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@Skid Did you get the master recap from someone yet? Im sure someone else -other than me- can dig it up and show it to you so you dont HAVE to read everything. It took me a few days to read it. And it sounds like youre doing well in the RP.


Doc-> Rakushun

Korra-> Michiru

KN-> Hibiki


The only one I'm waiting on now is Rien. I've asked Bacon, but he has yet to respond. If Bacon replies to the PM and says no, I'll give Rien to Aye. Until then Rien is in limbo.


EDIT: SORRY GUYS I totally missed Bacons post!


PM me any questions- but its not guaranteed that I'll read it right away

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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What about me? You should have asked me to play Rein! (I don't really mind if I don't.) I'm like perfect to play her!


EDIT: And I thought Jane got the Master Recap twice.

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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@.@ *really doesnt know who should play Rien now*


Maybe if Weavile, Aye and Bacon can discuss who gets her? I cant choose who will get her, since she's currently my most favorite and complicated chara who also ends up with the longest posts... and i dont know who -personally- can play her best.


Ah, and I realized that I can read/skim read MUCH faster than I can type. Reading/skim reading a few posts only takes about a few mins as opposed to when I make an IC post which literally takes anywhere from 30 mins to a few hours!

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Well I read faster too.

I usually read all posts, but it was too much yesterday.


Why does everyone think I can't act serious just cause I'm all hyper and can't rp serious charecters? I know what serious is guys.

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-Last OOC post in until a decent amount of work is done-


No thats not it, its just that you yourself said you cant play serious charas. Its hard dealing with indecisive/hypocritical minds .n.


Im also disappointed that 02 hasnt been able to get online lately and respond to Hibiki practically LOVING CUDDLING her... TT_TT

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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What. That sentence made no sense to me.

Hmmm. You probably won't let me, but I could try to RP Rien.

When I ate lunch, I was thinking about her personality because of...well I don't know why. My mind is random

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@.@ *really doesnt know who should play Rien now*


Maybe if Weavile, Aye and Bacon can discuss who gets her? I cant choose who will get her, since she's currently my most favorite and complicated chara who also ends up with the longest posts... and i dont know who -personally- can play her best.

Well, I know I can play her personality best, but I really haven't been paying much attention to her, so someone else might be better.

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I like Rien's posts, but don't like them at the same time.

I like how interesting they are, but I don't like...


How do I explain...

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I looked through the charries,and a few of them seemed like they might work well for the plan.

These were (in order of preference):




Frozen Snow


If the owners of these dragons would please contact me via PM, I would be grateful.

Or in the case of the inactive of ones, I'd like input (on the OOC) on how often they were used, if they previously had plot importance, and if the creators gave any indication of being on hiatus. (If the owners are coming back.)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Hmmm. I miiiigggghhhhhttttt offer Snow, but I'm not 100 percent sure. Since you said she had potential, I don't want to waste it.

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The only one I'm waiting on now is Rien. I've asked Bacon, but he has yet to respond.  If Bacon replies to the PM and says no, I'll give Rien to Aye. Until then Rien is in limbo.


PM me any questions- but its not guaranteed that I'll read it right away

If you checked the OOC, you will see that I answered your question on that very same page.


Edit: If Taleena has given the temporary rights of Rien to me, I would give them to Aye.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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I would disagree.


Weavile, I would not touch any of the inactive characters unless you've gotten permission from their creators to use them. With the never-excluded possibility of someone coming back from an absence, it would be best to leave them be.

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Guys, I think I'm kind of just weirdly bored of playing a dragon and Viden and Zela weren't exactly doing much anyway, so I believe this is goodbye! Sorry, you're all super cool though, I hope this goes well for you!

Ooh! I just spotted this! So I can definitely use Zela.

Though one of the others might be better.

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when I came back to search for Tapir's name in TPE so I can check up his current time...


That realization that Bacon DID reply... >< Sorry! So uh, I guess right now Aye has Rien. But since I didn't think of Weavile -plus the fact he only has one chara while Aye has many- I want you two to PM each other or speak on the chat about who will play as Rien between the two of you.

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I have to go for now, I'm on the chat when I'm here, so [Aye and I] can talk there. I also realized that the swap might make things tougher. (I'll take a look at the other dragon in a bit.)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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*here again to check out certain details of the RP before the timeskip*


You can check out Rien's new behavior in the posts I've made as her recently. I left a huge conflict for Rien in my last post as her.

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Username: Skiddajane


Name: Serenity (Seren)


Gender: Female


Breed: Tan Ridgewing


Personality: Seren is very kind and motherly. She loves nature and has a go with the flow kind of attitude. Very curious and social, she finds herself constantly surrounded by new things and other dragons. Seren loves looking at the smallest of things, and admiring their beauty. She believes that everyone and everything is connected spiritually. Because of this, she feels bad when she eats anything. Particularly meat, because animals' feelings are easier to see than plants'.


Appearance: Her violet and cream colored wings are her most prominent feature. She is smaller than most dragons of her breed, making her appear quite fragile.


Picture: user posted image

Crush/Mate: None yet, but is open


Power: She can control the ground using her mind. She loves making sculptures with rock she pulls from the earth.


Other: ejyd

I'll put it up. You don't have to PM me, Master ^.^

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