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Prize Dragon Disscussion Thread

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First off, I just want to state that this is my first time wandering into this part of the forums, so I apologize if this post comes off as odd or unfitting, but its a feeling I really wanted to get off of my chest so to speak, and this seemed like the best place for me to get it out there.


I love the Shimmerscale dragons. I think they're beautifully done. And part of what got me so hooked into dragcave in the first place (I'm still fairly new- mid december of 2012) was the almost 'gotta catch them all' vibe I got.

Then I discovered breeding. And all the amazing creative projects people are doing with it. All the patterns- even the ones I'm not quite sure I understand yet. I personally am trying to create a sort of Bluna line for fun- Blunas are one of my favorite breed.


Moving on- a few days ago, I managed to have the crazy luck of snagging a cb gold, and immediately what came to mind was 'OMG I might be able to trade a shimmerscale for this!"

The offers I got have...I suppose... 'tainted' my newbie like joy and love for the site. People were sending me IOU's- which I don't mind. Most people are pretty good with IOUs. But the fact that I was receiving offers of that person's place on an IOU list for a different users shimmerscale breeding list was just mind boggling.


People were pm'ing me offers of giving up their spot on a person's list for a shimmerscale egg. One person in particular offered me a spot #26 on a list- along with other things. It blew my mind. 26? Thats 6 months! Assuming every single egg turns out perfect.


Its like a manufacturing line right now, which is not what I've seen so far at all. Maybe those of you that have been around long enough to see the original Tinsels release, maybe that was similar to this.

But thinking of a shimmerscale manufacturing line, owners of shimmerscales raking in all sorts of highly sought after eggs...It broke my little newbie heart. It really did.


Trading rare eggs lost its lighthearted happy little scavenger hunt for new things feel for me.


Does this make sense to you?


Two weeks ago, I was bouncing off the walls all excited because I got a Silver Tinsel stemming from Penk- omg a spriter alt! Even though I came to understand its a fairly common lineage, I was still thrilled. But I still love her, 7th gen and all.

And earlier in the week, someone gifted me this really pretty Gold tinsel egg. I was overjoyed. And then came my hunt to find it it's proper mate- and me thinking "oh yay! I'll breed these, and maybe someone will trade with me and I can find a NEW line with a tinsel I don't have!" (which for me, isnt that hard, lol )

And this slow in the making thing I'm doing- I think it would be called some sort of spiral, with my blunas, and deep sea/skywing mates- Its not as special to me personally any more.

Because I realized that out there, someone has at least 26 people- probably about a year- of people paid and lined up for an egg.


Thats not lighthearted fun trading happiness.

To people who have shimmerscales and have lists like that- I'm not trying to offend. But I just don't get it.

The people who received the prize dragons got lucky, plain and simple. You really can't call it anything else. Instead of these huge breeding lines and whatnot, why aren't more of these lucky people making a little weekly raffle group for eggs or something?


I apologize if this just comes off as whining. I'm having a hard time describing what it is exactly that makes me sad and frustrated.

Maybe I'm just that little kid that just got her first taste of 'the real world'

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Well, if it makes you feel any better, forums usually aren't like this. Most of us are depressed with the trading forum right now, and we try to stay away from it.


Lists vary from winner to winner - one has a list topping at 70 places, while other are keeping lists just five spots long. And most of them posting here tell that keeping one feels like a chore. After all, they aren't free to do any fun little breeding projects because they feel the obligation of spreading this guys around.


On the light side, people do gift them and they are making raffles - yes, even 2nd gens. So, I guess you have to get lucky.


Besides, it could be worse. They could auction their offsprings.

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Can anyone suggest epic mates for the bronze shimmers?


How does this look?


user posted image

Edited by SnowSherry

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Can anyone suggest epic mates for the bronze shimmers?

Hmmm. Albino, Bluesang, f Canopy, Red Dorsal. GW; Lurker, Horse, Magi, Magma are the first I can think off.

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Can anyone suggest epic mates for the bronze shimmers?


How does this look?


For some reason, I think alternating night and day glory drakes would be neat. No one seems to use them, and they're pretty.



Also, Thank you both, I'm glad my feelings aren't completely off the wall on the shimmers.

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For some reason, I think alternating night and day glory drakes would be neat. No one seems to use them, and they're pretty.



Also, Thank you both, I'm glad my feelings aren't completely off the wall on the shimmers.

That's because drakes only breed with other drakes

so night and day glory drakes can only breed with themselves and ochredrakes ...

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Can anyone suggest epic mates for the bronze shimmers?


How does this look?


user posted image

It looks gorgeous. Blue-coloured dragons really go well with bronzes.


Guys... I was thinking of choosing spitfire as a mate for a Silver Shimmer... but I have a feeling it will be terrible to breed... x_X

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It looks gorgeous. Blue-coloured dragons really go well with bronzes.


Guys... I was thinking of choosing spitfire as a mate for a Silver Shimmer... but I have a feeling it will be terrible to breed... x_X

Maybe switch it with Tsunami?


Oh, and I've just seen one with a female Swallowtail. Maybe their colors would be similar enough?

Edited by PointOfOrigin

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That's because drakes only breed with other drakes

so night and day glory drakes can only breed with themselves and ochredrakes ...

oh. derp.


But it would be pretty D:

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I can understand how you feel, Chajava, the owners of the prices are not only lucky to win them, but they will reach scroll goals more easily, cause they have something valuable to offer for trade. I understand that some do take whatever they can get, its hard to resist isn´t it?


It seems like the situation is just WANTED like this. Otherwise the Prize dragons would produce Multi-clutches.


Nevertheless: Its a beautiful dragon! A most wonderful sprite! With just a little more patience we will all have our share!

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And some are doing lottos, or sending eggs to the AP, and if I'm not mistaken at least one of those long lists is the result of the owner being very generous as far as what she agrees to take in trade. I think there is a pretty good variety in the way the shimmer owners have decided to handle the gifting and trading.


And I have seen at least three eggs in the hatcheries this morning when I added my eggs, so I find that encouraging. It seems to me like the shimmer eggs are more available than the tinsels from last year were.

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They seem to spreading around a lot faster. Absolute, who owns Satan, is lottoing the first 10 shimmer eggs, I believe.


Some are going to the AP, maybe because the owners don't actually have a forum account and there's not much else they can do with them.


Who knows? smile.gif

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@chajava: Some owners *have* done the kinds of things you describe to distribute offspring, but there are only so many CB Shimmers and they only breed once a week. I had rather less time to adjust to Prize ownership than the real winners, but when I got my egg I did put a lot of thought into ways to distribute eggs in ways that felt equitable to me (to the great frustration of everyone on the forum waiting for me to make a decision). I'm sure the other owners did too. But we're all individuals, so every method is different. The key issue imo is the small number of CBs available as starting stock. We can only hope that the pool of winners will be larger for the next raffle.


(While I don't think this is the place to discuss IOUs, I suspect that the scenario you outline is one of the reasons they're not permitted to be offered/asked for openly any more.)

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has anyone of the owners though of pairing their Shimmers with the new released Speckle Throads?

I imagine the Silver Shimmers would look very shiny with them... cool.gif

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has anyone of the owners though of pairing their Shimmers with the new released Speckle Throads?

I imagine the Silver Shimmers would look very shiny with them... cool.gif

While they would look great, Specles are still new and any breeding right now would result in a Specle.

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has anyone of the owners though of pairing their Shimmers with the new released Speckle Throads?

I imagine the Silver Shimmers would look very shiny with them... cool.gif

One of the people on my gifting list has requested that pairing. I think it'll look really cool. smile.gif

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The people who received the prize dragons got lucky, plain and simple. You really can't call it anything else. Instead of these huge breeding lines and whatnot, why aren't more of these lucky people making a little weekly raffle group for eggs or something?

Because no matter how you slice it, Shimmer winners have zero obligation to do anything for other people. Mind you, that's true for anyone who plays this game. And when there's easily 30+ people PMing you offering exorbitant trades, that's added personal pressure to agree/cave into one or a number of them eventually.


We get the frustration from the other end, but no one in this game is obligated to do things for the community at large.

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Can anyone suggest epic mates for the bronze shimmers?

Waverunner, Water, or Royal Blue would be pretty, as far as colors similar to that Ice you posted. Also Guardians, but that's because if you ask me "what should I breed with ___" I will answer Guardian every time.

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Eeesh, I can't wait until I can actually trade for a shimmer ohmy.gif. Finally got my 2nd gen thuwed today, which looks like it's going to be the best chance I have for getting a (low gen) one lol.


I'm still not sure whether I prefer the silver or the bronze colouring (the gold's are a little too yellow for my taste)...

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I really, REALLY admire the new Shimmerscale dragons! The Eastern design, the colors, the circular pose, the flavor text, the... shimmeryness of them!


I'm also really psyched to eventually trade for one. I'm hopeful, right now, because my Metallics were all super-cooperative this week, so I have a lot of nice trade fodder that I can package together. Now to hope that someone is interested! *crosses fingers... a lot!*

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Maybe switch it with Tsunami?


Oh, and I've just seen one with a female Swallowtail. Maybe their colors would be similar enough?

But I already have Tsunami x Gold Shimmerscale.


Mhhm, I might've chosen female swallowtail had it not already been done, lol.

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But I already have Tsunami x Gold Shimmerscale.


Mhhm, I might've chosen female swallowtail had it not already been done, lol.

I wish I had your problems xd.png


If it were possible: Seawyrm Pygmy. In case the Shimmer is male, I find Moonstone or Trihorn pretty. Spotted Greenwing is another one I think would fit very well.

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Guise... I think my favorite Shimmer paring would have to be Bronze X White. Do any of those exists yet? I'l love to get my hands on one. -grabby hands-

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