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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Day 5, Forest

It was his turn again, and he kept watch of the area. He hears sounds coming from the distance, but it was just something harmless. He was doing his own line of thinking regarding a name. He had some ideas while thinking about the few flowers he created during his shifts, but nothing that comes close to being a name, at least until the last shift. When it was over, he went over to Katherine to wake her up.


((I'm gonna wait a bit for Colin's part.))

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Nick reaches over the table and begins to eat Akuma's food. When that runs out he grabs the poor hybrid boy and eats him too.


Nick looked up and let out a belch before covering his mouth. "Oops, pardon me" he chuckled before noticing Akuma just staring at his food. "What's wrong?" he asked, looking at Akuma curiously before he realized that the hybrid probably didn't know what a carnival was. "You don't know what a carnival is, do you? It's like, uh. Games and clowns and stuff." he tried to explain. "Eh, you'll see when we get there. It will be fun" As he talked, he grabbed more bacon and put it on his plate, swirling it around the a pool of syrup before eating it.He sure did love bacon. It was a good thing he made so much of it.

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Katherine was slow to rise as Green shook her awake. She had been curled up in the same clearing Green had been resting in through the night. Kat inched her eyes open to look up at the plant dragon. She let out a large yawn before getting to her feet and stretching. "Morning, sir." Came the reflexive daytime greeting. Kat paused in her stretching as she caught herself. "Right, guess I don't have to say that anymore." She stated quietly to herself. She gave herself a quick once over to see if new scales had rotted during the night and as usual there had been a new batch that needed to be preened. "Give me a sec to catch some breakfast then I'm going to clean up in the river before we get going if you don't mind. I won't be long." She said to Green walking off to the river still quite clearly groggy from the few hours of sleep they had. Once at the river Cat sat down and raised a paw. Beneath the water's surface was a rather bountiful selection. "So, did you come up with a name last night?" She called back to Green but keeping her focus on the river.




Jason had escorted Kathia back yesterday before returning to the inn to get some sleep. He rose as the daylight shined through the window. It would be another relatively uneventful day he figured. For now he just needed to get better with the bow and sword. Especially if his foes were to be dragons. Last night's murder was all but forgotten, it tickled that back of his mind a bit but he ignored the thought. He had more important issues to deal with than some murderer who was probably too cowardly to to face off against someone who could defend themselves properly.


Jay got out of bed and did some stretching exercises to start the day. He had to be in top form if he was going to show off his bowmanship to Kathia today.

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Last night

When the dome broke, the boss cast his float magic and descended softly to the ground. The other gang members had either gotten impaled or crushed by the ice shards while the others cast their barrier spells to shield themselves from the falling pieces. The shards broke through the roofs of the buildings and woke up the residents. "Hey, what's going on around here?" asked a man.


"Oh my gosh the sky is falling!" shouted a lady.


"My house is on fire and so is the market!" yelled another man. People started to flee their homes in panic to avoid being burned by the fire consuming their homes and the shards falling on them.


Minerva woke up startled when she heard the loud crash of ice falling down next to her bed. "Oh my gosh, what was that?!" she cried. She heard noises outside her house and looked through the window to see that neighborhood was on fire and the ice was everywhere. "Oh my!" she said. She quickly put on her clothes and rushed out of her home to join the panicking crowd in the streets. "What's going on around here?" she asked.


((Sorry for cutting it so short but, I got to go get my hair washed.))

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((Akuma: *cries in corner*


Uhhh..... is that in Windfall?))


Akuma made a slight sneer of disgust as Nick burped. It seemed all of Nick's composure had been lost in one night. So much for the grand mage. He stared at his food as Nick went on to try and explain what a carnival was. Something with games and... clowns. What on earth were clowns? Was it a type of animal? He'd never heard of it before. Humans were strangely elaborate. Whispers of dragons being enslaved in circuses had passed by him before. Perhaps they were similar? They said people would beat dragons and animals into performing tricks for the audience. The audience of humans. The fun only traveled in one direction. He wondered if this would be the same. Then again, Nick was a dragon hugger, so it wouldn't be likely anything was wrong with the event in that manner. Not to mention the Aquarians were everywhere in Windfall now. Akuma finished his plate of food and stared blankly at Nick.

Edited by Sai

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Ronan and Drake looked around seeing the town was turning into a mess because of their fight. "Drake what do we do? This man is harder to defeat than I thought and we're ruining the city." Ronan said showing concern for the towns well-fare. "We have to end this now Drake." Drake looked around unsure till he gets an idea. "Ronan, take to the shadows, use your strengths against him." He said before throwing Ronan to the closest rooftop. Ronan dropped himself down into the streets before blending into the shadows. Drake flew up into the night sky where the gang boss couldn't see him. His dark brown scales let him hide in the sky easily. "You want me dead? you'll have to find me on foot." Ronan taunted.


(waitin on you red for the chatzy)

Edited by LordTorch18

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((I’m trying to wait till the fight in the middle of the night is finished before I get back to Colin. But I guess it got to me in more ways than one. huh.gif ))


“Good morning.” He said before listening to Kat muttering something. “Did you sleep well?” He noticed her glancing over something that turned out to be some rotting scales. He noticed this during his shifts, but he didn’t say anything just to avoid causing unnecessary alarm. The time when she spoke about breakfast and cleaning seems appropriate. “Is that supposed to happen to your scales?” He asked as he followed Kat to the river. He noticed the amount of fishes and watches what she does to get them while thinking about the question asked to him. “I had a few in mind.” He said as he recalled what he got. “Verdant, Stride, Zest…”

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((Yes, the battle between the mafia and Ronan & Drake is in Windfall. Also, posted on Chatzy.)


Last Night

The enemy duo had went separate ways; the dragon going into the sky and the man going into the darkest part of the streets. "Hah, a challenge that I will take, boy!" the boss laughed, confident that he was going to kill Ronan eventually. The man walked after the assassin into the street. The darkness would provide more advantage to his stealth than just his invisibility spell. The boss kept his eyes and ears sharp for wherever his prey might be.


Minerva stayed out in the middle of the square, looking around at the fire on the buildings. She didn't know exactly how this mess happened, but some of the people around her were saying that the culprit was a dragon, while others accused the situation as being caused by a mage. More people speculated that the fire might have been an accident; there were no other guesses for the fallen ice shards. The spy had merged into the crowd to use as meat shields, since he figured the dragon wouldn't harm the innocent citizen. Then he spotted the familiar blonde woman in the crowd and identified her as Minerva, a target he had missed during the raid. Taking up his crossbow, he aimed at her and got ready to fire.




After learning more about the humans and their skills & power from the leader, Aeolus went to the refugees and managed to convince a few dragons of the strong breed to fight alongside his horde. Then they left the cave and went to look for more dragons to recruit until midnight. After raising his horde to 20 dragons, Aeolus lead his horde to the human camp where they would attack. He used his earthquake power to shake the land and sent trees falling down on the camp and cause humans to lose focus and balance. Then the rest of the dragons attacked and took out some of the soldiers, but unfortunately the tide eventually turned and the humans defeated the horde by killing 12 of them, including Leafwing. Aeolus issued a retreat and Eitri teleported the horde to safety.




Last night and today

After Kathia was escorted home, she went into her bedroom and slept throughout the night. Next morning, she woke up and ate breakfast. After saying goodbye to Mrs. Merryweather, she grabbed her spellbook and rode her horse to go meet Jason at the <insert meeting place>. She couldn't wait to show him what she learned yesterday. After getting their first, the girl tied the reins to a pole and read her spellbook to study and memorize the spells she used until Jason got here.

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Ronan kept to the shadows of the night. He went around, quietly setting traps of his own unique design. While setting one of the traps he glanced up and saw a man with a crossbow. He examined the trajectory and saw it was aimed at the woman he ran into twice. He drew three shurikens. He threw one at the mans leg right behind the knee, knowing it would cause him to aim the crossbow away. The other two he aligned with the spine and neck to kill him. He would approach the body, pulling each shuriken out. He looked up to meet Minerva's gaze if she saw him, before he ran back into the shadows. Now the real hunt began.

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The sound of voices stirred Tyler awake. Last night had been both late and eventful. Yawning and stretching the boy finally decided to get up before someone found him. He was currently tucked away behind a large pile of boxes in a warehouse. He'd have preferred an abandoned warehouse but with the city so newly rebuilt there weren't any.


Tyler conjured up a new jacket and hat and put them on before creeping out a back door as workers began to bustle about.




"Verdant has a nice ring to it." Kat said absentmindedly before thrusting her paw into the water and and with a rough almost scooping motion launched a fish out of the river and onto the land. Her tail pinned the still wriggling prey to the round as soon as it hit grass. "My scales rot away all the time. They aren't really supposed too but I have what the humans called a mutation that causes them to do that. Being bred in captivity certainly didn't help either, I can't even fly for very long because of that." The last bit came out in a frustrated growl as Kat slapped another fish out of the water and pinned it with her tail as well. "Oh, I forgot to ask how many fish you wanted." She said eager for a change in subject.




Stretched, fed, dressed, and raring to go Jason left the inn ignoring a journalist still snooping around for a scoop on the murder last night. Jay had his quiver and bow with him along with some makeshift targets. He had told Kathia to meet him at the same back lot they had gone too the first time they met.


Jason arrived to see Kathia already there waiting for him with her head buried into her spellbook. "So ready to blow my mind?" He said to Kathia as he walked up to her and set down his quiver of arrows and bow. "I made some targets. If you don't mind I'm gonna to start. Something tells me there won't be much left of these little guys when you're done with them." He said sarcastically as he began to set targets around the lot. Hope I got this down. It'd be embarrassing otherwise. Jason thought to himself as he set the last target.


Collecting his bow and quiver again Jason took a spot in the middle of the lot. He took a calming breath or two and got to it. He drew his first arrow nice and slow, getting a feel for the motion and knocked it to the bow. Jason checked to see that Kathia was watching, then with a sharp movement raised the bow drew back and let fly his first shot, it slammed dead center in the first target. He didn't wait or celebrate, Jason turned completely around and let another arrow fly at another target held up of the ground and behind him it landed a little right of center but he didn't let that get him down. Jason moved on through the targets which had been arranged around the lot in a rather random manner. All the arrows found their mark albeit with some a little above, below, left, or right of dead center. Until two targets remained, these two were shaped like rearing miniature dragons. Jason let loose one arrow and before that had found it's mark he drew and left fly a second arrow at the second target. One dragon was knocked off its post followed almost immediately back the second each with an arrow embedded in its head.


((Well that was kinda longish. Sorry red unsure.gif ))

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“I thought about things that relate to greenery and giving life. Those names are what I came up with.” He said as he was watching her catch fish. He thought about her condition and some ideas that could be done about it. “You were in that city. Was there anyone who could tend to it?” He had another thought. “…May I see your wings to see how they are?” When he heard if he wants any fish, he figured it’s a change of subject, but he wasn’t going to let it change so easily. Health is important in traveling. “Herbivore. I already ate.”

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((What kind of traps were they? I can't imagine what exactly they are, so I'm just going to use my own imagination here. And it's alright, Enkie. I forgive you.))


The boss's foot pulled a rope and set trigger to one of the traps. An arrow flew at him and shot into his shoulder. "Hrk!" the man groaned in pain as he clutched his wound. It seems like his nemesis has put up traps in the alley. In this pitch black darkness, the traps would be nearly impossible to find, so the boss cast a barrier around himself to prevent any more ambushes. This would enable Ronan to find him after he leaves the alley, but at least he would be safe until then. The man continued to track down his enemy while the traps bounced off his barrier.


Before Aldric the spy could fire his arrow, something hit him in the back of his leg. He hissed in pain from the sharp tingle and lost focus of his target. Before he could think of grabbing the object out of his leg, two more struck him in the back and paralyzed his body. The invisible man fell over and died.


As Minerva waited to see if the Aquarians would come over to fix the disastrous situation, she glanced to the side and noticed the same hooded man again picking up shurikens off the ground or rather mid-air. She wasn't sure how these ninja stars were able to float off ground like that. Maybe it was a magic trick or something. The man looked up to meet her eyes for a bit as she said, "Oh hello again, it looks like we keep running into each other, huh." The man didn't reply and instead he ran off to somewhere. Minerva sighed, "And there he goes." She was kind of annoyed that she didn't get a responded when she tried to talk to him.


The boss came out of the darkness and saw the scene between Minerva and Ronan. He noticed that the two were acquainted with each other as it seems. He thought about taking the woman hostage, but he didn't know the exact relationship she had with Ronan. It would work well against Ronan if she was a friend or something more than that, because the boss didn't see any use of using complete strangers as his hostage to make his enemies hesitate and turn into easy targets. But then again, Ronan went to the AED (still can't remember it's name) and tried to save random strangers. So maybe this acquaintance would be no different. The boss dispel his barrier and walked over to Minerva. He cast both his invisibility and sleep spells at her to make her unseen to the crowd as she falls helpless and unconscious. A few people surrounding her were surprised at how she suddenly disappeared in front of them. The boss picked up the blonde and carried her out of the crowd and into the dark place.


At the dead end, he cast magic chains around Minerva's body. The chains were bluish-black and glowed light that barely seen in the dark. Then he dispel the invisibility and made Minerva seen again. The boss at the side of the trash can for Ronan to come and find the bait.



((Enkie, I'll get to you next time, because I'm sleepy.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan had stayed in the shadows very excellently. He saw the boss pass by, taking notice of his shoulder wound. 'He'll focus to protect that spot on his body, I've got him now.' he thought to himself. He drew his bow and an arrow, keeping the man in his sight until he saw what he had done with Minerva, seeing her go invisible. 'No, now I have to rescue her from him.' He thought with concern. He put away his bow, tailing him from the darkness to the 'dead end'. He saw the boss use magic to tie up Minerva. 'If I kill him, that should end his magic.' He thought as he began thinking up a plan, 'He has shielding powers and attack powers......but it appears he is unable to use them at the same time. I got him now.' he smirked as he realized a way to end this fight. He set up his bow to a make-shift trigger mechanism, using any objects he could find. Once it was set He snuck around behind the boss. Crouched in a corner on the wall behind him. Drake had been watching everything from the sky. Seeing Ronan on his hunt, he went to go clean up the mess he had made with his fire-breathing and ice. Ronan drew a shuriken and was careful with his aim. He threw it at the trigger mechanism that was attached to his bow. This caused the bow to fire two arrows to the right of the boss, purposefully missing him. This was a distraction to get him to use an attack spell in the direction of where the arrows came from. If successful, Ronan would jump from his hiding spot, and cut off the bosses hands using his katana, preventing him from using anymore magic. He'd then kick him down to the ground.

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Nick looked watched as Akuma gave him a blank stare. "Eh" He picked up his own plate and Akuma's before rinsing them in the sink and clearing the rest of the table, putting away the leftover foods into the refrigerator as well. "Alright, let's go." He headed towards the door before stopping for a moment and going back to grab his spell book. He brushed off some dust before pinning it under his arm against his body and heading out the door. He waited for Akuma to catch up before he talked. "This carnival is ancient, I can't remember the last time I went to it." There's good food too. "Elephant ears, funnel cakes..." he smiled just thinking about it. "And no, Elephant ears aren't really made from elephant ears."

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((I did a revised version of the fanfic's prologue yesterday: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...logue-397896141 Guys? What do you think of this?))


The sudden sound of Jason's voice startled Kathia, making her jump a little. She put her book down to the man near her. "Yes, I am," she replied eagerly to show off her spells. But of course, Jason would have to start first. He joked saying that there probably won't be much of the targets left once she was through with them. "Oh there won't be," the girl said, confident that she was going to destroy these targets with her magic spells. The archer shot all the targets, some had hit the bull's eyes, while some were a little around it. But overall, Jason did pretty good; better than Kathia would have done, because she probably wouldn't hit the bull's eye a lot since she rarely ever succeeded in hitting the dartboard's center with the throwing darts. Then she watched him shoot the dragon targets. Kathia could picture him killing some real-life dragons this way.




((And aw dang, I forgot about the arrow wound. How careless of me.))


After the boss pulled out the arrow on his wound, he formulated a plan and called his surviving henchmen to tell them about it on the cellphone. "Men, meet me at the alleys behind the World Market. We're going to ambush this snake once and for all," he said. After he hang up, he saw two more flying at him, but they missed. The man figured out where they came from and cast his electric spell at Ronan's location. It missed as the cloaked man jumped out and wielded his katana to try to chop off his hands. But the boss was too quick as he cast his barrier to bounce off his attacker. Then ran over to Minerva and held her up as he a knife against her throat. "I finally got you. You've been a thorn in my side long enough. Now listen here, boy. If you value this girl's life, you will lay down your weapons right now or else watch her die," he said, sounding serious in his threat. "One wrong move and blood will be on your hands."


Behind Ronan, the henchmen snuck up behind him. All with their weapons armed and reading to attack in case the boss gives them the signal to do so.

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Ronan got up holding his sword. Listening to the mans words he tightened his grip on his sword temporarily. 'I'm close, I just need one more step.' He sighed through his nose. "Have your men stand down.....if you want me dead this badly.....I ask that the killing stroke be from you. You are a worthy adversary, your men don't deserve the honor. I also ask that you make it a clean death." he said as he started removing his weapons one by one, leaving only one that was hidden on his forearm. He knelt down on one knee. "Spare the woman, she can do you no harm."

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((I've PMed my form three times, I'm going to post it here as well.

Name: Zeditha

Age: teen... *no idea how old that would be*

Appearance: She is thin and agile, with a long neck and a tail that can be used as a whip. She has ear-flaps that she uses to show expression. She is dark purple with swirls of maroon, black, and different blues. Her eyes are emerald green.

Personality: She is mostly kind and caring, but when provoked she fights viciously. However, she will only target those that provoked her and any who helped them.

Powers: Agility and aerobatics, as well as breathing fire.

Opinion of Humans: They're annoying, but some are fairly nice. It's worth keeping them alive to find out, but those that attack must be killed.

Likes: hunting, flying, a good talk with a dragon-loving human

Size: She's not all that big... Small for a dragon but still large to a human.


If asked I'll remove it.))

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((Nick doesn't seem to be replying to a lot of PMs. You may have to send it to Sai instead; she's one of the RP's mods or helpers or whatever she's called.))


Last Night (in Windfall)

The boss was impressed that Ronan could somehow detect where his henchmen were, despite them being invisible. Maybe he must extraordinary auditory senses, the boss assumed. After his enemy disarmed himself completely and kneeled before him, he boss smirked and commented, "Very well then, if that is your wish. I'm glad to see that you have honor in you, young man. Your family must be very proud of you right now." He walked towards Ronan, carrying his hostage with him just as a safeguard in case he tries anything sneaky, as he continued, "Speaking of them, would you like to meet them up in heaven? I'm sure you're going to have a pretty happy family reunion of there, after all you and them must miss each other very much." He held out his sword's blade at Ronan, getting ready to strike.




Today (North-Central region)

Atlas flew out of the Castle of Fire to go do some hunting for breakfast. But before she left, she raised a thick earthly wall up the double doors to make sure that no unwanted intruder would go in and possibly do harm to her nieces. The magi flew over the forest searching out for fruits and wildlife to kill and bring back. A deer had sensed her movement in the air and dashed off to leave before its predator would strike it down. But Atlas saw the animal's tawny pelt and movement from the trees below. She predicted where the animal was going to be when the spell hit and cast her wind blade to sever its head off. The spell had also cut off a thin branch that had been in the way. The dragoness flew down to her prey and carried the body in her mouth as she flew to find the next meal. The deer belonged to Danielle.




Today (Solomos)

Last Night's battle against the human army ended in disaster. Most of the horde had yelled and berated their leader for defeat and loss of their comrades' lives, which made the disaster dragon ashamed of his miscalculations. Aeolus pondered his thoughts on where he went wrong and how he could improve to make sure that the enemy was destroyed next time. He thought about doing some traveling and recruiting lone dragons into his horde; this time not requiring only the most powerful breeds, as he can't be picky with needing to boost his morale. But he also didn't need to bring in completely useless breeds as he wanted to reduce unnecessary deaths as well. Aeolus also figured that some training beforehand would add to the horde's strength so that the dragons will know what to do when fighting the human's weapons and magic. And finally, teaming up with other hordes would give his a big number of recruits. The bigger and better prepared the horde, the more likely they would to succeed. Getting up, Aeolus murmured to himself, "I must find more dragons."

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((his senses are quite adept yes. he's spent his life training for this day so he could win.))


Ronan waited till the boss made his strike. At the last possible second, he spun around the sword, grabbing his arm. He triggered his hidden blade, driving it into his spine between the shoulder blades, rendering his body useless but alive until he would bleed out. "How about you go to the depths and burn." He said with a firey anger. He turned to the sounds of the henchmens steps. "You can either run for your lives, or I will kill you all right now." He stood ready.

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The boss drew his sword arm back and thrust forward at Ronan. But unfortunately for him, the man had parried off the attack and struck his spine. The henchmen heard their leader's yell of pain and gasped as they heard his body fall on the concrete ground. Minerva had dropped down as well for she was no longer being held by her captor. Then after the threat from Ronan, the cowards all ran away for their lives and left their boss to die as they knew that they could not defeat him. "Damn miserable... How could I... possibly... lose..." said the dying boss.


((I will post there tomorrow. Btw, how did I do as the bad guy? Pretty good or what?))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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also, I'll just let the Aquarians take care of the fire off screen >.> 2 days of a new city and we've already had 3 massive fires. No wonder their city combusted the first time.))


Akuma finished his breakfast as Nick continued on about the carnival. He listed off more things that Akuma had no knowledge of. It occurred to him that Nick probably didn't really care and was just reminiscing on his past. Akuma nodded vaguely and cleared his throat, standing up as Nick took their plates to the sink. After the mage had gathered his supplies, they finally exited the house to head for the carnival. It figured the Aquarians would do their best to maintain the events of the human world for a sense of security. And a chance for dragons to mingle normally with humans. Towards the town center, he saw it come into view. Large tents protruded in the city, all purple and white striped. The hybrid was taken aback by the unusual view and looked at Nick questioningly. What the hell was this? There were food stands, game stands, animal pens, and things of the sorts, covering the town square.

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((excellently done red, I doubt I could've done it better. very clever and tactical.))


Ronan stepped around, picking up his sword. "You underestimated me at every turn and you were over-confident. I've trained my entire life for this moment. I avenge my family's murder with your blood." He said before ending the boss's life. "rest in pieces." he wiped the blood off his sword before sheathing it. After picking up the rest of his gear, he walked over to Minerva. "You alright? I'm sorry you were dragged into this mess." He said, checking to make sure she wasn't harmed.

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