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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Nick wave a hand in front of his face, his movements remained smooth and calm despite the adrenaline pumping through him. Using magic he drew moisture out of the air and formed it into a sheet of ice following along his hand, forming a shield between him and the acid attack. His fingers twitched as the shield then broke into pieces and went flying towards the animated corpse, aiming for the joints of its limbs to hinder it's movements. "Easy" The mage stated as he dashed around the zombie and straight into the thick cloud before him. "You kill the brain behind it" and with that he summoned a strong updraft to carry away the smokescreen and clear his view, more ice spikes being drawn out of the air around him as he did so.

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((LOL why is it men just LOVE chicks going at it? xd.png))


Chi fiddled with different toys on the shelves. Humans in the store seemed to be steering clear of them either way. She listened to Kat's explanation, nodding as she did so. Kat's question suddenly made Chi's attention heighten. "Eh?" she paused, "Oh haha, yes. Just looking around. These are so cute..." she murmured, picking up a unicorn plushie. There were even dragon figurines. "Hn.... so you were displayed to children? What does that mean? Like a zoo?" she asked idly.


Kai could feel the joints of the corpse get wedged, "tsk" they wiggled their fingers. Gonna have to melt those they thought. Kai dug into the pouch on their hip, retrieving a vial as the smoke screen was suddenly lifted. The necromancer paused, "Hmph" they huffed, amused. Kai threw the vial at the corpse, a burst of flames erupting over the ice it touched. The bones of the corpse clicked and groaned under the heat until the fire died down. Kai looked back over at Nick, "Well that wasn't very smart~ you just put my other toy back into play" they snapped their fingers. The dragon around their shoulder shrieked and a shadow moved across the ground under Nick. It shot up in a flurry of wispy vines, trying to bind his legs.

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((I don't like chicks going at it >.>))


Nick stumbled as suddenly his legs became entangled by a mass of vines. He looked down and realized that shadow magic was at play. He cursed himself for never learning light magic, and raised his hands up slightly, raising a stone shell around his legs, stabilizing himself so the vines could only serve as a bind. He also did the same to the corpse and Kai, aiming to entrap both of their legs in a similar stone shell. Next he set out to once again disable Kai's shadow magic, focusing his attention high into the sky he began to weave water droplets into the framework for clouds, as well as cooling the air around them enough to create a chain reaction and begin the rapid formation of thick storm clouds as water droplets began to cling to the framework of Nick's spell. Shaking his head he smiled to himself, pleased with his handiwork. Now he would only have to stall and wait for the storm clouds above to take full form and block out the sunlight. Turning his attention back to Kai and the zombie he launched his ice spikes at the necromancer.

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"Ah?" Kai wobbled as stone encased their legs. They felt like they would fall, but the stone was sturdy enough to prevent that. Glancing over, the necromancer saw the same had happened to the corpse. A quiet sigh escaped them and they outstretched a hand, clenching it into a fist. The corpse melted into the shadows, disappearing and taking the stone with it. Kai wiggled in the stone, but found it too tight to squirm out of. "Well then" they muttered, looking at Nick with a smirk, "Seems we're at an impasse..." they said, slowly moving a hand to their pouch. The vines held on tighter. The dragon wrapped around Kai sprouted a pair of wings and held them over Kai's head. Kai reached into their pouch and retrieved a handful of throwing needles coated in a temporary paralysis poison. They swiftly jerked their hand, chucking them at Nick's arms.

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Nick "So it seems." Nick agreed as he felt the vines continue to tighten their grasp on him. Raising a hand the boy easily deflected the needles by raising a slab of stone out of the ground in-between him and and the necromancer. He kept the slab up even after the attack had been deflected and began to channel another spell; stone began to flow out of the ground at Kai's feet, creeping up the necromancer's legs and solidifying as it moved up, slowly but surely encasing Kai in stone. Up above lightning flashed and thunder cracked as the magic fed storm above began to brew and snowball in size at an alarming rate.

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Kai watched the needles fly across the way only to be blocked by stone. On that note, they felt the stone on their legs start to shift and move upward. Uh, I'm gonna have to say no to that they thought, waving their hand. An Earth dragon rose from the shadows, its flesh missing in most areas. It stomped a claw to the ground as Kai thrust out a hand. The shadow dragon on their shoulder flew out at Nick, flying above his head and snapping its jaws at him. The Earth dragon meanwhile broke the stone holding Kai. Kai extended a hand towards the corpse and a green flow of light came from it to the necromancer's palm. Kai sighed quietly, looking rejuvenated. The corpse collapsed and melted back to the shadows. Kai clapped their hands and touched the ground, emitting the same green light. A slew of shadow figures rose from the ground, fumbling towards Nick.

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Kathia nodded in agreement about the seemingly ignorance of the human citizens. She was about ‘Yeah, if you ask me, we should all grab whatever weapon we have and chase them out of our city. They don’t deserve to live alongside us after what they did!’, but before any one of those words would come out, the man apologized for his recent attitude and asked where to find whetstone and fetching. “I don’t know; beats me. It seems like the whole city’s been rearranged since the reconstruction. The familiar places I go to don’t seem to be there anyone. They’re probably somewhere else now,” said the girl. Then she muttered her annoyance, “Damn those dragons.” She spoke again in her normal volume, “We can go look around for it, if you want.”

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Nick ducked, and avoided the dragon's snapping jaws, while his fingers twitched and four separate glowing spheres formed around him, circling him a few times before exploding into a great burst of light. In the place of each orb was a different elemental, one for each element, earth, water, fire, and air. The earth elemental took it's place between Nick and the shadow figures, blocking their path. The fire elemental burnt the binding vines around him to a crisp, and the water elemental covered Nick in a lightly glowing water, healing his wounds and rejuvenating him. The Air elemental though, had the most important job. Under it's guidance the storm took on it's full potential. The clouds swelled and a strong gust picked up. With a crack of thunder it began to pour, and everything fell dark as the storm blocked out the sun. "In the dark there are no shadows." Nick said, although he doubted Kai heard what he had just said, as he could hardly hear himself over the howling winds, but he continued on anyways, "Now there is only the fury of the storm!" and with that he clenched his fist, lightning hailing down upon Kai with deadly accuracy as he did so.


((Seems legit, plunge entire city into darkness and make a giant deadly storm for the sake of a little fight.))

Edited by picknick10

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Kai grabbed their head, keeping their hair from their face as the wind suddenly picked up. So he seems adept in all elements. Well at least that makes this more fun. Would be boring if it was some little mage they thought, chuckling. The shadow dragon blocked the attack of the lightning, "That trick doesn't work anymore, twinkle toes. Cute though" their hands found their way back to their pockets as the shadow monsters disappeared without light enough light to be very strong in. The shadow dragon remained perched on the necromancer's shoulder, showing it was indeed a live dragon. With the dragon perched, Kai ran forward at Nick with needles in hand freshly grabbed from their pouch. Kai moved close to Nick in attempt to cut him with the paralysis needles.

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Nick didn't even attempt to move as Kai charged towards him, instead he just watched as the hulking earth elemental stepped into Kai's path, swinging a massive fist at them in an attempt to bludgeon them into submission. The fire elemental let loose a beam of fire from it's hands in Kai's direction, and the air and water elemental simply stayed stationed at Nick's side. The best thing about the elementals was that they were all sentient, and able to make their own decisions. "You won't think it so cute when you're a smouldering pile of ash. Nick called out, watching his elemtantals do their thing.

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Kai rolled to the side elegantly as the elemental swung out and the fire elemental cast a stream of fire. They swiveled around, looking at Nick, "Mmm, no, the effort is quite cute. Don't think you can catch me that easy" they winked. Kai zipped forward, rolling between the legs of the earth elemental and stood up. The elemental would provide a temporary shield against any more fire attacks. Kai rushed forward, jumping at Nick in an attempt to take him down to the ground. The needles were still in the necromancer's hand, ready to strike in an available opening. "Can't hit or crisp me if I'm on top of you. Or they might hit you too~" Kai taunted.

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Nick saw Kai coming, and he tried to get out of their way in time, but he wasn't fast enough and got tackled to the ground by the necromancer. He kicked and buckled, trying to get out from under Kai, but to no avail, he couldn't get up. Quickly switching tactics Nick decided to give up on trying to get free and wrapped his arm around Kai's neck, attempting to choke the necromancer out. "Oh I'll crisp you alright, just you wait" Nick said. As the storm raged on, even the elementals in such close proximity, became obscured from view.

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Kai laughed as Nick was taken down to the ground easily. All that fuss and he can't even dodge Kai thought, smirking down at Nick. The necromancer held onto Nick tightly as he started to buck and resist them. "Oh please, it's going to take more than a little shaking to-" Kai paused in the midst of their speech. A small yelp emitted from their throat as Nick suddenly wrapped his hands around their neck. A brief wave of panic washed over the necromancer before they remembered the needles, "Big mistake" they choked out, swiftly cutting the needles across Nick's hands. Akuma meanwhile had pulled his hood over his head to avoid the inevitable rain. He seemed to be mildly entertained at this point, looking on rather than joining in. Getting between two mages didn't seem like the safest idea anyhow.

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Nick felt the needle cut his hand, and the muscles go lax. He panics for a moment before shifting over and slamming his palm again the back of Kai's hand in an attempt to force them to let go of the needle held within. He didn't even wait to see if it had worked before he opened his mouth wide and latched his teeth onto Kai's arm. "Oh no, can't move my fingers, big whoop" Nick said, not sounding worried at all. As the storm waged out of control lightning began to strike rampart around the area, several bolts coming close to hitting Akuma, who was making himself quite useless at the moment. Nick was going to have strong words with him later.

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Akuma noticed the lightning striking near and started to back away from the area. He knew the storm was large- large enough to encase the area, but he felt he should take shelter out of nervous nature. He wondered if Nick indeed even wanted help. It seemed to go against the entire fight to help since it was about Nick's ego and defending his magical abilities on his own. He wasn't in any immediate danger anyway, right? Kai made a small gasp of surprise at the sudden surge of pain at the pressure on their wrist. The needles clattered over Nick's stomach harmlessly. The situation suddenly grew worse as pain shot up Kai's wrist when Nick bit down. The necromancer yelled out again, not seeming to be embarrassed about vocalizing pain. "Oh two can play that game!" they yelled, leaning down and sinking their teeth into Nick's neck. Kai adjusted their pressure to Nick's, not quite breaking skin.


((Whoa, this just got real kinky real fast tongue.gif))

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Five more dragons offered themselves up to be spies. When no more dragons got onto the platform, Aeolus looked at the crowd and asked, "Does anyone else want to help? Yes? No?" No one responded nor went stood up to walk. Coming to a confirmation that they had all the spies needed, the disaster dragon said, "So then, it looks like we have enough spies for this mission. These dragons will go outside and search for the humans' home. But for this mission to go well, they should keep to the ground at all times, unless they can somehow hide themselves in the air without their shadows showing on ground. Large dragons should stay outside the base and listen from a distance, while the small ones like this wasp pygmy we see here will infiltrate their nest to gather more information. That's all the details of my plan. Chief Doubloon, will you resume speaking?"


The yellowish-brown dragon said, "Aeolus has now given us the plan that will lead us to thwart the humans. I now commence the reconnaissance to start immediately. All spies, go out and search for the humans." The spies walked out of the cave and made their way out of the village to the outdoors. "Also, I'll ask all dragons to stay inside for now until we have destroyed the humans and their new home. This meeting is now over." The crowd disperse and went back to their caves and business. Doubloon looked over at Aeolus and said, "You know, we should share our ideas with the other dragons outside our village."


"That, I plan to do," said Aeolus. The two used their telepathy to share the strategy with the other dragons they knew and told them to pass the message on to their friends and family.


((So did anybody see my drawing of Kylie yet? http://fav.me/d6u2i5i ))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Oh, didn't know you were into that kind of thing ;P ))


Nick moaned cried out in pain as Kai sunk their teeth into his neck. He arched his back, half out of natural reaction, half out of an attempt to gain leverage. Fumbling to grasp the needles in his other, still-working-hand he released his jaw and stopped biting the necromancer to better aim as he stabbed at Kai's shoulder with the poisoned needles. He other hand, was completely numb by now, despite Nick being freezing and drenched to the bone. Meanwhile around Kai and Nick the tempest continued to rage on, picking up intensity as the two tumbled around on the ground.


((Yes I saw it red, very nice))

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Lol Red. Dat face. So cute xd.png))


Kai recoiled as Nick made a sudden movement upward from the bite. They held on anyway, using their free hand to grasp Nick's robe- however hard it was to move by now in drenched clothing, the robe had to at least do a severe movement hinder should Kai need to retreat. Kai released the bite subconsciously from relief to sigh as Nick stopped biting their arm. The brief moment of peace was replaced by a sharp pain in their arm. Kai's mouth took a downward slope for a moment as they recalled dropping the needles onto Nick. The necromancer could feel the sensitivity leaving their arm, save for movement of wrist and fingers. Kai sat still for a moment before laughing softly, "Not bad, twinkle toes" they rolled off Nick, hitting the pavement next to Nick with a splash. Kai grimaced at the rain not pattering on their face. The necromancer's shadow dragon appeared again, sheltering them from the rain with its wings. "However..." Kai muttered, digging into their pocket again and retrieving a small vial with their free hand. Kai uncorked it and took a sip before corking it again and putting it away. Within moments, Kai was able to move their arm again. "Didn't think I went around without an antidote to my own poison, did you?" another soft chuckle was emitted. Kai rolled onto their side, propping their head up with a hand, "What was the point of the rain again? You planning to hypothermiate yourself?"

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Nick slowly pushed himself up after Kai rolled off, his drenched robes weighing him down. He watched as Kai drunk the antidote and sighed. It was worth a try. He said When the necromancer asked about the rain Nick thought for a moment before chuckling. "Storms make for epic battle atmosphere." He jested, looking down slightly as the storm buffeted his face and the winds tugged at his robes. He waited for a moment in silence before asking. "So who won that?" He asked rubbing his neck at the place where Kai had bitten him. It was probably going to leave a mark that, when left to the imagination, would most definitely raise a few eyebrows.

Edited by picknick10

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Kai looked up at their shadow dragon with a smile, petting the part of the dragon hanging on the ground. Kai sat up and stretched, looking at Nick with a sly expression. "Epic, huh? Well how does your epic feel? Your sopping wet and I have an umbrella" they noted, pointing to the shadow dragon above. "And don't mean to burst your bubble... but ah" Kai nudged his leg with their foot and looked up at him, "I wasn't much trying. I havent even tried to eat your soul. And here you are trying to strike me with lightning. So testy" they smirked up at Nick. Akuma remained off to the side, hiding away from the rain under an awning. He preferred to stay completely dry in this fiasco.

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"If I though my life was in any danger I would have used arcane magics. Compared to Arcane magic, Elemental magic is child's play." Nick said nonchalantly. He looked at Kai and kicked a puddle, splashing some water in their direction, "Just because you have an umbrella now doesn't change the fact that you're just as wet as I am." Speaking of arcane magic he was thinking of visiting the ruins Verista. He had caught wind that a group of mages were trying to rebuild the tower, though it could never be as grand as it had once been in the old days. He wondered if his old mentor was still alive, and if he knew anything about light magic. Nick chuckled to himself. Of course he knew light magic, the old dragon knew everything that had to do with magic. Sighing he looked up at the sky, rain battering his face. He had this nagging feeling in the back of his head that he should stop the rain so he raised up his hand and clenched it into a fist, the destabilizing the storm and allowing it to collapse into a light drizzle.


((Storm just stopped))

Edited by picknick10

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((For some reason when I threatened to mention my pvp instance against Nick with everyone he deleted that obnoxious part...))


Kai snorted in laughter, "Bah, arcane my butt. Necromancy is the cool stuff" they declared, standing up. The rain stopped pouring suddenly as Nick clenched his hand. "And soaked I am. There's my bath for the day. Heh" the dragon shrank down and again sat on Kai's shoulder as they flicked their limbs in attempt to shake some water off. Kai grabbed the front of Nick's shirt, "I'd spar you again. You're fun. And easy to provoke. I'll even give you another one of those" Kai grinned, briefly reaching up and touching the bite mark on Nick's neck. Kai stepped away from Nick, making a loud, wet pat to his arm before turning and starting to walk off, "That poison is temporary. Feeling should come back within the minute" they added. Akuma slinked back onto the scene after it stopped raining. He stood a few feet off from Nick and silently watched Kai walk away.

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((Hey now Sai, let's not give away all my secrets >.> <.< >.>))


Nick watched as Kai walked away and turned to Akuma once the necromancer was out of sight. "I don't know weather I should be aroused or disgusted by that." He admitted rubbing the mark on his neck. "Thanks for all the help back there, so glad you were enjoying yourself from under that little awning while I was tumbling around with zombies in the rain." he said, his voice heavy with sarcasm. Up above thunder rumbled. "Speaking of rain, it looks like it could start again at any moment. I think I'm going to go home and dry off, you're welcome to join me if you wish." he said turning and taking a few steps before looking back to see if Akuma was going to follow along or not.

Edited by picknick10

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((I'm talking about earlier, because I plan to start the next post with Kathia going into a building to shelter herself from the rain and then when it stops, she'll come back outside and help Jason look for the store.))

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