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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Cloud and Axle both look at the balloon dragon, who hid behind a pillar. "Hurt you? Why on earth would I hurt you?" Axle sound confused by this. "Wait. Did something happen to you in the past?" Axle asked. He saw the smirk on Cloud face. "What are you smirking about?" Axle Snapped at Cloud who started to laugh now. "Dragon scent is coming from you, which means your magic power weaken a bit, over the past week." Cloud said as he could smell Axle dragon scent again. "How much you want to bet it that your in human form and your Dragon scent is thicker on you." Cloud said and look at the balloon dragon. "He won't hurt you. He does not attack anyone that does not attack him or his friends." Cloud said trying to reassure her. "You might as well show them your true dragon form." Cloud said as he back up a bit to give Axle some room. Axle back up in the darkness of the room out of range of the flare. With in moments, the scent from Axle dragon form could be smelled very much now. Just barely saw was Axle white wing, which he pulled back out of the light. Axle came into the light showing the White scales of his dragon hide. He laid down, showing he was no threat, even if he was 6 times their size. He curled his tail around to his head and laid his head down on it, but still leaving his blue eyes on the girls. On his body, just right under his wing, was a scar from a sword that could be clearly seen, even in the green light.

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Zeditha rolled her eyes. She hated showing off, espescially her powers. Quickly setting fire to a well-chosen bush, she leaped into the air and hovered. She focused hard on the end of her tail, envisioned a ball of lightning crackling over it. She pushed her power into the image and felt - nothing. Sighing, she brought her tail in front of her. No ball of lightning. She settled back onto the ground. "I've been trying to use magic for years," she explained. "Never got the hang of it, though. I just tried to summon a lightning ball, supposedly one of the easiest forms of magic. Ah well, I have my fire." she curled herself around the flaming bush, separating it further from the forest.

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The minute that Jason stepped into the restaurant he felt out of place. The place was fancy, the kind of place he would have taken his departed wife too for a night out. He had in fact without realizing it started tucking in his shirt while Kathia requested a table for two. Once they were seated the waiter took Kathia's order of tea and looked to Jason. "Uh...just water please." He said not really looking at the drink menu. The waiter left and Jay turned his attention to Kathia. "I'm not under dressed am I?" He asked.




"Well I could try some strength training when we set our next camp. And Green it is until we get you a proper name." She concluded before returning her attention to the thus far ignored fish. They were still alive and seeing as Green didn't need any she tossed two back into the river and ate the third. Once finished Kat licked her chops, stood and stretched. "I guess we better get going. I really held us up this morning." She said looking at the sun in the sky. Kat turned to face the river, their first challenge although...they could probably just glide over it. "I'll go first." She said feeling empowered after their little chat. Kat backed up and took a running start at the river. She jumped at it's ledge and flared her wings out giving them a few good flaps and then gliding to the other side. Her landing was rough and she almost overbalanced. "You're turn!" She called back to Green.




Tyler was meandering around the carnival with a pocket full of money and not sure what it was he wanted to spend that money on. There was cotton candy, corndogs, and various other carnivalish things. He spotted a fortune tellers tent and huffed. Sure divination wasn't exactly impossible but most people claiming to see into the unknown were frauds. So Tyler doubted the 'seer' in that tent was any different. He continued to paruse the place looking for the thing to start with.


((@Sai: Is there a new currency?))

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Ronan sighed trying to forget the past. He nods to Minerva. "Yeah, I'd like that." Trying to give her a smirk. Drake followed them making sure to walk carefully due to his size. "So, what are you doing in this city anyway? Is the AED your only focus?" Ronan asked to understand her better.

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((Naww it's the same currency as always. Gold, silver, and copper))


Kai wandered around the streets, stopping short to look at the festival. Maybe that would draw attention away from herself. She snorted and walked to the town square, entering the festival promptly. She felt a disinterest in stealing anything. Nothing worth stealing at a measly fair. She tried to get used to her new... temporary limbs, trying to fold her wings against herself. "I don't know how you manage these" she groaned. A few clicks came from her shadow in response. She looked around the crowd and saw a little boy with a staff and witch hat. Boy that reminded her of Nick. Where had she seen his face? ... She looked to the side and saw a wanted poster with his face on it. That would be where. Oh yeah, the idiot from last night. Amateur thief she smirked.


Akuma smirked at hearing Nick get flustered over his words. So it worked after all. He glanced up at Nick when the mage turned to question his motive behind the 'secret club'. A smug look crossed his face, "No, it's just fun seeing you squirm over something so simple as a tower. You act like it's your... what do they call it... spouse? Who cares?" he grabbed at the ball as Nick took it away, "So maybe someone rebuilt it and is using it as a school again. What's it to you? Don't tell me you're some elitist about secret club entries. You didn't seem very keen on letting that guy in" he pointed out the tent where the fortune teller had run off. Akuma followed after Nick to the house. When asked what they should bring, he merely shrugged. Not like he cared. Akuma never owned anything anyway. He was used to traveling light.

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Green made a vine bridge and crossed over to the other side.


Day 5, Forest

“Alright.” He said, then to the river and began to note how they would go over it. When Kat said she’s going first, he thought he should be ready to help in case something happens and she fell in. It turned out to be next to nothing when she landed gracelessly on the other side. He heard it was his turn now. He started taking flight by unfolding and flapping his wings, raising his forelegs up first, and then his hind legs. Getting up to right height, he made his way to the other side and landed on hind legs first, then his forelegs. Folding his wings, he looks Kat. “After you.”


Day 5, Windfall, Alchemy Shop

They decided to open. Not a lot of people came, but there were still a few. Colin thought about going to the carnival, but he needs the money, and he already spent some of it on himself and Skaia. “It’s almost been a week since that day…And meeting Skaia.” He mutters while by himself. He grabs his pack and looks inside to see a necklace with a jewel encrusted on the slab. While he went to get his dagger he left on the white dragon the day after the Outbreak, he had to make sure Skaia doesn’t see her mother with a pack. He found this necklace around the dragon’s neck and thought he should take it as a memento for the hatchling. The only problem is that it’s too big for her to wear. “I’ll figure something out.” He mutters while putting the pack away.

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((Going to Bring Spinx back into this.))


Spinx came to the edge of the windfall. He took off his robe and place it in side his bag and pulled out a potion that cover his scent so no one know he was a necromancer at all. His tan skin seems to glow a bit, and his black hair was short. He wear Black clothing and had a long sword strip to his side. It was a silver sheath and had a green hilt on the sword. He had a scar across his face on the right side that go across his red ruby eyes. He walked into the Alchemy Shop, and look around a bit. Than he grab potion vials, some books, and a large amount of stuff to use in Alchemy. He walked to the front desk, drop a large amount of Gold on the counter, Way to much for the items he took and walked out, not caring for the remaining gold he could have got back. He shoved the stuff he got in his bag and vanish in the crowed, passing the carnival and out the other side of town in a matter of a hour, at a very fastest pace.


((About 50-100 gold of stuff and drop just a good handful of 250 on the counter.))

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“R-really?” asked Kylie, responding to Cloud who said that Axle won’t hurt her. Then Axle turned into a white dragon and laid down in front of her. The balloon hatchling stared at him for a bit before she slowly walked over to him; cautious as to whether he’ll attack or not. He didn’t. Her nervousness died down and she started to feel safe around him.


Danielle looked at Axle’s dragon form and asked, “Are you a hybrid?” From her knowledge of hybrids, some of them looked like humans and they had the ability to turn into dragons. Perhaps Axle was one, considering he smelled like a dragon, which was another trait of hybrids.




Aeolus watched the dragoness light the bush on fire before she took to mid-air. Then she tried to cast a magic spell, but nothing happened. She told the horde leader that she had been trying to use magic for years, but it seemed difficult for her. “Well miss, perhaps you would like to learn how to use magic from the night magi, Eitri. His breed is the descendant of the true magi dragons and because of that, he exceeds well in magic. He will teach you how to use magic the proper way. But of course, if you want to learn from him, you’ll have to join the horde,” Aeolus said to her. Having another magic user would be a valuable asset to the horde, as she would combat the magic of the humans mages they encounter.




After the waiter took their orders, he told them that he would be right back with the drinks. “Haha, no you’re not. I’ve seen a few people come to this place wearing casual clothes before. So it’s no big deal dressing how you look,” Kathia answered. Then she took up the menu to see what was on it. The starters had a soup of the day, fresh fruit bowl, shrimp cocktail, and artichokes in parmesan lemon sauce. The shrimp cocktail had the girl’s mouth watering as she knew of its delicious taste. But the baked brie at the appetizer menu was kind of curious since it was usually savory foods and not sweets that were the appetizers. Putting the menu down a bit, Kathia asked, “Hey Jason, want to start off with some appetizers.”




"Me too," Minerva replied. Then she spoke about what she did in the city.“Well most of the time it is, because I work over there as a journalist. But other than that, I also try to live a normal life as everyone else. Hanging out with friends and what not.” They walked on over to the performers, who were all women in brightly colored costumes with large feathers in the back to give the appearance of wings. They danced as their feathers and beads shook.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Zeditha shook her head. "I don't want to embarrass myself," she said. "Anyway, my teacher was a magi dragon. He never told me who he was descended from - He never had time. He taught me how to focus on creating a lightning ball, but our lesson was cut short by a group of human warriors. They slew my mentor before he had time to fight back." her voice was bitter, but resigned. "That was a long time ago. I keep trying, but..." she flicked her tail towards where she had just utterly failed to conjure anything. "As you saw, I'm still no good at all. I work fine with tooth and claw."

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Ronan stopped when they saw the stage performance. Ronan looked down slightly. "I have no clue what to do with my life anymore........Now that my revenge is done......I feel incomplete." He said sadly. He wasn't sure what his next step was.

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The horde listened to the dragoness's story about how she was about to learn how to use magic, but then her mentor got slain by humans. Aeolus closed his red eyes in respect for the deceased mentor and said, "It's a shame you never got to spend much time with your mentor. You would have been a great magic user if not for the humans." Then he reopened his eyes and reasoned, "But miss, you shouldn't be afraid to try to learn magic again. You weren't good at it because you didn't get enough training time. You won't know how good you are at it until you've had proper training. With magic, you'll be come a better fighter and add more arsenal than just fangs and claws. You'll be even stronger that way. You would want that, would you?"




Minerva heard Ronan talk sadly about having no clue what to do with his life anymore. She turned her head around at him as she said, "Huh?" What had gotten him down again? He answered that he had gotten his revenge, but now he feels incomplete. It sounded like he was talking about the kidnapper he slew to save her. "That's the thing with revenge; sometimes it causes more problems than it solves. I'm not sure what you can do after that, but maybe you could find a job somewhere in town. I know the AED has some job openings up to replace our lost members," she said to him.

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Ronan listened to her explain out the problem of revenge and point out that he could find a job. He shook his head replying, "No......I'm not of any use in an organization like that. I'm trained to hunt and kill. AED sounds like it doesn't use someone with those skills." He watched the show, not all that entertained really.

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Zeditha shrugged, placing a paw over the fire. It sizzled slightly, and went out. "I don't care, really. I just hate magic, because it killed my mentor and my only friend, and I could never use it." she closed her eyes, reliving the desperate attempt to rescue the other dragon. "I couldn't save him." Oppening her eyes again, a mad flurry took over her. "I'll never have a friend again!" she hissed madly, eyes flaring with fear and anger. She backed into the trees, wings raised.

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((*Latches onto Sai and never lets go*))


Nick looked at Akuma angrily. "Magic is finite you know.." he pointed out as he got out a big map and spread it out on the table in front of them. "Its not a problem for experienced mages, but inexperienced mages burn through magic like candy. They need an outside source." he took his hand and waved it over the map, several faintly purple glowing prisms appearing in several different places over the map. "You need an aura node build a tower and teach magic to a large amount of people or else they'll simply run out of magic." bringing his finger over near the center of the map he pointed a finger at one of the nodes. It exploded and a mini shock wave flew over a nearby area of the map, changing the land from lush forest to a dark purple crater. "That's where Verista was. The node exploded destroying everything around it. The other four nodes are being used, and if a new node had appeared people would be rushing to settle around it. So no, you cant just build a new Verista." turning he left the map there as he turned to pack. "That, by the way," he said referring to the big purple crater on the map, "Is where we are headed to"

Edited by picknick10

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"No I'm not, though from where I'm from, I'm called a hybrid for I have the power to alter my form, but here, I'm a full dragon with magic power do do so. I rather keep a low profile that I'm a dragon, for from where I'm from, there are not many of my kind left." Axle said with a bit of disappointment. He hate revealing his secret to people, even to people he does not know. Axle switch his form, this time in the light, and it was almost instance. he stood up, walked over to a pillar and lean against it. "See from where both me and cloud are from, it not much different from it is here. Always someone hunting something, in order to protect or achieve what they want." Axle said as he started to slid down the pillar. "Plus I'm older than what ever hybrids was here."


Cloud look around a bit more to know fully where they were at. Than he heard tap on of steel on stone, as if someone was hitting a sword against a stone wall. It was light, and slowly started to get heavier. "Axle I think we were follow some how, even after being teleported." He said in a quite voice to Axle, who instantly jump to his feet. "Is this place 100% sealed from the outside world?" Cloud asked as he pick up his swords and keep his eyes on the darkness ahead. "Because if it not, we are about to get an uninvited guest here shortly." Cloud said as Axle was heard picking up both his swords and placing the straps over his shoulders. Something was getting to Axle now, for he started a low deep growl, as if he was in full protection mode from what he can guess, Marc. "Find somewhere to hide, and try and reach the mage dragon, as Axle calls it, your ante. Stay hidden no matter what you hear" Cloud said to the two as he grab the other three flares and lit one and throw it as far as he could down the stone hallway. The flare was instantly put out with one swing of a sharp sword, one that look like Cloud's swords.


"Do you know how hard it is to get into a castle though tunnels and sewers. Now, are we just going to make a mess of this whole place, or can I just take your head Cloud, and capture you, Axle." Marc voice was heard. Both Cloud and Axle pulled out their swords in sync. "Never will happen." Growled Axle. Cloud look at the two. "Go, Now." Cloud said as Axle Vanish into the shadow, and was soon followed by steel clashing together. Cloud stomp on the Flare, putting it out, and vanish in the cover of darkness. Sparks of their swords clashing was all that could be seen in the darkness.

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((Draco I think you meant halfling not hybrid. Hybrids are something I made))

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((No he a full dragon. He from a different region. (Not from this map)

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"Well I suppose I'll have to think of another job, won't I?" said Minerva after listening to why Ronan wouldn't be fit for the AED. She pondered her thoughts and brainstormed some occupations that would fit the foreigner. The first thing that came to mind was hunting. Being a hunter involved hunting and catching animals for food, fur, and other purposes. The hunter would trade in the animals he/she caught and get paid. Minerva looked to Ronan and confidently suggested, "How about becoming a hunter? That would put the skills you have to good use."




The dragoness declined the offer once again, this time stating her reason for it. Magic was the force that got her mentor killed and she would never use that same kind of weapon. Then she angrily said that she'll never have a friend again. Aeolus could see how distraught she was about her past that made her bitter. "Such pain... The humans took away someone very precious to you. I know that feeling well," the green dragon said, understandingly. "Because I had the same thing happen in my life. The only difference between you and I was that I lost my family."


Bam, the horde leader's cousin, looked at the dragoness and emphasized the detail, "His immediate family. I just happened to be Aeolus's cousin."


Aeolus told her that his father, sister, along with some other relatives had been killed by humans during the family reunion. He, his mother, and Bam along with the other survivors were sold into slavery shortly after that. His mother had unfortunately died a three centuries later from constant starvation and overworking. "The humans had taken everything away from me. They took everything away from all of us! Even today, they're still going at it. That's why I'm building this horde so that we can crush the humans once and for all," said Aeolus with his eyes furrowing to look mad.




((I'll just pretend you said "shape-shifter" in the first sentence, Draco. Hybrids were created in the lab. Halfings are offspring of a human and a dragon. All halflings are humans with dragon wings and eyes, no other physical draconic trait. Hybrids look like, well you can read about them here: http://dragons-vs-humans.wikia.com/wiki/Hybrids The scents between the two species are different as halflings smell more like humans, while hybrids apparently smell like dragons.))


"Not a wot, why?" Kylie asked after Axle told them about what he was. She and her sister wondered how his kind got to be endangered. Then Axle told them that there was dragon-human conflict back at where they came from.


"How old?" Danielle asked about the human-turned dragon who said that he was older than the hybrids. Then Cloud sensed something was wrong and warned everyone about the intruder inside. When told to go hide, the sisters said, "Okay, we will!" Then the hatchlings ran away through the hallway to get to the king's chamber for safety.


Danielle, being the faster dragon, had the distance gap widen between herself and her sister. "Slow down, Danielle. I cun catch up," she said, not wanting to be alone and left behind to the bad guy that was in the castle.


The whiptail slowed down a bit to let her sister catch up. Then she telepathically called her aunt, 'Aunt Atlas, there's a bad guy in the castle! Help us!'

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((Yeah hybrids are typically mostly dragon so they take on a dragon scent. The others like Akuma are half and half, though they still have a resilient draconic scent even in human form))


Akuma smiled smugly in return of Nick's angry tone and stare. "If you mean you lose energy faster, duh. But who cares? That's the typical learning process. Even with dragons" he snorted. Akuma slitted his eyes at Nick's explanation, "You can't run out of magic. You just run out of strength. If magic was in such a FINITE supply, big cities of humans like this would be in a lot of trouble" he poked at the holes in Nick's words. He looked back down to the map where Nick pointed out where they were going to travel next. He smirked and then laughed, "Wow you sure do have a fetish over this tower. Beating up an innocent over it. I mean, I'm not any fan of humans but ha. That was somethin. Do you always yank people up by the throat that don't answer all your questions in a sentence?" he asked, lacing his fingers behind his head.

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((So you didn't notice she was kinda going into mad fighty mode?))


Zeditha listened as she was told of the loss of a family. She closed her eyesfor a few seconds, and when she opened them they were their normal colour. "I'll join you," she hissed determinedly. "But promise me this. If we ever find the people who killed my mentor, I get to rip them to shreds. Personally. slowly."

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Marc was very much holding his own against both Axle and Cloud, as their swords clash against stone and steel. Marc simple jump back and shook his head. "Can't have witnesses around when I do my job can I?" Marc said as he raised his hand and drop it down as a sudden, and large amount of shadows moved from where they were standing. Their scents was cover by mud and stone, so Axle did not pick them up. "You eight, go after the hatchlings, the rest of you deal with these two with me." Marc order the men as they all understood their orders and went after the hatchlings, and the rest enter the fight with Marc against Axle and Cloud.


"Axle, Go protect the hatchlings, I'll hold them off the best I can." Cloud said to Axle, Even after Axle change course and went after the eight dark figures.


"You, against all of us? Well, I would say you are insane, but we all know why. You are just trying to be brave and hope to kill a good amount of us and save Axle's life, like he did for you before." Marc said as he and his men attack Cloud at full force. Cloud took his sheath and throw it into the air, as all five of the other swords drop from the air and stabbing into the stone floor.


"No, I will Kill everyone of you, if it the last thing I do." Cloud snap back at Marc and he block swords and killed Marc men. Every time he block one, he grab a sword from the ground and ran it though the next and combine it with his main sword as it got larger, and heavier. Blood splatter across the ground from the fight against the large amount of men, from both sides. Cloud back was slices open from a blade of Marc's and is shoulder was injured as well.


They still well outnumber him by 50 to one, and there was only one thing he could do. He took his final blade he have yet to combine and combine it with the other six, as the blade started to glow yellow. One of black figures was slice down as he swung his sword at Cloud.


"That only works against seven targets Cloud, you can't kill us all." Marc said as his blade crash with Cloud heavy blade.


"I was not planning to use it on you or your men." Cloud snap as he throw Marc back with his heavy blade and than flick his blade up, and all six of the combine swords fly out of the center one, still glowing bright yellow. The swords stop next to six pillars that connect to the roof. "I plan to bring the roof down." Cloud said as he vanish from sight, leaving a light of where he went to. Suddenly, as if sound have broken, a pillar came crashing down, one by one, until there was only one left. Marc look hard at Cloud as he stop right next to the pillar.


"You won't." Marc sound a bit surprise by what Cloud was doing.


"I would, and I will." Cloud said as he swung the blade as the pillar, shattering both the blade and the pillar. Rubble from above started to fall, as the shards of metal hit the ground from the impact. He felt Marc sword pierces his chest.


"You fool, you just not only doomed, me, my men, your own life, but that of Axles and the Hatchlings." Marc growled into Cloud ears and he pulled his blade out, than felt Cloud own blade though his chest.


"It was very much worth it, Marc." Cloud said weakly as he fell to the floor, just seconds before Marc own body fell. 'Axle will survive, he just like that.' Cloud thought as the light started to get darker.


Axle ran after the eight dark figures that ran after the two hatchlings, as he slowly gain on them. He pulled both his swords over his shoulder and throw it at the two closes, running them though their chest. He did not even pick up his swords as he ran by the bodies, at a full sprint. The other six notices they were not alone in this chase, as two broke off from the group and went to stop Axle.

"Get out of my way!" Axle yelled at the two as grab the two that broke off from the group, grab their heads and slammed them into the stone floor, crushing their skulls. He grab two knifes that hit the floor and throw them at the next two closes, missing completely this time, as the knifes sailed though the air, and sticking to a wooden pillar that was not far ahead of the hatchlings. He could hear Marc voice in the distances, than he what sound like steel crashing against stone.


'Dame it, Cloud. Your going to bring down this whole castle.' Axle thought to himself as he finally caught up with the remainders of the group Marc sent after the hatchlings. He caught them by full surprises when he grab the two back, and snap one neck and ran another though with his partner sword. The other two turn their attention to Axle, but they had slow reaction when grab them both and throw them into the ground, hard. They lost their weapons, as the cold blades slide across the ground. He pulled back his hand from one and throw the other down the hall way behind him, than he did the same with the other one. He heard just seconds later, rocks falling from high places.


He look at the two hatchlings, just for a brief second. He was than grab from behind and slammed into a wall, causing pain to go though his spine. One of the man he throw back down the hall way slammed him into the wall, and went and punch Axle in the face, than into his stomach. Axle gasp for air when the man did that, as he saw the other going for their weapons, as he fell to the stone floor. The same man when and kick him in his side than place his foot on Axle back and press hard down, forcing Axle to stay on the ground.


As if they talked though each other minds, the other one went after the two hatchlings, right after passing the other his weapons. He took both his weapons and shoved them though Axle back, causing him to scream in pain, as the blood flowed from the fresh wounds, and out the corner of his mouth. The corner of his vision was starting to get blurry now, until he passed out from the pain and blood lost.


((Yes you may kill the other two that are left, and sorry for the huge post, but i need to put this down. Mean NPCs))

Edited by draco8967

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Kat felt a twinge of jealousy seeing Green's superior flight technique. "Thanks." She said simply as she took the lead as indicated by Green. "We've got a lot of time today so lets try and cover a lot of distance today." Ka5therine proclaimed psyching herself up for what she was sure would be a rather long and boring trek.


((I'm at a loss for what to do at the moment. Any suggestions Flame?))




((Your not wrong in thinking of Nick. Tyler was inspired by him, that's why I also gave him a simple name. See I had just imagined what would result from Nick and the Joker having a baby and loved the idea so much I turned him into a character. xd.png))


Tyler had started skipping having recalled a tune he was quite fond of. He did a little spin and noticed someone watching him...well actually a few people were looking in his direction at this point but most just spared him a passing glance before looking away quickly as though afraid they might catch whatever it was he had if they stared too long. But, this lady was actually watching him. Watching, and smirking. She had that kind of dominant smirk, like she was looking at an inferior and he couldn't help but be drawn over to her. So over he went hopping to the tune replaying in his head. Each step punctuated by a rattle from the lantern's chain or a jingle from the anklets on his feet. The lantern itself had swung dangerously close to some people's heads and there were grumbles of frustration, though Tyler seemed quite pleased to be a hazard rather than sorry. "Hello!" He said cheerily to Kai as he approached. Tyler noticed the wings on her back and thought it kind of strange. After all people didn't normally have wings. "Those are cool. How'd you get 'em?" he asked, tossing all manner of tact to the wind.




"Oh that's a relief for a moment I was worried I might have to go out and by some new cloths before eating here." He said with a smile before grabbing the menu in front of himself as well. He was eyeing the chicken linguini hungrily when Kathia asked if he wanted an appetizer. "Sure. Lets see what we have here.." He said flipping back to the appetizer menu. He mentally revolted at the fruit bowl and most of the other stuff he wasn't familiar with. "The shrimp cocktail sounds nice. Let's have that." He said closing the menu with a snap. The sound was quite loud and Jason made a funny face that conveyed a silent "Whoops."

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He smirked looking at her. "Perhaps." he replied, "Only one problem with that. A hunter usually has someone to come home to....I have neither a home nor someone to return to." He sighed feeling alone in the world.

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Nick shook his head. "Obviously you've never heard of any of the great magic pandemics of old. When people started experimenting with the minor aura nodes they occasionally went bad, and became tainted. This could suck the magic right out of an entire area until the node was destroyed. It was a serious problem when entire towns and cities relied on magic for everything" Nick chuckled at Akuma's lack of understanding about magic. When Akuma teased him about the tower he glared at him. "Of course I do, I was born and raised there, it's all I ever knew when I was younger." he responded.

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((Remember Enk, Kai is a very gender neutral character. With voice and appearance so it shouldn't be blatantly obvious of what her gender is. Because she's a troll just like Tyler xd.png))


Nick went on to explain that messing around with these artifacts could drain an area of its magic. He wondered briefly what an area without magic would look like. Barren? Would it even change? ... He looked back to Nick with a frown, "I thought you said that already happened to the area. It exploded and became tainted. So obviously it's a curable thing if people are around and doing magic again" he snickered. The mage offered a petty explanation to his violence towards the fortune teller. "Yeah so what? I grew up around the abandoned lab as my home. Atlas burned it to the ground. Don't see me attacking people that ask about it. So much for you being the adult. Or maybe it's just because you're a human. Despite what you think. Whatever the magic did to you, as far as any dragon is concerned, you're still human. Now are we going to go or not?" he asked


Kai glanced away for a moment, only to notice that the boy was looking her way now. Apparently she'd stared a bit too long. Oddly, he came skipping right through the crowd to her. Well, perhaps it wasn't that odd since he had blatantly broke into a shop for a sloppy robbery before hand. So why shouldn't the child be bold today. Kai kept herself from frowning as he drew closer and stared at her. He skipped pleasantries, instead asking about her wings. Kai paused, glancing over her shoulder. "Oh... these are just from a spell. They'll go away soon" she said with a fake smile. She found herself glaring internally, they better anyway. "Shouldn't you be with your parents or something?"

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