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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((Sorry for taking so long. I had writer's block when trying to do Aeolus's part and I was drawing a picture of my OC.))


With Juna's permission to aid her, the horde leader replied, 'Very well, I shall send a few spies over to your location and have them scout the place for the safest way out.' Aeolus searched his surroundings for a pygmy who would be useful for the mission. He found Nowe eating one of the prickly pears that Bam and Yopple returned with. Beside him was a honeycomb pygmy who had just finished his breakfast. The leader called out to him, "Liath, I need your help."


The pygmy gathered his bees and flew over to land in front of his leader. Liath asked, "What is it, sir?"


Aeolus said, "I will tell you once I get a few others to go for the spying mission." Then he found 5 other pygmies and summoned them to hear the mission. He briefed them, "So as some of you heard, Juna has been captured by the enemy and we need her back. But this will not be a rescue mission; instead, you are to act as scouts to help her search for a good way out of the enemy's territory. And secondly, I'll need you to spy on Dracul and his soldiers and tell me of their plans, so that we can be prepared to foil them." One of the pygmies raised his claw, wanting to speak his mind about this. The leader gave him his attention and asked, "Yes?"


The pygmy spoke, "Aeolus, I know you've been a pretty good leader so far and all your plans have worked so far, but wouldn't it be more convenient to just teleport Juna back to us?" The other pygmies agreed with his suggestion and voiced how how easier it was to just do that.


The disaster thought that they would question his plan, knowing that they may not understand it at first. He was prepared to answer their concerns. Remembering what he thought about his own plans, he explained to them the consequences of going through the pygmy's plan. At the end, he said, "And that's why I decided for you to do scout and spy instead. When Juna escapes out of the building, the enemy will know she's ran out on her own. Then after she's far out of their sight, that's when we teleport her back to us. They'll most likely still think that she's running away and still keep their chase. But even after this, you still must spy on them, no matter what." Then his eyes narrowed slightly in seriousness for what he was about to say next. He cautioned them, "But be warned, this mission will be dangerous. Should Dracul and his cohorts catch you, it'll spell the end of your life. If you are seen, get your magic crystals and teleport away; not to us, but to a place far from us so that they don't suspect you of being with the horde and bring their whole army against us." Compared to the horde's usual human hunts, being alone in the enemy stronghold was incredibly risky. For one, the enemy will surely outnumber the spies and the pygmies' small stature may not land them an easy victory in a battle. It would be like a mouse running through a den of cats. The pygmies better pray that their training yesterday would be enough to combat anyone bigger than themselves.


The pygmies stood nervously, understanding what this mission would be like for them and thinking whether they should be in on it or not. The wasp pygmy on the other hand was also curious about the particular item that was needed for the mission. "Magic crystals?" he asked.


Aeolus explained, "Yes, magic crystals. Fabre will be making crystals and infusing them with Enamora's magic. These crystals will allow you to use any spell a magi dragon can do, but only until their power runs out. You must conserve your energy and use them only at important times. Otherwise, you won't be able to come back here or do anything else. Do you understand?"


"Yes!" said all the pygmies.


"Good, I hope you all remember that," Aeolus told them. "Because a single mistake can make things go wrong." The pygmies took his warning seriously to the heart as they made a mental not lose the crystal or use it too much. "Anyway, Enamora has proposed a spell that will make your mission easier."


Interested in the magical convenience, Liath curiously asked, "What is it?"


The leader answered, "A transformation spell, but not the one that turns you human. Instead, you will be flies. In this form, you'll be harder to see and harder to hit. This spell will be perfect for the spying mission." And perfect to spy on human camps in the future as well. He was grateful to the purebred magi for having to suggest that spell.


((I'm going to have to cut off here; I feel like I'm writing too much for Aeolus. And don't worry, I haven't forgotten that the magis' teleportation will take them to the ocean. I'm just setting up the horde for that surprise.))




Kathia watched the battle for full 5 minutes until the halflings suddenly gained the tide. The girl gritted her teeth anxiously, hoping that the woman didn't get defeated or killed in this fight. The last thing she needed right now was for these halflings to come take her away in the middle of the spell. Staring at the woman and hoping that she would come out on top, Kathia thought, 'Please win this, Elisabeth!' The girl wished she could use her spells to aid in this fight, but that would turn the creatures' attention onto her and probably get her knocked off the platform, which would ruin the send-home spell.




((Since Torch doesn't seem to be replying, I guess I'll have to make another post to add to Minerva's part.))


Minerva went up to the cashier and paid for the book plus the chocolate, she was hoping to get, that she picked up. The items were put in a bag and then she went out the first set of the double doors to sit at the bench that was in the entrance area. She took out the yellow pages and looked through the book for the address of a business loan. After she found one, she pointed to the address and said, "There, I found one! We should try over there first and see what they can do for us."

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((You are fine red))


There was a loud snap that soon followed Elisabeth's screaming on the top of her lungs. From the look of it the halfling have snapper her right wrist.


"Oh quite your whining, it was only a wrist. Not like we went and rip out your damn heart from your chest or was carving you alive, which come to think of it would not be a half bad idea." The halfling that was standing up said. "But time is running short and we can not have his baiter teleport away before her big role now can we. Zu, you can have your fun with her, I'll collect the other one, so she can't escape from her." It said as it turn towards Kathia.


"Now it not very nice to leave without permission, so how about you wait for a little bit before he summons you." It said as it started to move towards you with it evil grin. "Hey Zu, it is ok if she was well, under?" It asked the other one before raising it hand to her.


"No, as long as she is alive" Zu said back, keeping the struggling Elisabeth down.


"Well dear, luck is not on yo-" The halfling started to say before a strange swords came flying across the air.


"You will her alone" A boy like voice echo in the air.


"So it lives. Zu I thought you killed that brat?"


"There was no pulse left in his body, it not possible for him to have lived though that whole onslaught." Zu said, and was soon caught off guard by another Halfling appearing out of no where and it took a slash at Zu, causing Zu to jump off of Elisabeth and away from the new Halfling.


"I told you, you will leave her alone." Van said as a pair of white angle dragon like wings where now on his back. "I'm, the one who will protect her."

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Kathia flinched at the loud snap and hissed, feeling the pain that Elisabeth went through. Then the male halfling told Zu to deal with the woman while he went for Kathia. As he approached her, the girl stiffened in fear and cried, “No! Stay back!” Just then, a sword flew by him and Van was heard telling the halfling to stay back. The girl turned her head towards him and saw the boy now had dragon wings. She was shocked; the boy was a halfling all along? All this time she thought he was human. She didn't know that he would be part dragon. Now this changes her perspective on the boy and not for good.




Atlas spoke to Ohimia, “Well anyway, while we wait for Axle to get back, I want to talk about you. So Ohimia, what did you learn from Garin yesterday? Any fighting techniques he thought you?”




The pygmies were content with the spell as they felt that they would be safer using it. After Nowe finished his breakfast, the leaf pygmy, who overhead the conversation, approached the horde leader and asked, “Well that’s nice and all, Aeolus. But how do you plan on stopping the human or anyone else for that matter from coming back here to capture Juna again? I mean I don’t know if the man’s been here in this village before. But if he hasn’t, then he must have gotten here somehow.”


Aeolus knew the pygmy was right; he had almost forgotten to talk about that until he was reminded. The leader replied, “Oh yes, we should look for that first. Nowe, you are a witness, are you not?”


The leaf pygmy answered, “Yes I am, why?”


Aeolus told him, “I need you to show these pygmies here through telepathy what that human looks like. One of them needs to find that man and see how he does it.”


“I got it,” Nowe responded. Then he turned to the spies and stared at them for a few seconds. ‘This is what he looks like,’ he said. He gave them a mental image of the spy in full details such as his face, hair, the gray cloak he wore and a two-handed sword he carried with him.


While the spies were in the process of memorizing the kidnapper, the horde leader telepathically called the two dragons he needed, ‘Enamora, Fabre, we’re about to send the spies off soon. I need your help to make magic crystals for them.’


The magi dragoness replied, ‘They’re going off now? Well then, I’ll be right there.’


The crystal-maker said, ‘I’ll come as well.’ Once the spies fully memorized the man, they told Nowe that they got it now. Aeolus looked at his surroundings, expecting to see the approaching magi and the crystal-maker. There they were past the other dragons; Enamora was coming in from behind and Fabre was approaching from the front. Once they made it to the group, Fabre started to create crystals by summoning magic energy and channeling it to a spot on the ground where a brief small flash appeared and was soon replaced by a teal crystal. Enamora picked up the crystal and infused it with her magic.

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Ronan followed by Minerva's side till they sat down. When she found a loan business he grinned. "Well then let's go, no time to waste." He was eager to get their business going.


Rick continued to pet, carefully, the young dragon in his lap. It wasn't comfortable but he could tolerate it. He was still thinking over how he was going to find a dragon that could teach this one to speak.

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((Sorry I did not reply yesterday, but someone try to steal my bike, failed to do so, than decided to break my breaks so I have to remove them, and bike without breaks.))


Elisabeth was help up by van, who also looked shocked at Van new appearance. "Take it easy Elisabeth. You have done your job of protecting her until now. I will take over from here for the time being." He said, sound a bit sadden by this. Elisabeth looked at him. "Van what did you do?"


"That is not worth talking about, but my body will degrade soon because of this power, but," Van said as he look at his hand as it swell with a bright light aura, "I will use it to succeed with the job I was assigned to, and that will be to protect Kathia until she is return home, as instructed by Spinx." He said as she closed his fist into a ball.


"What happen Van?" Elisabeth asked.


"Spinx is dead. There is no good part of him left to stand against the evil soul fragment. I will see that his last wishes are seen though." He said as he turn attention back to the halfling.


Elisabeth looked down to the ground as she heard the news


"Oh, how touching. The lost of your master made you closer. If it makes you feel better, we can reunite you two with him? Hm?" Zu asked as he ready his dagger and the other one ready it spells.


"No. I will send you both back to hell from which you crawled out of." Van said as he floated a few inches off the ground, yet the wings were not flapping or moving at all.


Van vanish into the air and reappear in front of Zu, catching him off guard as Van punch him square in the chest, releasing a large about of light into Zu chest, causing him to fly back to the stairs.


Zu cough up blood when he hit the hard ground. The other halfling cast a fireball at Van at point blink range, but Van grab it hand with his open one and canceled it spell. With his other he slashed with the second sword he had across it chest, dealing a very deep cut in it chest. Blood seemed to spill from the halfling body as van let go of it hand and spun, dealing another lethal blow to it next, slashing it clean open. He himself was covered in blood as the halfling he have slain fell to his feet.

-------------------------------------------------------(Means it connected to the other part)-------------------------


Axle can now start feeling the effect of something wrong, and what was worse, he started to feel sick. Someone or something was starting to drain him of his energy, and in massive amount. He fell to his knees and hands as he could barely move on his own. He started to pant loudly and heavily as he felt he was about to fall under his own weight.

-------------------------------------------------------(Connected to the current part)-------------------------------


Van turn his attention back to Zu. "Damn you. How could you have taken a blast of that size and still live and still fight?" Zu asked "It un-human like, even a dragon could not withstand that blast." Zu shouted at Van as he got up to his feet.


Van did not waste time before he again vanish and reappear back infront of Zu, making quick work of him. "Because it my own life energy that I was able to take on this form and stand for the moment." Van said as Zu fell to Van blade.


The spell that was cast to track Axle now summon a circle around Kathia, as Elisabeth fell to her knees, than soon to her side. It seemed the spell have found Axle, and Elisabeth life have fade from her body. Van look at Kathia. "Sorry, Kathia, but you will be on your own from now on." He said as he started to fade from existence.


((There Red your part now on how the spell works or where she ends up at))


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((That guy sounds like a jerk for doing that.))


After 6 magic crystals were created, each one was given to each spy to keep. The magi dragoness instructed the spies on how to use the crystals, "Now to turn yourselves into flies, you must imagine yourselves as these bugs and willfully changed your body shape into that form while using the crystal's magic energy. You must also shrink yourselves into the right size." The horde leader found Enamora's explanation to be very similar to that of the human transformation spell. It seemed like transformation spells can be used to turn anyone into many different species they wanted to be. Looks like the transformation spell was more convenient than he thought. After the magi was finished teaching the pygmies how to use other spells, she told them, "And if you ever have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me, okay?"


"Okay," the spies replied.


Aeolus figured that it was time to send the spies off to the prison, now that there was nothing else to tell them or give them. He formed a telepathic bond with Juna and said, 'Juna, I'm ready to send the spies over to you. Give us an image of where you are.'




When Kathia heard that the good Spinx had died, the first thought that came to her mind was, 'He's gone... and I never got to thank him for everything he's done for me.' The good Spinx had truly been a nice man and the girl regretted getting paranoid and thinking bad of him. Elisabeth also seemed to be hurt by this terrible news. His death also meant that the bad Spinx was now nothing but a complete monster with no redemption whatsoever. After Van killed the two halflings, the spell started to activate, getting ready to send Kathia home. The boy told her that she would be on her own from her on out. The girl held back her disgust, masking her face with a plain emotionless one so as to avoid a conflict with him when she was just getting back to the real world. 'Yeah, no $#!7, freak,' she thought. Then the girl was warped back to the living world.




Kathia found herself a few feet above a white mass and screamed as she fell onto it. The girl pushed her upper-body up with her hands on the scales. Then she looked at what she was on: a white dragon. She assumed that this creature was Axle, the one she had chosen to be warped to. But she wasn't here to be buddies with him; she was here to run on back to either Sundown or Windfall, whichever was the closest. The girl looked for a way to get off of him, so that she could skedaddle.




"Alright then," replied Minerva. Then she went onto Drake's back and told him where to go and how to get there.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((I was not the only one who had that happen.))


Axle was back in his dragon form a few seconds before a random scream came from the air. He turn his head to what ever impact on his back.To his surprise it was a young girl, maybe seventeen or so. "Who are you?"Axle asked the girl. He however sounded a bit weak when he said that.



Juna was pacing around the room, thinking of what she was going to before Aeolus pop into her mind.


"You think I know anything about this place? Well all I can only see a dark cell that is too small for a dragon of your size." She though back to him.


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Chi glanced back at Nick, seeing him look around with a confused expression. It dawned a bit of confusion on her own face after a moment and she turned to look at the tunnels. Her wings folded and shifted against her back and her talons tapped lightly on the stone floor of the empty cave. "Well" she starts, shifting her gaze up and around at the cavern. "I thought you wanted to get away and have all of us stay together. It's not like we can stay in Windfall. Not really. While I do admire the mending between the humans and dragons the Aquarians are attempting, the wound between humans and Hybrids is simply something much... different" her wings twitch as she shifts her weight. "Dragons don't tend to care for us much either since we were a weapon created for human use. Damned wherever you go, y'know?" she smiles. "This is a potential home I suppose. These gentlemen are carving out some room for us and I'm handy at making accommodations for the interior if I do say so myself. What do humans call that? Tooting your own horn. Adorable, but a home is all" she turns to face Nick again.

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((He did it to other people, too? He's a neighborhood delinquent!))


Kathia found his tail, which she could use to get herself down to the ground. Before she could move to there, Axle asked who she was. The girl answered, "No one important. Now if you'll excuse me. I got to go." Then she crawled over to his tail and grabbed a hold of it. She used the spikes on the tail as handles for getting down like she would a ladder. Once she reached the forest floor, Kathia quickly ran away from the dragon before they could talk some more. She was the destined dragon slayer and she could not afford to be friendly to creatures such as them, even if they did care about humans.




Aeolus told her, 'Then show me what it looks like so that I can tell one of my magis where to send them.'

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"I guess that makes sense." Nick began, feeling a bit sheepish. The mage took a deep breath, looking over the expanding cavern once more. It could make a nice home. It would be strange though, living so far away from a city. Although he was used to living alone, he was also used to the hustle and bustle that went on within cities. "You know, I've never actually really lived with anyone else for the longest time. Sure I've had Akuma with me for a bit, but he's really grown on me, feels like I've always lived with him, even though I know it's only been a short while." as he finished talking he let out a puff of air before turning back to the cave entrance and looking over the side with a sigh, "I guess I did think we were going to stay in windfall, but I forgot about the public general dislike, hatred even, towards hybrids, it's easy for me to forget sometimes. I never actually really think about it unless I see it happening. It's funny how differently people can see and treat each other when we're all really similar on the inside in the end."


((Hey all! And thanks for the gift BTW Red!))

Edited by picknick10

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((Two things, One I'm so sorry about not replying quickly, been watching Red V Blue from rooster teeth. Two, I also have not been in the best of moods.))


Axle watched as the girl ran off before he notice the air around her was full of sulfur. It was as if she was on another realm. He decided not to let her go that easily. He went towards her, than in front of her to stop her from running away. "Oh no. You smell like sulfur, almost like you came from another realm. So want to tell me who you are and where you just came from?" Axle asked her.


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((I forgive you. I was kinda inactive, too. I was busy writing a post for a personal debate I'm having with someone and looking for links to add to my post.


Also, I just realized that I goofed up with Aeolus asking Juna for her location. I forgot that the magis had already used a tracking spell for them to teleport the spies to her. I'm going to have to fix that in my story. For now, I'll just have Enamora try to teleport them over to her.))


With the briefing over, Aeolus told the magi, "Enamora, warp the spies over to the prison now."


She obliged, "Yes, Aeolus." Then she used the tracking spell to give her the image of Juna's whereabouts. Taking the prison scene into her mind, she looked down at the pygmies and teleported them over to the prison. The spies disappeared from view to begin the mission that their leader assigned them.


The magi and crystal maker looked at their leader as he said, "I really hope the mission goes well. This is essential to us for our advantage."


Fabre assured, "I'm sure they'll do just fine. After all, you and Enamora told them what to do their jobs."


Aeolus replied, "You're probably right." Then a few seconds later, 6 bright flashes appeared between them and in their place were the spies they had sent earlier. The leader wondered what was the meaning of this very early return they had taken. He questioned them on it, "You pygmies, what's going on? Why have you come back?"


Liath told him the bad news, "Well we were supposed to be in prison with Juna, but we weren't there and neither was Juna."


The crimson flare next to him said, "We just got warped to the ocean instead."


"What?!" Aeolus said, taken by surprise and confusion over teleportion doing the opposition of where it was supposed to take them.




((And I apologize for the wait. This time, I got addicted to an adult game on the internet. And now I got to get my hair washed.))


But this wasn't going to be the last time she saw of him. Kathia heard running footsteps behind and knew that the dragon was following her. His four legs gave him the advantage of running faster than the girl would on her two legs and pretty soon, he got ahead of her and stopped right in her path. When asked for her name and where she came from, the girl growled, "My name is none of your business, dragon! Now leave me alone!" She ran to the side, trying to escape this creature and continue her way to a human settlement.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Axle was starting to get annoyed with the young woman. He change to his human form and once again, got in front of the woman again. "Fine you do not have to tell me who you are, but for you to suddenly appear out of no where and land on my back with out an explanation and think that is fine you are sorely mistaken." Axle glared at the woman. It seemed he would not leave her alone without answers.



Juna was still pacing around the cell as she planned on her next move, before she was interrupt by her cell door opening. "Well, well, so. Arn't you something of a beauty." The man said as he walked into her cell. "You would go for a fine penny if someone was in the market for a slave girl." He said was he came up close to her. He grab a hold of her cheeks, whick Juna hated the most. He let go and she growled at him.


"Now, now you are under water and no need to be hostial to me. I'm not the one who went and grab you from your little Dragon party. All I am is a slave trader, so just sit back and relaxes and enjoy these walls for now, for they are the-" he soar before Juna heard enough and clocked him in the face hard. She have heard enough of this man talk, so she dealt a leathal blow to his head. She simple shook her head as she search his body for keys weapons and anything she can find use.

()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()(becauce I got bored and decied this would be a jump in Juna story because I'm not going to write the whole event out so skipping to where she contacts Aeolus and tells him where to find her.)()()()()()()()()(.()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()


Juna, after about 30 minutes of fighting and helping out a few people escape with her, she finally made it to the top part of the building to the water surface. There was nothing as far as she could see. She looked at the one halfling with her and the two other woman with her. The two woman where dress like they were for sell as a sex slave, the halfling was dress like a maid. The rest of the small band she made though out either was killed or lost somewhere. When she reached the light she could tell what she was dressed up to be sold as. She was dressed like a gladiator.

"well at least I don't look like them. Whatever. Aeolus here after about thirsty minutes of fighting have finally made it to the top of this damn prison. Now do you mind teleporting here and liking me and my new band of miss fits. So if you do not mind coming and getting us, like now would be great." Juna said in her mind. The other three manage to collect some better clothing so they were not so exposed, but all of the had the same type of collars on their necks. She soon sent a full 360 image of the place out in the middle of the ocean.

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((I sent her a note that you replied, but so far she hasn't answered.


Anyway, here's a giftfic for former RPer, Shibathedragon: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...d-SBL-564976540 It's not censored, so you guys can get to see it for free.))


But once again, she got cut off. Not by the dragon, but by an angry-looking man. As he spoke about the same things the dragon inquired of her, Kathia realized to her shock that this man was Axle and somehow he had taken the form of a human. Her shock quickly died down and was replaced by her annoyed emotion for the dragon's persistence to bug her. The girl let out an angry groan and yelled, "Fine, I'll tell you where I came from! I was captured by Spinx and taken to another dimension where he would keep me there until it was time for him to use me as a hostage against you. His good side in there and his friends helped me to escape and that's how I ended up here. There! Does that answer your question?"




Enamora found it extremely hard to believe as she said, "But that's impossible. My tracking spell's supposed to help take you over to her."


Liath shrugged, "Well apparently it didn't. I don't know what happened or what caused it, but that's just how it is."


Aeolus shook his head in frustration; looks like they were going to have to come up with a different plan. But first, he would have to ask the magi. "Enamora, do would know any spell that would deflect your teleportation or tracking spell?" he inquired.


The magi shook her head and replied, "Not that I know of. But there are illusion spells that would make your surroundings look like a totally different place."


The horde leader theorized, "Then perhaps the spies might have been deceived. Enamora, can you go to that ocean and dispel the illusion?"


"Of course I can," replied the magi. She teleported herself over to where the tracking spell took the spies and arrived at the ocean. Then she anti-illusion spell to get remove all traces of any illusions around her. But nothing changed; the ocean was still itself. This was no illusion; it was the real deal. "Oh no," Enamora said to herself, realizing that her tracking spell really did get deflected. She warped herself back to the horde and told the leader, "Aeolus, the ocean wasn't an illusion. It looks like we really did get rebounded."


Aeolus's mouth curled into a gritting frown. "Curses," he growled. Dracul's forces has managed to defeat him with whatever unknown spells they had. "I guess we'll just have to delay the rescue until we come up with something. For now, we'll just have battle training until a plan comes to mind," he said. So the horde leader gathered his horde for a meeting and organized sparring partners. The only dragons left out were the earth dragons who had to continue building the Shadow Wind duplicate and the spies who needed to practice turning themselves into flies until they were perfect at it. After every partner was assigned, the horde went out into the desert. Aeolus went face to face with his crimson flare partner. He blew his lightning breath at him, which the pygmy dodged by rolling sideways through the air.




After 30 minutes later, Aeolus was contacted by Juna who had managed to escape the prison herself. 'Very well, I shall send one of us to fetch you,' he replied. Then he chose a dragon for this job and told him, 'Kekul, I need you to teleport yourself over to Juna and her company and bring them back to the village.'


'Got it,' the magma magi replied. He warped over to Juna and teleport every single prisoner back to the village.

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Axle looked at the girl for a few as sh explain her story. "Kind of. But what makes you think Spinx won`t just come after you again? Think about it, he wanted to use a hostage so he could get the upper hand on me. When he finds out you think he just going to sit around and let you slip right between his figures?" Axle said sounding a bit more concerned for the safety of the girl. There was a moment of silence before a snapping sound of someone running though the forest with much haste. What came from around the tree was the young girl Azera with him. She saw first was kathia and ran for her.


"Kathia help. Azera he hurt badly and he heading back to the mountain where that necromancer is at. Please you have to stop him." She babbled.out of her mouth as she cried.


Axle seemed to recoiled at Azera name and soon head in the opposite direction, back the way he came from almost like he did not wanting to take part in chasing down Azera. He simple wanted to far from it. "What is he doing all the way up this country, and why after Spinx"? Axle thought to himself.

======================((because I am using a phone to type on, which is really annoying. It taking me longer to write this. Also red here the Dracul Arch and the blue Dragon, who name escapes me.))===================


The forest air was damp and humid. Nothing seemed to be sturing on the forest floor, well until nine shapes took form in the distance from a nearby cave. The closer they got the more humanoids bit only four of them are with out Dragon wings. The closer they got to the cave, the more could be told of them. All but three wore the same black color of armor. The other three were in front of them wearing different colors. The right was blue, left gold, and the middle red. They all carried their own type of weapons, from a small sword and shield to a staff. They stopped about twenty-five meters from the cave entrance.

==================================((Yes red it at that cave with Atlas's nieces))===============



Juna and the other three girls, who were now in better clothing stood in the middle of the desert with a bunch of Dragon. The human girls screeched, but Juna and the halfling female did not. Juna turn her head to them."Will you two stop that damn horrible screaming. It rather annoying." she said calmly, but her tone sent chills down the girls backs, stopping their scream. "Aeolus come here, now. And while you are at it bring my brother with you, if he somewhere close by." Juna thought to Aeolus, sound a bit cold, almost like she was annoyed.

Edited by draco8967

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((Here's https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10380348/42/Dr...s-The-First-War ))


Now that she thought about it, the “man” was right. There was no doubt the wicked necromancer would try to retrieve her. That means the girl needed reach civilization soon or else. But she was too prideful to accept a dragon’s help, even if he was a good one. Kathia huffed and scoffed, “I think I’ll have you know that I can take care of myself, scaly. I have magic powers and ghosts to watch over me. I don’t need no overgrown lizard to protect me. So scram, scoot, get out of here!” Just then, the girl who had been with Azera, came rushing towards her. She told the redhead that the man was wounded and was trying to go after Spinx. That was when Axle turned tail and ran. Kathia didn’t know his problem was, but she was thankful for whatever the girl said that scared him. Turning to the younger girl, the redhead assured her in a soft tone, “There, there, don’t cry. I’ll go save his life.” Oh bummer, now that means Kathia will have to put herself in danger to save someone’s life. As much as she hated going back to the abominable necromancer, the hunter just couldn’t say no to the young girl in need. Abandoning a fellow human being to die would be a really bad thing to do. Hopefully, Azera didn’t get too close to Spinx, where he could see her and try to capture her again. “Show me where he is,” she said.




((The dragon village cave is in a rain forest, not a desert.))


The dragon guards, who were standing at the entrance to the cave, smelled incoming scents from the horizon. They were dragon, human, and Halfling, but strangely, these 9 people approaching were all humanoid. And worse, they appeared to be hunters or soldiers. Quartz and his fellow guard immediately knew that danger was heading their way. They must kill these humans right here before they threaten the village. The geode dragon roared, “Stop, humans! Don’t you dare come near this village. We all defend it with our lives.”




The horde stopped training when Juna and the other girls made a sudden appearance via teleportation and the humans screamed. Tavurth’s ears were hurt by that loud noise that the annoyed brute growled under his breath, “Damn screaming apes.”


<insert Salvo scene>


Aeolus, unnerved by Juna’s tone as he expected her to be like this all the time with him, replied, ‘I’m right here with the others, but Mekarth is still building the Shadow Wind replica. I’ll call him as I come.’ The horde leader could see her 30 meters from where he was at; reaching Juna wouldn’t be too far. Aeolus went towards the former lord as he telepathically called her brother, ‘Mekarth, Juna is back in one piece. She’s with us outside the village where the horde sparred yesterday.’

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Ronan went with Minerva, getting onto Drakes back once again. Drake followed her directions and flew towards their destination. Ronan was feeling excitement but also nervous. He wondered if this was the right choice for him. If it was the right path. He knew he could train a lot of skilled warriors but at what cost? What would be the end result of his work as a teacher? Would a new war spring? If so, what would he do? There were so many possibilities and it frightened him a little. The uncertainty.

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They finally got to the business loan place (I forgot what it was called). Minerva hopped off of Drake and went inside the building. There, she went up the desk where the receptionist was done organizing some papers. The man asked, "Hello? Are you here to get some loans?"


Minerva answered with a nod, "We are. We need some funds to get some things for our school."


"Just one moment," the man said. Then he called the loaner to let her know that she has business to do. After a brief exchange of words, he hang up and said to them, "Okay, your loaner, Mrs. Bernstein will see you in her office. It'll be right at this door." He pointed to the office.


"Thank you, we'll see her now," said Minerva. Then she went over to the office where a plumb brunette woman was sitting at her desk.


Mrs. Berstein asked, "Greetings, I hear you need some funds for a school you want to improve."

Edited by Red Dragonette

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The little girl watched for a few seconds before she looked backed at kathia and nod her head to her as she led her back the way in a quick pace. As she led, it was evident that she was tired, almost like she have yet to rest at all.

==================((So, much is going on right now, but if you need me just shot me a massage on dragcave, or if you have a Skype you could send it to me that way. just let me know which is better for you guys/girls))======================


Ju.a pinched her nose when Aeolus told her that he was going to contact him. "You can't telepathically talk to him. You may not have notice that but me and Axle speak with him out loud because we have no way of talking with him any other way." Juna disappointly said as she turn her attection back to the collar around her neck. "Aeolus, if you or anyone in this board touch these three, you will be sorry. I have to go find my brother now, simple because he needs to do something for me." Juna walked away from the group to the last location that he was known to be at.

==( 8 )========( 8 )==========( )==========================

Mekarth did head to the city the earth dragons were building, but he soon left, heading away from the city and camp, deeper into the desert. He seemed on edge, maybe by recent events, but it looked like more was bothering him.



The human in blue armor pulled his weapon from his back, revealing a scythe that looked like it was design to reap souls from people. But quickly he was not there, and neither was the small band of humans, almost like an illiusion of some sort. The blue armor one quickly came back from thin air, but not one, but hundreds of the same human came from each angle, stricking at different vital points in a dragon body. The scent of all the other humans were gone including the blue one, though he was everywhere in sight.

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Kathia followed after the hurrying girl through the woods. But as they went on, the redhead could see how the little girl was exhausted by the way she saw panting and how slow and weak her running was. She must have been in a hurry to find help quickly before now. If Kathia had a bottle of water with her, she would have used her magic to turn it into blessed water to revitalize the girl’s stamina. But unfortunately, she didn’t have one on her as the containers were back at the camp. But still, having a tired person around would slow her down before she could make it to Azera. Perhaps it would be better to have the girl stay in a safe place while the redhead went on ahead. Kathia said, “Hey, you look pretty tired. Want to me directions where he’s at and I go follow on that?”




“What?!” Aeolus asked, sounding surprised and in disbelief by what he just heard about Mekarth. All dragons had the ability to use telepathy and it was very much unheard of for one not to do it, so why can’t Mekarth do it? Then Juna warned him to not have any of her fellow prisoners hurt or else he would regret it. As she walked away, the horde leader narrowed his eyes in contempt and murmured, “Don’t worry, I have no interest in harming any of them.” In his own thoughts, he added, ‘Yet.’ Once the war against Dracul was over and the Vulture Horde was strong enough in both strength and numbers, he will see to these humans slain. For now, these women will be in the horde’s protection until then. Aeolus said to Yopple, “Yopple, lead these women to the village. We can’t have them get in the way of our training.”




The guards dropped their jaws in surprise when the humans suddenly vanished. Quartz blinked and asked, “Huh? Where did they go?” Then the blue-armored human and his multiple clones reappeared around the geode and they all attacked him. He let out his dying roar as he dropped dead on the ground.


The other guard looked in shock at his fallen comrade and roared, “Quartz!” Then he shot a glare at the humans and thought to kill them all to avenge the geode’s death. But his quick thinking got him to warn the village first. If these intruders could kill a single dragon like that quickly, then the same thing would happen to him, too. He pictured the chief in mind and telepathically said to him, ‘Chief Doubloon, we’re under attack by humans. They’ve killed Quartz, we need to activate the trap crystals now and get ready to fight for our lives.’ Then he tried to breathe fire at the clones.




Doubloon was chatting with two dragonesses about a daughter. The chief listened to the morningstar dragoness speak in a fond manner, “And that’s when my daughter met this nice young dragon. She would see him for a few days before she got invited to join his clan. My daughter would tell me through telepathy how sweet he was and how he protected her from humans. Now they’re mates and they have three adorable little hatchlings.” The morningstar was proud and happy for her daughter having a loving mate and a nice family.


The canopy dragoness smiled and said, “That’s so wonderful. I’m glad your daughter’s living the good life.”


Doubloon was content as well. He was about to congratulate the morningstar, when he heard an urgent message from one of his guards. The chief frowned, knowing that his village was in danger and that action must be taken immediately. ‘I’m on it, I’ll get the village prepared right now,’ he said.


The two dragonesses stopped smiling when they noticed the serious expression on his face. They became concerned as the canopy asked, “Chief, what’s wrong?”


Doubloon answered, “We’ve got human intruders. We need to stop them now.” Then he telepathically spoke to the crystal-maker dragons, ‘Lhove, Rivet, I need you to activate the trap crystals. We’re under attack by humans. They’ve already killed Quartz and I fear the same might happen to his friend. I’ll alert the other dragons so that they can act as backup in case the traps fail.’


‘We’re on it, chief!’ the crystal-makers said. Then the chief telepathically told the other dragons in the village to let them know of the situation and told them to get ready to fight.




Danielle and Kylie were playing with their hatchling friends when they heard feet running outside the room. They turned to the entrance and saw dragons running right by. The whiptail hatchling asked, “What’s going on? Why are dhey wunning?”


The autumn dragoness, the baby sitter for the hatchlings as the other mother dragons were out, answered, “There’s humans outside, dearie. The dragons are going to fight them. We need to stay inside this room right now. Do not leave this place.”


Pendra the imperial fleshcrowne hatchling looked at the dragoness with confident eyes and asked, “They’re going to win, right?”


The autumn nodded and made an appropriate response to keep the hatchlings from being fearful, “They will.” She exaggerated the dragons’ capabilities and said, “They’re big strong dragons. They’ll be able to squash those puny humans.”


The imperial fleshcrowne smiled in enthusiasm and said, “Cool! I want to see them fight.”


The dragoness shook her head to deny him permission to leave and said, “No, you are stay here where you’ll be safe. Besides, you might get in their way.” She also didn’t want his life put in danger of the crossfire or for him to be exposed to any bloody violence and death.


Pendra insisted, “No I won’t! I’ll just stay to the side and watch.”


The autumn still refused to let him out and spoke sternly, “You are going to stay in this cave, whether you like it or not. And if you try to get out of here, I will let your parents know, so that you will be grounded.”


The fleshcrowne hatchling groaned and pouted in response. “Fine, I’ll stay here in this crummy cave,” he said.


Pinky the female pink hatchling yelled at him, “Hey, my cave’s not crummy!”


Her sister, Smasp the autumn hatchling, yelled, “Yeah!” The room they were in belonged to Pinky and Smasp. The autumn dragoness was their mother.


Pendra didn’t mean to insult his friends; he was just mad about not being allowed outside to see all the action. He sighed an apology, “Sorry.”


Mevelle the albino hatchling bounded over to him and assured, “Hey, don’t worry. The grown-ups will tell us about the fight after it’s done. Maybe they’ll show us it through telepathy.”


The autumn dragoness growled at her, “Mevelle, don’t give him any ideas.”


Pendra liked the albino’s idea and thought to use it to his advantage. ‘I should ask,’ he thought. He formed a telepathic communication with his father and asked, ‘Dad, you’re fighting right? Can you show me how you’re fighting the humans?’




The dragons stood just before where the trap crystals were in the hallway to the entrance. The crystal-makers had started to activate the traps, so that lightning and magic from some of the crystals will strike out at any lifeform that dares to come by. Eitri, who stood at the front lines with his fellow nocturnal horde members, waited for the humans to come and got ready to attack incase the crystals failed. He thought, ‘Okay, let’s give these humans a taste of what we did to that human camp that was once there.’


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((I think he's still waiting for a response to this post with Ohimia: https://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showt...dpost&p=8964818 . Draco probably didn't know what to say to that and I don't know what else I can have Atlas do. I think my recent post with Aeolus will bring him back, but I doubt he'll be adding Ohimia in it, because nothing's going on with Atlas's group.))

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