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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((Here's more recaps, but they're only memories I remembered of them.


Nick’s Story

- Nick takes Akuma to the festival and there they discover a fortune teller who has a crest related to the Avista mages (I think that’s what they’re called) that Nick belonged to. Then they go to the Avista tower that’s somewhere outside Windfall. There they encounter Arcaon and are attacked by him until a group of mages from another universe come and capture the dragon.

- Then Nick and Akuma are sucked into another dimension where humans are the dragons’ slaves. Nick is forced to pretend to be Akuma’s slave until his magic returns and they get to go home back to their own dimension.

- After they’re back in the original dimension, they go back to the festival.


Kai’s Story

- She meets with Tyler at the festival.


Albel’s Story

- Albel takes Akuma out for some menacing hunting lessons. They attacked hunters and Akuma kills one while the other flees.

- In the present day, Albel, Rika, and Fayt go to the city hall to learn breath moves and magic. Albel learns how to control his magma breath, Fayt his ice breath, and Rika learns light magic. After their sessions are over, I think they returned home.


Colin’s Story

- He finds a white dragon egg and it hatches into a female hatchling which he names Skaia. Now they’re at the festival I think.


Green’s Story

- After having fought Kathia, he meets Katherine and befriends her. They sleep together for the night before they wake up in the morning to go journey to Solomos.

- After some travel, they’re being attacked by dragon-unfriendly men.


Ronan’s Story

- He came to Windfall to find and kill the boss and gang who were responsible for his family’s deaths. The rest is summarized under Minerva’s story.


Tyler’s Story

- Prior to present day, he stole something from a store and then set it on fire. The Aquarians put out the fire.


Zeditha’s Story

- Zeditha carries Mia with her all the way to the NE region of Rudvich (I still don’t know how she managed to go there in one day considering the vast amount of miles to get from northern Solomos to there.) and meets Chi. She tells Chi about her story with the Vulture horde before they go to the festival for fun and meets Nick and Akuma.


Cloud's Story

- Cloud and Axle meets Akuma and then they fight zombie wolves. Then later in Windfall, they rent a hotel room and Marc spies on them as a squirrel. Later, Marc kills the hotel receptionist before he goes after Cloud and Axle. The two flee Windfall while Akuma separates from them.

- The rest is continued in Atlas's story.


Let me know if I've missed anything important that needs to be told, guys.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((you forgot mine red tongue.gif))


Ronan looked around the house. He smirked seeing the gym equipment. "Not much but it'll do for endurance." He said with a smirk at her. He looked outside. "So where does Drake sleep?" Wanting to make sure his friend got a good spot.

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((So my last polish are done to Sai liking, enjoy the new four, and Red yes she can teleport herself around in the seal, it just keep her from leaving.))


Spinx saw Atlas teleport herself out of the hole and was furious with him now. "Hm." Spinx hummed, than he felt a cut across his right shoulder as he grown in pain, as the wind blades sliced across his minion lords backs and sides, as they protect him the best they could. At this point Spinx started to laugh now, almost as if he enjoy the pain that was inflicted on him. "It was fun game we had, but now it time to stop this little game of ours." Spinx laughed at that as seal started to get smaller at fast rate, passing Spinx and the lords in mere seconds, until it was center around Atlas. Lord Eve let the chain magic go from the ground, as Spinx place a bone walls around Atlas encasing her in a box. Spinx simple smiled as he turn and started to walk away as a small snap of twigs as heard in the distance. Spinx simple laugh again and yelled in the air "Next time our game happen again, dragon, it won't be with Axle so close to save you," Spinx summon a drake to carry him away in the air faster than a dragon as the lords became one with the ground again.


((At that point the seal spell fades away, because Eve is no longer around.))


Axle ran into the clearing as he saw the bone Box around something. "What the hell?" Axle wonder why it was there.

Edited by draco8967

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"Nonesense, the entire chamber around the node had a crystalline structure and was lined with mundane essence, the most magically unreactive material known to man." he explained without thinking. The only way anything could have gone wrong is if there was outside tampering, sabotage. "Being a huge center of trade it was an obvious target." he said before thinking "But what do I know, I've only read about it in textbooks of course." When Zaros used his illusion magic Nick twitched only slightly and his eyes darted to the real location of the old water mage for only a moment as he sensed the magic being used. Smiling he asked. "So, how are you liking the city so far, it looks like it's your first time here." he said allowing the subject to change.

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((I actually said it took her three days, although it probably wouldn't make sense considering the time everyone else took while she was travelling. Plus, she is very fast when she wants to be. Perhaps there was a time distortion, and she could complete three days of travel within one day? You can add in whatever explanation you like there, I don't mind.))


Zeditha trotted after Mia, sticking close, almost looking like a pet. "Why are we going to the town hall?" she asked.

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((Don't worry, I said the rest is summarized under Minerva's story. I'm trying to keep things short here.


And sorry I forgot that, Zeditha.))


"Well at least that counts for something," Minerva said in response to what Ronan thought of the gym equipment. The outside didn't have much of a backyard, but it did have a small garden. Then the woman answered, "Well he could sleep in the garage. It's kind of empty since there's no car inside anymore." The only things left in the garage were the container of car oil, tool equipments, bug spray and a table. These were all kept at the side.




The seal suddenly closed in around Atlas. The magi watched in alarm as she was unable to do anything about this. Then chains rose up and pulled her to the ground, while a box made out of bones was encased around her. "What the hell?!" Atlas said as she struggled to free herself of the chains. Then Spinx left as he told her that next time won't be so lucky. "Axle? Axle's here?" she asked. She wondered how the white dragon managed to get here this quick. She thought she had put him in the spring cave for safety and she thought that place was far away. But if he can get here soon, that means... 'Ah crap, we're close to Windfall,' she thought. Great, she was back in the land of hybrids. It was bad enough they had Spinx chasing after them; now her nieces were at risk of danger from these freakish dragon-killers. The magi hoped she wouldn't encounter any of them during the journey to Trident Mountain.


After Spinx left on a drake, Atlas yelled after him, "Hey where you going? I'm not even done yet!" As she tried to break free of the chains again, the seal spell disappeared. By then, Spinx was gone. Then she stopped struggling, when she smelled Axle's scent and said, "Axle? Is that you?"

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Axle face palmed himself after hearing Atlas voice. "It best if you don't teleport me next time in a hot springs on top of a mountain." Axle said as he came over to Atlas. He could see Atlas chain to the ground and small holes he could see thought. "Lord Trok doing I guess," Axle said as he drew the sword to the bone box and cut away the top of it "And next time you want to risk your life, think first about who effect by your death, and I mean the two hatchlings. Your their family, I'm not." Axle said as he smashed the shield into the chains and slowly started to snap them apart. "You have enough to get out in human form now if you wish." Axle said as he lean against a bone wall, which fell with his weight as he land on top of it. "Ow."


((Will post Spinx and the new list later.))

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"Huh? Why?" asked Atlas, wondering what was wrong with teleporting him to the spring cave. Then after Axle sliced the top of the bone box off, he told her to think first about how her death would affect her nieces the next time she tried to put herself in danger. These words made the magi feel ashamed of herself as she thought, 'Damn he's right; what was I thinking? I'm their only family left and if I die, who's going to take care of them?' She had been so confident in her many victories that she thought that the end of the fight against Spinx would be no different. But then the enclosed seal spell combined with the bone box and chains proved to be a possible ensured death. If Spinx had stayed around to continue the fight, it might have been all over for Atlas. She may be dragon champion, but there was always going to be a first loss for her in the future. With all these thoughts in mind, Atlas vowed to be more careful next time.


After the chains were smashed, the magi replied, "Thanks Axle." She turned into her human form and the chains dropped to the ground around her. She walked over Axle and looked down at him, "So how are you feeling Axle? Are my nieces still at the hot spring cave?" She hissed through her teeth after feeling the throbbing pain from her back and head.

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The clone smiled, mimicking the thoughts of Zaros. "Ah but it faced the same demise in the end. For being so heavily fortified, it leaves quite the crater now. Not very well protected it seems. But I digress... they're all dead now so it doesn't much matter whose fault it was. But I can choose to learn from their mistakes. Never use such an unpredictable component. Especially one so easily manipulated" it said in a smooth voice. Zaros leaned against the fountain, taking notice that Nick had glanced his direction. Now there's something... Tipping your cards are we? he thought. Akuma looked between the two mages and frowned. Why were they acting so finicky towards each other? He felt tense around Zaros like the man had something to hide behind his seemingly cool smile. "So are you a mage or what?" he asked. Zaros shrugged sheepishly, "I do enjoy using my hand in water magic" Zaros looked back to Nick as he asked his question, "Oh no, I have been here a great many times before. Just... before the changes" he murmured.


Chi walked forward as she explained, "The Aquarians are posted in there so maybe we can speak to someone in charge. If we let someone know it may as well be the people in charge" she said. She opened the large doors to the building and stepped inside. It was empty now except for masters staying around that had been previously teaching classes.

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Zeditha stayed in the background, trying her best to appear as a pet or a slave. She found a discarded collar in a gutter and, although it disgusted her, slipped it on. She got really nervous around lots of people.


((She's pretty much not going to do anything until someone points her out or something gets too interesting. I get nervous around lots of people too, even if it;s my character in an RP who's around the people. Especially important people.))

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((I guess I'll go with Windfall as a starting position.))


A city. Something Rina wasn't used to at all.


Sure, she was aware of them before, as humans were a tad bit more civilized than dragons. Heck, even dragons had their own cities now. But Rina was born in a village, so the sight of Windfall was completely new and confusing to her. The place was huge and crowded - well, by her standards, and there were a lot of paths that were leading... somewhere.


"That does it. I'm getting myself a map." she thought. And there was another problem: where she would buy a map, if she is new to the city and doesn't know where the shop is? And besides, she didn't know whether this city had an economy or not.


"Seems like there are only two options for me: leave the city, or get myself completely lost here until I find something or someone that can guide me out of here." she thought with a deadpan, and moved forward to explore the city, making sure to avoid colliding with humans and dragons alike.


((Red, I read the last post regarding that squirrel thief (on page 47). It says that Atlas and Rina made the thief catch another squirrel, and then both dragons went their own ways. Still thanks for the recap.


And if anyone wants, you can interact with Rina.))

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"Ya, they are still in the hot springs place, and how I feel on the other hand, exhausted from all the running i did to get here. My legs feel like jelly because of that." Axle said as he sat up and look at Atlas "What about you? Seeing how you fought Spinx and two lords and came out a bit fine there, minus the fact you were chain to the ground." Axle said as he came to his feet. "Come on let get back to the cave before something else bad happens."


Merkath flew around a bit look for anything that could suit a place to stay so he could rest up a bit before heading out again. "There is no where in the dame north that provide any protection for a dragon my size." Merkath said as he turn around and head back a bit south-west now. He was going to head back to a cave that he saw close to a city that was still a bit of flight away from where he was at currently.


"Sir, a massage from Spinx have came in saying he need Juna to drag out Axle in order to capture him, and Axle seems to have a new group member as well, a magi dragon that have a bit of magic that he could tell. The bad news is that Marc and the knight rider of death were mostly killed by a collapse of a castle on their head. Spinx request a newer, better merc in order to capture Axle. He also states that is un-sure of what other power the magi dragon haves but he will try and find out." A solder said as he look into a shadow of a large empty room waiting for orders.

"So, find a merc for Spinx than, a solo operative this time." A voice roared out of the shadows of the large room, making the soldier shake a bit.

"I have already found one. I introduce Azera, a sword master and a master archer." The solder said as a Silver hair man with a glowing sword strap to his side and a bow strap around his shoulder.

"Fair enough, your job is to bring back a white dragon named Axle. I also want you to take a silver dragon with you named Juna to a necromancer named Spinx. It will help bring Axle out of hiding into a wide open field." The voice ringed from the shadow as Azera simple shook his head.

"Ya, got that all, payment is 32,000 gold. Half now and the other half after the job is finish, Another two thousand for transport this Juna dragon to your friend." Azera said as polite as he could. There was a growl from the shadow as if he just made the shadow angry.

"Fine." That was the last words of the shadow as two large bag of gold slide across the floor, along with a pair of keys to iron cuffs.

Azera pick up the two bags and the keys and proceeded to follow the solder to where Juna was being keep at. "She your problem now, not ours." The solder said as he open a door to the stairs as it lead down to the dungeon. He followed down the stairway, until they came to a iron door with a guard stand next to it. The guard open the doors as it bot scrap against stone as it open to a large dungeon with cells among cells next to each other and on top of each other. Both dragon and humans were among these cells, and at the very far end of the dungeon was a girl in a silver dress that was torn and batter.

Her cell was light so much that she did not have a inch of shadow in her cell and had a magi next to her cell. She hang on the wall by chains and iron cuff not only on her wrist, but on her waist, neck and ankles. "This is her, Azera. Juna can shape shift between dragon and human, just like her brother Axle, yet her form is not perfect, she still have claws, fangs, and her wings on her." The solder point to the claw tips on her hands and the wings that are hardly seen as they are bound to her body. "And if you don't keep her in chains she going to escape you before you can even get a hold on her.

Juna eye started to open at the chatter that was going on as she saw Azera holding a collar and star cuffs. She started to struggle to get free but eventually gave up and started to pant. A low growl was the best she could do to scare them, but it did not even effect them.

"I will teleport you to a city called Windfall, seeing how it the last location Spinx said Axle was seen at. Spinx also said make sure she alive when he get her." The magi said over Juna's growls.

Azera look at Juna and open the cell door as he came up to Juna. "So much trouble to just capture your brother." Azera said to juna in a harsh voice as she snapped at him, which she end up getting a fist to the face at full force that cause her to become dizzied. Azera quickly removed the collar from her neck and replace it with the one he was just given. He undid her ankles, which end up being a mistake on his part, bacause he soon got a kick to the gut, as she snatched the keys from Azera before he know what just happen.

She undid the cuffs around her waist and her wrist, and fell to the floor and try to take off out the door, but was grab behind by Azera, and was slammed to the floor on her chest, knocking the wind out of her. He grab her wrists and cuffed them behind her back with her wings pin to them. He pulled her off the ground and pinned her to the wall.

"Your already a pain in my ass, dame dragon. Now behave or your going to be knock out as much as is needed." Azera said with his face just inches from her.

Juna simple look bad at him with just as hard eyes as his was.

"We are ready to go. Now would be as good as a time as any." Azera said as he grab Juna by her arm. "Maybe teleport us outside the town so we don't bring attention to us." Azera said as the magi agreed and they were soon wrap in air and was gone with the wind.


Spinx's drake land down in a large tree close to Windfall as Spinx slid down off it and look at his wound. "Interesting power she got, might end up getting her body as my minion because of that. Well what ever." Spinx said as he removed his coat and open his bag up and pulled out a needle and tread and sowed his wound up. He could hear the festival from where he was at, even see it. But what really surprise him was the two magi talking to each other with a kid in orange hoody, and he remember that kid. "Well marc failed to kill him too, I see."


((Anyone going to yell at me for the huge post? I know it coming from someone here))

Edited by draco8967

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((Sai is mean to me sad.gif



"Mankind is an unpredictable component. Arcane flux can be calculated within a variable range. Calculating what a man will do is a bit more difficult. The fall of the ancient Magi council. The fall of mankind. No great civilization can exist without outside forces working to bring it down." When Zaros said he learned to never use unstable components. "If anything is to be learned, it's not to trust an exposed arcane node when it's in flux to be guarded by a small nightwatch." Zaros said he had been here before the changes. "Well it's basically a new city now. I don't think a single building survived the fires. Everything here is new."

Edited by picknick10

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Sparks continued down the street, gazing at the many attractions. The pygmy in her bag poked his head out, watching the people on the street curiously. Carefully, the hatchling slid out of the bag, dropped quietly to the ground, and ran off in the opposite direction, chattering happily. The trainer whipped around and sprinted madly down the street, shouting at the hatchling. "What are you doing?! Get back here!!" People on the streets stopped and stared as Sparks caught up to the dragon and grabbed him by the tail, putting him back in her bag. "Don't you ever run off like that again! You aren't supposed to be here in the first place." Feeling self-conscious, Sparks pulled up her hood and walked quickly down the street.

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((sorry for the absence, I haven't felt very inspired recently))


"Nice you meet you Tix." Tyler said with a slight bow to the tainted shadow-walker. While Tyler silently admitted that being trapped in limbo for all eternity didn't sound so great, his point did get across to Kai as she conceded that dying period wasn't exactly on her to-do list. "Well if we're done here we can either part ways or head to the warehouses. One of them should be locked up right about now." he said leading the way out of the fair. On their way out Tyler spotted city hall and a mischievous smile came to his face. "Could also crash some of those magic lessons that the Aquarians were hollering about not too long ago. Imagine the censorkip.gif they would get into for letting a known criminal bust into city hall and make a mess of the place, and then get away with it to boot." Anyone with eyes and two cents in the brain could tell he was itching for the opportunity to create some havoc.




Jason stayed quiet during Roderick's announcement. He felt it was important to completely separate themselves from any dragon influence and that included supply runs to the city. After all what was the point of protesting against dragon rule if you fed your children from the scalies hands. This however would be an argument for another time. For now the camp was distancing itself and that was a start. he'd have to be sure to include survival lessons for the refugees, doing so would hopefully inspire them to completely cut their ties with windfall and stand on their own two feet. "We should collapse the watchtowers and take them with us, even if it's just in pieces. Those towers will be essential in securing a safe place to sleep." Jason said to Kathia and Roderick. "I'll round up some men to get that done. Kathia do you want to help?" Jason offered to Kathia.

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((Thanks for reminding me, Tron.))


"Eh, sorry I had you running like that," the woman said, feeling a bit bad about Axle's legs' state. As Atlas got the awkward feel of trying to make her hand reach either the throbbing back or head, she replied, "Bad... Spinx got me good with that bones spell he sent at me. Now my head and my back are hurting like crazy." Then after Axle got back up on his feet, Atlas said, "Right!" She teleported both herself and him back to the spring cave.


Danielle was done eating the fish, but Kylie didn't eat any of it. She had tried a taste of it, but spat it out as it wasn't part of the balloon dragon diet. "Aunt Atlas, I'm hungry," she said to the woman.


Atlas walked slowly and awkwardly over to the hot spring as she told her niece, "Don't worry, I'll get you some food as soon as I stop hurting." She carefully set herself into the hot spring with one leg going in and then the other leg going after. Then she let herself slowly sink into the warm water. The spring was quite soothing to the pain.




"Well it's a shame to see all that hard work put into these towers turn back into <insert word>, but we got to do what we got to do," said Roderick.


"Sure," Kathia said.


((That's all I got.))




((So since Zeditha got to Windfall 3 days after the attack on the camp, that would mean the combat training also took place 3 days earlier. So now Aeolus's new recruits are ready to take on the humans, and this post will take place in the present day.))


The new pygmy soldiers, using the stealth skills taught by the Vulture Horde, snuck into the next targeted refugee camp to analyze offenses and defenses of the place. Soon after their task was done, they sent their reports to Aeolus via telepathy and told him that the camp's defenders were only weapon users and none of them can use magic. 'Good, another easy to destroy village. Get out of the village, so that I can give the humans the deadly first strike,' the disaster dragon said to them. The pygmies quietly left the camp without any of the humans spotting them. One guy almost found one of them after the pygmy tripped and fell, but luckily his female ally pulled him over to her before he was seen. Once they were all out and at a safe distance, the pygmies told Aeolus they got out. Without any dragon in the way and at risk for death, Aeolus cast a tornado on the refugee camp and sucked in the humans and objects into the vortex. Lutarn the gray dragon summoned thunder clouds and had the lightning bolts strike the humans dead inside the tornado.

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((Eeeeeh not the best way to start in Windfall, Sparks lol. But, it bought interaction))


An armored Hellfire dragon peered over the rooftops, watching the streets for trouble. He saw a small girl running through the streets (Sparks) snapping a whip at a Pygmy. The dragon's eyes burned into her back as he flew down, landing heavily in front of her path and spread his large wings so she could not pass. People in the streets scattered to avoid the hulking wyvern as he craned his head down to look at Sparks. "Halt! Slavery is not permitted in Windfall. Why then, are you capturing that pygmy?" he growled. Hellfires were certainly known for their hot tempers and this had been no exception.


"No, they're not. But then again... I never leave something so... potent... in accesibility to others. Trust is an illusion of humanity. For a more secure world, there must be a clear pecking order with only one having all the keys" his true form looked at the fountain again, watching the water pour into the pool below. "Guards are corruptible. The master of the castle should have been watching something so valuable. Things like guards are pawns. Pieces that should be disposable in protection of the key pieces. They do not need such close access to pieces themselves" he chuckled quietly. The real form walked off towards city hall. Once out of view, his clone continued, "But I see this has no real meaning. As you are of course just a bookworm in a costume..." he paused, showing a slight smirk for only a moment, "Enjoy the festival, Verista. I have work to do" with that his cloned puffed away into mist, which floated away in the wind. Akira jumped up, noticing that it had been a clone. He looked around frantically, "God dammit he did it again! He always does this!" he yelled. The teen paused as if realizing something and ran off towards city hall.


Chi looked down at Zeditha and did a double take as she saw the dragon put on slave collar. "What are you doing?" she said in a quiet, hissed voice of concern. "Going to the station of the Aquarians dressed as a slave is not good for first impressions" Chi walked a bit faster so as not to draw attention. Stragglers of classes were still clearing out from the main hall. She walked to the main desk, "Hi can I speak to one of the Aquarians in charge? I have some potentially important information about a conflict" she stated. The human receptionist nodded, "Sure, just a moment" she tapped a button on her headset, "Woltar, someone is here to see you on security" there was a muffled voice on the other end. "Go ahead in" she motioned towards a side door.


Tix clicked a few notes in response before crawling back down into Kai's shadow. Kai looked blankly at Tyler as he suggested they go heist a warehouse or cause a ruckus in the city hall. She cleared her throat, "Oh you go right ahead. I'm not sure you'll come out of city hall so unscathed. Not even at night either. I hear dragons have hawk eye vision, and that it's even better at night" she shook her head, "No... I prefer to do my work in the shadows. Makes Tix's work easier too. Considering, he can be intangible as long as he's in a shadow" she explained.

Edited by Sai

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(She doesn't have a whip… She's a trainer. I think you read that wrong lol)


Sparks looked up at the Hellfire wyvern with frightened eyes, holding the dragon close to her chest. The hatchling, unaware of what was going on, licked her cheek and purred playfully. The trainer glanced at the pygmy and turned back to the armored dragon "I'm so sorry! He snuck into my bag when I was leaving for town and ran away. It's all just a game to him." She held the hatchling closer to her chest, and it nibbled her finger playfully. "And what do you mean? I would never harm him! I'm his trainer."

Edited by SparksflY

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Ronan went to the living room area of Minerva's home and sat down. "It's a nice home. How long have you had it?" He asked curiously. Drake had already gone to the garage. He found it to be more spaceous than he expected.

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The spring dragons and flower pygmies surrounding the outskirts of the camp blew out sleep-inducing pollen. The pollen would be pulled in by the force of the tornado and tranquilize any escaping human it came across. This would allow the other dragons to spot them out easily and kill them quickly. The leaf pygmies stayed hidden among the bushes and trees, so that their brown scales and leafy wings would camouflage be mistaken as being parts of these plants. When humans came across them, the leaf pygmies would ambush them and kill them by the throats. The wasp pygmies worked together with the honeycomb pygmies' bees and stung the refugees to death, whether by being stabbed in vital points or by allergies. The other dragons worked in the way they did best.


Later after raid was completed, the horde was successful in annihilating the entire camp. Aeolus looked at everyone and said, "Well done, Vulture Horde. Another nest of demons has been exterminated. And you recruits have done an amazing job for your first time." The former slaves felt pride in their accomplishment as beginners. "Now we will celebrate this victory by feasting on our enemies. Everyone eat to your hearts' content," he said. Then the dragons went to eat up the refugees.




Minerva answered, "For 19 years; that's my whole life. My father died years ago in a car accident and my mother passed away last year. So now I've been trying to make a living to take care of myself and make money to pay up my bills and save money for college classes. It's really hard work when you're young and alone without a degree."

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Ohhhhhh damn I read that backwards as in whipped dragon not whipped after. Edited))

Edited by Sai

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((Sai lured me into a room with a low ceiling and made me hit my head sad.gif ))


"No one person had access to the center vault. It required three keys to open, one held by the arch mage, and two held by the next highest ranking mages. The guards never had access. The problem is universal. If a man can make it, a man can break it. No many times how you check it, re-check it and, check it again someone can find a way in. The only certain constraint for a man is death." when the clone suddenly poofed into mist he inhaled deeply, closing his eyes as he breathed in the mist. "Every magic has a unique scent." he explained to Akuma as the other one ran off.


Shortly after Zaros ran off Nick heard a commotion. There was a girl talking to a hellfire dragon guard, and boy did that guard look pissed, it looked like it was going to smash the poor girl into the ground any moment. Walking up casually, being careful not to get in the angry dragons way he said to Sparks, "It's not the brightest idea to tell a dragon guard you're a dragon's trainer, it makes it look you're referring to the little guy as a your pet."

Edited by picknick10

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((You jumped up in a low ceiling room. Not my fault you ****ed up. I won't say I didn't laugh my ass off, though))


Akuma cocked an eyebrow at Nick as he chose to inhale the mist the mage left behind. He shook his head. "There's something wrong about that..." he mumbled. It was like he just breathed in another mage. His eyes darted around at the sudden commotion, settling on a human girl being berated by a guard. "Heh, she's probably pissing herself" he said with a smirk. He enjoyed seeing a human on the receiving end for once. Nick moved over to intervene with the situation. Akuma frowned and trailed behind, standing a few feet behind Nick as he piped up to get the girl's attention.


The Hellfire snorted at the girl and looked down at the hatchling. It looked unharmed... for the moment. He exhaled heavily, steam coming out his nostrils, "And just what do you mean by trainer then? Do you mean to keep a dragon as your pet? As if that's any better than a slave?" he asked. The dragon swayed his head over to Nick as the human came to intervene. A low thrum escaped his throat idly as Nick gave a few words of warning to the girl. The guard looked back to Sparks for an explanation.

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Zeditha crouched, and cut through the collar with a claw. It was old and ragged, and her sharp claws made short work of it. She burned it as well, glad that she wasn't going to be wearing it. Then, hearing a voice ushering them in, she trotted quickly forwards.

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