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Lithrin was large enough to eat the squirrels rather quickly, not being picky at all and simply consuming the corpses in a couple of bites each. Swiping a tongue across his snout to clean whatever had been stuck to his mouth, he was caught off guard when the first of the two took to the sky. He watched Medea take off after him, and gave a long sigh before finding a flat strip of ground to use to take off. With a slightly annoyed huff, he sprinted down the straight-away, using the momentum to get off of the ground and into the air, rising swiftly. He caught up to the two in a non-rushed manner, carefully shaping the air beneath his wings to make the flight as easy as possible - he'd rather not burn all of his energy simply getting to the cave. He nodded once to Medea as he caught up, "I'm here. Trust me, I'm not a first-time flier. I won't get lost." It was clearly an amused statement, carrying a joking tone to it. As they flew, his eyes scanned the scenery below them, more out of curiosity than anything else, though he was keeping an eye out for possible landmarks to lead him back to that section of the forest in case he ever needed a hunting ground, or the like.


Edit: ((Well it says they're like 1/3 taller than humans, and I kind of assume that's at a relaxed stand, so that's the reference I was using. A human could probably chomp a squirrel, so I think a tri-horn would too. x3))

((Err.. as adults. An old hatchling/super young adolescent adult would probably be a little under human height, so about the same case.))

Edited by tilldeathdouspart

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(OOC: Aerix has awesome entrances.)


Aerix thought about ignoring Medea's comment, but that would make him feel weak, "No, I simply hate wasting time." He sped up even more, Medea was fast of course, but Aerix wasn't really flying. They had started from a high point, so he was gliding downward. He used his weight to gain a speed advantage over the other two, they would have to work to catch up. As he approached the cave Aerix spread his wings a bit and slowed, then he moved up a bit higher before going immediately into a dive. He slammed hard into the ground, kicking up dust and making a thudding sound. It harmed his wound a little, but nothing he couldn't handle. He raised his head as the dust settled and sat up on his haunches.


(OOC: I should also note that Tri-Horns are a fairly small breed, though I don't think they're so small the couldn't chomp down a a squirrel easily.


EDIT: Probably smaller than that, my statement wasn't really about the squirrels, I was just kind of mentioning it.)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Aladdin was in excruciating pain, but that didn't stop his response, "I did this to me." He said painfully, he knew enough about Rico to be worried about disposal of his body, but right now he didn't really care, "I wanted to know what Lucifer was up to. And now that I know, I don't want to live. How can you stand him? How?" Aladdin wasn't thinking straight, that was pretty obvious. If he were he would have realized that he was feeling residual affects from Sindri's attack on Aerix. His mind had been fairly open when she began, and he simply hadn't closed it in time to not feel the attack. Lucifer's deeds seemed horrible to him, and they had driven him over the edge, but in the end what really brought about his end was his mate's attempt to save him. He sputtered blood and said, pleaded, "Get out, he'll consume you, it'll consume us all." At this point his mind was so ****ed up he was just making things up to scare Rico. If he had known that Sindri was his real killer his only hope would be that she never found out it was her. And then he was quite simply gone.

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((OOC:Warning on Rien's post, it gets a bit graphic- I tried my best to make it as horrifying as possible yet nothing too... Well, nothing all THAT bad. *shot* Also, you know what... Since Rien's dream sequences are long, have references to past lines and that I want to differentiate them from the normal post, I'll put them as a quote. Also, I'm trying to have a different narrative with Rakushun to set him apart from my other charas since he prefers -now- to speak through his body language and doesn't like to "think." You can say he's how Rien would've turned out should she have gone with pure instinct except much calmer and more in control. Maybe they;ll even become FOILS of each other! *squee*))


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It was dark and warm. I could feel the vibrations of someone breathing on my shell... Yes, its them breathing on my shell once again today. My beloved parents who always were by my side and offered me their warmth. I always wished there was something I could do to help... I heard the all too familiar blood curdling telepathic scream. <HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAA THE PLAUGE WILL KILL US ALL! THERES NO WAY TO STOP IT! WE'LL ALL DIE! EVEN THE EGGS WE'LL DIE! HAHAHAHAHAH! EVERYTHING WILL DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DI-!> The voice suddenly stopped, but I could feel the victim's body fall to the ground through the vibrations. I also felt how his body convulsed and then he stopped moving. That won't happen to the two who was always nearby my egg will it? I felt myself getting suddenly launched into the air and land on some sort of soft place. I could heard the screeches and felt the convulsions of my parents. They were going to die once again, right before my eyes technically speaking..! No, not this time! I can move my body freely this time! With all my strength I pushed my vines against my egg and for the first time I burst out my prison, ready to face this "plague" thing! This time I'll defeat the plague and you'll all be saved-! As I thought, someone or something was strangling my parents! I ran up to the culprit, fangs barred and vines at the ready- but wait! My vines were already holding something, it was hard to see who though. I squinted harder, and I swore I could see someone I recognized. But who would wander into my vines unless they had a death wish..!


"Ri...en! Please... Stop this! Remember..! What your name... Guk...! St..an...ds... fo..oor!" She gagged as her throat was crushed by the vines. The noises she was making now were only unintelligible sputters and gurgles.


My eyes widened and trembled in horror "AAAaaaaAAAAhhAHHHaHHHHAHHHHHHH!!!" No no no no! Kalana! My Mommy! What am I doing, at this rate she'll suffocate! Her eyes began to peel back into her skull as foam and drool leaked from her her mouth. "Mommy, no MOMMY!" I frantically try to get my vines off her, but only more vines grappled her limbs and began to stretch them in a way they shouldn't be stretched. MOMMY! MOOOMMMMY! Tears streamed down Rien's face... Or at least she thought so, but she didn't feel the wetness of her tears on her face. Instead she felt the corners of her mouth curve upwards as she began to laugh manically in sadistic glee of the suffering Kalana. She took a long look at Kalana's dying face, engraving each moment into her brain, licked her lips in anticipation, took the vines holding Kalana's limbs and then-


"NOOOOOOOOO!" She yelled loudly as she woke up panting and sweating, her face covered in tears. "What kind of monster AM I?! To even- I don't-! I mean! I- I- I-..!" Her body quaked under her mental stress, her heart heavy with trauma and confusion over what she had dreamt about. She buried her head into her front paws and cried away, hoping that maybe some of the pain would flood out along with the tears she was "collecting." She thought about locking her emotions again so she wouldn't have to deal with all these emotions- it would be so much easier to not have to deal with all this! Flashbacks of yesterday's events went through her mind as she tried to calm herself down. "T-Thats not the answer at a-all! It can't be the only answer!" "Kalana..." She quietly whispered to her self through her sobbing. "Kalana..." She hugged herself in a similar way to how she hugged herself within her egg. "Kalana..!" She closed her eyes, already exhausted from the day by just dealing with her short little outburst. She was just about to fade back into sleep when she realized she might have a scary dream like that again.


While she refused to go back to sleep, she remained in her cozy position and listened to any conversation and "saw" most interaction through vibrations. She was kinda curious about a hatchling she didn't recognize that seemed to be wobbly on their feet and seemed to be hungry... It was all the more reason however that she should probably stay away. She didn't want to risk hurting the poor new hatchling.


An interesting but strange thought occurred to her. Were her vines really a part of her, like an extension of herself or did it have some sort of level of intelligence that just sorta acted on their own or acted according to her current emotions?



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Streams of light filtered through the leaves of the tree they slept in. A delicate drop of dew gently falls on the tip of Hibiki's nose. He stretched out his arms and yawned. "Morning already~?" He really wasn't the type to rise early, nor did he intend to this time either. Again he yawned... Its too eaaarrllyyy. Wanting more warmth, he snuggled the warmest thing nearby. Usually it's his tail but this time it was even more warmer and much more cuddly and smooth. "Hrmmmmm.. Mmm..~! So warm and nice... =w= " He nuzzles against Feather's chest and fell right back to sleep, unaware of what he was doing.


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She twitched in her sleep and finally awoke when she could hear the faint giggles of her first friend in the distance. She couldn't remember clearly what had happened yesterday after the bear attack, nor could she figure out why she was in Jean's nest. O-oh... Jean. She saw him sleeping before her and smiled. She stroked Jean's head for a bit and then stopped. "I-I don't want to wake him up..." She nervously looked again at Jean. "Well, at least let me put him in his nest. The ground kinda looks like its cold..." Jean was too heavy for her to lift so she decided to bring the nest as close as possible to Jean's head and used the moss bed as a sort of pillow for his head. As soon as she was able to confirm that she had done her work well, she quickly slithered over to her playmate. "Clem! Cleeemmmm~! Morning! Lets play lets play!"


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Two years ago, Rakushun had hatched quietly and uneventfully. He just couldn't find the words to speak to others, because well, nothing really came to mind for him to speak. Although other hatchlings had tried to talk to him he really just couldn't find the words to say anything. It wasn't like he didn't know words, oh no, he knew many words and incantations too. But it was like he was a jar that was tightly sealed... Once everyone except for a certain purple dragon named Favian had lost interest in him he still had not said a single word nor expressed or even felt a single emotion since he had hatched. And its not that he couldn't feel either- it was more like he felt neutral towards everything, as if he really couldn't form an opinion of anything since he really didn't know anything. It took him a week to utter his first words. It was when he was exploring the outside for the first time, seeing what other things life had to offer him beyond the cave- he had certainly taken him time too. Soon it was becoming dusk and he needed to report back home... When all of a sudden he heard someone yell from behind him, "WHOOOO ARREE YOUUUUU MR ORANGE PERSON DRAGON THINNGGYYYYY~?!" Before Rakushun knew it he was tackled down by a whiptail. Without the ability to say that he wanted him to stop and that he couldn't really respond to back to him. Rakushun had to listen to his utter nonsense and endless jibber jabber that eventually, Rakushun began to find that it was quite annoying. He wanted him off him and he wanted for him to stop talking, for him to just shut up already! His eyes glowed orange and his entire body glowed with the same orange and magical aura. With the mental and emotional input that ran through his mind, he had provided his magic the energy it needed and blew Hibiki right off of him. Rakushun blinked in awe and in curiosity as to what had happened and what might of caused it. He then realized that Hibiki was mumbling frantically- Rakushun had sealed off Hibiki's mouth somehow. By now someone should've been able to sense the magical power he had released -he must have released a lot of it all at once too for he felt fatigue spread all throughout his body. Despite that, he willed his body to drag himself to the nearby tree trunk's undergrowth to hide. Rakushun shortly heard the voices of the others who had sensed the magical outburst... He decided that it was best to just rest...


The next day there were still other hatchlings looking for him. Rakushun decided on the most logical thing he could think of, even if it is a bit crazy. He would have to find his own cave in order to protect the others from himself, and he couldn't wait for them to get used to him nor would he wait to become a mature hatchling when he would be more in control of his magic. Or would he? The voices died down as the night came in and it was his time to move out. In one way or another he found his way to a cave that had a few sparkly gems- some in particular that when he was nearby them he couldn't feel his magic or any other thoughts come to him. It was the perfect place for Rakushun to reside in, far from the cave he had been born in. After a few more weeks to months after his initial birth he was able to craft himself a collar from a crafting recipe he had remembered from the magi dragons before him. This way, he wasn't afraid to venture out and kill for the sake of eating. He still found it difficult to express emotion and thought however as they were great amplifiers in his magic. Precisely BECAUSE they were great amplifiers he never took the risk of implementing them in his spells ever again. There was only one thing left missing from him being able to control his magic now: to become older. He cast a spell that left him in a sleeping state, to which he set to wake himself up only during times of crisis and in the event that he had grown into a full adult Magi dragon, a form that he always desired but kept at bay because he knew full well what his desire could have caused.


Two years have passed. His eyes slowly opened. The aura of unease surrounding the cave from whence he came from had awoken him from his slumber. At least his wings had grown, so he must have a better degree of control over his magic now. He had felt waves of unease emanating all the way from the cave and in the surrounding area before, but something had told him that something even worse was going to come and it was going to come soon. It was time for him to re-reveal himself once more. It was pretty far from the original cave to his personal cave in which he had slept in for the past two years. He knew a teleport spell too, a specialty of his species but he decided against it. Instead, he slowly walked towards the cave with a stoic expression, but his walking gait suggested that something otherwise was truly on his mind.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Willow opened her eyes. There was a strange green light all around her, and she was frightened. She needed to get away! - Right now. She tried moving her body, only to find that she was trapped in a shell of some kind. Frantic, she used all of her strength to kick a hole in the shell. More light flooded in from the hole. Only this light was different- it was coming from almost nowhere. She decided that the second light was nicer than the scary green light surrounding her. She squirmed, trying to get through the hole. It was then that she noticed that the strange green light was coming from her! She was glowing! The shell around her started cracking with her movement, and finally fell away around her. She sat in the remaining bowl-like part if the shell, completely exposed and still glowing. She was absolutely terrified. Her only protection and source of comfort were destroyed. She decided not to move. She sat in that exact spot, not wanting to move or explore ANYTHING. Maybe this was just a nightmare. Maybe if she sat here long enough, her home would somehow rebuild itself. Just maybe. She sat.

Edited by skiddajane

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Mystic woke from his dream. He had no idea what it meant, but there was a slight feeling of what it was supposed to mean. He shook himself and got up. He had slept in the forest, hidden in a bush. He slithered to the direction of the cave. 'I was lucky I didn't get eaten.' He thought. When he arrived, he saw that most dragons were still asleep. There was a new hatchling, but he decided not to talk to her in case she was like that bright pink hatchling. He slithered out again and decided to hunt for a squrirrel or two, and look for some berries.

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Skylene was beginning to get impatient waiting for Myst to wake up. She had been waiting five minutes now, and Tasimi was still in pain. She was also getting very hungry. Oh, what should I do?...I need someone to tell me what happened to him...and I'm hungry... She decided to go get some fish, but realized Tasimi was probably hungry as well. "Tai? Are you hungry?" she said in a soft tone.


(OOC: Real short post. School ahead!)

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So much for peace and quiet. "That's lovely, Sierra." Favian said as she recalled an odd dream. "If you sit down and think about it, you may be able to figure out what it means." Suddenly Clem's head sprung up. Favian glanced to the side to see Michiru bouncing over to Clem. "Okay, I'm coming!" Clem chimed as she hopped over to her friend. Favian sighed and looked towards the mouth of the cave. A walk sounded nice right above know.

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Seeing Lithrin with them and keeping up pleased her so she gave a nod to the Tri-horn when he caught up to them. Grinning at the male's words as he showed that he had some spunk in him that he had lacked to show the night before. "I should hope you are not a first-time flyer. I am not in the job of teaching others how to fly nor how to land without breaking their own neck," she'd say to Lithrin as she half watched him as the Tri-horn examined his surroundings. She could guess what he was doing, but her attention was pulled away from him once Aerix spoke up.



Medea had nothing to really say, but an agreeing hum sounded as she sped up to keep speed with Aerix. There was little point in wasting time when you had somewhere to go and the sooner they got there then the sooner they could leave. Her wings would tuck in slightly so that they would not he fully extended, still giving her control of where she was going but letting her dive much like a hawk would do. Once she got a certain distance to the ground her wings would tilt her body so that she would be able to land on her feet before snapping back open fully so that she could slow her descent. Landing much more gently than Aerix did, but that could be because of her lighter body weight as well. Though she did wish that she landed father away from him as the dust started to settle on her as well. "Ugh, I am tempted to make it rain now because of this. Though bet that landing did not feel good on the wound, hmm Aerix?"


((OOC; Will post Ashni when I get home. Doc, you mind if Ashni follows Favian for a short talk? Then she will most likely wander off until the whole event thing.))

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Willow paused for a short moment to actually consider her surroundings before she made any rash decisions. There were round things all over, and living breathing things scattered around as well. "Am I a living breathing thing too?" She thought. Willow looked herself over and even after roughly 5 minutes, was still confused as to what she was. She looked like none of the other things in the cave. Come to think of it, everything looked different from each other. The more she thought about it, the more confused she became. She looked over at the cave entrance, and saw a white and lavender creature come into the cave, then walk out. Willow froze. She did not like the looks of this creature. It looked dangerous, and she did not want to be around when it came back. She very slowly stalked to a corner of the cave, curled up, and watched for potential threats. Having only been self-aware for no more than ten minutes, she already hated this strange place and its strange inhabitants, and her own strange glow.

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Alvira yawned, stretching her wings. She looked around, blinking and disoriented, taking several moments to figure out where she was. Lucifer's cave. Right. She cringed as she remembered the bear, the panic, the death and injuries, walking through the woods, the heavy rain, and finally, taking shelter with Lucifer and Rico. She looked around curiously. Rico was gone, and by his scent she guessed that he hadn't stayed the night. Lucifer was still sleeping, a motionless pink blob on the ground. She narrowed her eyes at him. He was awfully small, flightless, cutesy, and overall very delicate, but something about his personality was completely different from his appearance. The phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover" came to mind. He was charismatic, levelheaded and radiated a don't-mess-with-me-you'll-regret-it kind of confidence. Sure, most of the other hatchlings found him to be creepy and strange, but she liked him. No, not in the romantic kind of way. Like she liked Glas- "Oh my god." she gasped, jolting upright. Glas. Was he okay? Where was he? She had to go find him. Silently, she bounded out of the cave, careful not to disturb Lucifer, and into the forest. She spread her wings and flew off to the BirthCave as fast as she could, all previous thoughts forgotten.

As she flew, she worried. Glas was great at magic, but the bear was strong. Really strong. She hoped he was okay, but in her head, she kept picturing Aradis, limp and bloody, lying on the ground. She tried breathing, taking deep breaths, calming herself the way she had calmed herself yesterday, but it didn't work. She was flying faster than she had ever flew before, and within minutes, she saw the BirthCave. Squinting, she could make out a large blue shape, with a shiny orb on it's tail. Relief shot through her. "Glas!" she shrieked, pulling her wings in for a dive. She collided with the Moonstone causing them both to fall, rolling as they absorbed the impact. 



((Kiska's in her cave which is really close to the BirthCave. I can have her wake up with her intention/personality/whateveritis swapped.))


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The moonstone had his eyes locked on his flickering tail. The meager light fascinated and worried him to no end. His extreme anxiety blocked everything out, so he didn't notice the black-and-green missle aimed right for him. The flying body tackled him, and he was sent ttoppling head-over-heels. Glas grimaced as Alvi rolled to a stop on top of him. As soon as he saw who his assailant was, his worried frown dissapeared. He grinned.

"Oh, Alvira! Thank goodness. I was worried senseless, it's so good to see you- "

He stopped talking and winced.

"Although, your knee is lodged in my kidney."

Carefully, Glas extricated himself from underneath the Alt Black. He brushed off his scales, and collected his dignity. Smiling again, he held out a paw to Alvi.

"Need a hand?"

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Alvi smiled sheepishly at him. "Oops, sorry Glas! I was just so glad to see you." She took the offered paw and pulled herself up, shaking the dust off her scales, fully aware that she was grinning like an idiot. She gave him a hug, nuzzling his shoulder, relieved. "I was worried too. I was so scared that you got hurt." There was something about his voice, the tension... The way he had been worriedly holding his tail... She pulled back, staring at him with narrowed emerald eyes. "Did you?"


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Lithrin let out another huff, rolling his azure eyes as Aerix dived so suddenly. "Never get a warning, huh?" He checked briefly to see if there was a wind about, before tucking his wings into his sides completely. He let himself dive in a similar manner to Aerix, letting gravity increase his speed (alhough obviously not nearly as much as the larger male) and waiting for the right moment to extend his wings once more. At about halfway down he angled his body ever so slightly and extended his wings bit by bit so the glide down to the ground was simple and smooth. A couple of strong downstrokes of his wings further softened his landing, so when he did alight on the ground, his claws barely scraped it. He snorted, remarking on Aerix's landing with a, "Such elegance. 8 out of 10, bravo," but didn't give much further comment on the torn up ground at the other's feet, or the light layer of dust on both dragons' scales. Instead, he shook himself off, cyan spikes along his back bristling enthusiastically as he took in his surroundings. It had been a while since he had been in this area, and he was curious as to what had changed.

Edited by tilldeathdouspart

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Aerix ignored Lithrin's comment and answered Medea, "I'm fine, it is but a minor wound." At least it was to Aerix, many other dragons would be incapable of withstanding the excruciating pain, but Aerix lived on pain. He was unsure what to do, he figured the best way to ditch Lithrin was to get him talking to some pretty female, but which one?

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Tasimi looked at Skylene, feeling a bit better. "Yeah. I only ate half of one the fish from last night." He blinked. "Hey, what happened last night anyway?" He asked.

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Must...kill...Lucifer.... He must....die...Without noticing an upset spirit had traveled tot he birth cave. Vessel...must have physical form... The very same spirit wandered past the cave, and into a brown hatchling, one with blue stripes and a long tail. yes...this is...a good... vessel... Now go...and...kill Lucifer... Edited by KoalaNoob

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Glas shrunk under Alvi's critical gaze. His broad shoulders drooped and he stared at the ground. "I- I do not know. The hurt isn't physical, it's magical. With potential emotional side effects." The moonstone subconsciously reached for his tail. His knuckles whitened as he gripped the stone. The sliver of light set deep withing the glass pulsated faintly. As Glas drooped and saddened, the swirling blackness chewed away at the whiteness. He sighed, and his eyes flicked up to meet Alvira's. The deep indigo of his irises was now shot with gray.

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Skylene was confused at Tasimi's words. He didn't know about anything last night?... She shook her head as a response to her thoughts, and tried to give him the best answer possible. "I don't know much about last night either. I only remember waking up and seeing you and Myst, then going to get fish and sleeping." "And thanks for saving me from the storm too." She bit her lip, frustrated and embarrassed to say that to anyone, much less it being Tasimi. "So do you want me to get you fish or something? I figure I could do that since I'm also hungry, and you can't really move."

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Willow watched as two dragons appeared at the entrance of the cave. As much as she wanted to stay back and hide, she could not help her curious nature. She cautiously made her way to a spot just a few feet away from them. Upon closer inspection, one seemed terribly injured. Something inside her compelled her to greet them, but she remained still and watched them for the time being.

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Lucifer blinked open his bright pink eyes. The sound of Alvi scurrying out of the cave had awoke him. Another day, another morning. Lucifer sat up and looked around his new home. He could see Bathory clinging to one of the stalactites that hung from the ceiling. Oddly enough, Lucifer felt a little twinge of emotion seeing her like that. He would hang from trees from his tail and he had even slept like Bathory was a couple times before. It was... nice seeing that he wasn't the only one with strange habits. Lucifer looked towards the mouth of the cave and stood up. He shook himself and then padded towards the entrance. The warm feel of sunlight guided Lucifer outside of the cave. He stopped and closed his eyes. For a moment, he let the warmth sink into his fur. It was rare for Lucifer to feel a sense of pleasantness, so he let the sun gaze upon him for a moment longer before opening his eyes. Lucifer's nostrils caught the scent of prey and his head turned towards the forest. He was rather hungry, and he long for the taste of warm blood. Lucifer walked forward and entered the forest.

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Tasimi nodded best he could. "No problem!" He said, finally being able to talk. His limbs still hurt to high heavens though. His stomach growled loudly and he chuckled nervously. "I suppose I could eat some fish. I'm so hungry, I could eat a shark!" He smiled at Skylene with his bright white teeth as he joked.




Erikiteru held her head with her claws. "Ow..." It throbbed for awhile, but eventually quit. 'I don't even know what that creature was! For something so small, it sure is scary. She thought to herself. Getting up, her stomach growled loudly. She felt like eating the same fish she ate yesterday, so she head to the stream. Her electric sparks tried to go across the wet ground, but the dirt wouldn't let it. She shook her head like a dog as she arrived at the stream, and looked into it. "The water is so pretty today..." She said out loud.

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Medea's wings folded closely to her sides after she had rather fruitlessly tried to shake some of the dust off. She'd have to deal with the grimy feeling until she either was tempted enough to find a river to jump in or call up a small drizzle. Though she had best conserve her energy for these hatchlings now that she was here so it might be best to end up finding that river if it got to that point. Lithrin's words pulled a small chuckle out of her as this Tri-horn was indeed proving to be someone she might be willing to at least talk to at some point in time. Wittiness in any conversation was always fun to have around. Yet for now she was not sure what to make of the Tri-horn other than her like of how he talked, for all she knew he could be a coward in a fight.


"Minor to you perhaps, but still painful I would imagine with that landing," she'd say to Aerix with a somewhat distracted tone as she looked about the area to see who was up and about. Not many seemed to be outside that she could see. It was early yet, but you would think more would be outside by now. "Lazy little hatchlings, aren't they?" Was said aloud to either of the two males with her.


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Ashni would sigh as her greeting when pretty much ignored, but that was alright since others had randomly came over suddenly. How he could he handle all that stress she had no clue. Hopefully Clem helped in some way as Favian had someone to focus his attention on and not just everyone. Shaking her head she'd watch as Clem bounded off with another hatchling, finally smiling at seeing the little one being playful and not scared from the night before. At least Clem did not seem to have any mental scars from seeing Aradis' body. This in mind, Ashni stood without saying anything to whoever else was around and exited the birthing-cave. No real goal in mind of what to do other than just getting outside and into the sunlight.


((OOC; Nevermind Doc, just have Ashni lazy around until the event. Unless you want to talk to her then she is just going to be outside the cave.))

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Although she figured Tasimi was just joking with her, Skylene was somewhat worried that he was being serious. Over time, it had been hard for her to distinguish sarcasm and seriousness with some dragons. "Okay then. I'll be back." she said as she left the cave, admiring the sun in the sky. She was glad that it wasn't raining unlike yesterday, which had almost cost her her life. She pushed aside the thought of another storm happening soon, as she made her way to the river.

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