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Username: Skiddajane


Name: Serenity (Seren)


Gender: Female


Breed: Tan Ridgewing


Personality: Seren is very kind and motherly. She loves nature and has a go with the flow kind of attitude. Very curious and social, she finds herself constantly surrounded by new things and other dragons. Seren loves looking at the smallest of things, and admiring their beauty. She believes that everyone and everything is connected spiritually. Because of this, she feels bad when she eats anything. Particularly meat, because animals' feelings are easier to see than plants'.


Appearance: Her violet and cream colored wings are her most prominent feature. She is smaller than most dragons of her breed, making her appear quite fragile.


Picture: user posted image

Crush/Mate: None yet, but is open


Power: She can control the ground using her mind. She loves making sculptures with rock she pulls from the earth.


Other: ejyd

Edited by skiddajane

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She sounds quite balanced. *Appluads* I'm still not totally convinced you're new to RPing.


Anyway, accepted for sure! I'll PM Wolfe, so she can put it up, in the morning.

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Great, ANOTHER healer... Jk Xp


Taleena, I will use such fonts and colours.


P.S GET OF THE FORUMS! Do work! *continues nagging*

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Eh...I'm not so fond of the motherly part. I made Kalana, the someone copied, and now this. And Seren is also a healer... Also, the pain thing has already been taken by Glas. Seren just feels like a clone of many different dragons at once, and is therefore not unique.

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Wow. I honestly didn't even realize that. I never even went and looked at their personalities. But we could look at this in a more positive light and say that great minds think alike! Plus I could see them getting along well.

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KN, don't be a jerk. Don't give me heck about being one if you're gonna be one yourself.


Don't worry about it Jane. Motherly types are always welcome ^-^

Buuuut healing is a thing that is abundant in this RP so...

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I really didn't intentionally copy Kalana. There are going to be dragons and people with similar personalities whether you like it or not. I'm sorry your upset, but you don't have ownership of a specific personality type. There are multiple hyper dragons, and I don't see their owners going around accusing each other of copying. I like, respect, and look up to you as an experienced RP'r and really wouldn't want to intentionally set you off.


EDIT: well, yeah I should change her power if its that abundant. What is something else that could be useful or interesting?

Edited by skiddajane

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I don't believe "experienced" would be the right word to use Jane


/me is hearless and doesn't care



Edit: IDK... Umm, maybe give her Geokenises?

*can't spell to save his life*

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Well, she's been on here longer than me and I kinda look up to all of u guys really.


EDIT: Geokinesis is the movement or control of earth, correct?


EDIT: There, I changed it. I like that one a bit better, actually.

Edited by skiddajane

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Yay I'm glad you liked the idea.

If you ever decide u wanna change it, look up the super powers wiki.

Btw, you should decide before Seren shows her powers ^^



TALA! Off the forums!

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Yeah. I'm glad I didn't. I think I'm going to make her stick with this one, though. I feel it suits her.

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I'll be popping in and out of the OOC, but never in the IC from my last post which I will make soon. So from here on out for the next 2-3 weeks I wont be posting my IC. I still want to confirm that the other two confirm whether or not they accept after which you guys will hardly see me. (Thanks for reminding me Korra, but I'm making sure that everythings good before I completely push TPE away til the quarter is over. To be fair, I did get some work done before coming back here to type this.)



Lets just say this: Skid, before I joined this RP I read the entire RP first and confirmed what roles have been taken. When I finished and caught up, I was able to create a unique chara whose role hasnt been taken. I initially didnt want to play Hibiki because the trouble maker/hyper active role has already been taken... So I made him "obedient" and someone who goes on his own tempo. I'm glad I took that chance to play Hibiki.


Whatever road you decide to take, make sure that your charas have reason for what they do- if she is to become motherly you need to find a reason as to why. I agree on changing the type of magic she uses because we have too many healers, and Im glad someone finally has earth powers. You can use what you have currently as a TEMPLATE, but everyone approaches their charas different.


As much as I want to help you as you RP, I cant until I officially come back


EDIT: I originally wanted to edit and re-post all of my chara sheets nicely updated before I left... but theres not enough time for me to do so, and I shouldnt attempt to do so until I come back officially...

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Well. Koala, isn't that nice. Well I can RP them, I just can't give each one personality. Even with one I can't though. I'm not good at personality, just good at crazy stories

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I am now just reading Taleena's post (yes, I do sleep), and while I'm honored that you would be confident in letting me use Rien, I'm afraid I'll have to decline for two reasons. The first reason is that I'm not very familiar with Rien and her personality, and I'm sure others would be better picks to control her. Secondly, I swore to myself before the RP began that I would only use one dragon, regardless if someone else needed help with their characters. I'm already having trouble staying active during the week because of the amounts of homework and plain work in general, and the idea of having another complicated dragon to deal with is simply to hard for me to handle. I appreciate the offer though, just that this is not a good time.

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Umm, Tala? I can certainly try to RP a character for you if no one else is available. All of my forum duties are going really slowly *cough*Pagos*cough* so I certainly have enough time. My only concern is that I wouldn't do your characters justice ^^'

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Can whoever does take over Rien please send me a PM so we can discuss the Rien/Alvi switch?

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Okay, I'm sorry I look like I'm trying to being mean to Skid, but I'm not. When I started, I had already read through many RPs, including this one, and did my best to make my characters unique. Whenever I felt someone make a semi-clone, I would alter them to push them back away, but keep them in character. Though there are some characters with similarities, still, nothing comes as close as Seren. I still like her idea, but I'm just a bit upset about it.

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Koala, I don't know if you've noticed, but TPE is really difficult to just "read". Cut Jane a break, for goodness skae >.> When someone makes a mistake on their character form, don't yell at them. Gently point out what they did wrong, and what they can do to fix it. Insults don't help, either.


Also, if we really wanted to get into the subject of clone characters, I think Jane isn't the worst one here...

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I know that. Skid, check your PMs.

And I typed it. You don't know how I said it.

So who's the worst?

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Yeah. I read through about 7 pages last night before basically passing out from sleep deprivation. I could really tell everyone was unique. I went back and edited Serens personality to more hippie, spiritual-like, which was a personality I didn't see on the forms, or in the 7 pages that I read. (I am aware that more charries come in after that) If there are still any personality conflicts, I havent shown her power yet, but I portrayed her as a bit energetic. But I could just play it off as her excitement for being alive. You know what I mean?

Edited by skiddajane

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