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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((hey red, idk if this is considered inappropriate, but you can have Minerva trace his scars if you wish.))

((Well since it seems like you don't know what to post, I'll go ahead and do it.


I apologize for the wait guys, I was busy with life, trying to find a job, going to a few fun events, and working on Chapter 14, which got done today. Here it is --> http://fav.me/d7vldhk


Now I got White Wolf of the Snow's birthday edition to do.))


Atlas told him the story of how it all happened, "Well my nieces and I were staying over at a castle that I unearthed after sensing its magical energy. We stayed over there for a week before I met Axle and Cloud while hunting. They were being pursued by Marc, so I gave them shelter at the castle while I went to destroyed city to raid the supermarket for some human food to feed them." Then she frowned and continued, "But while I was there, Marc and his men somehow managed to get into the castle and they tried to kill everyone, including my nieces. I got back to save Axle and the hatchlings in time, but Cloud wasn't fortunate though. He and Marc died when I got there. I took Cloud's body with the others and buried him next to a building at the same city that I went to. Axle was sad to lose his friend like that; I can totally imagine what it's like for him. Soon, he told me that he was going to put some kind of object over at Trident Mountain. I volunteer to go with him and protect him in Cloud's stead since I felt like he needed some protection from that Spinx creep. So that's where we are now. The two of, um I mean all four of us on the run trying to get to the mountain." She quickly remembered her nieces were on this journey since she herself decided to go with Axle.




Minerva admired the scars and went over to Ronan. Her finger touched one of the scars and traced it over like a kid coloring over the lines. "Ooh," she moaned. Her finger went over to the next scar and the next one after that. For some reason they looked quite fascinating to her.

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Healing? Very appealing. BAHAHA! I'm sorry, that was awful. No, but. Yes. Just, later. Maybe? Probably. -he paused and looked around- Isn't there a better place to be breaking out the magic? There are guards and humans and what not crawling all over the place like fleas on a mangy old dog's behind! And they smell like one too. Wohoa! That's a nasty aroma, let me tell you.


Sure, have a swing at it. -he concluded with a shrug.

But enough about me. Who... and what are you? I mean, I've seen people, and I've seen other dragons, but... -he trailed off with a nervous cough. The little dragon had never seen a hybrid species before, and was torn between his distaste towards mankind and desire to find others of his own kind.


How does, how does that even, I mean. I know how humans are made, m'kay? And I know how dragons are made, m'kay? So that leads me to assume some pretty weird things that aren't exactly fit for all audiences, if you catch my drift. And would that even work? I was in that biology lab for thirty four years and listened in on those humans talk about physics, genetics, chemistry and all that jazz. I learned a thing or two, and if they're right, that would never work. -he scratched himself on the neck and looked up at the sky with a look of confusion.


Let's hear it! I'm itching to know! -he blurted out, and stared intently at Chi.

Edited by Psyduсk

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Rika sat down on the cool grass of the meadow. She looked up at the sky, watching the oranges of sunset start to fade into the deep blue of night. She heard rustling in the trees and glanced up and around. While it could have been the wind, hunting dragons for so long had made her edgy to noises. Her eyes weren't like a dragons though, she couldn't see through the dark shadows of the forest as the last rays of sunlight had already gone. Rika looked over to the side to double check her surroundings. She could see Fayt and Albel in the distance still practicing. This made her feel safer. Well, Albel did anyway. Albel didn't stop to ask questions before charging 'to the rescue' unlike his brother, Fayt. Rika shook her head, "Well what the hell am I suppose to hunt now?" she muttered with a frown. Aquarians were swarming the place so dragon hunting had phased out over night. Well looks like that hunting spree is over she thought as she stood up and nooked another arrow on her bow. "Unless" she whispered, pulling back the string. There was silent concentration as she focused to create another ball of light at her arrow tip. She let the arrow fly and it pummeled through the tree, crashing out the other side and sticking into a rock on the other side. "Unless I'm attacked first..." she smirked. The tree groaned as more bark was blown away. There was a loud crack and the tree collapsed down on itself before tipping off to the side and crashing to the ground loudly. Birds and bats scattered about the area frantically at the sudden chaos.


Chi cocked her head to one side. She really did have to focus to understand this little guy. So no? ... Er ... wait I think he means yes? her mind ran in circles trying to translate his madness. "Well... it doesn't really matter where you do magic... I mean we could go somewhere private if you want" she said, nearly cut off as he continued to ask about her specie. This was more normal surprisingly. Most people tended to ask her about this eventually. Chi laughed softly. "It does work, actually. They're called halflings. But... I'm something different. A Hybrid. We're sort of like Halflings" she explained. She felt trying to explain the lab to this one would be a waste of time considering his state of mind.

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Next thing you know, we got whale flies! -he flailed his arms around.

Wait, that's awesome! -he added as a tendril of drool dropped down the left side of his mouth. Flies and beetles were his favorite foods, after all. Heheeh, sign me up for some of that! I'll be the taste tester! Er, but enough about that. Look, I'm okay. I might have a screw or two loose, but between you and me, I've had it with being medicated. That's all those stinky smelly blankity blank sodding pink monkeys did to me in that laboratory. -he sighed and scratched his head, gathering his thoughts for a moment.


These are just scars. And scars fade. Okay? The only thing I really need right now is a group. Maybe a home. I don't know how things work out here, but I came to this city with that in mind. Find others and put down roots so I can pursue my ultimate goal! To master the volatile forces of electricity and take my revenge on that biology lab, free my captured comrades and then party like it's nineteen sixty nine! ...whatever that means. -he shrugged.


Also, I want to get my claws on some of those research papers they have in there. As barbaric as their were, they must have learned an awful lot about us. That research data would be invaluable to me! I need to get it! Study it! Maybe it might even help me get my own sanity! Or teach me to be a professional whistler. I really don't know. But I really want to know! You know? -he trailed off and shut his mouth, realizing he'd just spilled a whole lot of beans to a complete stranger. Still, she seemed nice, and was anything but human, from what he saw.

Edited by Psyduсk

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Zeditha didn't know what to say at all, but decided to chip in anyway. "Well, if you want a home, I'm not exactly sure what happens around here either," she admitted. "I live in the forests, most of the time. On my own. Never really been around humans, I guess I'm one of the luckier ones. My first encounter with humans was when they killed my friend and mentor, and my next encounter with dragons and humans was when I joined that murdering Vulture Horde. They killed innocent humans simply because they were human. I rescued one, though..." She looked towards Chi, and the baby she was holding.

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Sparks held back a scream as the tree fell to the ground, shaking the trees around it violently and almost making her lose her footing. Although she marveled at the huntress's magical abilities, she knew that it could make her a dangerous enemy. The girl jumped down from the tree, landing softly on the ground. She backed up slowly until she couldn't see the huntress anymore, then turned and ran. She didn't stop until she was safely in her hut, and slammed the door behind her. Sparks peeked out the window, expecting to see the woman running after her. She was always wary of mages, after what happened to her parents. She shuddered and closed the window.

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The words about Vulture Horde caught Rina's attention, and seeing as she was already close to the group, she decided to ask about it.

"Excuse me?" she asked the dragoness who was speaking, keeping her voice low enough to avoid getting attention. "I don't want to interrupt you, but I heard what you said about Vulture Horde. Before you ask: no, I'm not one of them." she quickly added, afraid that they'll think that she is one of the killers.

'Nice first contact here, Rina.' said her inner voice with an obvious sarcasm.

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((So started school today, fun... last year of high school))


Merkath listen to Atlas story of how she met Axle, "That a bit out of your way is it not? I mean you have your nieces to protect, and you took Cloud spot of Axle's guard. It seems a bit of a burden on your shoulder, even for a dragon. It is your choices, and I can't stop you from making it." Merkath said. He look down at the hatchlings, than look outside at the darker skies. "I think we should get some sleep for a bit as I think over what you said Atlas Firestar." Merkath laid his head down on the tip of his tail as he fold the wing over Axle and him. "Would not want you to be weak if Spinx attacks."


Spinx look at kai and simple smirk, "You really are stupider than I thought." Spinx said as he set both his beers on the ground and snapped both his figures in sync, with the loud sound of a snap coming from it. Almost in a instance both the dragon lords used for the fight against Atlas came from the ground with low growls coming from their throats, and were un-scratch. A ring of fire appeard around him, the lords, Kai and Kai's undead pet. "Now that better, with light and all. Now what was this about saying i need dignity for myself? If I remember correctly, I have quite a bit, but than again, not everyone want eternal youth for themselves." Spinx said as he grab the open beer and finish it off and throw it down the street behind him, and it shatter sound echo off the empty street walls. "And I would call someone by their real name, Kai, not twinkle toes. At least I have enough repect for another necromancer."

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The Vulture Horde landed by a huge lake to drink some water. The coolness of the water would help their bodies cool off from the summer heat that was burning their bodies. The dragons brought their heads down to the lake and drank up the water. Bam and a few other fun-loving dragons jumped into the lake to swim and cool off. Big splashes as well as small ones from pygmies were made as the water drops flew over the air and fell down on the other horde members. Some of them, even Aeolus, were annoyed from getting wet. Bam and the others didn't seem to care as they swam around in the lake. "Whoo-hoo! Oh yeah, now that's a great way to cool off!" the royal blue dragon said.


Corona the phoenix dragon growled, "Well that's good for you, Bam! But did you have to get my feathers wet? You know I don't like having water on me."


Bam made a nervous smile and apologized, "Sorry, Corona."


Aeolus told his cousin, "Just be careful next time, Bam. Because she's not the only way upset with getting splashed." He looked to the other annoyed dragons.


"Alright, gotcha!" the royal blue said. The dragons went back to drinking and swimming.


Soon, they heard a distant sound of a car driving on the road. The drinking dragons lifted up their heads and looked over to the direction of the roaring sound of wheels. 'Humans,' Aeolus thought. Here comes another one to bite the dust. The horde leader headed off towards the road and remained behind the trees on the ascending slope. A lone black car with some luggage tied at the top was approaching his view. Aeolus waited for the vehicle to get closer within range, but not passing him by. When the right time came, the disaster dragon blew out lightning at the car's front compartment. The male mustached driver got taken by great surprise and let out a short scream before the engine blew up and took away his life. The car and the luggage became set on fire from the explosion and glass windows were broken in the destruction. Aeolus turned from the scene and went back over to the lake.




"Well even if I knew what Spinx's powers are, I probably wouldn't have picked a different choice. I mean I'm not the kind of dragoness who would let others go unhelped," said Atlas. The sisters were now chasing each other around the spring. Danielle, being the faster of the two, always caught Kylie. When the roles are switched, the balloon had trouble catching up to her sister. After Merkath's suggestion to get some sleep, Atlas replied, "Right then." She looked over at her nieces and told them, "Danielle, Kylie, bedtime."


"Okay, Aunt Atwas!" the sisters said as they ran over to their aunt. Atlas curled her tail around the hatchlings and they all went to sleep.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Rika let the sound of the tree collapsing settle as the forest fell back into a peaceful silence. The wildlife had calmed and the trees blew softly in the wind. There was a loud thud as if someone dropped to the ground. Rika notched an arrow and aimed it at the shadowy figure running off into the night. She paused, seeing it looked human and frowned, lowering the bow. What the hell? Were they stalking me? she thought. Rika sat back in the grass, "Tch. Weirdo" she muttered.


Kai watched him put down his beers and summon new toys to the field. She made a fake yawn, "Oh sorry, was I suppose to be intimidated by that? Or maybe impressed. How cute. You're barking up the wrong tree" she smiled. Kai cocked an eyebrow as Spinx went off on a tangent about eternal youth. What was that about? ... I already have the equivalent of eternal youth with how many souls I've eaten... what do I care? she thought. Kai's hands drifted down to her pockets, going inside for a casual look as she shrugged. "Sorry to burst your bubble but your threats, if that's what you wanna call them, are empty. See, I have my own toys that make both our magic completely null and void. But I also have my own tricks past anything magical" she raised a hand briefly and pointed at the side of the fire circle. The guardian dragon she'd been working on raised its tail and smacked the fire. A chunk of the circle suddenly disappeared from that side. "Oh did you know guardian dragons are immune to magic and disperse any magic they touch? Twinkles toes?" she winked, ignoring his statement about respect.



Edited by Sai

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Ronan looked over his shoulder as he felt her touch on his scars. "Old wounds. Each one a different version of the same story." He said as he turned around to face her. His muscular body wasn't just covered in scars on the back but even his front had an equal number of long cuts across and diagonal. His right eye had a small scar running down through it but the eye itself was undamaged. "When you live a life of always fighting......You earn your marks quite easily, and you learn from each new one." he said looking at her eyes. His eyes were blue like the color of the sea touching the sand, light blue. his skin was also well tanned. His hair was as black as night.

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(Meh. I'm gonna do something with Pyro.)


A Cassare Dragon soared above the forest, scanning the trees below with keen eyes. He noticed a young deer grazing in a clearing and circled around it, swooping down from the side. He seized it in his sharp claws and snapped its neck, killing it instantly. The dragon took flight again, dragging his prey with him, to find a nice place to eat. He settled on a lake and landed on the bank, sending a gust of wind from his wings. Before he could take a bite of his dinner, he noticed movement in the corner of his eye, and was surprised to see a large group of dragons, standing on the opposing bank. "Hmm... What's such a big group of dragons doing out her, in the middle of no where?" Pyro thought, eyeing them curiously, his prey forgotten.

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Nick stuck his tongue out at Akuma "Yeah yeah yeah, show off." he went on taking his own marshmallow off the fire and making himself a smore. Taking a bite of the goey treat he lay back on the grass looking up at the sky above. "Have you ever noticed how many more stars there are now?" he asked Akuma, shifting his eyes from the stary sky to the hybrid boy. "Or were you too far from the city to be affected by the light pollution." and remembering Akuma's childhood he added. "Or did they not even let your out in the first place." he couldn't help feeling bad for the hybrid boy and his lack of a childhood. Sorrow and anger mixed into one.

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Chi rubbed the back of her neck. Had this little guy even noticed the spell go off? Maybe he was too far off in the woods. Or... maybe he was just downright crazy. She let him finish and shook her head, "Petey... that biology lab wouldn't be around anymore. The spell disabled all technology. Slave collars, cages, computers. They're all gone. Humans can't really even enslave dragons anymore. All the test subjects probably already escaped" she explained. She wasn't sure about the 'papers' he spoke of, but she knew anything on the computers was lost. She wondered what it would have been like if the hybrid lab had still been running during the time of the spell. Maybe things would have gone better for her specie. At least Albel wouldn't have killed the majority of them. "But if you're looking to master electricity, they're holding magic classes down at City Hall. So maybe you can check there?" she suggested.


Akuma grabbed another marshmallow, squishing it rhythmically between his fingers. Nick asked him about the stars and Akuma paused, "Hm? ... Oh... Well I always had a pretty clear view out in the woods. I never hung around Windfall even before the change. I couldn't fit in as a human with my horns, and couldnt walk around freely as a dragon. I had to stay out in the forest..." he paused, looking up at the sky again. His memory flashed back to early childhood. "Mmm... no I don't really remember much about the lab when it was still going. Dion took me out when I was really little. They would have rather disposed of me since it was apparent since early age I was a dud" his frowned at the thought, "But Dion had other hybrids to take care of as well so I can't say I... really know what parents are like. I never met my parents. Or, at least I don't recall anything about them if I did. I couldn't even consistently live with Dion either since the higher ups visited him at home sometimes" he trailed off.

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Still! They made most of their notes on paper. You know, that thing the humans used to use before electronics came around. Ring any bells?! Anyway... I need to look at their notes. It's about the r... it's, well, kinda personal. -he stopped himself in the nick of time.


Also if I know the laboratory owner, he's probably still there, and he'll stay there. Psh.. dude's nutter then I am. -he paced around a bit as he explained.

It's about closure. CLOSURE, DARLIN'! Have you ever had one of those obsessive desires to DO something, so strong and powerful that every moment you spend not doing it feels like someone's jabbing your psyche with a red hot oven poker? That's what it feels like. I'm not hurting physically, I'm hurting psychologically! -he gripped at his mane for emphasis, managing to rip out a few strands of hair in the process.


You think I like being this loony?! You think someone else put these on me?! -he gestured at the wires sticking out of his back- Spoiler alert! No. -he finished, gritting his teeth took a deep breath to calm himself down a little.


Wait, a second, the sun is rising once again! Did you say they can't use their tech any more?! Hah! That means I can march over there right now! And I'd have to, before the fat cat flies the coop! -he rejoiced, visibly overjoyed by this new unexpected news. His motives now clear, Petey could see his future before him as clearly as if he'd been looking at it through the cleanest glass imaginable. The little dragon didn't have anything else to live for at the moment anyway. He had no friends, no family, no one to care for but himself. And to him, closure on this would be the greatest of remedies he could ask for. One thing was clear, however.


Can't go alone... -he mumbled under his breath. Determined as he was, he was still a fifth the size of just one human, untrained and short on time.

I don't suppose, either of you two'd be willing to help me. I know we just met, and I must seem like the the crown jewel of an insane asylum, but if I can just get my claws on that one guy... it'd fix me. Maybe, I mean yes. No. Kind of.

Edited by Psyduсk

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Juna listen from the shadows on the two pair, 'A hybrid, weird how he have not pick up my scent yet, I guess he can't smell my scent. I feel pity for him, but still not going near him.' Juna thought to herself. There was one problems that came to her mind, she could not go back the way she came. She thank Azera for the cloak in her head as she pulled down the hood a bit more to cover her face and pulled the cloak tighter around her. She suck in a bit of cold air and came from the shadows and walked towards the pair, one being a hybrid.


Edited by draco8967

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((Draco, I think you missed Kai's part.


And B. That RP format isn't aloud. Please edit your post to not have "multiple choice" make a more clear interaction))

Edited by Sai

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((Hey guys, White Wolf of the Snow's birthday is on Thursday, right?))


Bam swam underwater like a seal and kept his wings tucked to his body so that they don’t slow him down in the water. He approached a small school of fish that fled away upon seeing him. They split up into two groups with one going to the right and the other going left. Bam, having never eaten fish before, decided to try one. He went after the left group and pursued them until they got to the opposite side of the bank. There he managed to clamp his jaws down onto three fish, while the others escaped. The royal blue swam up to the surface to breathe and eat the fish. When he got onto the bank, he saw a cassare dragon with a deer. Bam spat the fish out onto the grass, where they flopped in panic at being unable to breathe out of their home. “Oh hey there!” he greeted the cassare with a friendly smile.




Minerva saw another set of scars on Ronan’s front and one on his right eye. Speaking of eye, the blue orbs on his face reminded her of the color of the ocean. It was rather fascinating in her opinion. “So what do you fight, Ronan?” she asked, wondering who did this to him and how he managed to get the scars.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((ok and i did not forget, I just did not have time in school to do it at the end of the day. so i will edit that and than i will edit this post))


Spinx simple laugh "A threat, don't make me laugh. I would have taken care of your 'pet' before these two were summon. I simple summon them to prove your wrong, and maybe light up the place a bit for us to see each other better." Spinx was grinning now a bit devilish. 'A prepared necromancer, a very well prepared one.' Spinx thought to himself. "So, your not interested in eternal youth? Odd, I thought a necromancer would be jumping at the idea."

Edited by draco8967

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Pyro grinned. These dragons seemed friendly enough, at least they hadn't tried to bite his head off yet. "Hey. I'm Pyro." His gaze drifted to the dragons on the opposite bank. "So who are you? I've never seen you around here before, and who are they?" The Cassar motioned to the large group of dragons.



Seliss yawned, covering her mouth. She was exhausted after the days events, and needed someplace to rest. The mint dragon on her shoulder squeaked, pawing at her face. She had almost forgotten about it. "Now, what do I do with you..." She picked up the dragon and put it on the ground. "Go on! Shoo!" The mint looked up at her with big eyes. The woman sighed, crossing her arms. Why wouldn't this dragon leave her alone"

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((Yar, Nick and I chitty chat with (Star / Vanessa / WWotS) a lot on Skype. OUR BABY IS TURNING 17! *throws confetti* ))

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"I'm Bam and these guys over there are the Vulture horde," he said before turning his head to look at his fellow horde members. He looked back at Pyro and said, "We're a horde that exterminates humans and we're building up our numbers so that we can go destroy the army that's been going around killing dragons. Care to join?"


Three pygmies popped their heads out of the water and one of them, a flower pygmy asked, "Bam, who's that?"


The royal blue looked at her and replied, "Oh that's Pyro. I was just talking with him."

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((Gonna wait for Nick before replying to Juna))


"Well yeah the paper might still be around. Hope the other little guys didn't destroy what you're looking for out of spite. That's what happened with our lab. One of the hybrids escaped and destroyed every bit of research he could find. I think it was more to keep them from ever making more hybrids. It isn't exactly a lovely process how we were made and tested" Chi explained. Petey expressed that he was hurting more psychologically rather than physically. She could relate to that as well. It seemed he overall had a very similar experience in life. Such a pity. But in a way, she found it comforting to know she wasn't alone in the pain she felt. When he asked if she would accompany him she cringed, "Eeeeeh, I'm not the best person to ask. I really have nothing ability-wise fit for combat. I may look a little scary with my draconic traits but... I'm afraid I'm nothing special" she laughed.


"Yeah sure you would, twinkle toes" Kai waved Spinx off with her hand. "Unfortunately for you I still have a toy in my collection for works especially well against dark magic. And would you look at that! We're both necromancers" she said in a mocking tone, her hands going back into her pockets. She listened to his explanation further and his inquiry about eternal youth. "Eternal youth? So last year" she grinned, "I learned an ability that not only maintains my youth but heals mortal wounds. So really, I can't be killed short of being crushed or overall annihilated" she said smugly. Kai offered a small shrug, "It's a rare ability but fairly easy to use on... anyone really. At least for me. You don't look the suave type. Not good with words, your body. That kind of thing."

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Pyro listened carefully to the Royal Blue's explanation, and his eyes lit up when he asked if he wanted to join them. He had always hated humans, some of them ran from him in fear, while others sought after him for his powers. "Sure, I'll join." The Cassar smiled, looking down at the pygmies that had popped out of the water.

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Bam's black eyes lit up with excitement and said, "Great! I'll tell my cousin, Aeolus, we have a new member of the horde." Then he contacted the disaster dragon through telepathy and said, 'Aeolus, guess what?! We have a new member of the horde!'


The reply he heard was, 'Bring him over to me.'


'Okay,' Bam replied. Then he looked at Pyro and said, "Come on, let's go meet my cous, he's the leader of the horde." He spread his wings and flew across the lake to the other side. He found Aeolus sitting between trees and said, "Here he is, cous!" He looked at Pyro and introduced him to the horde leader, "Pyro, this is Aeolus, our leader." Then he looked to the disaster dragon and said, "Aeolus, this is Pyro. I met him across the lake."

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