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I won't do it because although I'm the most honest internet user you will ever meet, I don't feel like helping with an idea I don't like in the first place.

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It's not a an amazing idea, but it might work. Some people want a mate for their dragon, but can't find a good one.

Why don't you like it?

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Was it just me, or was the forums offline for quite a few hours?


EDIT: I am now PMing people who will be allowed to use my charas while I'm away


So far I've successfully given permission to Korra to post as Michiru. Hoping the others who I'm asking will accept.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Yeah, for the past 3 hours I was trying to get in, but it always said that it couldn't connect to the server. All my other web pages were loading fine.

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;n; A-asking other people to RP my charas feels like Im giving away a hard trained pokemon... Like giving away your child... TT_TT


To the people who I've asked, please take good care of them during my reluctant leave! I hope by sacrificing this RP for 2-3 weeks will help me get my work done!



Korra-> Michiru

KN-> Hibiki

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Ah yeah, I saw that. You also mentioned something about a PM, but I dont see one from you.


I don't have any female charas before the timeskip, all my females were born as hatchlings while both my males are mature. Also, my charas are -in my opinion anyways- are nicely developed/developing and I love each of them. And am willing to make them suffer for the chance to obtain happiness

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I like KK's idea. Those who want a mate can participate in the drawing and all should be happy. But I was wondering how we would actually place it into the RP. The dragons can't just suddenly wake up one day and they have a mate.

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xDDDD Yeah, I also so that~! I had no idea you had some part of it tho Weavile! o_o


EDIT: Does anyone know if Doc and/or Bacon are still online or in the chatroom?

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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I kinda got to thinking that if the dragons were to mate and produce an egg, would it be 100% of one of the parents like in the normal dragon cave? Or could we make it have some traits of both parents? I understand that physical traits would be a bit tricky, but could mental traits or powers work? Just some food for thought.

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It can be anything. The mates' controllers decide, but it will be one breed, not a cross, unless it's supposed to be a cross.

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I'm still strongly against our dragons having eggs right now, even if we do get a timeskip where some are adults. TPE is about the dragons NOW, not their children... I really am hoping that it doesn't get passed.


EDIT: I'm kinda worried that two of the people I PMed haven't responded yet, so I don't know whether or not they'll say yes to my offer, especially the person I'm asking to control Rien. *please take no offense ;n; I feel like I'm walking on thin ice just trying- no just even thinking of to asking*


Just saying... I probably won't be able to completely leave until I know who are controlling my charas. I'm making my last posts when I get today's work done.


@Korra if you see this, Michiru uses darkblue color and uses skia as her font.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Dont make too many dragons! Please, PLEASE! We already have lots of dragons, and as you can see from Silver's example she made way too many charas to take care of efficiently! My personal opinion is that people should stick to 2-4 charas each.

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Yeah I definitely understand it can get hard and confusing with more than 5 dragons. Long term, I was thinking of 3 at most.

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xDDDD Yeah, I also so that~! I had no idea you had some part of it tho Weavile! o_o

Doctor didn't tell you? It was my idea! That's why I'm asking for a volunteer.

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