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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Noting the conditions of the back, he thought about Kat’s comment. “No. I kept thinking about it. Repeated it to myself sometimes. The words themselves mean life and greenery, but to me, it’s just empty names.” He took a few seconds to think. “A name you come up for yourself, not a gift given by someone who cares.” At this point, he was done with his examination. “A lot of scales are rotting on the back where the wings are attached, probably the most out of the rest. That could have an effect on your flight.”


Day 5, Windfall Home

“Day five…” Colin thought as everyone in the house gets ready for the day. While making breakfast, he read the newspaper. Something happened in city square last night. Buildings went down, and numerous people died, actual number unknown. Most of them apparently have some relations with a terrorist group that opposes the Dragons and anyone with respect for them in this city, and among them was the leader himself. “Huh…” He looks at the white hatchling playing with some toys. “If this keeps up, this place would be safer for us.” He took a moment bringing the food to the others, then brought his and the paper to his spot in the living room where he continued reading. The paper went on saying a man and a dragon were involved in this incident, as well as saving people who are members of AED. “I think I saw that guy there. Even with a dragon, it was two against an entire terrorist group. Not just any person.” He turned the page since that was everything.


“…There’s a carnival today.” Colin spoke out, getting his grandpa’s attention. “A lot of people might be there instead of the market. Are we still gonna open today?”


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Akuma watched Nick finish throwing his darts- even if the mage had blatantly cheated. No one told him they could use magic. The boy snorted as Nick picked out a prize- tickets to something else. He trailed after Nick again. He seemed to have found what he was looking for, stopping outside of a purple tent with an eye on it. Akuma followed after, parting the flaps and entering himself. Inside was a person in robes with some symbol on them. Akuma looked at Nick questioningly again, "So what's this? Talk to the creepy guy in robes? I'm starting to question the sanity of whoever came up with... carnivals" he ranted. Akuma trudged over to the table where a crystal ball sat and plopped down on one of the sitting pillows there. "What's this?" he prodded at the ball.

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Kat thought about his words for a moment. They were surprisingly deep. "So in other words a name from someone like a parent, really close relative...or a friend?" Katherine mused out loud. That would mean he would be without a name he liked for a good long while. At least until he found someone that would be of significant importance. Unless she counted as a friend...then again they just met. They barely knew each other. The conversation shifted to her wings again and she took a backward glance at them when he mentioned the higher density of rotted scales. "Oh, that's normal. Since joint scales are softer they tend to rot faster. Some preening will get rid of them and make space for new ones to grow in. If that's your only concern than I guess I just need practice, and perhaps some work on my stamina?" She said with a hopeful smile. She didn't like feeling weak and helpless.




As Tyler meandered through town he heard sounds in the distance and stopped at an intersection. It sounded like a carnival farther down the road to his right. Tyler stopped and took some time to think. Hmmm....should I go? On one hand I love carnivals, on the other the police are still looking for me and will most certainly be stationed there....bah a good chase'll be fun. He thought with a satisfied and somewhat sadistic smile. Tyler started down the road towards the carnival sounds. I'll have to be careful getting in. Front gate won't exactly be an option.

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((Chapter 8 has been uploaded a few days ago: http://fav.me/d70nj7n and here's my picture of Atlas: http://dragons-vs-humans.wikia.com/wiki/Fi...ion)_shaded.png Her head kinda looks big, but I don't feel like re-sizing it.))


Atlas looked to where the blonde man was looking and found that the dark-haired look-a-like known as Marc has disappeared. "Hey, where'd he go?" asked the magi, intent on finding him so that she could get to him first before he did her. The bad guy was no where in sight. Atlas looked to the blond who apologized for interrupting her breakfast. She was about to ask him what the deal was with the bad guy, but then he requested for a place to stay for the night. "Well I do live in a castle. But it's not fancy like you think it is," Atlas told them. "That place was old and dusty when I uncovered it yesterday. It originally belonged to the Fire King, but he's long dead. I can teleport you guys there and then I can hunt some food for you, too." Pushing the first deer towards the blonde, she said, "And while you're at the castle, give this deer to my niece, Danielle and tell her it's from me. I'll let my nieces know that you're at the castle." Then she teleported the deer and the two to the main hall of the castle.


The dragoness turned back to her deer and continued eating it. While she finished it up, she contacted the hatchlings with telepathy, 'Danielle, Kylie, we got guests in the castle. Go to the entrance and give them a nice warm welcome when you meet them.'


'Okay, Aunt Atlas,' said the hatchlings.


'Also, Danielle, blonde... well yellow-haired human will be there to give you a deer.'


'Is he like Henry and Yukki?' asked the whiptail.


Atlas realized that she forgot to get to know the blonde well before sending him off to her nieces. But he couldn't be a bad guy, right? 'Well yeah I guess. If you two need something, just let me know, alright?' she said.


'Alright!' the sister replied.




"Yeah! They'll regret setting their foot in this town!" Kathia said with enthusiasm. She went to help Jason pick up the remaining targets. "I'd say we eat something first before we look for everyone. Hey, why don't get go to the Dominican restaurant? It's expensive, but they got really good food there. I'll pay for it with my daddy's credit card," she suggested. She knew there was a carnival in town, but it would be there tomorrow, so it was no harm done not going over there.




Aeolus watched nimble leaps and thought, 'She's certainly agile, that's for sure.' This agility would be useful in evading some of the enemy's attacks. On the dragoness's last leap, the horde leader caught sight of a wound underneath her wing. "You, what happened below your wing? You look like you've been struck there," he asked. He figured he should get Hewey the healer dragon to look at her wing.




Minerva left the ring toss game to go try out the other games, when she heard a man shout about a winner. She saw the familiar duo once again at the hammer game. The hooded man from yesterday had rang the bell and became a winner. 'You know, I keep running into these two lately. It's almost as if fate's trying to bring us together or something,' she thought. 'Maybe something dangerous will happen here next? Like a mad crazy cloud coming here to terrorize the carnival?' she thought jokingly. The woman made her way to the <insert> game. As she walked by, she looked at the hooded man, smiled, and greeted, "Hi, congrats!"

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan turned hearing the voice. He smiled seeing her again. "Hi, thanks. Are you doing alright? I'm so sorry you got pulled into the mess with those criminals, I never intended for you to get caught in the middle of it. By the way, what's your name? I've had to save you twice, running into you more than once, yet I don't know your name." He asked curiously. Drake nodded to Minerva, he had kindness in his eyes.

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Nick held up a finger to silence Akuma, only half listening to what the boy was saying. He was more interested in the person in front of him at the moment. "Where did you get that robe?" he asked. The fortune teller shook his head and began to speak. "Why do you wa-" The mage was cut off when he was hoisted up into the air by the collar of his robe by an unseen force. "I'll ask again now" Nick said as he balled his hands into first without realizing it. "Where did you get that robe, " He could feel the fortune teller try and cast a counter spell, but Nick stopped him by shifting his right hand slightly. A rune flashed into existence under the fortune teller. It allowed Nick to manipulate the magic that passed over it, and he simply disassembled the spell before it was even cast. "Verista the fortune teller finally stuttered out before Nick dropped him. He wheeled back out of the tent before running away "You're crazy! It's just a stupid tower." Nick watched him go and narrowed his eyes before turning to Akuma. "Verista was destroyed over 600 years ago in a massive arcane explosion." he explained "The land there is still tainted, I checked it myself 50 years ago. The arcane flux is so strong there it could tear you apart in seconds."

Edited by picknick10

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Akuma frowned as Nick raised a hand to silence him. The boy simply snorted, looking back to the crystal ball and poking at it. He listen to Nick suddenly pry the fortune teller about where he got his robes. What is he that desperate for a new wardrobe? Akuma smirked to himself. Nick attacked the fortune teller, yanking him up. Akuma flinched at the sudden change in situation, knocking the ball over. He caught it as it rolled off the table. Setting the ball in his lap, he stared at Nick and the fortune teller in curiosity. What had gotten Nick so riled up? Usually only Kai seemed to accomplish that. Nick diffused a defense spell before letting the the man run. Akuma frowned as Nick looked at him. Akuma snorted and rolled backward onto the floor, holding the crystal ball above himself and playing with it. "Maybe someone just made you think that. You weren't part of the cool club of secret mages. Seems like there's a 'tower' now, hmm?" he said slyly, a smug smirk on his face as he stared at the ball.

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Cloud nod his head in agreement right before they and the deer got teleported. They were teleported to the main hall in the center. Cloud look around for any sign of life, but the only thing he saw was a sleeping Axle, a freshly killed deer, and a crap ton of dust, which made him about sneeze. He could barely see inside the dim hall. Cloud place one of the two bag on the ground in front of him and open it up. Inside the bag he grab out a flare and pulls it, causing a green flame to escape from it. he grab another five more and sets them down on the floor, and than close the bag up. He sat down on the cold floor and removed the swords from his back, still in their sheath, and sets them on the floor. He look around one last time before leaning against a piller.


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"Dominican eh? Sounds like a plan!" Said Jason happily. He loved exotic foods and having lived on hunted squirrels and rabbits since the day of the spell, he was eager to get some real food in his gut. Jason packed the surviving targets into bag and slung it on. "Alright, lead the way Lady Kathia. I'm practically starved." He exclaimed with a wide grin.


((Ninjabag! ninja.gif ))




The Carnival loomed just ahead of Tyler. He had taken a road that lead to the fence rather than one of the main gates. Tyler peaked around the corner of the street carefully, making sure there were no patrols nearby. Once satisfied the Conjurer slinked across to the fence and clenching his staff in his teeth climbed up the fence. Halfway up it wavered under his weight but remained standing. Tyler climbed the rest of the way and hopped down on the other side. Now it was time to enjoy the festivities, Tyler stood absolutely still for a moment holding his staff over his hand. With a small wave of the wooden staff money started to pile up in Tyler's hand, it was all human currency but it was worth a shot. He wasn't sure if people were using a new currency.


Satisfied that he had enough money to enjoy the carnival Tyler stuffed the money in his pocket and made out for the attractions.

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"Why yes I am," Minerva replied to the first question. Then she responded to his apology for last night by forgiving him and saying, "It's alright. I'm pretty sure you never saw that coming. I mean who would?" The future was certainly unpredictable with all kinds of surprises both good and bad. Then she answered the next question, "My name's Minerva. I'm a member of AED; you know, the building that got attacked. And who would you be, Mr. Hero?"




((I forgot to have the sisters run over to meet Cloud and Axle))


The sisters ran through the hallways until they got to the main hall. They looked to the humans near the green lights as Kylie the balloon hatchling asked, "Is that dem?"


"Yeah, I think so," said Danielle. Then a savory scent reached her nose, making her hungry and saw the deer nearby the humans. She said, "And oh, dey got da deer, too. I'm gonna go eat!" She raced over to the deer and started eating it without so much as looking at the two humans.


Kylie ignored the furry meal and went over to the blonde man. "Hi, my name is Kywie. What's yew name?"




After eating all of the deer Atlas took off to search for the next animal. She used her knowledge of humans to figure out their diet. She knew that they ate pigs, chicken, cows, goats, sheep, fish, shrimp, eggs, lobsters, crabs, fruits, vegetables, and the artificial sweets made in the form of candy, cakes, bread, etc. She figured that the supermarket she went to with Henry would feed the human, but what about the dragon who was in human form? Maybe the human food can feed him too, like how the popisicles did for Kylie. Atlas pictured the supermarket's parking lot in her mind and teleported herself there.


There at the former human city now inhabited by dragons who were once slaves, the magi entered the grocery store through the hole she made on the night she rescued Henry from the vampire dragons. Raiding the supermarket's supplies would be easy since vampires were permanently asleep until nightfall, meaning that no sounds or touch would wake them during the day. Atlas ducked below the ceiling to allow herself to fit in with the building. But at the same time, she had to maneuver past obstacles as conveyor belt machines, sleeping vampires, and shopping carts. "Damn this narrow place. Why couldn't I be as small as that bloodsucker?" she cursed. That or she wished she knew a spell to make herself smaller or turn human. The vampire leader she fought two nights ago was 10 feet tall and could move around in the building much more easily than she did. But nevertheless, Atlas has still got to try if she wanted to feed her niece and guests. The dragoness went over to the produce section and noticed that all of the fruits and vegetables were gone; probably eaten by the dragons. "Well damn, I guess I better go get some sweets instead," she said to herself.


She squeezed her way through and stood next to the aisle entrances to grab many variety of foods that were the closest to her. Cake mixes, canned foods, candy, chips, cookies, drinks, pet food, etc. She may have spoken human, but that didn't mean that she knew what some of the words of the products meant as human languages varied between countries and she herself was originally from Solomos, where she spent most of her slave days before coming to Rudvich.


((I know the grocery store was originally in Windfall, but I changed it to being in a different city to show that Atlas has traveled many miles before meeting Henry and Yukki.))




"Right, follow me," said Kathia. She and Jason on her horse and they rode all the way to the Dominican restaurant. She left the horse at the stalls and went inside the building. The interior was quite fancy with chandeliers at the ceiling, a small jar with a flower and silky cloth coverings at each table, and classical music. She told the waiter she wanted a table for two people and she and Jason waited until they were called. Then they went to the table and Kathia ordered sweet tea for a drink.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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He smiled hearing her name, Minerva. "I'm Ronan." He turns to Drake, "And this walking bag of fire and ice is Drake. We're from the southern desert." He patted Drake's nose. "What does AED stand for?" Asking curiously. This being his first REAL conversation with someone, especially a woman, since he left home.

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Zeditha trembled slightly. "Er... It got caught by an arrow," she admitted. Darn! I should've hidden it better! "I can't fly..."

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"You mean the southwest region? Wow, what's your country like?" asked Minerva, curious about Ronan's homeland. Then she answered his question, "It stands for the Association of the Equality for Dragons. I understand that you may not hear of us much, because our organization is small and unpopular. Slave owners and conservatives would often ridicule us for trying to show the cruelties of slavery and free the dragons." It was amazing the AED managed to stay strong despite the strong opposition they faced. Maybe now the dragons were free, the Aquarians were here to police any human-dragon conflicts in the city, and the mayor having banned any form of oppression and killings of the dragons, the AED will be stronger and help accelerate the harmony between the two races.




"An arrow... So a human has shot you. You should get healed immediately," Aeolus said, noting the obvious. He turned his head around to look at the healer dragon and said to him, "Hewey, come over here and help this one out."


"I'm coming," Hewey responded as he made his way over to the purple dragoness. He lifted up her wing to examine the wound. "Hmm... This one looks recent; it's nothing too hard that my healing magic can't fix." Charging up his healing magic, he told her, "Okay, just stand still and your wound will be all gone in a matter of a few seconds." He hung his paw over the wound and his hand glowed in a light green aura as he repaired the torn tissue and sealed the bleeding hole. "There it's all done!" the healer said, smiling at a good work done.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan listened to her explanation of AED before he went to answer her question. "It's mostly sand. A few oasis spots spread out. Easy to miss because those who aren't from the land think they're seeing a mirage and walk right past one. I lived there for only five years of my childhood." He shut his eyes remembering the intense pain of seeing his home in flames. "After that, I lived in the mountains, often passing down into the desert for trading purposes with my teacher."

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Kai made her way through the back allies of Windfall, back to Undertaker's shop. She stepped inside, closing the door behind her. Undertaker was off at his desk, writing away at some papers. His cauldron boiled silently, being the only noise aside from the quiet scribbling of words. Kai frowned briefly before flattening her expression again, "I got the repair spell down" she said, moving deeper into the store and over to his desk. Undertaker merely chuckled. "So when do I get to learn the next one?" Undertaker glanced up, "You want to learn the final form technique?" "I do" a sly grin crawled across Undertaker's face. "A dangerous technique" he noted, going back to his scribblings. "I don't care... I just..." she trailed off, leaning forward to look at what he was writing. Undertaker whipped the papers away into a black leather bound book with skulls etched into it. "No my dear, there's nothing about souls. Not for you" he closed the book. "And why not? I already learned to collect passing souls. Teach me to recall ones that have passed on" "Because that is forbidden to you humans. I told you to stop looking into that. I'll know if you stumble across anything. And if you try to use it... well" he stood up, quickly passing Kai in height, "I may end up owning you too" he said with an eerie smile. Kai sneered, folding her arms across her chest and looking away. "Now did you want to learn that technique or not? As I recall, you said you had a genuine interest in necromancy. Unless you're lying to me. You have a growing obsession for souls" he chuckled. "No! ... I want to learn it" she corrected. Kai knew full well that Undertaker knew she had other motives... just not the why. And she'd keep it that way. Though, he could probably find out, had he the motivation. Damn that man- Reaper, and his smugness. He seemed to know everything. Or was really good at acting like it.

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Zeditha watched, amazed, as her wound healed. She had never met a healing dragon before. "Thank you," she said, still staring at her repaired wing. She flapped it gently, then opened the other wing and rose into the air, did a few maneuvers (promising she'd use them next time there was an arrow) and dropped back down.

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Day 5, Forest

He thought about the question asked and what he said so far. “Right and you know my story.” He remembered something else that Kat said. “I rather be nameless than make up one for myself, but I still need one. So I’m fine with you calling me ‘Green’.” When he hears Kat’s explanation on her wings and her options, he responded. “Do what you think is best. The road to Solomos is long.”


((Still thinking about what to do on Colin's part.))

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Nick deadpanned and looked at Akuma. "I know because I was there when it exploded. And there was no secret club, being a mage was the cool club. Magic was important back then, in fact, it was everything. We didn't have the technology. People relied heavily on the local towers to supply them with power and protection." When Akuma mentioned that there was a tower there now Nick simply shrugged. "There's definitely something there now alright, and I plan to find out what it is." he linked his fingers together and stretched out his arms, cracking his fingers. "Hows about an adventure huh Akuma?"

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"Mmhmm," Minerva responded, unsure of what to say. What Ronan said about the southwest region sounded like the way the TV media portrays the country's land and climate; well when a character finds something only to be fooled by the mirage's illusion. Then after hearing that Ronan moved to the mountains after 5 years in the desert, she asked, "What kind of teacher was he?"


((I changed "southeast" to "southwest" in my last post.))




"You're welcome," Hewey replied before moving back to join the others. The dragons watched the healed dragoness fly around, observing her turns, loops, and glides.


After she landed, Aeolus judged her flight and told her, "You're very agile and flexible in your flight and leaps. If you have quick reflexes to go with them, you can dodge almost every kinds of attack. But enough about your maneuverability, let's see your powers now."

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Ronan walks with Minerva while they talk. "He....taught me to survive. How to hunt. He taught me everything I know. The one thing he couldn't teach me was how to let go of pain." He said with a sigh. "He wasn't of my blood, but he was more of a father to me since...." He was unable to finish.

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Akuma looked over at Nick, still smirking, "Oh I think there was the separate cool club. You obviously didn't know about it. If you were so important, wouldn't they have told you they rebuilt it? Maybe you're out. And considering they let people like that fortune teller in, that's just sad they wouldn't invite you. Tsk" he said, trying to get a rise out of the mage. Akuma tossed the crystal ball in the air, catching it in his hands again. Nick mentioned going on an adventure. So it seemed Nick was curious of it after all. So this was something personal to him. Akuma made a mental note that the tower was something sensitive of his past- something he could use to get under Nick's skin quite easily it seemed. He'd already attacked a man unprovoked over a simple symbol on his robes. He'd wondered if he was going to psychotically tear them off before letting the fortune teller run off. No... that would be more of Albel's humor. "Whatever" he murmured.


Kai stood back from Undertaker. "So what does it take to do this final form? And what makes it so great?" she asked. Undertaker chuckled, "Fair questions. But do you know what the weakness is for mages?" "Mortality? Easily overcome by necromancers" "A cute gesture, but no. A mage, necromancers included, tend to be more ranged base. They rely on casting spells and familiars to protect themselves. Though if they are run down and forced to fight with their own body, most fail. That is what final form is for in a necromancer. It means you won't have to rely on your puppets to save you in a dire moment" he explained. Undertaker circled around behind Kai. "It's a morph ability. And a dangerous one at that. While in it, you can siphon the life force of others around you, but at the same time, you constantly will lose life force to fuel it. You may consume souls from your collection to compensate, however. In this form, you'll find you have enhanced strength both physically and in magic. A powerful technique but depending on how strong you are in it... you may kill yourself using it because of its fuel source" he grinned at her, lacing his fingers together. "So saving it as a last resort in itself is a risk since by then you may have already expelled much energy in battle"

Edited by Sai

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Cloud look at balloon dragon and smiled. "My name is Cloud. Over there-" He turn his head to see Axle was gone. "Ok Axle, you over grown white lizard, where did you go?" Cloud asked as he got up and notices Axle's swords were still where they were at. The flare on the floor went out and cloud got a new one and pulled the cord on the end of it, as it emulated a Green flame, and Axle in his face. "Boo." Axle said in a childish voice, which unaffected Cloud. "Sometimes, Axle, you are a child. Grow up will you. You are almost 500 years old." Cloud snap at him. "so any ideas where we are?" Axle asked. Cloud shrugged, "Don't know, Just know we were teleported here by a Mage dragon, and Marc is somewhere in the forest, so that means Spinx is not far behind, seeing how I manage to get this." Cloud said as he held a photo out to Axle who look at it and saw Akuma, him and Cloud on it. He turn it around and saw what each prices was on the photo, But Akuma name was cross out, which meant he was not longer on the bounty list, or he was dead. By his name was the word Alive, in black ink. Cloud on the other hand was on the kill list. He grab the photograph and than the flare and lit it on fire and watch the photo burn into a black ash, than he smashed it under his feet. It was a black smudge on the floor when Axle look at it. "The less people know about this, the better." Axle said under his breath. He than look at the balloon Dragon. "You wouldn't happen to be related to the Mage dragon that teleported us here, would you?" Axle asked the Balloon Dragon

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Kai snorted, waving him off with her hand, "Yes I get it. So explain it already" she pried. "Very well, start with this" Undertaker pulled a dusty book off a high shelf and tossed it to her. Kai plopped down on a nearby chair and started reading while Undertaker finished up with the contents of his cauldron. Many lessons went like this, where she did reading to get the main points down while he criticized her practice of it. She finally finished and gave it a try. Concentrating magic on herself, a black smoke enveloped her. It snaked around her hands, tainting them to a pitch black color and sharpening her fingers to points. It stopped at her forearm, going still. She blinked for a second, wondering if anything had happened. She hadn't transformed into the full form. Kai looked down at her hands and yelled in alarm. "Oh relax, it will fade" Undertaker laughed. Kai frowned and made a small huff. There was a long moment of silence before Kai felt something fluff on her back. Her eyes lit up in alarm once more and she stiffened. That didn't feel right. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw she'd sprouted a pair of black feathered rings. Again, she yelled out. "AM I TURNING INTO A CHICKEN!?" "Certainly not. That would take a special kind of stupid to mess up that bad. You are merely experiencing a partial transformation. You seem to lack the power to do a full one. You'll just have to study" he grinned. Kai did a turn-about. "What the hell am I suppose to do with these? I didn't will them on!" she yelled. Undertaker sat at his desk again, "They'll disappear within a few hours on their own. It happens when you use magic you're... incapable of controlling" he said with a grin still. "Now I believe you know what to practice. So go on. I'm sure you'll blend right in with the festival going on" he laughed. Kai growled and stormed off. She re entered the streets of Windfall, exiting the alley sporting black claw-like hands and large black feathered wings. People whispered, stared, and moved away in alarm. "WHAT!? WHAT ARE YOU ALL SO INTERESTED IN!?" she yelled at the crowd. People looked away immediately in discomfort.

Edited by Sai

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Nick looked around the tent before looking back at Akuma "It was over 600 years ago smart one, and besides, even if someone was alive from back then. I didn't exactly leave them a note telling them where to find me." He shook his head at Akuma as he played with the crystal ball. "What's got you so fixated on secret clubs all of a second, were you left out of one when you were little?" he asked the hybrid boy teastingly as he swatted the ball away. "Stop playing with that, your going to break it. We need to get back to the house now anyways, we need to get some stuff first." he said as he placed the ball back down on the table and headed out.


Once they got back to the house he looked around, realizing he didn't even know what to bring, and he said as much. "I don't even know what to bring with"

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"Pain?" Minerva blurted without thinking. Then she quickly realized that bringing up his past might not have been a good idea. It might make Ronan recall some horrible memories and make him feel bad. "Uh forget what I just said. Tell me more about your master," she said, trying to change the subject. Then she heard that Ronan's master wasn't blood-related, but he was a good father-figure. When he was unable to speak anymore, Minerva said, "Well let's just forget about the past for now, it seems like it's just making you sad. Why don't we go play a game instead, or watch one of the performers?"




The man addressed himself as Cloud before he looked around for the other person called Axle. "Lizard?" Kylie asked, tilting her head slightly in wonder as to why Cloud called the other lizard a human. When the blonde found the whitette with his green light thing, the balloon hatchling got startled and jumped when he tried to surprise his friend. She noticed that the person called Axle smelled like a dragon. Wait, was he a hybrid? When the whitette talked to her, Kylie got scared and ran over to one of the pillars and hid behind it. "Wah! Dun hurt me," she cried.


Danielle stopped eating and looked at her sister. "Kylie, what's wrong?" She wondered what got her sister so scared.

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