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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Kat felt a little shy about the request. She really wasn't fond of displaying her issue to others. "Alright you can look at one. But I've already been shown to healers. Not even the white dragons could permanently fix it." She explained as she extended one wing for Verdant/Green to examine. "Honestly its mostly that I just need practice....and perhaps a little strength training." Barring a few rotting scales on the surface there was very little wrong with her wings. The wing membrane beneath the scales was untouched by the rot.


"It's good that you came up with some ideas for a name. Sticking with traits that define you was certainly a good bet. And it paid off too." Kat said returning to her rather desperate attempt to change the topic.




Finished with his demonstration Jason exhaled slowly. He went around collecting up the targets and his arrows. "You can set them up however you like" He explained walking over to Kathia and setting the targets at her feet. "Not much of a caster myself but I get that some spells are more about destructive power than accuracy." He said sitting down next to her with a triumphant grin. "So what'd you think of my display?"

Edited by En'K'Haral

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((By the way, where is everyone? Where should I put my character?))

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((Thanks! happy.gif I bet the fight scene would look cool to the readers when it gets put in the story.


And now to tell Zeditha where the characters are:


Northeast Rudvich (today)

- Nick and Akuma are at the carnival

- Kat and Verdant/Green are in the woods and they're making a journey to Solomos. Well Kat wants to go there; Verdant/Green plans to go to the Northwest region.

- Kathia and Jason are at the back lot showing off their archery and magic.


Northeast Rudvich (yesterday night)

- Ronan has just killed off the leader of a anti-dragon gang and the survivors dispersed. Minerva is about to wake up. Drake is helping the Aquarians clean up the damage he caused in the fight.


Northcentral Rudvich

- Atlas is out hunting for breakfast to feed her family. She just caught a deer and needs more food.

- Meanwhile, Kylie and Danielle are exploring the rest of the Fire Castle.



- Aeolus is about to go out and recruit dragons to build up his horde needed to destroy the human army.


If you want to interact with my characters, then it can be Atlas or Aeolus, since they have no one to interact with. I don't know where Minerva will be after the night on her part ends.


The other characters who have no one at this moment are: Albel, Fayt, Colin, Rika, Kai, Chi, Dion, and Tyler. They're all in Northeast Rudvich.


You can see who some of them are right here: http://dragons-vs-humans.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Characters ))



Last Night

With the boss dead, the magic chains around Minerva disappeared and the sleep spell was gone. The first thing the blonde woman heard as she woke up was concern if she was alright. Opening her blue eyes, Minerva saw the hooded man again and found herself in the alley. She was bewildered as to how she got from one place to another. "Hu-huh? Where am I? How did I get here? And what do you mean this mess?" she asked the man.



"It was pretty good! I bet you can poke a dragon's eye right in the center," Kathia commented smiling as she pointed at her own brown eye gesturing what she meant. Then she took up the targets and set them side by side. She backed away from the targets until she was a little near Jason for him to get a close look at how she would perform. "Okay, I haven't learned all the spells in the book, but I will show you which ones I know. Let's start with the fireball," she told him. Concentrating and bringing up thermal magic energy, a small ember sitting at the palm of her hand grew bigger and round until it became a fireball. She flung it at one of the targets and the spells hit it, creating a small fireplace that would slowly spread its flames around it.


Then she tried out her next spell, was her wind ball spell. She created a ball of air in her hands and cast it at the second target and watched it fall down after the impact. On the third target, she cast a lightning bolt at it zapped a space next to the center and left a black burnt mark there as well as chipped a small piece of the board. That all the projectile spells she could think of for now. "Okay, my next spell doesn't shoot like the other spells, but it does hurt anyway. Watch this," Kathia said to Jason. She walked up to the fourth target and blazed her hand with the burning touch spell. Her fiery hand touched the circular board and set it on fire. She looked at the black man to see what he thought.

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Ronan Looked back to the dead boss then back to her. "You were kidnapped, by a criminal. He tried using you to get to me. He must've heard about my work at that building on the other side of town. He used magic on you, but he's dead now. You're free to go." He said as he would help her back onto her feet. "You should find someone to stay with for a few nights, just to be safe." Suggesting before he started to walk away. Dragon landed on the street outside the alley.

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As she heard what had happened, Minerva was unnerved at hearing how she was kidnapped to be used as a bait for this hero. 'I could have been killed along with him,' she thought shuddering. After she got up, she replied, "Thanks, I will. Do you think we will see each other again next time? I mean we keep running into each other a lot today." After a reply from him, Minerva walked out the alley and went on home. She saw the Aquarians cleaning up the damage caused by the fire and the ice. She entered her house and dialed the phone for one of her female friends. "Hello Whitney, may I stay over at your house for the night? I had a fire in my neighborhood," she said. Whitney replied 'sure' and Minerva left her house. She took a taxi carriage over to her friend's house and slept there for the night.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan and Drake went up to one of the cities rooftops. the tallest they could find. Ronan, now having defeated and taken revenge, felt empty. "Drake.....I don't know what to do anymore. All my life I've been hunting that man down....now it's like I have nothing." Ronan said. Drake felt the confusion. "I told you, ending his life would not give you the peace of mind you sought.....but the deed is done. You are free of him. Free to be whatever man you want to be." Drake's wisdom was always annoying to Ronan but it did make him smile. "I'll find something, just don't know what yet." He commented as he took his hood off. He laid back to sleep.

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((Getting to the Northwest region was one of Green/Verdant's choices, he chose to go south to Solomos.))


Examining the wing, he noticed the membrane doesn’t have any trace of rotting while everything else does. “Yes, since I suggested that you practice. But since I know about this, I need to see if it has also affected flight.” He said as he looks toward her back to see how much of the wings are attached to it as they play an important role in flying. If the part of the wings attached to the back is small, flying will be difficult. But if it’s the right size, then practice will be all she needs. He heard another unrelated subject, and noticed the tone. He mentally sighs. “…It hardly feels that way.” He said in response, feeling that there’s something missing.

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((Thanks for the help! I think I'll jump in... here...))


Zeditha flew above the forest, sharp eyes open for food. Prey was increasingly scarce these days, it was difficult to catch so much as a rabbit. Giving up for the moment, she decided to risk the city. Sometimes, being small was an advantage. She slipped silently through the dark streets, and heard whispers of an army. Deciding it was unsafe, she flew away. But as she leaped into the night, an archer pierced one wing with an arrow. It was poorly aimed and almost deflected off her scales, but it had enough force to rip a small hole. Landing with less grace than usual, she ran away back to the safety of the forest. Eventually stumbling across a town, that she supposed from her limited geography was Solomos, she climbed into a tree and rested in the branches. Making sure she was well hidden, she slept.


((I want to make her smaller. Instead of being about as big as three humans, I want her to be the size of a large fox. Easier to slip about.))

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((Sorry to be a spoil sport Zeditha, but I'd like to kindly point out that Solomos is a continent, not a township. Map of da world happy.gif

Sorry to you guys for not posting yet. I was just checking in. I'll post later when I have more time.))

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((Lol, I'm seriously useless at geography xd.png I'll repost that bit of RP, with more appropriate placing...))


Zeditha flew above the forest, sharp eyes open for food. Prey was increasingly scarce these days, it was difficult to catch so much as a rabbit. Giving up for the moment, she decided to risk the city. Sometimes, being small was an advantage. She slipped silently through the dark streets, and heard whispers of an army. Deciding it was unsafe, she flew away. But as she leaped into the night, an archer pierced one wing with an arrow. It was poorly aimed and almost deflected off her scales, but it had enough force to rip a small hole. Landing with less grace than usual, she ran away back to the safety of the forest. Eventually stumbling across a town, she climbed into a tree and rested in the branches. Making sure she was well hidden, she slept.

((My intention was to run across Aeolus.))

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((Sorry for being late. Torch, I'll post tomorrow or Monday.))


Aeolus looked to his horde and said to them, "Everyone, rise. We must go out and look for dragons to build up our army."


As the other dragons got up, the brute dragon growled, "You better find a good number of strong dragons, Aeolus. Because I will not suffer another defeat from the humans!"


Looking back at him, the disaster dragon replied, "And I assure you that we won't lose next time." The horde took off and flew over the woods.


After some minutes later, his cousin, Bam, caught whiff of a scent and looked down to see a dark purple dragoness. "Hey look, Aeolus. There's someone down there. Perhaps she can help us out," he said.


"Very well, let us go down there and meet her," Aeolus said. The horde flew down and landed by the tree with the sleeping dragoness. The leader approached the tree and talked to her, "Excuse me, ma'am. Wake up."


((I will post Atlas and Minerva tomorrow. I'm too sleepy.))

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Ronan woke to the sound of the city resuming it's week. He gave Drake a slap in the cheek. "Drake, wake up big guy. Time for breakfast." He said before making his way down to the streets. Drake woke up hearing him and followed him to the streets. As they walked the streets of the city he got many glares from people who had suffered from the battle last night, but he received more greetings from the survivors of the building assault that he stopped the other day. It felt strange to him, being appreciated by many but disliked by others. He gave smiles to those who thanked him for his help. A few people gave them some food as thanks, which they accepted very humbly. They found their way to the park which sat close to that same building he helped the people in. Ronan sat up in the tree to eat some of the food they were given. Drake had his meal down on the grass.

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Zeditha had woken from her light sleep when the others landed. Pretending to remain asleep, she moved an ear to hear better. She uncurled when she judged that the speaker was unlikely to hurt her, and climbed down from the tree. She kept her wings tucked to her sides, to hide the hole torn by the arrow. "What are you here for?" she asked, attempting to keep a slight growl in her voice. She was wary of the strangers, but glad that there was someone who might be able to help her.

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Nick's eyes lit up when the carnival came into view grabbing Akuma's sleeve, he sped into the clearing where the carnival sat. He took a deep breath, taking in the smells of of the scene around him. Funnel cakes, elephant ears, curly fries and other treats. Still pulling Akuma along he came up to one of the stands, a childish glee in his eyes. It was a balloon dart game. Letting go of Akuma he slammed down a silver coin and looked at the stand owner expenctly. The guy handed him two bundles of 5 darts. Nick pushed one of the bundles to Akuma. "Here, it's a game! You just throw the darts and pop as many balloons as you can. If you pop one with every dart you get a prize!" Nick explained as he took one of his own darts and took aim.

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((*Akuma tosses dart and nails stand owner*))


Akuma looked around in a daze of confusion as they entered the festival. There was strange music, people running around dressed up in even stranger costumes. Bright colors, weird contraptions he'd never seen, and so on. He yelped as he was suddenly yanked away in some direction. Nick was dragging him away somewhere. They stopped at a booth and Nick paid for some dart before handing them off to Akuma and explaining how the game worked. The boy picked one up questioningly. He'd never tried anything like this before... He pulled his arm back and chucked the dart. It went way off, sinking into the wall. He frowned- perhaps this wasn't his forte. He used the rest of his pile, managing to pop 2 balloons. He looked back to Nick flatly, "Is that it?" he asked, sounding mildly disappointed. "People pay to throw darts at balloons? Sounds like a scam more than fun" Akuma snorted. "And you made it sound so tantalizing" he smirked.

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((Back for now, until summer vacation (Happen here in 9 weeks))


Axle been flying form the time he left the town to the time of it mid day, about 12 hours, and he was starting to feel the effect of his exhaustion. Cloud was sleeping for the past 5 hours, and Axle know it. He look down to the forest and saw a town coming into view and wonder what town it was. 'Maybe cloud knows, but I'm still not walking into town as a dragon, that much is for sure.' Axle thought to himself though his fog of exhaustion. "Cloud get up. There a town not far from here and I don't have much energy left to stay awake. I need to land, and it not going to be nice ether." Axle said as he took a breath and let it out. Cloud woke up and look at the town as Axle dived down to the ground at fast speed. Axle crash though some trees, which came with loud snapping sounds, and hit the hard ground and a thud. He slowed himself down a bit before hitting the ground, but it sent Cloud off his back and on the ground not far from him, leaving him gasping for air for a bit. It took them a minute to caught their breath and Axle took a bit to switch forms as well, which took way to long for the lack of energy he had. Cloud went to Axle and look at his heavy eyes and pick up him up and fling his arm around his shoulder. 'Dame it Axle, why a crash landing?' Cloud thought as he carried Axle though the forest to the city they saw to the north. He more of drag Axle about half way after Axle fell asleep on him, Until he notice a wolf was trailing them. He did not think twice and place Axle on his back and took off running, and just seconds after he started to run he heard the laugh of someone they thought they have lost. Marc. This sent chills down Cloud spine when he ran to the town. It did not take him long to burst into town, with Marc not far behind him. Marc as gaining on ground and pulled his sword and still ran at Cloud. Cloud had no choice but to set Axle on the ground and pull out his own sword to block Marc attack. The sound of Steel against Steel was enough to make people scream and run in panic and to bring the polices to come. One of the four officers came to stop them, but Marc took his free hand and grab another sword he had and sliced the man throat without a care in the world and brought the other sword down on Cloud, Causing him to fall to his knees, as Marc strength started to over whelm him. "You wake, pitiful excuse being, just die and let that be over with." Marc said as the other three officers drew them swords and started to attack Marc. Marc pulled his swords off Cloud sword and went to attack the officers, Giving Cloud a split second to grab Axle and Vanish into the crowed of people, as Marc killed every officers that came at him with speed and a swift death. Marc ran in the opposite direction as more guards and officers came after him, following him to the edge of the woods. Cloud took off in one direct to escape the officers that was coming at him and the 'under the dream effect' Axle. He took off more into the forest again, knowing that Marc was on the other side of the city. He keep on running at full speed look around for a few seconds, to see if Marc was around, And sure enough he was still on their trail. All it took was that few seconds of look and Cloud ran right into Atlas with out releasing it until he ran into her. He let go of Axle, as he hit the ground with a soft thud, still not awaking from his slumber. A sword came from his sheath as Cloud scatter to get a hold of it, just before he saw Marc again in the tree line stop and slowly back away into the shadows. He stab his sword in the ground to brace his weight as he start to gasp for air from the running and the small fight he had. He already felt the weight of exhaustion on him, just as Axle had, and there was no way he could hide it.


((If i read the last post right that where Atlas is at.))

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After the dragoness got down from the tree, she asked what Aeolus came here for. He explained, “We’re looking for dragons who are willing to join us in the fight against the human army that has terrorized these woods. We will take anyone with us, but I do prefer someone with exceptional skills like magic and great agility. Tell me, what are your skills and powers?” He wanted to see what this small dragoness had, so that he could think of a good strategy to place her and the other dragons the next time they attacked humans.




Atlas found her next prey, which was another deer. She struck it down with another wind blade spell to its throat and watched fall down dead. The magi landed down by the animal and dropped the first deer next to it. She lowered her head down to eat the second kill. But as she was busy with her breakfast, someone ran into her hindleg. “Uh! What the hell?” she asked, turning head to the rear to see a spiky-haired blonde man and the sleeping white-haired boy he dropped. Strangely, the white-haired one seemed to smell more dragon than human, but he certainly didn't look like a halfling or a hybrid. Perhaps he was a shapeshifting dragon who can turn human? Another human scent caught her nose; she looked up see a black-haired man who almost resembled the blonde. She noticed that two of the trio had weapons. Tensing herself with wariness, she looked to the both of them and asked, “Alright humans, are you dragon slayers or not?”




Minerva went on her way to the carnival to check it out. She didn't have work today, because the AED building was undergoing repairs at this moment. She looked to see that there were large circus tents, animal pens, game stands, dancers, rides, and food stands at the town center. Looked on with interest at the fun things here and admired the dancers' colorful and festive appearances. She reached the carnival entrance and went in.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan and Drake heard the noise of the carnival. "Up for some entertainment big guy?" Ronan said looking down to drake. "After all this time, I'd say so." Drake smirked in agreement. Ronan hopped down onto his back before they both took off to the carnival. When they arrived they were amazed at the sights and activities.


((replied to chatzy))

Edited by LordTorch18

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Minerva looked around to see which game she would play first. There was the dart game, where people would throw darts to pop the balloons for a prize. Next to it was a game called "Toss a Ring", where the players would throw a ring at one of the small poles. The other one was the typical heavy hammer game that tested the player's strength to see if they could hit the bell. That game was definitely not for Minerva as she couldn't lift up the hammer high enough and win. She decided to make her way to Toss-a-Ring and play that game first. She gave the man a silver coin and received three wings. She threw them all, but only one managed to make it onto the pole. "Oh man, I lost," said Minerva. But she wasn't affected by the loss anyway. She just wanted to have fun.


((Okay, I will reply on Friday.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan looked around smirking at all the fun options. He saw the hammer game and made his way over. "Well, this can't be that hard." He said before paying the worker three coins to play. The worker nodded with a response, "Three tries to ring the bell." Ronan picked up the hammer in both hands. His first swing only got the thing half-way up. He tried again, getting it three quarters up. His third try he got a bit more patient. He used his whole body with the hammer, slamming it down. The bell rang in victory. "We got a winner!" The worker shouted before trying to give Ronan a prize. He passed on it because he didn't have any need for it.

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The point where Kat's wing was attached to her body was the right size but it was also here that the number of rotted scales here were significantly greater than most other spots over Katherine. Katherine considered Verdant's response in silence for a moment before chiming in again. "That's only because no one has used your name yet. I'm sure you'll start feeling better about a name once we start using it. But...if you're still uncertain I can just keep calling you Green until you settle down on one." Kat waited a moment for Green to finish with his inspection. "Soo...are they skyworthy?"




((Sorry red I'm kinda drawing a blank on Jason x.x I'll have something soon. I promise.))

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Nick threw one dart and missed. His face scrunched up and the rest of the darts levitated up and found their marks with complete accuracy. He turned towards the stand owner and smirked. "I'll take my prize now." He said. The stand owner stepped aside while grumbling under his breath. Nick mulled over the prizes for a moment before snatching a few pieces of paper advertising a free fortune telling session. Snatching up the papers he turned to Akuma. "Oh, hush, carnivals are full of stupid little games like this. Of course, it's overpriced, but it's not like I don't have the money." he went on before moving off, waving Akuma over. "Come on lets go find that fortune tent." he walked for a bit, passing by several rides he noted their locations to come back afterwards. After a bit of searching he came to a purple tent with an eye stitched onto the tent flap. He looked back at Akuma before entering the tent. He stopped though, unable to believe what he saw. It had to be a coincidence. The emblem of Verista was stitched onto the robe of the fortune teller.

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Cloud turn to face Atlas, who seems to shimmer a bit from her orange scales. "I'm not, but I would not put it past Marc to kill you for fun." Cloud said as he turn his head back to where Marc have stood a second ago. Marc have full left the area of the light and enter the shadows, and have change forms to a chipmunk and have vanish. Cloud stood there for a few seconds before he put his sword away and went to pick back up the sleeping Axle, who have yet to still wake up. "I'm sorry if we interrupted your breakfast." Cloud said as he place Axle back on his back and about collapse from Axle mass with his swords for he had little strength left. "I hate to ask, but is there somewhere safe we could spend the night at, we have no energy, ether of us, and we have not yet ate for some time, aside from a few apples." Cloud asked Atlas, as he set Axle back down against the tree not far from him.

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Jason watched as Kathia displayed each of her spells in turn. As he had guessed her spells made short work of his little wooden targets. The fireball incinerated the first target. It was still burning as Kathia blasted the second target back with a wind ball. Her lightening bolt missed the target but the scorch marks and burnt chips that had flown off from where the spell hit were evidence a plenty of it's power. Then finally came the last spell, which enveloped her hand in flames. She walked up to the last target and simply held it, the wooden disk went up in flames like the first target had done.


Jason applauded Kathia. "Very well done. More spells like those and we'll have those damned lizards fleeing for their lives." He said smiling at her. Jason stood up and went to collect his surviving targets which consisted of the one that was missed. The target hit by the wind spell didn't seem like it could be salvaged. "So what now? Grab something to eat or do we probe around for other people who aren't happy with the way things are?"




Tyler wandered the streets of Windfall sporting his brand new golden bangles on his legs. The staff lamp in his hand was extinguished since it was daytime out. Humming happily to himself as he sauntered on Tyler paused at the sight of a wanted poster. On it was the face of a dashing young boy sporting a very stylish hat. Tyler tore the poster off the wall and stuffed it into his jacket before continuing on down the road.

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Zeditha dithered for a few seconds, staring at Aeolus, before relaxing slightly. "I'm not the best of magic-users, but I have some skills," she said, quickly setting a small bush alight to prove her point. "I prefer to use claws, teeth and tail." she leaped back to the tree, and made a quick circuit of deft leaps, up, down, backtracking, digging her claws into a trunk as she climbed... On the last jump she accidentally opened her wings as she gripped the tree, revealing her wound. She snapped it closed after half a second, wondering if the other dragon had seen it.

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