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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((Ugh I'm gonna pull Kai away since Enk has dropped off the map x_x))


"Listen short stack" Kai looked down at Tyler, "As I said, I gotta clean up my collection" she patted him on the head, "Careful~ wouldn't want an accident in causing all that trouble. You might just find your way into my collection" she purred, lightly tapping his nose once. She turned and walked off with a wave. Kai weaved through the festival crowd of Windfall. People were probably eating something cheery like this up after the tragedy only days ago. She headed towards the town exit, glancing at the crazed bar and winking at Nick as she passed by. Once out by the gates, she looked around. The street was empty over here- a perfect place to do some work. Sifting through her collection, Kai pulled up a Guardian dragon, "Let's have a look, shall we?" she said with a smirk. The undead dragon stared blankly at her. Kai circled the dragon once and nodded, "A little rough, but it does take a lot to take you guys down" she muttered. Kai set to work on mending the old, torn flesh.

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((Normally I would condone double posting but holy censorkip.gif nuggets


user posted image


user posted image ))

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((xd.png Umm...Hi?

I would post in response tyo your current if you like but I'm not entirely sure what to do now unsure.gif

Cause if this is a bad time I can come back later...))

Edited by En'K'Haral

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((I guess he could trail along or domethin of he wanted))

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((Naw, this sounds like it'll be more fun happy.gif))


"I'll take that as a no then." Tyler said cheerily to Kai as she patted his head. "I'll be fine." He said as she tapped his nose and started to leave. "Can't promise the same for anyone else though." He added in a low mutter. He did a large twirl and started making his way to city hall. He could see guards standing outside of the doors as people filed in. He stalked into a back alley and discarded his jacket and hat, since they would give him away. He smoothed out his messy hair and conjured a nice golfer's hat. Plopping that on his head Tyler mixed himself in with the others entering city hall to register for magic lessons. He wanted this to be perfect, so he would have to study his target first. He could see the guards looming over the people as they entered the building, Tyler was confident in his disguise, without the jacket he wore just a plain white shirt and black pants along with that golf cap instead of his normal pointed hat. he did still have his clanking lantern staff though. It was perhaps the one thing he wasn't comfortable parting with, even if he could just make a new one.

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"Well it's a shame to see all that hard work put into these towers turn back into <insert word>, but we got to do what we got to do," said Roderick.


"Sure," Kathia said.


((That's all I got.))

((Hey Enkie, did you see my post?))


Atlas's eyes widened in a bit of a shock. Spinx's arrow was covered in poison that weakens the ability to do magic? Now that made the necromancer sound even more dangerous. The magi could imagine what the fight would have been like if Spinx had fired an arrow at her. No doubt she would probably lose as she would have no magic to defend herself against him and the dragon lords. Then she looked at Merkath and said, "I got fire magic. But does it work? I mean the burning wound thing." She wanted to make sure, before she tried touching Axle with her fire aura-covered finger.


((Also I forgot to give you guys Chp. 13, but it's censored: http://fav.me/d7ooa04 ))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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"It will hurt like hell when it happen, but it will cauterize the wound close and stop it from bleeding. It was use before antibiotics were invented by humans." Merkath said as Axle look at Atlas. Merkath turn his head to Axle, "But it up to him if he willing to let it be sealed by fire." Merkath said

"Do it, but I not going to wake up a bit if you do it." Axle said as he removed the patch that was now thick in blood. The wound was evident that it was healing at a very slow speed. Axle's wound was 3/4 the size of it original size of it, and Axle grit his teeth as he felt the pain of the patch being removed. "Just do it." Axle said as he brace himself.

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Atlas was surprised to hear that humans used fire to heal wounds. She found the knowledge kind of strange as she had known fire to only be a destructive element, not a healing one. "Fine then," said Atlas. She set the finger of her front foot ablaze and moved it to Axle's wound. After touching the wound, Atlas withdrew her finger and asked, "You feeling alright?" She wanted to make sure that Axle wasn't hurting too bad.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Nick didn't even look in the direction of Spinx, instead addressing Akuma. "I'm sorry, did you hear something? I could of sworn I heard the voice of the wana-be-necromancer. Again." He noticed Kai walk by shortly after he said that and smirking as she winked, nodding his head in greeting as he moved on. Despite that fact that he really didn't know her, he still considered Kai a friend. Turning back to Akuma as he mentioned marshmallows he grinned. Teleporting off before zipping back in a moment, tossing a bag labeled 'Mallows' at Akuma. "Here you are, true to my word. Maybe tonight I'll get some more and we can make s'mores. Have you ever had s'mores before?" he questioned the hybrid boy.

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Ronan smirked. "Well, I can certainly take some time to clean my clothes." Chuckles at his own comment. He went upstairs to where he'd be sleeping. He unbuckled all of his weapon belts and pouches, laying them out on a table, leaving his robes hanging freely off of him. He started to remove them, but only as far as keeping his pants on. His entire back covered in scars and old wound marks.

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((Oooooooooooooh Ennnnnnnnnnk. Tylers gonna get more than he bargained for D:))


Akuma smirked as Nick taunted Spinx, "Yeah, sounds like he's too scared to make a move" he chortled. Nick suddenly teleported away for a moment before coming back with marshmallows in hand. He tossed them to Akuma and the hybrid caught the bag as Nick said he was true to his word. Akuma opened the bag and reached a clawed hand inside, bringing out a marshmallow and packing it into his mouth. His fangs worked awkwardly around it but he seemed to enjoy is non the less. He swallowed after a moment, looking up at Nick, "S'mores?..." he asked. The boy shook his head. What was a s'more? more human food? If it was like marshmallows he'd give it a go. He reached into the bag for another marshmallow.


Zaros turned suddenly as people started to pour into city hall again. Evidently there was going to be more classes. "It's still going on? ... Interesting" he looked to the edges of the room to see the dragon masters coming back out to represent their elements. "Dragon teachers... a good choice" he muttered. It was better for crowd control in case of incidents. Not to mention dragons tended to be a bit better at magic. Akira folded his arms across his chest, watching people flood in. He scanned everyone's face. It was a habit he'd nailed down with his profession. His eyes drifted over Tyler before snapping back and locking on to his face. He'd seen that face before. Zaros slowly turned his head as he noticed Akira start to fidget, bringing out a piece of paper with a face. A wanted poster. Zaros rubbed his temple, "Make it quick, I'd rather not dawdle here" the mage directed. Akira's form hunkered down, looking like a cat watching a bird as he gripped his sword handles. The bounty hunter walked swiftly through the crowd, gaining speed as he drew one of his blades.

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"Well I'll be damned, they were not joking when they said another necromancer was in town." Spinx said as he came out from behind a building from the far side of the street from Kai. Spinx had one beer in one hand that was open and another two un-open ones in the other. "Mind me asking, but who are you?" Spinx asked as he look up at the dragon. "Hm, nice. Kill it yourself?"


Juna and Azera made their way thought the city un-notice for the most part, Until they came across town hall. "What a mess, there no way of even coming close to getting passed here." Azera said in a under tone. Juna simple shrugged, "And what are you going to do about it, seeing how you can't really sneak your way by with me, and the way we came have guards down the road. I'll just make this simple on you." Juna said as three clicks were heard, And Azera was quickly punched in the back. "You really need to put the keys in the front of you, along with your gold" Juna said as coins could be heard as she ran right passed him, running straight into the crowd of people.

"You clever little dragon censorkip.gif*." Azera said as he push himself off the ground and ran straight into the crowd after her. With no way off tracing her in the crowd with out a line of sight, it was near impossible.

Juna ran straight passed a young kid, and for some reason had a staff, and with the quick hand, she slid some of gold in the kids pocket. 'A lot better for him than me.' Juna thought to herself as she keep on running.

Azera was pushing his way thought the crowed as he ran, until he ran right into someone who was hunched down and was going though the crowd. "What the he-" Azera did not finish those words as he saw the sword the kid had drawn. "Don't even try what you are thinking, I don't really care. Just not in a crowded place like this." Azera said as he ran back into the crowd, back after Juna, and soon saw her up against the wall heading straight up it to a window, and was soon out it. "Dame it." Azera said a bit out loud as he saw Juna blow a kiss to him and wave the gold pouch, and was soon gone.


Axle grown in pain as the wound was cauterized. "Ya, just peachy." Axle said painfully, "thanks though."

Merkath look at Axle as Axle slid what was left of his shirt on, and fell asleep from the pain and exhaustion. "Well that went better than I thought. I thought he would snap on one of us. And thank you, that less Axle don't have to worry about, and i don't have to worry about." Merkath said as he turn to Atlas. "Um mind me asking, but, Atlas is it, would you happen to be Atlas Firestar?"

Edited by draco8967

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Zaros watched Akira with his arms folded across his chest. He watched someone come barreling through the crowd, crashing carelessly into the bounty hunter. Akira stumbled but quickly caught his balance. He growled, turning to see who had run into him but they had only shouted for him to stop before continuing on running. "What the hell was that over!?" he yelled after them. Akira stood up straight, any chance of getting the jump on Tyler was now gone. He was quite close to the conjurer in any case and stuck his sword out, "On full legal terms, I'm here to collect your bounty. I don't forget a face. And there's a pretty pile of gold on your head. That means guards can't interfere. Get what I'm saying?" he smiled smugly. "How about we make this easy?" he said, lowering his voice as he drew his second sword.


A few clicks emanated from Kai's shadow before Spinx had uttered a word. She paused in her work, her eyes shifting warily to the side as she heard footsteps echo off the quiet streets. She thought she'd found a quiet place to work. Kai straightened up as she was greeted as a necromancer. So that mage was running his mouth after all she thought. It crossed her mind maybe he'd ratted her late night thieving out to some bounty hunter. The necromancer turned on heel, hands going into her pockets. "Why yes, I do mind. You'll do well to introduce yourself before asking my name" she said flatly. He hadn't waited long before asking if the dragon was her kill. "And what if I did? You some dragon hugger come to slap my wrist?" she paused to give him a once over. "No... you're that ahem, aspiring necromancer I saw in the woods. Cute. But I'm not looking to trade collections" she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Kai was always wary of another necromancer approaching her. Necromancers didn't tend to be social unless they had some personal gain from it.

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((Oooohhhh Tyler should have ratted her out xd.png he would have found that hilarious. I think Tyler enjoys biting off more than he can chew.))


Tyler felt someone brush past him. Looking at the stranger hurtling through the crowd Tyler wondered what they were up too. he hoped they didn't get the same idea as him, cause that would just make him look like a copy cat. Tyler was about to start moving through the gap made through the crowd when there was a dull thud of two people colliding right by him. Turning he saw one man yelling at another who had his sword drawn.


Tyler shoved one hand in his pocket to watch the scene unfold with uncontained glee when he felt something metal in that pocket. He pulled out several gold coins and was momentarily confused. I didn't conjure these...oooooohhhhh. He came to a realization as the man who was yelling took off in the direction of the dragon that had brushed past him. Whoever had brushed past him had left gold in Tyler's pocket, a kind yet wasted effort. He'd have to hold on to this for later.


As Tyler turned to leave a sword was pointed at him. Tyler knew full well about the bounty on his head although he wasn't really sure if it entailed barring the guards from acting while the man was on a hunt. "Easy way?" Tyler burst out laughing. "Easy as in I pay you twice as much and you go away?" He pulled out a few of the coins that had been shoved into his pockets and let them drop to the floor. Bounty hunters were all easy marks. What mattered to most of them was money. "Or, easy as in I stomp you flat with a rhino?" He emphasized this statement by tapping the butt of his staff against the ground which shook and shortly thereafter an earthen rhino burst up from under the cobbles. "Of course..." He continued clearly enjoying himself. "...if that's not to your liking I've also got lions tigers and bears. All of which are interchangeable with the rhino." He said laughing lightly. Oh he hoped this hunter would be torn between morality and money. He loved seeing them struggle with the choice.




((Ah yes I did miss you red sorry bout that.))


Jason led the way approaching some of the cam inhabitants and asking for volunteers to take down the towers. the response was surprisingly good. It seemed these people were eager to get away from windfall now that dragons had taken over. Once the people had set to work on the towers Jason spoke to Kathia. "I really should thank you Kathia. I would never have known about these people if it weren't for you. I was getting ready to settle down as a hermit before we met, not sure what would have happened then but I shudder at some of the things that come to mind. So thanks a lot." He said to Kathia with a smile.

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((Pssh silly Tyler. HE AIN'T GOT MORALS. This ain't Arumat tongue.gif


Akira: "I've got values - they stack up nicely."))


Tyler didn't seem phased by the swords and instead laughed. He offered Akira two fold the bounty if he'd leave him be. That was, until he started to spout off threats. Akira moved closer, putting the blade of one of his swords near Tyler's throat, "Something tells me cutting your throat open will impede that pitiful threat. See the flaw with conjurers is that if you get past the puppets, there's a defenseless imp on the other end. So let's see that gold, hmm?" he stared down Tyler expectantly. Zaros watched from a small distance, his brow furrowing. While his views may have been highly objectable in a place like Windfall, he still had morals- he was an idealist after all. His eyes bored into the back of Akira's head. He huffed quietly. There was no point getting angry over it. It just proved that people like Akira were that easy to control and manipulate. Gold made their world go 'round.

Edited by Sai

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After cauterizing the wound without any trouble, Axle went to sleep. Then Merkath thanked the dragoness for her help as the less his brother worried, the less he, himself, would worry. "Yes I am," Atlas answered. She was a bit amazed to see that Merkath had caught on quick to her identity. She guessed it was probably because Axle told him beforehand with telepathy.




Minerva laughed along with him. Then she led him up the stairs, where she would show him the guest room. "This is the guest room. Whenever I have visitors who would like to stay, I always let them use that room," she said. After Ronan got undressed, the woman noticed the scars on his back. 'He really is a fighter,' she thought, staring at each and every one of the scars.




The redhead smiled back in joy that she helped a fellow human being and said, "You're welcome, Jason! You know, I'm glad I met you, too. Because I don't think anybody would have followed someone young such as myself. I mean I had some good ideas, but people would rather have older people as leaders. And that's where you fit in; you're old enough to be one and you're smart. Heck, you would be an even better leader than me."

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Nick cocked an eyebrow when Akuma revealed he didn't know what a smore was, especially loving marshmallows as much as he did. "You've never had smores before? This is a crime against nature, we must go now!" he exclaimed as he grabbed Akuma by the wrist, dragging him off back towards the house. As he dragged him through the house he practically kicked open the back door. Leading to the backyard. Gathering stones and fire, he quickly built a fire pit. Snatching a 'Mallow' from Akuma's bag he stuck it on the end of a stick and hung it over the fire. "Step one. Roast the mallow" he said grinning at Akuma.

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Woltar regarded the two with a warming, scaley smile. "There now" he came closer, "It seems you found one alive" he looked at the human child in Chi's arms, "You did a good deed. Rest assured, we will start making preparations for the city to combat their genocides. They will not find this place so easy to destroy. If the humans and dragons here can learn to coexist, our talents combined would create a near unstoppable force" he explained. Woltar looked at the door briefly before looking back to the girls, "Don't dawdle on the memory. Mourning will not undo past events, but you can move forward to make a better future. So go out and enjoy the festival and leave the security matters to us. I hear they're setting off fireworks after dark. An amazing human invention if I say so myself. Explosions in the sky that produce sparkling colors for entertainment" he explained in an upbeat tone.

((Here's the reply.))

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((Well, maybe not per say make a new character but just have your current one interact more? We tried to make a little somethin' with the guard but Sparks ran away ohmy.gif


I mean, if you want multiple characters that's fine but if it's just an interaction problem, that may be fixable on its own))

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((Like try interacting with TheTron's character, Rina for example. She's got no one talking to her.))

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(Ok, thanks for the help. I think I'm going to make some more dragons, but should I PM you the profiles, or can I just start RPing?)

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Zeditha nodded. "I'll look forwards to the fireworks," she replied. Then she looked up at Chi, waiting for a signal to leave.

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((Yes, you may send me the form))


Akuma started blankly at Nick for a moment. "Crime against... nature?..." he murmured curiously. He thought if existence as a hybrid was a crime against nature. Was not knowing what a s'more was worse? ... Perhaps it was a human joke. After a moment's thought, he decided this was more likely with Nick. He yelped as Nick suddenly jerked him off towards the house. The mage certainly did seem excited about these s'mores. Whatever then... he thought, letting himself be dragged away. What could it hurt? Akuma slowed as Nick released him, following him warily to the fire pit. Nick hastily lit a fire and stole away a marshmallow, cooking it. Akuma's interest peaked as the subject went back to marshmallows. So a s'more was something to do with his sugary snack? He didn't even know you could cook them. Well, cook them into something edible anyway. He watched the marshmallow puff up, tinting a golden brown.


Chi smiled and looked down at Zeditha, "There see? It'll be ok. You just have to think positive. It's always easier to make things better by that simple move" she piped up. She moved towards the door and waved to Woltar, "Be safe out there" he said, turning and leaving the room. Chi walked back through the corridors of city hall and back to the outside. "Looks like another class of people is filing in"

Edited by Sai

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