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Oh... My... Goodness! Alibear would be just...


Anyway, what's gonna be the gen after next gen? We have pirates after Greece, but then...? I mean, what's after? Do we do something we've already done or...?

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After this it's the pirate gen. xd.png


Well, he'll act like him and look somewhat like him... But his name'll be different.


Castiel and him won't get along because Castiel is a Frenchy and he's going to be a Brit. xd.png

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The gen after that gen...


Also... How's pirates gonna work? Is there suddenly a pirating branch of assassins that does whatever?

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I think it's a futuristic gen...


I was actually about to say it'd branch from a national creed and have pirate ranks... Thus no Mentor, Masters, etc.

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Ohohoh. Descendant of Cullen. Just more direct than the others.

You know why, TMD. You know.

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Yep. Alibear. It's what we call this character from a video game. He's just... xd.png


Wait... I'm getting the feeling that I'm out of the loop here. What's up with Cullen's descendant? Are you guys doing a Cambra spinoff or something?


But, Duss, I remember when we all forgot if you were Duss or Cullen because you only had one character. xd.png

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What did Cullen do to Castiel in PMs?

Beat the living Jesus out of him.


Oh yeah, that was actually really funny.

Edited by Dusset

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1600? It would be a year before Ceto would supposedly be in Venice with the rest.

We could do an alternate reality, though.

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But that would only serve for Ceto. Oh! Instead of doing what Castiel did, I'll make Robb born on the ship and become a pirate early on. Arrg. >P


So it'd be Ceto, Casty, and Robb... And my Alibear charrie.


3 males and a female.

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Cullen the Navigator!


Other than that, I'm thinking an old guy, like thirty-eight, who's a retired pirate who was relatively famous at some point in his life and kind of a bad-ass.

Edited by Dusset

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Dunno what I'd do... I was expecting Ceto to be made captain or first mate, but if not, she'll be okay.


Alibear'll be a carpenter... Or a Boatswain... Dunno.


Castiel? Definitely a musician.


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I'd say she'd be captain. I could see her getting a badass reputation for being the cruelest, best captain on the seas and then people would come aboard and be surprised that she's a woman. xd.png


I think I'd make someone in charge of gunning and then another just a deckhand or something. I'm rusty on pirate stuff because I was always more of a landlover, but whatever. I've been to a few pirate museums and know some knots... *shrug*

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I think my old dude would just laugh at her. Regardless of rank.


I've been to a few pirate museums and know some knots...

Boy Scout.

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I'm part pirate...

Funny thing is that I've always loved natural lakes and rivers and I adore the beach. xd.png


But didn't someone claim mentor? Wouldn't that be like being the captain?

But if she IS captain... She'll sail straight into storms. xd.png


Alibear is gonna be bullied so bad...


Cullen's gonna make a bad ass navigator.



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Duss: That's what would make him adorable and awesome.


Are you talking about your boy ccout career or what? xd.png

I was never a girl scout because I thought boy scouts were cooler (fun fact).


TMD: That's awesome!

I hate the water. Almost drowned at the beach. You know it's bad when your hydrophobic mother saves you...


Maybe Ice did. But she'd be first mate for sure.

xd.png Duh!


Of course he is. That's why he's adorable.

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That's true love, Moose.


Ceto'd be at the helm screaming commands at everyone and flipping off the captain. xd.png

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I was, Moose. I was poking fun at your 'few knots'.


That's pretty cool, TMD.


No one would respect her, that's why mutiny would be a thing!

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TMD: Yep. True love alright. xd.png


Course she would. Between slapping around deckhands and kicking ass.


Duss: I know, I know. Doesn't help that I have a bad memory so it seems like I have no idea what I'm talking about.

But I shall research for the RP.


General: Rain claimed a master a while ago. I have it recorded in the second post.

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Duss has nimble fingers~ ;D



Meh. Maybe she'd be a bit mellowed out if she's not captain.

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Actually, I do.


I think I'll be ambitious and have three characters. I'll make a girl for one of your guys, TD, she'll be poor or something. I haven't thought it all out.

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