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Prize Dragon Disscussion Thread

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I think the general consensus was that whoever picked it up had little idea what exactly they had on their scrolls.


I've been keeping mine fogged on and off since I got it, out of paranoia. Haven't had any troubles.


@MaggieXawesomeness: I just went back and saw that post! Keep an eye on the AP, I'll be sending all his shiny babies there(with no fanfare, though. So, blind luck to get one). Or randomly glomp gifting them until Shimmers are so common no one wants a 6th gen stair anymore. biggrin.gif

I wish this forum had rep points or like buttons. I'd push both for this post. I think this sentiment is awesome.


And 42, I am owed a 3rd gen. I traded for a CB gold.

Edited by Lyricmaniac

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I've seen someone trade 2CB golds for a 3G Shimmer. But most do shimmer swaps, unfortunately.

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@42 I have gotten 20 or so hatchlings off my wishlist in the uncommon/rare division or CB metals


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I see you're having as much trouble as me. :c


My Tan Ridgewing line refused earlier this week, and I got no interest from Purple Nebula x Bronze. :|


I did just breed: http://dragcave.net/lineage/MMDJH though. \o/

Wooo its georgous *_* i hope its breeding luck continues xd.png

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What trades are people getting on their 3rd gens? I haven't really looked...

My offer was: 5+ cb metals for 3rd gen)

And ill be glad to repeat it :>

Edited by Konsul

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My offer was: 5+ cb metals for 3rd gen)

And ill be glad to repeat it :>

Hm, it depends...but seriously?

I woundn't trade my CB Golds for a 3rd gen (maybe CB Silver, but not a Gold). *phew* I'm glad on my Shimmers IOUs (and thank you all for them!). ^^"

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Well considering cb metals are fairly easy to catch atm, id offer a good amount of them if i saw someone trading off a 2-3Gen. But thats just me c.c i already have all the cb metals i want for my own scroll, shimmers are kind of at the top of the list now ;o

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My offer was: 5+ cb metals for 3rd gen)

And ill be glad to repeat it :>

o_O /headtilt


I was seeing people offering 1 for a 3rd gen... but surely 5 is a bit... uh, much? blink.gif


Siliskor: ^-^ Thank you.

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Well considering cb metals are fairly easy to catch atm, id offer a good amount of them if i saw someone trading off a 2-3Gen. But thats just me c.c i already have all the cb metals i want for my own scroll, shimmers are kind of at the top of the list now ;o

...I'm reminded of something I saw a little while back, someone commenting that they'd hunted down 5 CB Silvers to trade for a 2nd gen Tinsel (this was way before Shimmers were released and CB metals weren't exactly raining in the Cave then). I remember thinking at the time, "Wow, if I could catch metals like that, I'd never *need* a 2nd gen Tinsel!" But then, if I could catch metals that easily I would probably already have my fill of them and then I'd almost certainly be looking out for some other shiny thing for my scroll. So, yeah...

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Lol if I actually had that to offer I would but I do not xd.png corse my goal is just to get the breed right now then maybe someday a set of 2nd gens tongue.gif

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Now I feel like I should've held out for more when I traded a 3rd gen for one CB Metal. Though, I have a Shimmer with no list as of now, so I'm tempted to see how many CB Metals I could get XD.

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Now I feel like I should've held out for more when I traded a 3rd gen for one CB Metal. Though, I have a Shimmer with no list as of now, so I'm tempted to see how many CB Metals I could get xd.png.

xd.png Big traders with unlimited supplies of CB Metals will make extra ordinary offers. I've experienced that first hand so don't be surprised with the offers you might get.

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...I'm reminded of something I saw a little while back, someone commenting that they'd hunted down 5 CB Silvers to trade for a 2nd gen Tinsel (this was way before Shimmers were released and CB metals weren't exactly raining in the Cave then). I remember thinking at the time, "Wow, if I could catch metals like that, I'd never *need* a 2nd gen Tinsel!" But then, if I could catch metals that easily I would probably already have my fill of them and then I'd almost certainly be looking out for some other shiny thing for my scroll. So, yeah...

This exactly xd.png ive already caught the amount of metals ive wanted for my own scroll because of the metal craze, so now all the cb metals i catch i would try to trade it for a prize dragon, for scroll completion purposes..plus i just really love the sprite which would make me go further with my offers xd.png

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So, from the last couple posts, I'm to assume that those of us who are NOT good at catching metals, had better not even TRY to pm any of you for a chance. That's the impression I am getting.

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So, from the last couple posts, I'm to assume that those of us who are NOT good at catching metals, had better not even TRY to pm any of you for a chance. That's the impression I am getting.


Maybe? >__> ... <__<

At least none of mine fresh caught Golds didn't need to be sacrifice~ xd.png (and I have a good feeling to trade my offsprings)


(and no, don't PM me about them. I may bite. xd.png)

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Well, in the face of that kind of myopia and greed, I may make a list of my own who NOT to deal with, no matter how good an item is offered for what I may have.

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Well, in the face of that kind of myopia and greed, I may make a list of my own who NOT to deal with, no matter how good an item is offered for what I may have.

Umm It's not greedy if that's what people are offering. Riverwillow and right now there are alot.png of people offering CB metals for 3rd gen Shimmers. If the population thinks that's what it is worth is it still greedy?

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I'm referring to the attitude of a post or two. The kind that is saying, to heck with all you poor people, don't bother me, you can't possibly have anything of worth for me.


The attitude and tone. I don't like mean people. I have asked for CB metals, sure, but there have been several occasions, when I saw a person couldn't offer that, and was really disappointed...call me a bleeding heart, but I chose to accept what they could. It's just pixels, and it made me feel good.


Some I have even gifted.


It's just the set-in-stone greedy attitude I have a problem with, that's all.

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If people are willing to pay CB Metals, that's what it's worth. I'm not going to keep doing CB Metal trades, I know that much. But whilst there's a Metal boom I might as well try to get a few more, I hardly have many as it is. After that I'll trade my Shimmers for less, or maybe even gift/lotto some. But if that's greedy, then fine.

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right now

Is why I'm content to wait until the hype dies down. Wish I could go out and catch all those ices and other uncommons I'm seeing, and put them in suspended animation to use as trade fodder when the trade prices does come down.


Wondering if anyone has done a shimmer x winter, especially as we are coming to the end of the season?

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You are totally missing my point here. But meh, I don't have the energy to keep explaining that which is already clear. Let's move on.....

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Just received my very first shimmer baby!! Sooo excited!!


user posted image


Fogged and 24 hour guard posted.

oooh, congrats! I wish I could get one tongue.gif

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You are totally missing my point here. But meh, I don't have the energy to keep explaining that which is already clear. Let's move on.....

Well, Shimmers are new & lots of people want them & CB metals are plentiful => multiple CB metals will be offered. The disappointment is understandable, but more Shimmers are being bred. Just need to be a little patient.

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