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Prize Dragon Disscussion Thread

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The two dragons breed to produce an egg <33333! Elias bred true first time! http://dragcave.net/lineage/EZT56 wub.gif


Time to pm the first person on my list and let them know they have an egg xd.png I pray he keeps breeding well ^^!

congrats! tongue.gif i love getting the egg message, even if its a fail... it just excites me xd.png

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I haven't even looked at a single shimmer trade yet.

I haven't seen much at all in the way of shimmer owners asking for trades, mostly I see people offering tons of stuff.

It's discouraging to see groups of people combining their scrolls together to offer massive amounts of rares and uncommons to get a single shimmer. How do you compete against that?

It would be kind of interesting if a shimmer owner would put up a trade just asking for best offer. I bet they would get slammed with all kinds of stuff. Which makes me wonder if there is a limit to how many offers can actually show up on a scroll....

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It would be kind of interesting if a shimmer owner would put up a trade just asking for best offer

...As soon as Kyouko grows up, if she gives me an egg right off the bat I'm doing this just for lulz.

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...As soon as Kyouko grows up, if she gives me an egg right off the bat I'm doing this just for lulz.

Ohmygosh YES! xd.png

It would be very interesting to see what you would pick wink.gif

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It would be kind of interesting if a shimmer owner would put up a trade just asking for best offer. I bet they would get slammed with all kinds of stuff. Which makes me wonder if there is a limit to how many offers can actually show up on a scroll....

Ugh... I must resist doing this... xd.png

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If I do that, I'll screenshot the offers and post them all here. I mean Kyouko's 5th-gen, so it'll be a 6th-gen Shimmer, but I still bet I'd get interesting results.

Edited by TheCompleteAnimorph

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Sure TCA. Could be interesting! Just accept my offer at the end, right? ;DDD

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If I do this for reals (this depends on Kyouko's first breeding being a success), depending on what the offers are I may just cancel the trade at the end and Kogasa it in the Departure Thread. Might accept one. It just depends how I'm feeling~


(note: Kogasaing a dragon = posting a transfer link with only a picture of Kogasa and the word 'Surprise')

Edited by TheCompleteAnimorph

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Heh, I just spotted someone basically doing such a trade. I don't have any CB medal eggs or hatchlings, but I went ahead and offered up the two PB blusangs I bred last night. *crosses fingers*

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I haven't seen much at all in the way of shimmer owners asking for trades, mostly I see people offering tons of stuff.

It's discouraging to see groups of people combining their scrolls together to offer massive amounts of rares and uncommons to get a single shimmer. How do you compete against that?

It would be kind of interesting if a shimmer owner would put up a trade just asking for best offer. I bet they would get slammed with all kinds of stuff. Which makes me wonder if there is a limit to how many offers can actually show up on a scroll....

I did trade away a third gen shimmer a while ago and asked for offers. I didn't let it sit for too long because I did get an offer I liked, but I got over 30 offers xd.png I didn't think about making a screenshot sadly.

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Heh, I just spotted someone basically doing such a trade.  I don't have any CB medal eggs or hatchlings, but I went ahead and offered up the two PB blusangs I bred last night.  *crosses fingers*

Aw, I just saw that. I would totally offer a few CB metals if I wanted to give any of them up but... I don't. tongue.gif

Edited by tikigurl91

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Awww, looks like the person either declined my offer or choose someone else's offer. Oh well, I tried. *goes back to AP/Cave hunting*

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Heh, I just spotted someone basically doing such a trade.  I don't have any CB medal eggs or hatchlings, but I went ahead and offered up the two PB blusangs I bred last night.  *crosses fingers*

Yeah, that person's awesome for doing so. It's kinda fun.

Threw a CB Gold hatchie plus some other goodies but I doubt that will work.

I'm desperate xd.png

Edited by MaggieXawesomeness

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Heh, I just spotted someone basically doing such a trade.  I don't have any CB medal eggs or hatchlings, but I went ahead and offered up the two PB blusangs I bred last night.  *crosses fingers*

I saw someone doing a similar trade and I offered two CB stripes and a CB vine hatchie, it got turned down though! sad.giflaugh.gif Oh well!! smile.gif

Edited by SilverMoonRain

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The chance that I am going to offer more than two CB metals of my hoard for a 3rd gen shimmer is 0. I also dislike the pairing... Picky me is picky.

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Yeah, that person's awesome for doing so. It's kinda fun.

Threw a CB Gold hatchie plus some other goodies but I doubt that will work.

I'm desperate xd.png


Nah, it didn't.

Meh, I give up. I really liked the GW paring, though.

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There are already more shimmers on the market than there were tinsels in 2010.

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Oh looking at all the lineages is so exciting! They look very good in lineages, I wasn't expecting that.


About obtaining one... well, my F five (and a few others) key broke a couple days ago, so I definitely can't catch anything valuable to offer xd.png

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Thirty offers, man I feel good if I get more than two on anything, lol.

Kinda fun to see somebody doing it now, would love to be able to peek at their scroll and see what offers are rolling in. biggrin.gif

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http://dragcave.net/lineage/GkgIC She grew up and refused her first mate. smile.gif Luckily I have a lot more CB horsedragons.

Oh what a shame.


My third gen bronze refused his SECOND mate today. dry.gif I only have one more CB female ice to try with this incredibly stubborn dragon. Two refusals in a row.


I'm hoping Logic produces something tonight though to make up for my bronze xd.png

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http://dragcave.net/lineage/GkgIC She grew up and refused her first mate. smile.gif Luckily I have a lot more CB horsedragons.

Whoopsie! Well, her eldest sister did the same thing but eventually came along and bred true twice till now. So, she can do it too! biggrin.gif **Sending breeding vibes for next week**

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