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Prize Dragon Disscussion Thread

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Wondering if anyone has done a shimmer x winter, especially as we are coming to the end of the season?

i would really like to see a winter line! the winter sprite is really cute and would look really nice with silver imo smile.gif

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Silver x Winter would look lovely. I am wary of pairing prize with seasonals or holidays because not everyone can continue the lineage, especially newer players. I gifted a 4th gen tins x autumn to a newbie in winter...that poor girl doesn't have cb autumn so she had to wait a year before she could continue the line. laugh.gif

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I wouldn't mind seeing a stair step or even gen with the four seasons either. I know the two breed lineages are most popular, but I think if they are done right multiple breeds can look quite nice too.

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I wouldn't mind seeing a stair step or even gen with the four seasons either. I know the two breed lineages are most popular, but I think if they are done right multiple breeds can look quite nice too.

Ooh, even gen one. I'll give that a go with my Shimmer later.

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Phew, finally, another hatching delivered.


Just 3 more to go.



*runs off to hoard chickens*

Edited by PointOfOrigin

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Phew, finally, another hatching delivered.


Just 3 more to go.

Way to go! Congratulations...


*Off to set alarm* smile.gif

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I seriously considered pairing Catch with a Spring for her last breeding, I think it'd be a really cute pairing. smile.gif While I'm not much of a fan of step lineages, I'm thinking that a short spiral lineage with the different Seasonals in turn might be a fun thing to see. smile.gif



Congrats to all the successful Shimmer breeders, too! biggrin.gif So many pretty things...

Edited by Amazon_warrior

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I'm referring to the attitude of a post or two. The kind that is saying, to heck with all you poor people, don't bother me, you can't possibly have anything of worth for me.


The attitude and tone. I don't like mean people. I have asked for CB metals, sure, but there have been several occasions, when I saw a person couldn't offer that, and was really disappointed...call me a bleeding heart, but I chose to accept what they could. It's just pixels, and it made me feel good.


Some I have even gifted.


It's just the set-in-stone greedy attitude I have a problem with, that's all.

o_o People have been offering me some tempting things (like CB Metals), but I've turned them down because, well, I don't require them.


I'm actually more interested in CB Common hatchlings - those are what I will probably take when I get around to wanting to trade my eggs.


I personally don't like that those with bags of CB Metals and NDs "control" the market and get everything/majority of things - but people can accept whatever they want at the end of the day. Nobody can tell you any different. wink.gif


Besides, these will eventually become common anyway.

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I personally don't like that those with bags of CB Metals and NDs "control" the market and get everything/majority of things


Nice opinion, 42.

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I most likely be gifting mine after I've fullfilled my promises.

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If I had a shimmer I'd prefer to trade it for a nice eg than a CB metal!! smile.gif

This is partly because I don't have any CB metals and would rather catch my first one then be gifted it!! And secondly because I think that you can't really do that much with CB Rares, (as they don't breed often) but with nice lineages you can have fun trying to find mates and gifting their offspring.

Edited by SilverMoonRain

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I think the way the shimmers look they fit perfectly with most other dragons...

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when i get done with my lists, i'm probably going to lotto most of my eggs off.

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My offer was: 5+ cb metals for 3rd gen)

And ill be glad to repeat it :>

Blarg, I contacted one person a few days ago because they had a 3rd gen list open and was taking CB Metals for a spot, and I offered 3, with a promise of more (All I had at the time), and they were like "No, I'm only taking offers of 7 or more."


I wanted to cry.


EDIT: Derped on the number

Edited by MaggieXawesomeness

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Scroll goals vary from person to person. It's just normal for Prize owners to use their CB prizes to reach those. No wonder some owners go hiding, having won also has its drawbacks.

Seeing the prohibitive prices of some shimmers on trade has just made me focus on getting the 2012s. But even those are still expensive. I wonder how long before trade "price" of shimmers go down to a more reachable rate.

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pretty! congrats tongue.gif i like the paring ^^

Thanks xd.png When they first were released and the adult came out I tried them with everything and this was the pairing I liked the best. ^^! Besides I like common pairs more then pairing them with Holidays and rares simply because other people can continue the line easier :3 (Plus come on who doesn't like fail babies for lineage purposes?)

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Blarg, I contacted one person a few days ago because they had a 3rd gen list open and was taking CB Metals for a spot, and I offered 3, with a promise of more (All I had at the time), and they were like "No, I'm only taking offers of 7 or more."


I wanted to cry.


I think the problem is inflation with this rush of CB metals. I got on a 3rd gen list like the 1st week the shimmers could bred 2nd gens for 1 CB metal. Of course that CB Shimmer has produced ONE offspring and it wasn't a metal. Not sure if the owner has had horrible luck or just not breeding it often. So it goes when you get on a list of a list early.


EDIT: Okay I checked again, it has now produced a second offspring fogged (going to assume a shimmer)

Edited by ElayneDragonLover

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Blarg, I contacted one person a few days ago because they had a 3rd gen list open and was taking CB Metals for a spot, and I offered 3, with a promise of more (All I had at the time), and they were like "No, I'm only taking offers of 7 or more."


I wanted to cry.


EDIT: Derped on the number

What the heck?

You mean the person was taking 7 CB Metals for only ONE 3rd gen spot?




I got a 3rd gen spot for one CB Metal!



Yeah okay, I get that metals are appearing more often lately, but CB metals ARE CB metals! They're still hard to catch.

Edited by Vaati

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Oh that makes me so sad. The first shimmer offspring of luckiest catch has died from sickness.

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Oh that makes me so sad. The first shimmer offspring of luckiest catch has died from sickness.

Yep, it was either childish people posting the egg on hatcheries or MANY curious people.

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Ah, just saw that. Must be impossible to raise them without the dragons getting totally sick every 5 min.


Are any lists open right now?

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