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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Minerva could see that the man had a point. Even if the humans were conflicted over this, the dragons would spare the reformed humans and eventually become friends with them. Some of the ignorant people will open their eyes to this bond and come to understand the dragons. "You're right, Ronan," she said. "Maybe I should do this." Then after breakfast was over, she put her bowl and glass in the sink and went upstairs to her room to go onto her laptop. She opened up the ADR's website and checked the news to see if anybody has beaten her to it. They did; a morning article has just been posted about the global war. Relieved that she didn't have to do any work, the woman thought, 'Well it looks like a part of my agenda just got fulfilled.' Then suddenly, she heard the telephone ringing both in her room and from downstairs in the living room. Minerva spun around in her chair and got up to approach the phone. The caller ID on it read "Whitney Palance" with her phone number. Perhaps that was David calling to let her know that the blueprint was done.

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Ronan finished up his breakfast before going upstairs to his bedroom. He grabbed his assortment of weapons and took them downstairs. He laid them out neatly on the dining table. One by one he cleaned them all and sharpened the bladed weapons. Such weapons required constant care.

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((Ah crap, I forgot technology was banned in the RP. I need to remember these things. Oh well, I'm not going to edit that. I'll just make one last post involving Minerva's laptop & telephone and hopefully try to remember that from now on. Maybe I can ask Nick or Sai if I can make a scene where Mayor Esteed and the Aquarians have banned technololgy. That way, I can have an easier way to not do those things again and it will give Kathia and other humans to have more fuel to hate dragons.))


The woman picked up the phone and asked, "Hello?"


Just like she thought, David was on the other end. He answered, "Hey Minerva, I'm just calling to let you know that the blueprint is ready. So did you have a good morning?"


"I sure did," said the smiling woman. "Ronan and I had porridge for breakfast and he liked it."


"That's great!" beamed the man. "Well anyway, the blueprint will be at my house for you to pick up. Just bring the money with you, okay?"


Minerva nodded and replied, "Alright, I got it. We'll be there today as soon as possible. Good morning to Whitney for me, okay?"


"Got it and I'll see you later," said David. Then he hang up the phone, which Minerva did afterwards.


The woman went downstairs to tell Ronan the news. She found him sharpening his weapons on the table. "Excuse me, Ronan," she said. After waiting for his attention, she continued, "David called and he said that the blueprint was ready to be picked up."




Bam searched the desert for prey and edible plants to eat; for a while, nothing came into sight so far. The sun's hot rays were warming his scales to the point where he would feel the heat. "Boy, it sure is hot out here. It makes me wish I asked the gray dragons earlier to bring in some clouds," he mused to himself. Three minutes later, he found some prickly pears on a bunch of cacti. Delighted at his finding, the navy blue beamed, "Oh joy!" Since he knew his cousin couldn't eat plant-based food, he telepathically contacted Yopple, 'Hey Yopple, do you eat fruits? I found some prickly pears.'

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Ronan turned to Minerva when she spoke his name. He listened as she explained that the blueprints are ready. He smiled, "Excellent.....excellent news. One step closer. We can leave as soon as I'm finished sharpening, ok? Weapons like these require a lot of care and attention every day, luckily only ONCE per day though." He went back to sharpening.

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((Sorry no internet over the last four or five days.))


Van still watch over kathia for about twelve minutes before he step in front of Kathia. He seemed to have block her from opening up a door that was behind him. The look in his eyes kind of told the story of what was behind that door, Elisabeth.

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((So I was talking to Sai the other day about technology in this RP and this is what she said in our conversation: http://comments.deviantart.com/4/10501366/3887855868 Since I can't use cellphones, computers or anything like that in the RP anymore, I'm forced to use them only in my fanfic. So whenever I feel like there's a good time to use them, I'll just leave a <insert scene into fanfic> or write a different scene as a placeholder for that scene. Also, here's a birthday pic from yesterday for former player, rampaging wyvern, of her character, Spuma: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art/Spuma-546924023 ))


"Okay, I'll wait," said Minerva. "I'll be watching TV in the meantime." Then she went to the living room and sat on the couch. She picked up the remote and turned the TV on. <insert that certain scene into the fanfic>




Kathia withdrew her hand when Van got in front of her to keep her from opening the door to the infirmary. The girl bit back her teeth in annoyance and thought, 'Persisten little brat, aren't you?' She really wanted to lose that unwanted attention, but how? Then an idea suddenly sprang into her mind; she noted how she and Van were different genders. The only way to split up was to go to a place where males and females can't see each other, the bathroom. She hoped such a place would have a window for her to escape through and hopefully find the Good Spinx or better yet, a way out of this world. The girl formed a pretend smile on her face and asked, "Hey Van, do you know where I can find the bathroom? Nature's calling to me right now."


((Chapter 38 just got uploaded: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...hp-38-545544518


And here's En'K'Haral's b-day story: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...ory-2-545558932 ))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan took about an hour cleaning his weapons and sharpening the blades, when he was done he sheathed them all. "Alright, I'm gonna get dressed and then we'll go." He carried everything upstairs. Once in his room he got himself dressed and belted his sword and equipped his hidden blades. Afterwards he returned downstairs and tapped on Minerva's shoulder.

Edited by LordTorch18

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((Here's a gift story for former player, SparksflY: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...story-545920775 ))


During the hour of the news, Minerva had seen a report of outrage by dragons over a diner discriminating against them. She thought that would be something to write about on the ADR's website. She would have gotten off the couch and go to her room now to do it, had she not heard Ronan's footsteps coming down the stair. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder, which she looked over and saw the man behind her. He was dressed in his usual outfit. "Ready to go?" she asked. She knew the answer was going to be 'yes', but she needed to make sure her assumption was right.

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He grinned. "Yes. Let's head out." He went outside with Minerva and climbed up on Drake's back. Drake flew them over to the house so they could see the finished blueprints.


Rick had finished his breakfast and was walking around outside.

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((I have the worst of luck this week.))


Van's face turn a bit hot from Kathia question and just pointed down the hall, holding three figures up. He look to the ground out of both embarrassment and worry.

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"Thank you," the girl said. Then she walked over in that direction down the hall until she reached the bathroom. She opened the door and went inside. There it was, the window like she hoped there would be. But unfortunately, it wasn't the kind she hoped it would be. It was unlike the modern windows that lets one open and close them at anytime. This one didn't seem that it would open, no matter how hard she tried. "Oh phooey!" Kathia cursed in displeasure. Now she would have to find another way out of here. She knew of the balcony from the guestroom, but that was too high for to jump down from without hurting herself. The girl let out a hopeless sigh and said to herself, "Great, now what?" With no way to escape Van, she might as well go to the library and find something to read. Hopefully, there would be a spell book or something about fighting techniques for her to learn. But first, she needed to wait for a minute or two, so that she didn't appear suspicious by leaving the bathroom too early.


A few seconds later, she turned the sink on and let the water flow for a bit. A few more seconds later, Kathia went back to Van and asked, "So where is the library?"




They went outside and got onto Drake's back. Then they flew over to Whitney's house and landed at the front yard. Minerva went to the doorstep and pushed the doorbell. A few seconds later, the door swung open and to the one who answered the call, David. The man flashed them a smile and said, "Hey there! I got your blueprint right here." He held up the rolled-up blueprint in his hand to them.


"That's great!" said Minerva, glad to see that it was done.


Then David opened the blueprint up and said, "Now let me show you all what I've added since last time. Just follow me to the table." Then they went inside the house and the man placed the blueprint flat on the table. He took his finger and pointed out the new details. "Alright, so I've drawn out where the pipelines will be for the restrooms and the probable drinking fountain, if you guys need one. And we also have the air filters and power lines for the AC."


((Sorry for being late. I forgot to tell you guys that I had my hair to be permed. Now I need to go draw a picture of Darkness.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan looked over the blueprints. He was used to solid ground, dirt and rocks, so this kind of facility would be a first for him. He nodded as he followed along examining the details of the blueprints. "How big is the training area here?" pointing to it. "it needs to be big enough to fit a large group of people plus the various equipment I'll need to use for teaching and training." Trying to ensure he had enough room to work with.

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Garin woke up to Ohimia prodding his back with her snout. He'd had a swift, well deserved, dreamless sleep that had completely rejuvenated his energy from the fighting and from his long flight here. He slowly opened his eyes, turning his head to wards the patch of blurry haze he believed to be Ohimia.


"I'm awake." he said sluggishly, coming out more slurred than he would have liked. He sat up and blinked the bleariness from his eyes before realizing that Ohimia was still prodding him.


"I'm awake, geez, quit it." he said, pushing her snout away playfully with the palm of his hand. "So, what do you want to do?"


(In case you haven't noticed, I've been working on my role-play skills. tongue.gif)

(Esko, I posted this a while back and I guess you haven't seen it yet seeing as you've taken a long time to reply tongue.gif Please post soon!)

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((Here's a picture and story of Darkness that I forgot to put here yesterday: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...ory-2-548347454 I immediately forgot to post here and went to working on Draco's birthday story, which will be uploaded on Sunday. Btw, that picture is the most popular out of all the RP pics I drew; it's got like 4 faves on it.))


David looked slightly embarrassed as he answered softly, "Er... It's one thousand square feet. Did you wanted a really big training room?"


Minerva answered, "Yes we did. Sorry we forgot to tell you." She herself was also embarrassed as she and Ronan forgot to tell him the details.


The ginger-haired man forgave her and said, "Hey, it's alright. I can fix that up for you guys quickly and then take it over to the office supply store to have it printed." <insert scene> "So anything else I should know before I start redrawing?" he asked.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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He nodded. "the training area will need to have half of the floor padded. the other half will have to be hard. We did mention a locker area last time correct?" He asked looking to Minerva. "I think that's all. Once the school's up and running and we start making money we can expand as necessary or make adjustments."


((two thousand square feet is quite large isn't it?))

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((Baaaaack from vacation.))


She backed away when he pushed her snout away; she understood it was playfully, but better to keep distance for a bit, in case he snapped. Just precaution, since she had experience with rougher dragons before.

But not like she experienced today.

I've been thinking about those two dragons that we met recently, one of them rushing off to...something. I kinda want to find them. Want to come along? The Lumina asked, hopeful. She liked this guy.



((Also, I chose a text color for Yopple))




Bam searched the desert for prey and edible plants to eat; for a while, nothing came into sight so far. The sun's hot rays were warming his scales to the point where he would feel the heat. "Boy, it sure is hot out here. It makes me wish I asked the gray dragons earlier to bring in some clouds," he mused to himself. Three minutes later, he found some prickly pears on a bunch of cacti. Delighted at his finding, the navy blue beamed, "Oh joy!" Since he knew his cousin couldn't eat plant-based food, he telepathically contacted Yopple, 'Hey Yopple, do you eat fruits? I found some prickly pears.'


Hunting in the desert was never fun.

Especially when you had darker scales. Even as a large dragon such as himself, the heat could effect him greatly (if size even came into play). His ears flickered when he received a message from Bam..that was his name, correct? The dragon was asking if he ate fruits. Fruits! He did not want to admit that he loved them, so why not a lie?

His "good" side flashed for a few split seconds.

'I love fru-AGH! I mean, I eat them if there is nothing else.' His "bad" side took over again, and he hoped he did not look suspicious.

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((Whoopsies. Fixed it))

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"Sure, why not?" Garin replied. "I came here looking for an adventure, but I guess it found me." Garin smiled cheerfully as he said this. "So, if you have an idea of where they went, I'd be happy to tag along."

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((Happy Birthday, Draco! I made this story about your characters from the beginning when you first came to this RP: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...story-547819024 But you must log in to see it though.


And sorry if I miscalculated there, Torch. I may be good at math, but I'm not good at measuring big sizes like long distances or how big rooms are. I'll edit the number David mentioned.))


Minerva shook her head and answered, "I don't think we did."


After Ronan said that this was all, David said to him, "Okay, I'll get to work on it right now. Sit on the couch and wait or hang out with my sister, if you want." Then he went to his room to get started on reworking the blueprint.


Just then, Whitney came out of the kitchen and was happy to have the familiar guests here again. "Hey! Welcome back! How are you guys?" she smiled and beamed.




For a moment, Bam thought he heard Yopple mentioning that he loved fruits, but the cassare was content with eating them if nothing else was there. The navy blue replied with a smile, 'Great! Then come on over to me; I'll be happy to share these pears with you.' He lowered his head to the reddish-purple fruits on the cactus and felt the needles poke his chin. 'Ouch!' he thought, feeling the sting from the cactus. He closed his mouth around the pears without sinking his teeth on them and pulled the fruits off. He dropped them on the ground and went to get the other pears.

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((Thanks Red for the story))


Van look ar Kathia and nod is head as he pointed to the door across the hall. It was open with a lighting in it, it sounded as if someone was in it going though the books. It looked massive from the sight of it.



Juna try to stand up, though she stagged a bit that merkath had to help her by pressing against her side. After a bit she changed into her halfling form as she layed on his back. He walked out of the cave with her on his back, she did not good to other dragons. Her wing kind of dangled from her human side of her halfling form.

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((You're welcome, Draco! And Torch, I finally changed the number. Sorry I forgot to do that last night.


Also, I drew two pictures of some hybrids that I'll be replacing the animalistic ones with in chapter 3: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...ion-1-548890977 and http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...ion-2-549137168 I'll draw the third some day.))


Kathia mouthed a thanks to him and went off in that direction. She quickly saw light glowing out the door like there was some kind of special electric light in there. But this was a medieval-like place, surely they wouldn't have electric lights, right? Then within the next second, a lightning bolt zapped out the doorway. The girl briefly stopped, thinking something was going on in the library. Then she heard sounds coming out of that room. It sounds like someone was going through some books, probably magic books. The lightning from a few seconds ago seemed to be proof of that. If someone was in there practicing spells, then this would confirm Kathia's hopes of there being spell books in the library. The girl went next to the door and stood beside the frame, being careful not to become an accidental victim of the magic. She poked her head to the side to make sure the coast was clear before she went in. To her wonder, the library was massive with tall bookshelves and arrays of many books. "Wow," she murmured in amazement.




A few more dragons of the Vulture Horde woke up and went outside the caves they slept in. They greeted each other with good mornings and thought about going together to get some breakfast. But before they could leave, they saw Mekarth with Juna in halfling form on her back. To the dragons' worry, she appeared to be <insert word>. A leaf pygmy looked at Mekarth and asked, "Hey, is she going to be alright?"

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Ronan smiled at the familiar friend Whitney. "Hello Whitney, a pleasure to see you again." He bowed his head. "Your brother is a skilled architect with these blueprints." He admired good work when he saw it.

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The libery looked empty at first until some walked by kathia with a mountain of books heading down a lane. "I really hope these books are the one he looking for. He have yet to slee." The person said. They almost look like a servent, but unless servents were now packing firepower and armed with large two hand sword, more likly not one. Another person came by with three books floating around him, reading them all at the same time. "Intersting, very intersting. A barrier of that strenght could keep out a demon sure enough, but for how long?" He said out loud as he continued to walk down another alley. Van came up to Kathia with a book, a cherry red book. It had an image of a dragon on it as the title read, History of dragon and dragon magic Volume 1:1. He simple held it out to her. At the same time some shot a fire ball down the lane. It hit one of the shelves not even burning the books or scoring the wood.

((Welcome to arcane libery Kathia, were most book are writen in Draconic.))



Mekarth looked at the smaller dragon. "The last attack she took made her hit her head hard on rocks or something. That also means she is in no way capable of training anyone, let alone walk." Mekarth said as juna seemed to slid back to sleep. "It nothing major, just rest that is-" Mekarth srarted to say before he smelled something, something he wish he did not smell. His head turn towards the smell, and he seemed to be locked in that way. "Do me a favor and stay with Juna." His voice no longer sound friend but extreamly hostile now. To him it was to late to even try and move because the smell was now around the whole area.


"Well well well, if it not kid one and kid three of Incarus, what a shocker, well not really." The new voice seemed to echo in the air. A few minutes later some, more of a human figure appears out of thin air. He wore a gray cloak, a two handed sword, but no armor. He stood right in the open for everyone to see.

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"I know, right?" said the ginger woman. "That's why he made A's in his classes. He really knows his stuff."


((I don't know what else to say for this part at the moment.))




Kathia saw a few people passing by with some books. Then Van gave her a book called the 'History of Dragons and Dragon Magic Volume 1:1.' The girl took it and said, "Gee, thanks!" Then a fireball shot by her, making her jump in surprise, thinking that she could have gotten burned. But thankfully, she didn't. Then Kathia went to a table and sat down to open the book and read it. To her disappointment, the book was written in a strange language that she didn't understand. "What?" she murmured in disbelief. She turned the pages quickly to see if the rest of the book was like that. Fortunately, she found the common language section that was of the same design as the first half of the book, but with a language that she was most familiar with. So the girl begun to read the book that started with the history of dragons to see if there were any valuable info on how to defeat these fiends.




Mekarth told them that Juna was unable to train due to what happened during the test. Just then, he and the horde smelled human scent. "Okay," the leaf pygmy obliged. Then they saw a human suddenly appear out of nowhere.


A spring dragon asked, "A human?! What's he doing here?"


A cassare growled, "I don't know, but he smells like bad news. He needs to be taken down." He charged towards the human and spat out a fire ball.

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