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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Akuma looked at Nick with a flat expression. As Nick started to muse about his confusion in feelings, Akuma's brow sloped downward and he sneered slightly. "Tch" he huffed quietly as Nick rubbed his neck. Akuma didn't have regard for restraint against females in combat- if Kai was even a female. It wouldn't have mattered. He would have torn them up all the same. His thought was interrupted as Nick scolded him in a subtle manner of sarcasm. He growled quietly at the scolding. He wanted to say he wasn't going to get maimed for anyone, but Nick had a habit of helping him in tight situations. It made him feel almost guilty, which made him even more angry. "Whatever" he snapped, looking away.

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Nick just looked at Akuma, water dripping from his hair and robes, the liquid pooling at his feet. He frowned when Akuma growled, and then Nick turned to leave, walking slowly as he was weighed down by his water logged robes. He walked down the cobble pathways towards the back of the city where his house lay. A flash of lightning lit up the sky for a brief moment before it started to drizzle. It didn't really matter to Nick though, seeing as he was already comepletly soaked. He didn't bother checking to see if Akuma was following or not, though once he reached the door to his house he turned around to see if Akuma had decided to accompany him or not.

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Akuma bared his fangs back at Nick as he frowned. The sneer died down as Nick suddenly turned to walk away. Akuma stood in place for a moment before remembering he was indeed offered a place to sleep. Why not?... I've used the others for shelter and food before. If he's offering... he thought as he silently followed the mage through the city. Akuma looked at the stone roads again as they walked. He knew he was starting to sound like Albel. It seemed no matter what he wanted to do for others, his stubborn nature put up a mean front to steer others off. He glanced up, seeing it was going to start raining again. He picked up his pace as it started to drizzle and was caught off guard by Nick's sudden stop. He was jogging by now and ran full into the suddenly halted Nick. He growled audibly again, untangling himself and moving inside.

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"Woah there" Nick said as Akuma collided with him. "In a bit of a hurry are we?" He asked, watching as the hybrid picked himself up and hurried inside the house. Nick followed, closing the door behind him before flicked on the lights and went into the next room. The was a couch and two arm chairs sitting opposite of each other, all centered around a fireplace. Walking over to the fireplace he lit the logs alight and disappeared up the stairs to his room. After a short while he came back down wearing a dry t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants. His hair was also all ruffled up from the towel he had used to. Moving to sit by the fire he said to Akuma, "There is an extra room upstairs, across from mine, that you can use."

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Akuma glanced over his shoulder as Nick addressed his hurry. Akuma had already skimped out on a fight to not get wet, of course he wasn't going to take his sweet time out in the rain. Then again, running into Nick made his front a bit damp as a result. When Nick went upstairs, Akuma approached the fireplace and plopped down on the floor. As the time passed, he laid down on his side and purred contently at the heat as it dried him. Nick returned again in dry cloths, declaring there was an extra room across from his. Akuma stayed silent, still disgruntled from before. It was still midday but the cozy fire made him feel lethargic. His hood was pulled back again, letting his messy silver hair spill onto the floor. Akuma opened an eye as sat down by the fire. He wanted to break the silence some how. Akuma wasn't good at anything casual. Just chaos. Oh wait, chaos. He made a toothy grin to himself before dusting his face and rolling over to face Nick. He steadily inched closer before reaching out and biting Nick's leg with his fangs. It was a brief bite, not hard enough to break skin, but to make someone jump. He moved back quickly, rolling onto his back a few feet away and grinning another toothy and mischievous smile.

Edited by Sai

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Suddenly the sky grew dark with storm clouds hanging over Windfall and rain started to fall, wetting all the people outside who were unprepared for the abrupt weather change. "Oh shoot!" Kathia cried as she hastily held the spellbook upside down and tightly to herself to avoid getting the pages soaked before she could read them. "Come on, let's get inside!" she said as she rushed back to the bookstore to take shelter inside. Her clothes, skin, and hair had been pelted with raindrops, which Kathia considered to be an annoyance as she didn't like being wet unless she was swimming or washing. She stayed inside the building and waited for the thunder storm to stop. Pretty soon, it stopped, but then it went back to drizzling and gradually increase to harder rain. The girl sighed and said, "It looks like it's going to take a while before the rain stops."


But in the meantime, this would give Kathia time to read her spellbook. She stood by an empty aisle and opened her book to the first pages. She skipped the copyright section and started off with the introduction to magic. Concentration was the key to channeling magic energy and some spells required intense emotions to be stronger. Spells should also be practiced often for the user to remember the spells and master them. After learning the introductory, the book says for the reader to start off with the Dream Recall spell as it was the easiest to learn. This spell was a must as it will teach her about herself as well as lead the reader into a more advance spell like the Astral Projection spell later down the line. Kathia went to the next page to learn about the Dream Recall. To do this spell, she would have to cast it at night right before she goes to bed and falls asleep. That way she can remember her dreams a lot better than she did normally when she would forget and have no memory what she had last night.


Since this was a spell for nighttime, Kathia decided to save this spell for later and go on to the next spell in the beginner's section; the Familiar Spell.

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Nick was combing a hand through his hair, trying to even out the damp mass. He was about to look over at Akuma and offer him a spare key to the house when he felt something sharp sink into his leg. He let out a sharp yelp and leapt up off the ground and onto his feet, jumping away from the hybrid, and as he did so, dropped the little silver key he had in his hand, though he didn't notice. Little ankle bitter! Nick thought to himself, rubbing the spot with his hand. This was the second time he had been bitten today. I swear he is just like a kitten Glaring down at Akuma he asked "What the hell was that for!?" he demanded, wondering why the hybrid boy had decided to bite him out of no where.

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Akuma grinned wider as Nick jumped up and yelled from the bite. He watched Nick in a studying behavior at his reaction. No strikes back. Akuma instantly took this as a weakness, knowing he could probably get away with a lot. When Nick spouted off asking why he bit him, Akuma's grin melted into a smirk. He stared at Nick for a moment, recalling the mage always held back before as well. It further spurred his conclusion he could get away with more than just 'a lot'. So why apologize? He scooted closer, still lying down to make is subtle and swung his claws out at Nick's legs in response. He took a brief pause to lick his teeth like an animal would. As he did, the orange sheen that had been there was wiped clean.

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Nick jumped back again as Akuma swiped out at him. He had no idea what had gotten into Akuma, but if he was going to act like an animal then Nick was going to treat him like one. Bringing his hands together he created a ball of freezing cold water, which he then promptly launched at the hybrid boy. Bad Akuma, you don't do that!" he chided. He didn't want Akuma to think he could get away with these types of things, but at the same time he didn't want to hurt the boy, so launching freezing water at the apparently hydrophobic hybrid seemed like an excellent alternative. Bringing up he hand he summoned another water ball, awaiting Akuma's response.

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Akuma stared at Nick smugly awaiting a response. When Nick summoned a ball of water, Akuma perked up. He rolled away from the throw, but still got wet from the after splash and the flooding on the floor. It wasn't just water, no, it was ice cold water. He froze up for a second, gasping at the feeling. The shock turned into anger. He rolled onto his knees and let loose a loud growl, angry eyes burning into Nick. He jumped to his feet and ran at Nick with his claws out. He grabbed out at Nick with his claws, attempting to sink them in his flesh and his fangs were bared to follow with a bite. Akuma had only meant to play before, but ice cold water had just shorted his circuit. He wanted blood for that.

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Nick jumped back and dodged the claws with ease and he was about to throw the second water ball at Akuma, but was too late as he stumbled backwards and he felt Akuma's fangs sink into his arm. Nick gasped and tried to jerk away, but couldn't. So instead he froze the ball into snow and forcefully smashed it into Akuma's face. "Let go you little ****er, after all I've done for you you're going to try and kill me over a little cold water. You ungrateful little whelp."

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Akuma snarled against Nick's arm as he felt his teeth meet flesh. He held on as Nick started to make jerked movements against the bite. Akuma grunted and let go as he felt something cold and hard smash against his face. Nick scolded him again for his actions. That did it. Akuma shoved Nick away as hard as he could muster. He stood heaving and rubbing the snow from his face. His cheeks tainted into a pink color and he spun away. His jerked his hood up over his head and ripped the front door open, walking furiously out the door without closing it. Akuma gnashed his teeth as he walked, his throat tightening and his vision near red from anger. The cold rain didn't help his mood. He hated water. He hated cold water. For valid reasons of course, but he never shared much of anything about himself with others.

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Nick stood in shock for a moment, his arm bleeding freely, as Akuma stormed out. Cursing under his breath he muttered a quick spell to mend the bite wound before he dashed out after the emotionally disturbed hybrid boy. "Akuma wait!" Nick called out, slowing as he neared Akuma and keeping a slight distance though, for his own sake. Making a hand gesture in the air he solidified the air above Akuma, creating a makeshift umbrella for the hybrid. "What the hell has gotten into you." He continued to walk behind the hybrid, keeping a safe distance while he waited for a response. "This isn't normal Akuma. What's wrong?" he paused a second before adding, "You're going to catch a cold out here"

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Akuma slowed as he heard pattering footsteps behind him. He spun on his heel, baring his fangs as Nick called after him and created an air pocket above him. It hardly registered over his current state. He couldn't even feel the coldness biting at his skin. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" he yelled. His thoughts turned irrational and erratic. He tried being friendly in the only way he knew how- tried to play and take in a friend. And as usual it was punished. At this point he wasn't sure if he was shaking from coldness or anger. "Stay away..." his voice lowered as he held up his claws. He eyes were narrowed and set on Nick, looking almost wild.

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Nick took another step towards Akuma "I'm not going anywhere Akuma. In fact, you're coming home with me, now." Nick said sternly. "If you're going to sulk and be pouty that's fine, but you're going to do it at home where it's warm, not out here in the rain." he held his hands out in front of him cautiously and crept forward slowly. 'I don't know what you're problem is Akuma, but we need to talk this out okay? Whatever it is it isn't healthy to keep it bottled up. You need to let it all out sometime, and if you don't talk it out, well... Nick stopped for a second, just looking at Akuma. "Well just take a look at yourself."

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Akuma backed away as Nick stepped forward, moving back out into the rain. He growled back as Nick demanded, or rather stated that Akuma was going to go back with him right then. He's sorely mistaken Akuma thought, glaring across at him. "Are you deaf!? I said stay away!" he yelled, backing away further as Nick closed in. Nick continued, saying it was better for Akuma to express himself. Only he didn't want to express himself anymore. Any time he tried to do something right it backfired. Akuma snarled as Nick crept forward and turned again, running off down an alley. If Nick wouldn't listen, he'd create space between them himself. The freezing rain kept biting at his skin and his cloths grew heavy from water, but he continued anyway.

Edited by Sai

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Nick sighed as Akuma ran off and chased after him in a dead sprint. "Oh no you don't!" he called out as he made pursuit. When Akuma turned down an allyway Nick knew that the hybrid wasn't getting away. He had walked straight into a dead end, but Nick didn't want to take any chances, and he knew Akuma wasn't going to stop to negotiate, so Nick did the most logical thing. He launched himself at Akuma, aiming to tackle the hybrid boy to the ground. He was going to drag him home if he had to. "You're coming back home if it's the last thing I do, you hear me?" Nick exclaimed.

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Akuma ran down the alley, panting in stress from the coldness. He again heard footsteps coming behind and Nick's angry voice calling out. He recoiled at the sight in front of him as a wall came into view. Oh right... human alleyways didn't have exits. The speed of the footsteps behind him increased, as did his heart rate in a sudden flurry of panic. Akuma slowed as the wall grew closer and turned around to face Nick. Not a moment sooner he cried out as he was taken to the ground. He stared briefly up at Nick, wide-eyed in shock before regaining his composure. He winced, turning his head as Nick again yelled at him. He looked back at Nick in silence, fangs bared still. His growling ceased. He wanted to claw Nick, only he'd lost feeling in his fingers and felt a pang of nervousness about attacking if he couldn't defend himself. So he settled to glare up at the mage. Akuma shivered under Nick; even though Nick being over him blocked the rain, laying in a puddle on stone ground didn't feel much better.

Edited by Sai

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Nick looked down at Akuma, remaining silent and breathing heavily for a few moments before he caught his breath. "You're coming back inside, I'm not letting you run around in this weather. I don't know what your problem is, but if you want to be all pouty you can do so inside where you won't catch hypothermia." Forcefully wrapping his arms around the hybrid boy he hoisted him up over his shoulder and began to walk away back towards the house creating another makeshift umbrella above them. With Akuam's odd behavior Nick realized how little he knew about hybrids. Akuma looked human for the most part, so he had just assumed that he would act just like a human, forgetting about the dragon DNA that Akuma also had. After a few minutes He had reached the house. He walked straight into it, as he had left the door open when he chased after the emotionally distressed Akuma. Kicking the door shut behind him as he entered and latching it he set Akuma down near the fireplace and opened a nearby closet, pulling out a towel and throwing towards Akuma for him to catch. "What's gotten into you Akuma?"

Edited by picknick10

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Akuma stared back at Nick with the same sneer as Nick declared he was coming home. He flinched, bringing his hands up and making a small sound as Nick reached for him. He'd first assumed Nick was going to attack him. He whinily protested as Nick instead picked him up and hoisted him over his shoulder. Akuma squirmed but found it ineffective, just going limp in the end. He watched ht e setting change as Nick carried him from outside and into the couch, setting him down near the fire again. He shivered roughly, now realizing against the fire just how cold he was. The heat burned his skin from the difference in temperature. Nick tossed him a towel, but his cold hands had lowered finger 'mobility' and it hit him in the face. Akuma mumbled and wrapped it around himself. Akuma turned to face the fire, embarrassed. "I..." he paused to grind his teeth. He didn't like sharing his weakness with others. "I'm afraid of water" he mumbled quietly.

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Sighing Nick sat down next to Akuma, a towel wrapped around his own shoulders. "I had no idea" he said softly. He sat there, letting the silence become awkward again before saying anything else. "You know, there are better ways of dealing with your problems then sinking your teeth into me, and then running off into dangerous weather." He internally questioned Akuma's logic for running out into the rain. Shaking his head he looked over at Akuma, his eyes softening. "What happened?" he questioned, wondering how this deep fear of water came about.

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Akuma looked at the floor, shivering again. He was starting to regain feeling in his limbs after sitting close to the fire. He tensed as Nick sat down next to him, sinking into the towel like a turtle into a shell. Sure, he knew now that running off into the rain wasn't a good idea, but he wanted to put space between him and Nick, whatever the cost. It was how he dealt with others, moving far, far away from them. Akuma's eyes rose to the fire idly as the awkward silence remained. That was, until Nick asked about his phobia. Akuma moved his head to the side uncomfortably, "In winter I crossed a frozen river... I fell in through the ice and..." he hid his face under the towel, "I can't swim" he muffled through the fabric.

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Nick bit his lip as Akuma told him his story and explained why he hates water. Poor kid... Nick thought to himself. When Akuma hid his head and muttered that he couldn't swim Nick leaned over and wrapped his arms around the hybrid boy, pulling him into a warm embrace, trying to comfort the boy. Nick felt, in a way, a sort of brotherly affection for Akuma. He felt like he had to protect the youngling. Akuma had had such a bad past that Nick couldn't let him just fend for his own anymore more. You should always have someone to lean on in times of need. Nick decided that he was going to make it his personal goal to protect Akuma.

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Akuma peaked out over the towel and flinched again as Nick reached for him. He always assumed the worst in people. Mainly for his case that they would hit him. He tensed more as Nick pulled him into a hug. It had really been a long time since he'd gotten a hug. Nick had to be the first since he was a child. Akuma sighed quietly and melted into the feeling, sort of flopping onto Nick with a purr. He was sure the last time he'd gotten affection was from Dion long ago after he found the scientist alive. After Albel destroyed the lab, that was. He'd felt safe around the scientist since he'd known him since he was very small. And that Dion knew every aspect about him and hybrids in general.

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Nick felt Akuma tense up when he pulled him into a hug, but quickly he relaxed and flopped into the hug. He pat Akuma on the back a few times, and held the hug for a little longer before releasing the hybrid. "Feeling better now?" and then shortly after that he nudged Akuma and asked,"Think you can find it in your heart to forgive me?" As he talked he let a small smile tug at his lips. He really wanted to help Akuma out, but he could only do that if Akuma allowed him to. It would be really hard for Nick to protect him if he held a grudge forever and hated Nick's guts.

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