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Happy Christmas!

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If you're like me, you probably will spend/have spent most of the day sick in bed.

But if you're not like me, tell me what you are doing/did!


And I hope no matter what you will have/have had a good Christmas!!!

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Well unfortunately, there was a huge ice storm projected to move in today. So, we had an early Christmas meal yesterday and opened out gifts. Then we all booked it home. So we aren't together on the day itself, but we were able to get together, so that was good. And I has tasty leftover turkey in the fridge. Gifts in general were quite well received but missed the mark on one person. It's very hard to gift for my brother-in-law. But, I found out on thing he liked and I shall get it next year.

I asked for tea for Christmas and tried a new online place to get some stuff I haven't had in years. (used to live near a tea store that sold a variety of loose leaf teas). Only tried one sample so far but it is fantastic. So nummy! I think I could drink it without sugar <3 Lapsang Nums


Made a Cross stitch for my mom and got her a quilt pattern she's been wanting but couldn't find /flex

Got my dad some really nice whiskey he won't buy for himself because it's pricey, but he likes it. And some smoked salmon he wasn't going to open until all guests left.

Got one sister a tea brewer for loose leaf stuffs, she's going to take it to work.

Got other sister a gift card that supposedly can be used at number of spas. She mentioned she hasn't had a pedicure or manicure for two years so seemed quite happy.

Got one nephew a stuffed wyvern pet from wow, an Australian root beer from world market and some candy

Got 2nd nephew same root beer and made him chocolate chip cookies. Not sure where he his them as people were looking for them, but he hid them well. Smart kid.

Got my brother-in-law the same spa card, thinking as he and my sister travel a lot they could get a massage together (and thought I recalled him mentioning a massage). But she confiscated his card and he mentioned no ones hands would touch him but hers (cheesy!) She got him some nice Hennesy liquor in tiny bottles that he was coveting, so I'll look for that next year.

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I got quite a few books for Christmas, including Coraline, the newest heroes of Olympus and Ink Heart. Along with them, I got some Tyrandis (war hammer 40k) and a drawing tablet (!!!!!!!).


My mum got an iPad, which I am quite happily playing with right now xd.png

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I really didn't do anything that exciting. So far, I went outside for awhile with my family. I was sick yesterday though.

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Well, here in Czech Republic, we celebrated and opened presents yesterday. We kinda chilled around, watched fairy tales on TV and ate. And we have a beautiful purple and silver tree this year :3 It was a nice day, snow outside and all that, even though I'm not usually one to be excited about Christmas.

I got so much stuff I didn't even ask for. O.o Books (I finally have my own copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray, which I now carry around everywhere wub.gif), clothes, trinkets... and, together with my mom, a sewing machine.

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We're Polish, so we open our presents on the evening of the 24th. I got a Walkman, a few Strokes CDs, a really cool vintage-looking sewing machine (!!!), pjs from Victoria's Secret, and some tea! I love my Walkman so much biggrin.gif I made gifts for a lot of my friends and family (mostly ornaments and plushies) and got my mum a really nice Dior lipstick.


It just started snowing about an hour ago, and it's going really strong! Looks like we're going to have a white Christmas after all smile.gif

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Family given me 100 dollar we really don't do christmas, and my cusion give me a bubble bath set biggrin.gif

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Got a book for Xmas from a series I liked :3 Except my brother was being obnoxious about the stuff he got and I woke up at 4 PM where I live because I stayed up late last night to decorate that gingerbread house and I think I ended up overdecorating it like I always do but at that time, it looked pretty lol

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I got 200 dollars, 20 of which I spent on gifts for friends so far. With the rest of it, I do believe I'm just going to get a book that teaches crocheting and try to take that up as a hobby. I think it would be lovely to have a hobby that takes both creativity and methodical thinking.


The rest of it I'm saving for college bills.


Or yarn if this attempt at a new hobby turns out well xd.png

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We spent part of Christmas Eve with my dad, step-mum, my brother and his wife, and their 2 year old daughter (my only niece.) She's such a cutie, and was bouncing around the house the whole time. I'm sure she crashed as soon as they got her home, lol. My dad gave me a fuzzy pair of ankle-height slippers, and a $50 prepaid MasterCard. My brother gave me beautiful photos of his family and single ones of the little munchkin. We then drove over to my BF's parents for a couple drinks with them and my mum and step-dad. It was very nice and relaxing. My BF's dad made a few traditional Dutch pastries for my step-dad, and since he was very quiet the whole time ("no talk....eating",) I think my step-dad really liked them laugh.gif


Yesterday, we got up around one, and my BF and I opened stockings from my mum plus the two little gifts she got us. Not sure why, but my mum gave me a make-up kit, lol, but she also paid for my broken front teeth to be fixed, so I am very grateful! Then, we packed up our two dogs and headed back over the BF's parent's place. The dogs were insanely happy to be there, and kept bouncing around in the snow whenever we let them outside. They crashed pretty hard once we were back home, lol.


They bought me 4 new outfits (leggings and long sweaters wub.gif) 2 new pairs of jeans, a set of thermal socks, my BF's dad made a wooden jewellery box for me, and they also bought me a new Canon powershot camera huh.gif I've been playing with my camera a lot, lol. I do have a nice camera that I bought myself 2 years ago, but this one is so much better! My BF got new shirts, new jeans, and a couple things for paintball. They also bought us a new home phone because the battery on our old one is wearing out. They are always way too generous, but my BF is a single child, so they love to go crazy on the both of us, and his mum loves being able to play dress-up with her "daughter."


And, they didn't forget about our animals. The dogs got two new ball/toys, two jumbo bones, and a huge bag of 160 rawhide sticks. The cats got a crinkle tunnel with a bunch of new mice and balls, a scratching post, and a big bag of treats. The "grand-kids" are so spoiled xd.png


The BF and I couldn't afford gifts for anyone this year, but everyone made sure to tell us that it didn't matter. It was so nice spending time with everyone. Sitting around, chatting, and just being together.

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Well, for Christmas, I got Sonic Riders1, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2, Kirby's Epic Yarn, downloaded Art Academy: lessons for everyone (the horribly expensive game from the eshop) and Need for Speed Underground 2. That's the video games. For plushies, I got an Ampharos plush, a Lucario plush, and a Bisharp plush. For people who were there, my sister's boyfriend, my dad, and my grandaddy spent lunch with us. Oh yeah, my neighbor gave us a plate of cookies. smile.gif Mine's was pretty nice.

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I hung out with my cousins and family. We had a really good time and did a ton of random stuff.

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Spent the whole day with my cousin....aka chuhulil.... Anyways, we hung out at my grandmas house. We also just played a bunch of games and ate a ton of food. Plus we were on dragon cave for a while. It was a pretty good Christmas! Looking forward to next year! smile.gif

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I went to my cousin's house to celebrate and listen to them yell at each other over something stupid... like always... so I 'hid' in a corner and watched the tv while the other people there argued over what channel to watch.

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I got the remaining seasons of a show I like, gift cards, $100 in cash, new work clothes, and an Amazon Kindle fire.

Edited by warriorjames

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Went to the beach, ate seafood and got to relax. Opened up my presents and among them were Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls V and Pokemon White 2. Very pleased with this year's Christmas, can't wait until next year!

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I spent my Christmas with my family and some close family friends. Then on Boxing Day, I went shopping (Boxing Day sales :D) on possibly one of the busiest shopping days in the year, and spent the rest of day with a bunch of friends.

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We always celebrate at my grandma's house and this year, everyone had forgotten to bring a CD with christmas carols, so we were all standing around the tree, giggling instead of singing because we were rediscovering the joys of records.


...we ended up singing a cappella...


My aunt and I spent some time comparing cookies, too. Her macaroons are incredibly tasty, while mine look picture perfect. Some year we're going to combine those facts successfully, I'm sure.


Much to my dismay, we had rabbit one day and goose the other - I don't deal well with bones in my food xd.png

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I managed to get home Christmas Eve to my parents house, which was a surprise as we didnt plan on being able to go there. I was so happy to be with family. On Christmas Day, we opened our presents,(most of mine were for my new house), then we opened our stocking which Santa Claus left some really nice gifts. After that we ate a really big Christmas lunch. Sadly enough we had to leave that day, but I was just happy to be home for at least part of the day.

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Would have preferred to have stayed home and eaten at the chinese buffet like we do every year, but we actually had to visit with family.

I received an xbox one which was a much welcomed surprise.

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I got some clothes, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, and about $300. Also some art supplies.

There's a drawing tablet coming in the mail but it hasn't gotten here yet.


We went to two of my uncles' houses today and that was about it.

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In our country we don't celebrate Xmas. And tomorrow there will be a monthly exam waiting for me. After that is a two day new year holiday. Feel really tired. sad.gif anyway I hope you guys have a happy holidays.

Edited by Arcxes

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