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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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While exploring the city, Rina noticed a commotion in form of a dragon guard berating a human girl. She also noticed two young looking boys, one of them saying something to the girl. And then she noticed something in her arms. After some seconds she realized that it was a pygmy hatchling.


"I don't know what is going on here, but I think that hatchling is the reason of this whole commotion." thought Rina, and decided to stay to see how the commotion will progress.

Edited by TheTron852

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Axle walked over to a wall and slide down it. He was by far exhausted from running around and taking a arrow to his chest. He could still smell his own blood as still leaving his body, but at a much slower rate. He place the shield to the right of him as he lean the sword over his left shoulder. He lean his head against the wall behind him as he stared up to the ceiling. He caught the small hum of beating wings, and quite a large one, heading straight for them. "Atlas, we have a guest coming from what I can hear. I can't tell if it a large dragon, but whatever it is, the hum of the wings are getting heavier as if it getting exhausted from flying." Axle said with a heavy breath of air, because the pain was starting to come to him again from his burning legs and his chest again. Adrenalin had it own property such as suppressing pain and ignoring it. It also made you do things that you think you could not do before or though of doing.


Spinx watch a bit as a girl was getting snapped at by another dragon. 'I wonder how to make this event escalated more quickly? Hm.' Spinx thought as he started to puzzle over his choices. 'Summon an undead dragon next to them, maybe. Cast a bone wall, hm an idea.' Spinx thought on his choices without really giving himself away. He got down from the tree he was in, and proceed to walk into town, just enough to come with in range of his spell, which was quite far for a bone wall, but he could still see the event un-fold. With a swift hand, he raised a wall just right in between the dragon guard and the group of people talking to him, and stood in the shadows. 'Let see where that goes.'


In a abandon building in windfall, almost as if it was burn down by a fire, ash start to spiral around and any type of loose objects start to spiral around in the open area. Both standing there is Azera and the chained up Juna. Azera look around the building and saw it was in the town he guess was windfall. "Damn it, can the magi do anything right?" Azera said in a undertone. Juna kind of hummed at the bad luck Azera had. Azera look at her, as she just smirked at him, and simple shook his head. He tighten his grip on her arm, and shoved her into a wall, causing pain to shoot up thought her arms because the cuffs bit into her wrist. "Whip that smirk off your face." Azera demand her, but she simple still smirk at him, and it grow bigger. He drag her from the wall toward the door and look down the street of the city and saw no one on the street he was on. He look around again for anything to cover Juna. He found a cloke that was a bit burn on the edge of it but other than that, it would be the best thing he could use. He grab hold of it with his free hand and put it over Juna, with a bit of struggle. She did not willing let him put the cloke over her body, and he end up just punching her in the chest again. "You really are a pain in my ass." Azera said and was not expecting an answer back, but end up getting one any was. "You think I will just let you hand me over to Spinx just to get killed by him later, or be torture for the rest of my life by him? Hell no, I will fight you all the way until the trade point. So be expecting a lot of resistances and restless sleeps." Juna said with a smirk still on her face. "Ya I can tell." Azera said as he pulled her from the building and they went into the shadows of the alleys ways and passed by building after building.

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Atlas rose a bit out of the water and turned her head around to look at the entrance of the cave. She got out of the hot spring and walked over to the cliff of the cave. She looked outside to see who or what was there. If it was Spinx and one of his undead dragons, then this she was going to escape by teleporting everyone including herself to somewhere else. That way, Atlas would still be alive to take care of her family and have more time to recover.




After their lunch was done, the Vulture horde left the camp ruins in search of the next camp to destroy. It took them three hours to find the next one, but this time it had been destroyed before the horde got there. By the looks of it, the place had been damaged heavily by fire with objects and people toasted black or melted. Aeolus knew that this was the work of another dragon or a group of them, which means they would have more recruits to his horde. He told his horde to spread through the campsite and roar out calls to attract the dragons responsible for this.

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Rina didn't see a person casting a spell. And as such, the bone wall suddenly emerging from the ground was a surprise for her. She stepped a few steps back in shock, then spent a few seconds gathering her wits. When she regained them, she took a quick glance at the emerged wall. "What kind of mage casts a wall made of bones?" she thought, and looked around in search for her answer. However it proved to be a nigh impossible task, since she didn't see the caster and there were a lot of people.

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Sparks looked around at the dragon, and her fear was suddenly replaced by anger. They thought she was just a child, who didn't know what she was doing. She grit her teeth, trying to control her anger. You didn't want to get on a dragon's bad side. "No. What I mean is, I took him in when he was abandoned and nursed him back to health, as I have raised many other dragons. I care for them, and when they get older, I let them roam, but they always return. I've earned their trust, and when they need help, they come to me." Suddenly a female Brute dragon appeared out of the clouds, circling the girl and the older dragons. She slowly lowered herself to the ground, sending a gust of wind across the street. Glaring at the dragons, she stood protectively in front of Sparks. "It's okay, Jupiter. I'm fine." The trainer walked around Jupiter and held out the hatchling she was still holding. The pygmy nipped the Brute dragon's snout, and the female picked him up gently. "Take him home, I don't want anything happening to him." Jupiter nodded to her trainer before glancing one more time at the other dragons. She jumped into the air and flew into the clouds. Sparks turned back to the guard. "As I said, he's only a hatchling. Everything is just fun and games to him-" Suddenly a bone wall erupted from the ground, standing in the way of Sparks and the guard "What on Earth?!!" She watched in amazement and shock as the wall grew talked, until she couldn't see over it or around it. What happened?

Edited by SparksflY

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((I've noticed for a long that Rudvich is being spell as Rudvick on the wiki. I should have corrected you guys earlier, but Rudvich has an 'h' not a 'k'. I named the continent that, so my spelling of it is correct.))


It took three minutes until a crimson pygmy flew over to Aeolus and said, "Aeolus, I got telepathic message from the dragons who destroyed the camp. They're on their way over to meet us."


Aeolus replied to him, "That's good. It makes things easier for us." That way they wouldn't have to go looking for the place to meet them. The leader telepathically spoke to his horde and said, 'Everyone, that's enough roaring. The dragons responsible for this are coming over here to meet us. Let me know when they get here.' The horde stopped roaring and everything went silent as the dragons focused on looking out for the newcomers.


Twenty minutes later, Aeolus got a telepathic alert from one of the dragons, 'Aeolus, they're here! Three of them; two magis and a storm dragon.'


Magis and a storm dragon; these were two of the best breeds the horde needs. If these dragons were to join his horde, then Aeolus would have two diurnal magic users for daytime raids, which would allow Eitri much needed rest to use his energy for nighttime. The extra storm dragon would allow for more lightning bolts to blast the buildings and electrocute the humans. 'Send them over to me,' the disaster dragon said. The dragons split up to make a path for the magis and storm dragons to get through to the horde leader. Aeolus gave them his courteous greeting, "Greetings, fellow dragons."


"Greetings to you too, Aeolus," said the male magi dragon with black rocky patches on his body. He was obviously half-magma dragon by appearance, and Aeolus guessed that he was how the camp got to be burnt.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Reeeeeeeeed my life is liiiiiiiiiiiiie. I've thought it was Rudvick all this time xd.png


Fixed everything I could find on the Wiki))


The Hellfire listened to the girl's explanation. He took a moment to calm himself, getting his temper settled. "That is not being a trainer. A trainer is a term for someone who owns a pet. If you want to avoid trouble here I suggest you break that title, child" he breathed. His eyes scanned over the Brute dragon as he took the hatchling and left. "And don't cram a hatchling into a bag. That just looks bad" he added. The wyvern's wings folded in as he lowered himself onto all fours as a more casual stance. His metal armor clicked against the ground. The silence was broken as a wall shot up between them. The dragon snarled briefly before sniffing the air. Bone wall. Smell of death. No, this wasn't the girl's doing. The guard bashed the wall down with his horned and armored skull. Bone was nothing special to a dragon's strength. He sniffed the air again and swiveled his head towards where Spinx stood in the distance. His keen eyes didn't see the human in the shadows, but he could smell him. He looked back to Sparks, "It's a necromancer. They're always the easiest to smell. They reek of death" he said, glaring back off in the distance. Akuma turned and looked curiously in the direction the dragon had looked. Akuma sniffed over the crowd for the smell of death. He paused, tensing. He knew that smell. It was the same necromancer that was messing around with a small undead army. Wasn't that the one Cloud had mentioned? Akuma felt a tad 'exposed' and pulled his hoodie hood (herp) over his head. The last time he got around the necromancer, or at least his croonie, they'd tried to kill him. For no more reason that he'd hung around Cloud and Axle.


Chi entered the back room, sighing in relief as Zeditha removed her collar. What was that all about anyway? ... She walked along a long hall to a larger room in the back. The large, golden dragon, Woltar, stood in the front of the room. He looked at the pair expectantly, "Welcome, I hear there is some trouble with security?" he asked. His eyes moved curiously over Chi. He wondered if she was a halfling, but decided not to dawdle on the idea. Chi nodded briefly in response. "My friend, Zeditha here tells me there is indeed a threat like you predicted. A horde of dragons- the Vulture horde, lead by a dragon named Aeolus. He's going around exterminating human cities. They send in a scout squad first, freeing dragons that are still enslaved and then killing all the humans. They approach by air, putting a shield below them while they cast spells" she explained off memory of Zeditha's words. Woltar was quiet for a while in thought. "This is troubling indeed... but not unexpected. Some of my brethren are... foolish. They believe past conflict justifies their heinous crimes. Two forces cannot create peace if each keeps seeking revenge on the other for past deeds. Someone has to forgive in order for the healing process to start. Unfortunately, people often confuse revenge for justice" he moved to the back of the room.


Zaros stopped outside of the city hall doors. He stared up at them in silent contemplation. So this city had been entirely rebuilt by the Aquarians. Impressive... to rebuild such a vast city so quickly... A valuable skill he thought, staring at the architecture. He continued inside and let his eyes wander. He looked over the various masters of the elements finishing up with people, Teaching humans magic to protect themselves... a risky play he stood still in silence. Akira suddenly came running through the door, gasping for breath, "Would you stop doing that!? How am I suppose to do my job if I don't even know where my client is?" he huffed. Zaros looked ahead, "If I need your services, you won't have to worry about such things. Make no mistake of that" he asserted, glancing over his shoulder. "This effort to make humans strong and capable with magic could easily backfire with the right nudge. Many humans still aren't happy with the revolt. They want to use the magic powers to kill dragons. How small minded" he walked forward, keeping his voice low so as to not draw attention. Akira trailed behind, "Dragons are a valuable part of this world. And yet, they are powerful and equally sentient. It's basic instinct to want to make a pecking order in civilization. Even the animals understand it is necessary to have a properly functioning society. In the end, one must reside over the other in superiority, then"

Edited by Sai

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Axle saw the large Black wings as the large dragon passed right. "So he head north." Axle said out loud as he watch as the dragon circled a second time. "It's Merkath, Atlas. Would explain why he vanish from shadow wind, but why is he so far north?" Axle asked as he watch Merkath fly around one more time before landing near Atlas, with a powerful gust of wind following just shortly behind him. Merkath look at the two hatchlings and Atlas before he smelled Axle was in the cave bleeding. Almost like instance, he growled at Atlas with a low tone, as if a warning. "Merkath, she is a friend, and a good person, so back down." Axle growled back at his brother. Merkath still growled a little bit longer before heading over to his brother, and press his head against Axle chest in a genital way.

"Are you going to tell me how you got injured?" Merkath said as he pulled his head back and look at Axle.

Axle simple shrugged, "Arrow to the chest." Axle simple said "Now you going to tell me why you are so far north?"

Merkath simple shook his head. "I came to find you to help me save sister, I'm sure you already know who have her." Merkath said as he curled up around Axle, thought he did have to move Axle a bit to do it.

"Ya, I know, and she knows as well." Axle said as he points to Atlas, "But first I must finish what father have sent me to do, it was the last thing he wish."


Spinx was a bit upset that nothing else happen after he summon the bone wall. 'Well the dragon can smell me, not like I care really.' Spinx thought to himself as he walked out of the shadow and with not a care in the world, Walked passed the guard, Akuma and Nick, without even looking at them, and proceeded to a bar for a drink.


((Any one want to 'Run into' Juna and Azera?))

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Sparks stepped back as the hellfire wyvern smashed through the wall, looking around with confused eyes. As the guard explained, she nodded, glaring at the place that the necromancer stood. When the man stepped out of the shadows, the girl braced herself for an attack, but nothing came. He simply walked passed them, as if they weren't there. "Who are you?" Sparks demanded, trying not to sound frightened. She didn't know why, but the man filled her with anger and fear.

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The magi/magma dragon continued speaking, "So it is to my understanding that your horde is in need of recruits to destroy all the humans in Solomos?"


"Yes, as a matter of fact. But that's not the horde's only purpose," answered Aeolus.


"It's not? Then what else do you do?" asked the magi, needing to know more before he dared to get himself involved at risk.


The horde leader explained, "We are also building up a large army to outmatch the human army's exceeding numbers. They are a threat in that they're hunting down dragons everywhere and killing them on sight. One village I know has gone into hiding to protect themselves from the humans, and there may be many others doing the same thing. As long as the army's around, no one is safe."


The storm dragon beside the magi/magma said, "And you want our help to wipe them off the face of the earth, right?"


"Yes," Aeolus answered. "But there are a few things you should know about the army first. First of all they have five halfling magic users among them. Our only night magi, Eitri, couldn't handle them alone and our horde back then was too small to fight the human soldiers. So since then, we've been looking for dragons willing to add to our morale. Dragons with magical abilities such as yourself are a great deal to the horde as we need them the most to combat the halfings and destroy the humans faster." He said, "With your help, the threat to dragonkind will be destroyed and you will all be heroes. We'll make Solomos a safer place for us all. So what will your answer be? I'm willing to hear from you."


The magi/magma said, "That sounds like something we can handle. But what's the catch? What do we get in return after this?"




"Who?" Atlas asked Axle without taking her eyes off the black dragon that was heading toward the cave. The man told her that the dragon was his brother, Merkath, and wondered why he was all the way up north. When Merkath landed in the cave, a powerful gust of wind blew by, making Atlas's hair blow back and her eyes closed to keep the dry air from getting into them.


The hatchlings were almost swept off their feet as Kylie went, "Eek!"


And Danielle held on to the ground and cried, "Whoa!"


After Merkath saw his brother bleeding, he growled at Atlas as if he was accusing the woman of being responsible for Axle's wound. Axle told him to calm down and that Atlas is a good person. After the two brothers talked, Atlas walked up towards them a bit as she said, "We're still on our way to Trident Mountain. We had to rest and heal first because Spinx attacked us." Then she changed back into a dragoness and continued, "I'm Atlas, I've just started escorting Axle and protecting him ever since his bodyguard, Cloud, died."


The hatchlings went over to Merkath and looked up at him as the whiptail piped, "And I'm Danielle!"


"I'm Kywie," said the balloon hatchling.


((I just remembered the toddler speak that's characteristic of these two hatchlings. I'm going to go edit my chapters now.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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He sighed before looking to her with a frown. "I'm sorry to hear that. I know what it's like to lose family." He got up and moved to the window looking outside. The memory of the house burned into his mind.

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Nick raised his hands up, a light blue glow emanating from them as the bones lifted into the air, turning to dust and scattering into the wind. The glow fading from his hands he lifted one and placed it on the angry Spark's shoulder to calm her. "Don't even pay him notice. He's not even a real necromancer. If you want to see a real necromancer I know one that doesn't need to hide in the shadows. They'll just come right out and pull your undies over your head in the open." Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Akuma. "Don't worry Akuma, he won't do anything, least end up crushed underfoot an angry hellfire dragon." he tried to comfort the nervous hybrid boy as he pulled his hood over his head.

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The guard snorted as the man walked by, "He's worthless. Necromancers add nothing to a society. Pay him no mind" he said to the girl, "They're cowards that hide in the shadows and behind puppets" he straightened up. He looked over at Nick as he said he knew a necromancer that wasn't a coward. He paused a moment, "... Good day. Stay out of trouble" he uttered before flying back up to her perch on a tower. Akuma watched the remnants of the bone whisk away into the wind. He huffed quietly in thought. He believed he meant Kai. Well... Kai didn't seem like most necromancers anyway. So perhaps they were the 'not-so-necro' necromancer. His hands went into his hoodie pockets as he glanced around the road. Why are so many people stopping to intervene? Was it really so interesting? And why is he being so social? ... He never socializes... the thoughts ran through Akuma's head as he glared at the girl everyone had run to 'save'.



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Sparks nodded, feeling embarrassed. Why was she always the one screwing up? Self-concsious of all the eyes staring at her, she pulled up her hood and walked casually to the side of the street, disappearing from view as she turned the corner. The girl was exhausted after the days crazy events, but the thought of the necromancer chilled her to the bone. She didn't know why, but the strange man made her uncomfortable… Or was that just how death made you feel? She shook the thought away and continued on her way home.

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It was apparent that Minerva's past had stirred up a sad memory from his past; something the girl hadn't meant to do. She had to get back to showing him around the house in order to take his mind off it. "Me too, Ronan," she said, feeling a bit sad. Then she dropped the sad mood and said, "But anyway, let me show you the other rooms." She opened the door to the laundry room and said, "This is the laundry room. If you ever need to have your clothes washed, feel free to use the washing machine and the dryer." She pointed to the cabinets above the two sleek white appliances and said, "The bleach, detergents, and fabric softener are in these cabinets."




"What kind of reward are you looking for?" asked Aeolus.


"Let's see..." the magi/magma said as his green eyes looked away and he thought about what he wanted in return. He engaged in a telepathic communication with his two buddies and discussed their desires. After they all came to a decision, they looked back at the disaster dragon and the mixed dragon asked, "Say, do you live in some kind of society? If so, what's it like?"


From the sound of it, the three dragons sounded like they wanted to join and live in a dragon group like a clan, village, or kingdom. Aeolus knew of two places as he explained, "Well I used to be a part of the Gallion clan, a noble clan by the way, until the humans killed some of us and separated the rest of us as slaves." The memory of the raid and massacre flashed through the horde leader's mind as he remembered the deaths of his father and his sister, Selena. He put that terrible memory to the side as he continued, "The clan was a large one and it was wealthy in that we lived in a luscious, beautiful forest and we had a stash of gold and gems. We even ruled over the land and the smaller clans that lived in our woods." The gold wasn't considered currency as they had no need to sell and buy, unlike the human cultures. But the gold and gems were considered good luck charms among dragons. The more you had, the luckier you were, or at least supposed to be.


Before the leader could talk about Doubloon's village, the three dragons smiled in content as the female magi said, "Ooh, you're a noble dragon?"


"I am," Aeolus answered.


The mixed dragon said, "Now that sounds like a clan I want to join."


"I see you're eager to want to join my clan. But first you'll have to show me your character and prowess in every destruction we take part in, then I will decide if I want you in my clan or now," said Aeolus. He wasn't going to let strangers in that easily.


((running out of energy))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Zeditha stood still, shaking slightly with nervousness and remembered anger. "I told him," she said. "I told him that killing made us worse than the humans. I said it made us the mindless beasts that the humans enslaved... But he wouldn't listen. I told him that the children, the babies were innocent... He said kill them all." A tear rolled down her snout and splashed onto the floor.

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The magi mix dragon said, "That we will." He looked at his buddies and asked, "Right guys?"


"Oh yeah sure," said the magi dragoness.


The storm dragon said, "Of course!"


"Very well then, you three are in," said Aeolus. "Welcome to the Vulture horde." The horde left the camp with the new recruits to search for the next camp. On the way, Aeolus thought about rebuilding his clan. The talk with recruits had made him think about the future after humanity's extinction. Gallion clan needed to be large again and he was going to invite some of the horde members into his clan. Plus he also needed to retrieve the gold, gems, and crystals stolen by the humans to show proof of his nobility status.

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Nick watched as Sparks ran off. Smiling, he turned to Akuma. "Well, look at that, I was able to help someone without being punched in the face!" he said as he smirked at Akuma as he ruffled the hybrid boy's hair. "Anyways, disregarding that random incident, what do you want to do now?" he questioned the hybrid boy, sticking his hands into his pockets as he talked. "We've already eaten, seen the performers and you don't want to go on any rides, can you think of anything more to do?" he questioned. Looking up at the sky, he yawned. It felt like this day was going on forever.

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Rina, after witnessing the whole scene, decided to forget about it, but she made a mental note about the necromancer. "Better be safe than sorry... who knows, maybe he isn't that harmless after all." - she thought. For now she decided to move on and explore the city a bit more, and she walked forward, past the duo.


When Rina passed them, she finally noticed that one of them was different: he had horns. Dragon horns. Immediately a squirrel thief came to mind, but dark blue dragoness managed to force these thoughts out and kept moving.

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Spinx hear three words 'Not a necromancer' and stop still feet from Nick. "Better watch your mouth around me magi, or I'll use your skull as a cup. I will very much kill you without any help from a minion, and watch as you suffer from poison. Unlike your friend necromancer, I personally hunt my prices, but for right now I have my own mission I need to do." Spinx said to nick in a cold tongue "And I would kill you even in front of a hellfire dragon, but if it not for the fact I already had a fight today, My sword would have been ran though you right at those words." Spinx walked even father from nick still not even turning around.


Merkath look at Atlas, "So you can shape shift as well. I take it Axle told you how to." He look at his brother, who have already fell asleep. Merkath Simple shook his large head. "It nice to meet you all, but as you can see Axle already passed out and I think I'll go to sleep as well."



(I'll post with the other two later.))

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Akuma made a 'hmph' noise, looking off somewhere else, "Good riddance" he mumbled as Sparks disappeared. Nick went on to say how amazing it was he'd helped someone without getting punched in the face. Akuma smirked at the notion. Nick hadn't even seen the punch coming that time. The hybrid looked back to Nick as he was asked what he wanted to do. "You promised marshmallows" he piped up finally. Truth be told it was late afternoon, but Akuma wasn't feeling it yet. Spinx backpedaled out of the bar at Nick's words. He emerged with his fur ruffled so to speak, spouting off threats towards the mage. Akuma bared his teeth at the necromancer, "Hah, the other necromancer would MAKE time" he spouted in anger. It was true enough, Kai seemed to go out of her way to mess with people even with her mysterious schedule. He could even smell her nearby- it seemed everyone was at the festival today. Akuma snapped his head to Nick like a child who wanted to 'tell on someone' to an adult.


Woltar regarded the two with a warming, scaley smile. "There now" he came closer, "It seems you found one alive" he looked at the human child in Chi's arms, "You did a good deed. Rest assured, we will start making preparations for the city to combat their genocides. They will not find this place so easy to destroy. If the humans and dragons here can learn to coexist, our talents combined would create a near unstoppable force" he explained. Woltar looked at the door briefly before looking back to the girls, "Don't dawdle on the memory. Mourning will not undo past events, but you can move forward to make a better future. So go out and enjoy the festival and leave the security matters to us. I hear they're setting off fireworks after dark. An amazing human invention if I say so myself. Explosions in the sky that produce sparkling colors for entertainment" he explained in an upbeat tone.

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Sparks heard shouting behind her and turned, debating on whether she should turn back. Eventually, her curiosity got the best of her and the girl walked back to the corner she had turned at. She peeked out from behind the building and saw the necromancy threatening the hybrid boy and his friend. Sparks gasped and hid before they could see her, running towards the forest. Jupiter, pick me up NOW. Just don't let anyone see you.

Oh, now what? The Brute dragon soared above the clouds, heading toward Windfall. She reached the city in no time, and swooped down a little closer, trying to locate her rider. She spotted Sparks near the outskirts of town, and dived down quickly, spreading her wings to land. Sparks saddled her dragon and together they lifted into the sky. "There's a necromancer there, and he gives me a bad feeling." Jupiter purred as they went above the clouds. Don't worry, he can't hurt you. I'll make sure of it.

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"Your not even worth my time Hybrid. So do everyone a favor and get lost." Spinx yelled back at Akuma. Spinx walked into the bar and took a seat at the counter and order a beer. Spinx set the drink on the counter as a hand shot from the side of him knocking over the beer. "Your a necromancer, and I don't like necromancers." A drunk person behind him said, as the smell of liqueur was evident with it strong smell.

"You own me a drink now." Spinx said as he turn around and look at the drunk person. "And I really don't give to shits on what you think. so go back to drinking your brain cells away." Spinx said as the drunk person face turn red. They grab Spinx by the collar and punch Spinx in the face as his head turn with the punch. This was meet back with a punch to the man gut, as people started to yell "BAR FIGHT". Spinx grab the man by the back of the shirt and ran his head into the counter and slide his head across the counter, hitting the man head against glasses. The man grab a glass and smash it against Spinx head, as blood came from the fresh wound. The man use the advantage of Spinx wound and proceed to punch Spinx in the gut and the face. Spinx grab the man fist and punch the man in the face, got behind the man, grab him by the back of the shirt and withing ten seconds, Spinx throw the man though the window or the bar. Spinx look out the window to the man was down for the count.

Spinx walked back to the counter, jump over it and grab three bottles of beer and jump back over the counter with the owner yelling at him and telling him not to step foot in his bar again. He walked out of the bar and look at the man on the ground. "Worthless piece of censorkip.gif." Spinx said as some guards were coming to see what happen at the bar, as Spinx vanish into the crowed again.


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Atlas caught the metallic scent of blood nearby. The smell was coming from Axle and this had her concerned. "I don't think he's just passed out. Something's wrong, can't you smell it?" she asked, sounding worried. She went over to the man and lowered her face to get close his body. After breathing in the scent, the dragoness thought, 'Yep, that's blood alright; his blood. Why the heck didn't Axle heal his own wound? He's a white dragon for Pete's sake.' After withdrawing her head away from him, she prodded the man with her paw and told, "Axle. Axle, wake up! You're bleeding."

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Axle felt being poked by a large paw. He heard Atlas, and open his eyes up to see her close to him. "Ya I know I'm bleeding, I can't stop it until the poison wear off. The certain poison make your mind fuzzy, making it near impossible to use magic of any kind unless your focusing on the certain spell really hard. Right now, I'm keeping myself in human form to keep the blood lost as little as possible. I am healing, but at a very slow rate. If I was in dragon form, I would lose more blood faster, and have a larger wound to cover." Axle said still breathing a bit faster than normal.

"Ever thought about sealing the wound without using magic, like burning it close?" Merkath asked as Axle shook his head.

Edited by draco8967

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