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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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After walking through two streets, Kathia encountered a bookstore with a poster at the window saying that it has magic spell tomes up for sale. Now having another and more convenient way to learn magic, the girl smiled and said to herself, "You know what? I don't even need to get lost looking for that guy. I can just get a tome and teach myself magic." With that, she went into the bookstore and went to the section where the magic books were displayed. She took up the beginner's guide since she was pretty much inexperience at using magic, herself. Then she went to the cashier and purchased the book. Now having a list of magical weapons to use against dragons, Kathia left the bookstore and went to go look for a place where she can begin practicing her spell. "Now where would I want to go?" she asked herself.

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((Random encounter time Red happy.gif I ran into your character but if that's not cool I can edit the post. I also left it open ended to allow you some creative room to do whatever you want happy.gif))


Jason looking around absentmindedly at the stores scattered about the street. He was without doubt, completely lost. His frustration at the wink he had gotten from that damnable halfbreed had sent his fanatics mind whirring in vicious little circles of ever increasing frustration as he found himself still unable to locate a store selling whetstones or fletching. As he was not paying attention to where he was going a swift walking and very unhappy Jason practically slammed into Kathia from behind. The impact causing Jason to stumble a little before righting himself and turning on the woman furiously. "Hey watch it!" He snapped, unleashing the pent up frustration at Kathia.




"If you say so." Kat stated still uncomfortable with the city. At first Katherine was confused by the change in topic until she actually looked around at it without judging it based on the humans themselves. Chi certainly wasn't wrong but the scars ran too deep for Kat. Beautiful as the buildings were, Kat found like a taint had settled on the place. A black ink in her mind had settled in the thinnest of layers across the structures. This place had to have years of torment and slavery as well as a night of blood and fire precede it before anyone would even, could even think of making it., It was that thought that marred the imagery for Katherine. But she shared none of this with Chi, the Hybrid was too kind to have her own world darkened any farther than it already had been. Kat took a breath. "You're right, they are beautiful. Come one let's go do what it was you came here for then maybe you can show me around before we call it a day. I also wouldn't mind seeing the inside of your place. If that's ok with you." She said tucking the darker thoughts away and instead trying to enjoy the moment.

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Akuma bit continually at his sandwich as they talked until he'd finished. He looked at Nick as he burned his paper and sent it to the wind. He looked at his own with a frown. What was he suppose to do with this? He wasn't used to leftover waste of food. Not except bones anyway. Akuma held it in his hand and glanced at Nick as the mage offered him a place to stay. "Stay with..." he trailed off. He snorted, looking to the side, "Dions offered before..." his breath caught. "Dion" he said as if remembering something. He'd in fact just remembered Albel storming off to the scientist's house. He gripped the paper in his hand, knowing he wasn't strong enough to stand up to Albel. Not by a long shot. "I wonder if he's ok..." he said softly.


Chi didn't notice Kat's wandering scarred mind as she looked around. "My house hmm? Sure, though there's not much to see" she laughed quietly. "Oh look over here" Chi wandered across the street to a shop with a large window display. Toys were stacked by the window and along the shelves inside. They were bright and colorful, obviously for children. "They're so shiny and bright... I wonder how they're made..." she mused.

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Katherine followed after the very distracted looking Hybrid and peered into the window as well. There were many things to catch the eye, many things that glimmered and shined. All for young children, Kat had to wonder the same thing as Chi, how were they made? The escape was but a night or two ago, when did someone have the time to make all this? There was of course magic but even then it seemed rather rapid. Kat cast the thought from her mind and instead marveled at them. "Do you want to go inside?" Kat asked momentarily forgetting the dark stain on the city. "I bet there is even more inside for you to see. Maybe even some for you to have." She said cheerfully to her friend.

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((Should I timeskip Atlas? Because Jass isn't posting often here.))


Kathia was bumped from behind by a person walking into her. The tome almost jumped off her arm, but the girl managed to keep a firm hold on her book. As she recovered from the painful surprise, a guy yelled at her to watch where she was going. The redhead turned around with an equally angry look on her face and yelled, "Me?! Why don't YOU watch where you're going? You're the one who walked into me from behind. What are you, blind?" No way was she at fault here because of this angry kid's action.

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The girl's retort only served to piss jason off more than he already was and the sad thing was he wasn't even all that mad at her specifically. "No but you must be dumb to be just standing in the middle of the bloody street. " He snapped again at Kathia. God he just wanted to get out of this accursed town "Hey guy the ladie's right you bumped into her. So let's all just-" "Cram it this aint your business." Jason continued to lash out but as he snapped at the other man who had come to set things straight he felt a pang of regret. These were humans, why the hell was he lashing out at them. The dragons were the enemies, Jason took a breath. Waiting for whatever retort the woman could have before speaking again. "Sorry, I'm just frustrated." He said simply trying to cool his enraged spinning head.

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((Here's Chapter 2, which is finally done, thank goodness! -> http://fav.me/d6od54z


Also, the Firestar family is now nearing the North-Central border.))


"What?!" Kathia snapped at the guy's insult. Then another man came to her defense by telling the black guy that he was the one at fault here. The black man immediately calmed down and apologized for his attitude. "So you had a bad day, eh? I don't suppose you're just as mad as I am about these blasted dragons taking over our city," she said in a tone showing her dislike for the big scaly beasts. It only made sense, because earlier, she had walked by a couple of people in the bookstore murmuring their distrust of the dragons remodeling their city after their rampage and killing people.




After a fun time and sleeping over at Henry and Yukki's house last night, the Firestar family resumed their journey and traveled far to the west, nearing the border to the North-Central region by 20 miles. Earlier, they had eaten breakfast consisting of cooked meat for Atlas & Danielle and two popsicles for Kylie. The broiled hams and bacon seemed to have tasted better than the raw flesh of animals that were savored by blood. It made Atlas wonder, 'So that's the kind of meat, humans eat, huh? I wished the slavers shared that kind of food with us and not the rotten crap they feed us. It makes me wish I had one of those ovens, but they won't work unless it's in a human house. That sucks.'




The disaster dragon looked down at the dead hunters and thought, 'Looks like they were right. The humans are resorting to other kinds of weaponry to persecute dragons. That means the threat isn't over.' There was no doubt in mind that the ever-so-clever and greedy humans would find new ways to hunt and recapture their slaves to make up for loss of their advanced technology. As long as the dragons' nemesis lived, no one would be safe. There was only one way to prevent the nightmares from ever happening again: annihilate the human race. To do just that, Aeolus would need to learn their ways and weaknesses fast, so that he and the other dragons can kill them first before anything happens to his race. The dragon went to back to his village to seek help for his reconnaissance mission.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Nick looked up thinking. He had forgotten about Dion until Akuma mentioned him. He couldn't help wondering himself had had happened the the scientist. He didn't really know him personally, but it seemed like he was all Akuma really had, and he didn't want anything to happen to him for Akuma's sake. "I'm sure that Dion will be fine. He has had to deal with Albel before hasn't he? He's a smart guy, so don't worry about it" Nick tried to reassure Akuma and set his mind to rest. When he looked back at Akuma he noticed that he didn't quite know what to do with his trash, so Nick took it from his hand and crumpled it up in his own. "Here, you just throw it away in any trash bin, they're all over town." The boy explained as he chucked the wad of paper towards a trash can, summoning a gust of wind to carry it the extra distance. "It's better to throw everything away rather than just chucking it into the environment. It all piles up after a while if you do that."[/b] Nick explained.

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Akuma looked at the ground as Nick spoke, trying to think of something to make himself feel better about the situation. His eyes slitted. Dealt with Albel before? Oh of course he did. He almost died in the process- that made Akuma feel LOADS better. Akuma was about to bury his face in his hands before he remembered the trash. He looked at it in irritation again. Nick took it from his hands, explaining it was trash to be thrown in some 'bins'. Doesn't it just pile up no matter where you put it? he thought with a frown. Akuma looked away, snorting, "Sure, whatever. Not like I care. He just feeds me is all" he quickly sputtered. Akuma didn't like to outwardly admit his affections for others. Even if Dion did do a good part of raising him.


Kai turned on heel as there was a loud commotion. It seemed some man had crashed into a girl and started a fight. Kai sniggered, leaning against the window and watching. When the situation quickly died down, the necromancer let out a little huff. "Disappointing. Was hoping for some real entertainment" they muttered, pushing off against the glass. The shadow dragon on Kai's shoulder stared at Kathia and Jason with red bead-y eyes as the necromancer passed them up. Kai crammed their hands into their pockets and moved towards the opening of the town square. Looking around for entertainment, Kai noticed Akuma. Or rather his horns. The necromancer quickly zipped up, leaning down to get a better look. Akuma was taken back by the sudden action, sneering at this person. "Oh how curious" Kai muttered, reaching out and touching his horns. Akuma swiveled his head and snapped his fangs at the necromancer's hand. Kai jerked their hand back to their pocket with a chuckle, "And they're real. Curiouser. Just what are you? You don't much look like a halfling"


Chi ((Oh god I almost typed Meracle >.>)) looked to the side at Kat as she offered to go inside. "Go inside?... Hmm..." she looked at the colorful toys. "Well I guess but" she laughed, "I have no money. That's ok, window shopping is fun. Some of the toys are really cool. Did you have much experience with human things before? Like toys and such? I never got to hang around them hardly. Slaves and humans driving us off and all. But... still nice to admire the... toy...things..." she moved to the side, walking through the door of the shop.

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Aeolus walked down through the tunnels to get to the cave where the village chief lived. Other dragons saw the arrow wounds on him and one of them asked, "What happened to your neck?"


The green dragon replied in a gruff tone, "Humans." Aeolus paused for a short bit as the dragons went silent in (what's that word?) and waited for what else their neighbor had to say. "They came at me with arrows as soon as I was finished eating. It seems like after all that has happened last night; they won't let of their greed for slaves and power," he continued.


A terrae dragon said broodily, "Oh bummer, that means we still have to fight for our lives. Persistent little censorkip.gif***s."


A scared pink dragoness said, "What are we going to do? I don't want to be made a slave again. I've already suffered enough for a life time."


"We're going to stamp out every single scum who walks on two legs and wears clothes," Aeolus answered, telling everyone of his plan.


The dragons looked at him intently and a dark green-blue dragon asked, "W-we are?"


"But how? They've made new weapons and have magic now. How do we fight them after they keep beating us every single time?" asked the terrae.


"We pull a blitzkrieg on the humans; we strike them hard and fast before they can fully master their new found skills. But to do it successfully without the casualties of being surprised, we must take the stealthiest dragons we have and use them to spy on the humans for any weaknesses we'll use against them. Now if you'll excuse me, I have the chief to go see so that I can discuss the plan and strategy," explained Aeolus. He resumed his walk as the dragons let him thru to the chieftain's cave.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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"Akuma..." Nick began as Akuma had his little outburst. He could sense the hybrid's distress. "You know it's kind of obvious when you blurt out like that." He let out a sigh and began to say something else, but a strange figure walked up, touching Akuma's horn. Nick quickly shot up and stepped between the stranger and Akuma. He felt strangely protective over the young hybrid, and he didn't like the way this newcomer was treating him, just walking up to Akuma and touching him like he was some kind of exhibit or something. "Hey what's the big idea?" he asked before adding, "You can't just walk up and start feeling people like that." his voice taking on an angry tone as he spoke.

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Kai recoiled, stepping back as Nick suddenly jumped up. Akuma sneered up at the figure, "That's a hybrid you freak! Not halfling!" he spouted. Kai waved to the side of Nick, ducking down briefly as they did so, just to the point of being at Nick's side. A sly grin crawled across the stranger's lips, "Touchy touchy" they said in an even, yet teasing tone. The shadow dragon on the necromancer's shoulder growled quietly but Kai shushed it quickly. "Hmph" Kai huffed as Nick snapped about randomly 'feeling' people. Oh how cute. The whole personal space bubble they thought. "Oh, you mean like this?" Kai asked innocently before striking out their hand and grabbing Nick's hood, jerking it over his head and down over his eyes. Kai jumped away before Nick could immediately lash back.

Edited by Sai

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Nick was about to make a comment that was both snide and witty, but was cut off when Kai took his hood and pulled it over his eyes. He lashed out blindly at the stranger as he used wind magic to pull his own hood off from covering his face. Why you little... he growled as two orbs of blue energy formed at his palms. He was about to retaliate when he realized he couldn't tell what gender his assailant was. The magic faded from his hands as he straitened up and his look of anger was swapped with that of confusion. What the hell are you? he questioned the strange person before him. If it was a guy he would have pumbled them without flinching, but this figure looked gender neutral as could be, and Nick had some qualms with hitting girls that he couldn't get over.

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Kai twirled on heel as they backed off from Nick, hands finding their way back to their pockets. They chuckled as Nick angrily removed his hood from his face and summoned magic. Kai flinched slightly at this, bending their knees in preparation to dodge. Oh, another mage. How interesting... they thought briefly. Kai cocked an eyebrow as Nick suddenly lost composure, lowering his hands. The necromancer was taken off guard by the question and stared at Nick for a moment with a befuddled expression. It was shortly replaced by a explosion of laughter. Kai hunched over, grabbing their gut and catching a breath. Kai kept their hands in their pockets and moved closer to Nick, "Ah yes, I do look quite feminite don't I?" they paused, stopping right in front of Nick and flicking their finger across the underside of his jaw, "Yet, I don't quite seem like a lady. Can't tell can you? People seem to have this problem a lot" they chuckled, looking Nick in the eyes as a sort of challenge. Akuma grunted, "I don't see why it matters. I'd take them down anyhow" he growled. Akuma didn't have gentleman standards in fighting. Kai took a few steps back from Nick, the shadow dragon jumping down from their shoulder. "If I dont say, I suppose that means I can wallop you without you being able to do a thing, doesn't it?" they smirked.

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Nick narrowed his eyes when Kai burst into laughter the magic flickering back to life in the palms of his hands. Is that so?" he said threateningly. Try me. he challenged, the orbs glowing beginning to increase in intensity as he spoke. Now why don't you be a good little thing and move along before you get hurt. Nick spat at Kai. The water in the fountain behind him began to boil with his anger, and he clenched his fist around the orbs. They split and crumbled into thousands of little orbs, swirling around his person from head to toe.

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Kai simply smiled as Nick went on his rampage of threats. The necromancer's head tilted slightly, eyes flickering to the fountain as it started to boil. Their eyes filled with amusement rather than fear. Akuma scooted away from the water as it started to bubble and steam. It was still hot from the summer air, sitting next to a SAUNA didn't help. Kai stretched their arms out before lacing them back behind their head. It was mostly to rub their care-free nature in Nick's face to show a lack of fear. And the fact that they were lax enough to expose their torso to Nick's magic. "Mmm, quite a temper on you, twinkle toes. Go ahead, try me. I won't even block it" Kai invited, making a slight wiggle of their arms to show their hands were still laced behind their head.

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Nick stared down Kai for a full minute deciding what to do, but something seemed off to him. The stranger was too confident in manor to not have something up their sleeve. He decided not to attack, but instead insisted that they go first. "I don't throw the first blow, not my style. If you're looking for a beating, you can make the first move." He wouldn't throw a magical attack until he knew what he was dealing with. The number one rule, as taught to him by his old mentor, Arcaon, was to never go blindly into a fight. It wasn't wise to use powerful magics without first knowing what your enemy was capable of. He watched carefully, observing his opponent and analyzing every movement.

Edited by picknick10

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Kai watched Nick with a simple smile as he stared them down. When Nick suddenly caved and didn't strike, Kai smirked noticeably. "Oh my oh me, wittle mage is afraid to hit someone even when their defenses are lowered. Need to go back to your mommy? Or perhaps your little hybrid needs to protect you now?" they taunted. Akuma bared his teeth at the stranger. Oh how he wanted to lunge. But something indeed was not right. He sniffed quietly again, what the hell was that smell? He narrowed his eyes at the taunting individual. "Smells like..." he muttered. "Death" he added a moment after. Loud enough for Nick to hear, but not Kai. Kai turned around, hunching over and grabbing their knees. The necromancer stuck their butt out, wiggling it at Nick, "Nyeah nyeah, little boy is too scared to come get it~" they sang with a grin, looking over their shoulder at Nick.

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Nick took a deep breath and calmed himself, he would not allow this freak get the best of him. "Yeah, I know Akuma, something seems off, this weirdo is way to cocky." Nick mumbled under his breath to Akuma. "No" Nick stated calmly in the face of the necromancers taunting. Deep breaths Nick, just remember to take deep breaths and everything will be fine. It's so obviously a trap, does this bozo really think I'm going to fall for it? he thought to himself as he watched Kai, and he said as much. "You're too cocky to not have something up your sleeve, so get on with it already I'm not falling for it." he explained

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Akuma looked the person over as they let out another laugh as Nick delayed further. Where had he smelt that scent before?... A long time ago at a graveyard. He looked over their appearance. They looked very... dark. "Necromancer..." he muttered. "You're a necromancer!" he accused, pointing at Kai. Kai paused in wiggling their bottom, turning and straightening up. They sniggered and grinned at Akuma, "Guilty as charged. Oops, that slipped out" the necromancer's hands slipped into their back pockets, "No wonder you're too afraid to take the first shot. Regular mages are soooo bleak. They're afraid to get their feet wet in anything... unusual" Kai lowered their head slightly, staring Nick down again. True as it was, necromancers were uncommon anymore. "I mean, I offer a shot at me while my hands are behind my back and you're STILL scared" they laughed. "But it's to be expected of the weaker mages" they added, making an ego shot below the belt.

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Nick narrowed his eyes again, trap or no trap he didn't care. Without warning a bolt of lightning cracked down the the heavens above Kai. There was few things he held in as high esteem as his magical abilities, and insulting them was just asking for it. Nick had a whole arsenal of deadly spells that he hadn't dared use on Akuma, or in the case of lightning magic, wouldn't have been effective against the hybrid. This stranger on the other hand, as far as Nick was aware, was not immune to electric based attacks, so his range of spells was much wider, and it would be all the less pleasant for this ruffian in the end one Nick was through with them.

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The necromancer fidgeted in place impatiently. Nick was so determined not to attack. What does it take to get this pipsqueak to- their thoughts were interrupted as Nick made a sudden movement. As a bolt of lightning crashed down, a shadow burst from the ground and expanded. It took the blunt of the lightning strike and crashed into the ground. A mangled dragon corpse rolled onto the ground, the shadows bleeding away from it, leaving it smoldering from the strike. Kai looked at it before shifting their eyes to an innocent look toward Nick. They raised a finger to their lips, "Oh oops, did I say I wouldn't block that? I forgot to mention someone else would. He... thanks you for your cruelty" the corpse twitched. "Don't worry, I doubt it cares. It's already dead from last night. A nifty trophy don't you think?" Kai mused, raising their hands. The crippled corpse stood up, responding to Kai's fingers like a puppet. The small shadow dragon from before coiled up around the necromancer, "Tell me, do you know how to kill something that's already dead?" they asked with a grin, sending the corpse swiftly at Nick. It spewed out a breath of acid. Akuma yelped and jumped out of the way, moving off to the side. This was downright creepy. "Oh let's just make things fun" Kai added, throwing up their hands again. A dark cloud rose suddenly from the ground, encasing the area like a smoke screen.

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The disaster dragon entered the chief's cave and told him about his encounter with the humans and say that this was a sign that they needed to take immediate action against them. "I see, so a preemptive strike right now should to put an end to this threat if we want to live in peace for the rest of our lives," said Doubloon the chief.


"Well we could do that, but we might put ourselves at risk this way should the humans use surprising tactics that could catch us off guard. I propose send dragon with powers and skills in stealth to spy on the humans and learn everything they can, so that we can be better prepared for the assault," said Aeolus.


"Very well then, I'll call all dragons to meeting cave so that we can round up our potential spies," said Doubloon, liking the idea. He telepathically called all the dragons to come into the largest cave for an assembly. The two waited for a few minutes while a healer dragon worked his magic on closing the disaster's wounds. Soon, everyone was here. The chief cleared his voice and announced, "May I have your attention, everyone? Aeolus here has come across some humans who attacked him with their newest weapons. We've all heard rumors yesterday that these fiends have quickly switched to non-mechanical weapons and magic to make up for what they've lost on the night of the Spell. Aeolus's wounds are proof that the rumors are the truth. So it has come to my attention that we as a species must exterminate the humans before they bring us back to the dark ages that we never wish to live again." He paused for a second to catch his breath before he resumed speaking, "Aeolus has come to me with a plan to do a reconnaissance first before we go out and demolish the two-legged monsters." He looked to the green dragon and said, "I'll let you do the honors of giving us your plan in detail, Aeolus."


Aeolus bowed his head shortly and replied, "Thanks, chieftain." He took the leader's spot on the high rocky platform and said, "Now for this reconnaissance mission to work, we need dragons who are really good at sneaking around, dragons who can camouflage, dragons who with invisibility spells, and dragons who can disguise themselves to be our spies. These spies will gather information on the humans such as what kind of weapons and magic they're using, the layout of their new home, and any weaknesses we can use against them. The spies will then send info to the chieftain, me, and other strategists to make plans for the assault that will wipe the humans off the face of Terra. Now anyone who wants to volunteer as a spy, please rise and stand over there." He pointed to the empty space on the side of the platform. 10 dragons went onto the platform to volunteer themselves as spies.


((That's it for now.))

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((I'm beginning to worry about how easily sedition comes to me ._.))


"Tch. Got that right. I don't like it. First they burn our homes to the ground and now we're supposed to trust them? They're just trying to do to us what we did to them. Everyone's just too blind to see it." He said in a hushed tone to Kathia. He heaved a disappointed sigh. "Look sorry bout just now but do you know where I can find a place that sells whetstones and fetching?" He asked returning to the task and reason he was in this dragon infested city to begin with.




((Because you know you want Meracle and Kat to have a hot love affair *smugface*))


Kat followed Chi in as she started answering her question. "A little, when I was enslaved I was shown off to children because I'm so small. So I got to see some toys. The infants really liked hitting me with their toys, but maybe I'm reading into that too much." She said with a light chuckle. Inside were many more toys, as well as numerous children. Barring the infants Kat found the scene....pleasant. Chi had sounded distracted so kat teased her a bit. "You still with us Chi?"

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