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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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Circe smiled softly. She was happy with him, she was happy with Cyrus and Sophia... "Kestrel is a boy's name too." she said.


Suddenly, Aetios walked up. He had somehow caught up with the loping of the donkey and the horse. "Woah, woah, hey! Baby names?" Aetios grinned deeply at Circe and Cyrus. His hazel eyes sparked at them. "Ah... I see what's going on here... That's why Circe is on that donkey..." his grin turned into a toothy smile. "Why, Cyrus! You sly dog! I was doubting it, because of your occupation with Sophia, but... Haha! You knocked her up! I can't believe it!"


Circe gazed at Cyrus and then at Aetios. "Cyrus... I-I..." she couldn't tell Aetios the truth. What would happen then? "... I'll... Meet you at that cage they're talking about, okay?" she gave him a sad and nervous smile and pressed her heels into the donkey. It "hee-hawed" and settled at a brisk trot, the footmen parting the way for her.

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Cyrus watched as Circe headed forward to the cave. He spun onto Aetios and gave him an angry stare. "You idiot." He barked. "I'd throw you if I didn't have a child with me." He slapped him upside the head and turned back down the path, pulling his coat tight. There was a little curve before the cave and he slipped in. It was big enough for them all, but it might be a little tight. He walked towards the back and sat down, pulling his knees up and pulling Sophia in close. He'd let her sleep, no reason to wake her now, but he;d have to later otherwise she'd never sleep. Aetios meant well, he knew, but he and Circe hadn't talked to length on the child. It was obviously fragile.

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This was why she hated men. They were rude, disgusting, and loud. Not to mention drunkards. She sat all of the way in the back after tying up her donkey, which she had creatively called Donkey. She wasn't close to Cyrus, though; she was near a hot spring pool that gurgled. She thought that she should take a dip, but she finally realized that she was not alone. Her brown eyes were lifted toward the assassins filing in. Luckily, she had some wood in her bag. She placed it in front of her and started a fire. A small one, but a fire.


Circe thought about the babe. She was growing a bit at a time... She knew that she would have quite the large belly at the end of the year, and then by next summer she would have a baby... Her baby... But why was she not proud of its origins? Maybe because she knew that if she stood and said "I'm pregnant with an Athenian's seed", they would probably stone her?

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Calypso realized how forward that sounded. "I-I meant as in like Mentor and Apprentice... if you don't want to I don't mind..." She blushed and looked away, suddenly aware of how embarrassed Hermes looked. She rubbed the back of her neck, hoping to somehow draw away the embarrassment of that statement. She had to recover somehow, come up with something else. "How are you doing, by the way? Any wounds open up?" She asked, aiming for an innocent question. She stared over the edge, intrigued by it. She wondered if she could fling herself off of it to avoid the embarrassment.



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Hermes's face would be red if it wasn't still a bit pale. "Uhm, no. They've all scabbed over pretty well." He explained, "It stills hurts to bend my back to any great degree. But I can ignore the pain for the most part." The cave came up on their right and he clambered down off the horse, no longer needing it to move around. It was good timing, too, because the horse died when it stopped, falling over the edge. Hermes looked down in wonderment, "I guess when they horses are stupid they mean it..." His eyes were fill with fascination that the horse had given no signs of incredible fatigue. Oh well. He shuffled into the save and quickly located himself next to the hot spring and fire. He knew shortly it would be crowded, so he wanted to enjoy it while he could. He didn't do well in cold weather. Never had. Part of his original training had been in the mountains, and if his old master had been patient with him, he might have developed a resistance to the cold, but no, he just shivered and shook. It helped in this particular instance, he could blame any physical give-aways to nervousness on the chill.

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Aris's eyes blurred and focused rapidly. His vision was narrowed and he felt lightheaded and weary. He was cold and most of all wounded. Blood dripped off his hand and down to the ground beneath him. He collapsed and coughed blood pouring from his mouth. "Dammit!" He said wiping his chin. Blood continued to drip from his hand, which covered a wound on his stomach. The knife that had made the wound was still lodged firmly into his body, it was the only thing, ironically enough, that prevented him from bleeding out there on the mountain trail. His eyes focused once more and he saw foot prints, fresh. He mustered up the strength to stand and he pressed forward following the path. He saw a cave ahead and barely heard voices. His vision blurred again and narrowed, his vision began to fade and he was walking blind. He stood just before the cave before his vision was lost completely and he collapsed. His body was limp and bloodied and he was cold to the touch. Was it not for his prior movement and his still bleeding wound he could easily be mistaken for dead.

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[Dunno who should interact with him... Maybe Aella can? Or maybe Cyrus? If there's no reply by tomorrow I'll use mean old Typhon.]

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Calypso was looking away when the horse fell, and the horse's side fell away under her fingers. Hermes moved to the cave, and she followed, sitting down next to him. "Yeah, we can start training in a week or so." She shifted around in her coat, loosening it just a little so if Hermes was still cold they could share it. Though where they were sitting, they wouldn't really need it. "Warm at last..." She sighed. "Hopefully the shades won't dare venture here to take it from us."


Aella was in the cave taking a head count. She said that she'd get revenge on the Athenians next time. An apprentice ran up to her, saying something about a bloody man on their doorstep. Fantastic. She left the cave for the cold once more, wrapping her clothes around her tighter for warmth. She found him not far from the cave, and kicked him lightly. She sighed when she saw the still bleeding wound. "Stop the bleeding, get some spare cloth, a needle, and some string. Don't need his guts on our new doorstep."


[Need sleeeeep...]

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"Right." Hermes said simply, just agreeing to all of it. But there was that word she used. "Calypso, I gotta ask. Why do you call the Athenians shades? I've noticed you do it once or twice now, and I'm curious." Granted, he knew she had troubles with Eagle Vision, but why not just call their enemy what they are? Why do they need a fancy title? The shades of Hades were nearly everyone who died, only heroes were exempt. Or Demi-gods normally didn't become shades.



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"Well, they have to be dead. What normal human being could be capable of such evil? Hades has to be helping their cause somehow. They're red and faceless too, they can't be human because they do such things with a clear conscience." Calypso explained. "But it's like a way of life for them. They don't even flinch when you mention their crimes, nor do they seem to care."



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"You could say the same for us." Hermes pointed out. We might fight for the happy ending, but our path is treacherous. We murder, we steal, we lie and nearly none of us show remorse. I know I don't feel bad when I steal, ad granted I only kill if I need to, I still do it. And so do you. The only real difference is what we fight for." He felt like he was being wise, which was weird because he was the apprentice. "However you like to look at it."


((Short, I know.))

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((Well, you could interact with Aris and Aella, it would make it easier for me to get Aris up quickly since Rain didn't do much with him xd.png))

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(You could always do Kathe and Zero. *shrug*)

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[i was hoping someone would jump in...

It was late and I didn't really know what else to do. Aella's kind of a jerk anyway.]


"We know the limits. We have morals, we know our cause. We're imbued with... what do you call it, Eagle Vision? Every assassin here, every one, is blue. Blue is the sky, the birds, and the sea of Poseidon." Calypso countered. "Blue is safe. Blue is godliness." Three years with only the barest glimpse of blue. The tiniest little sliver filtering into her cell, reminding her that she had a home out there. Reminding her of a life beyond the misery in the cell. Zeus's sky was nothing but a few feet away. She knew what she had to do to reach it... and the twisted shard of metal cutting her hand would help... "We kill nothing but empty husks anyway. Their souls aren't there anymore. It's not murder. It's a public service. How many women have they harmed, how many civilians are dead because of them? They're shades. They cannot be like us."

Edited by RainDash

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The road was very treacherous. Once or twice, Kaethe looked down and saw the spiraling height they were at. She was also very tired and hungry... They hardlu had any time to eat. And how she missed her pomegranate grove... They passed it on their way to Mount Olympus, and she had taken half a dozen of the biggest and juiciest fruit. However, she had eaten all of them... One could tell that she had been from the slight red taint of them on her sticky fingers.


Once she had almost fallen. The ground gave way under her step, and screaming, she fell- but she had grabbed on with one hand and waited until someone was courteous enough to drag her back up. She didn't want Zero to know that she had almost fallen. What would he say? Would he tell at her? Or would he chastise her for her carelessness?


She walked into the cave and dropped her stuff in the middle, for soon that was where it was going to be the warmest. She opened her pack and saw none of her favorite fruit, and she was starving... What kind of idiot would have eaten all of her supplies before she had gotten to her destination?




Typhon had been one of the first to enter the cave. He had tied up his horse next to the entrance and stroked its mane. It had been frightened quite a bit with the people dying and the horses falling... He looked up, his blue eyes narrowing as he saw Aella with a man that he did not recognize. What he heard was a command- a command to get medical supplies.


Typhon was handed a pack, and he ran over, looking down at the man. He was bleeding from his wound, but he could see him still breathing... Faint, but breathing. He set down the supplies and looked at Aella. "I suppose you're good at tending to wounds?" he joked, raising an eyebrow. He was a joker; he loved laughing and joking around with women. "Say, I have a gash on my ass. I can feel the blood trickling down my leg. Mind patching that up when you're done here?" he asked.

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Aris coughed and more blood spilled from his mouth. He clenched his jaw and opened his eyes looking up at Typhon. "Hey old man!" He said with slight jested annoyance in his voice. "Do you mind flirting when I'm not bleeding out!" He said. He groaned painfully and gripped at the knife lodged in his side. "Son of a censorkip.gif* came out of nowhere!" Aris exclaimed trying to pull the knife out. He looked over at Aella. "I guess you're the one who is going to fix me up. Well, I don't know much about medicine, but I know that when I pull this out I'm going to start bleeding more than I have been. So when I do try to fix me up fast so I don't die. That'd be a damn shame if I came all this way, and got lucky enough to get help just to die in the end anyway!" He coughed again, more blood, he grabbed at the knife again and screamed as he pulled it out, and as he had said, more blood began to pour from the wound.


((I'm just messing with you rain tongue.gif))

Edited by Danniphantom

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"ηλίθιοι." Aella said, rubbing her temples as she tried to not murder the both of them. She snatched the medical supplies and quickly stopped the bleeding. She then grabbed the dagger with blood on it and held it to the man's throat. "Now. You have three thins to answer or I'll just finish the job. Who are you, why are you here, and three reasons I shouldn't gut you for possibly leading the Athenians to us with that bloody wound of yours." Her voice was even, calm, and the dagger didn't even twitch. "I'm not a nursemaid, so you might want to answer that quickly. You know, before I accidentally cut your throat open." Glancing at Typhon out of the corner of her eye, she was irritated he had made this into a joke. Rolling her eyes she looked back to Aris. Couldn't it hurt just for once that they were warriors, not a bunch of drunken teens scrambling around to get laid? Of course not, they weren't Spartans. They had no sense of war or duty. Just to themselves it seemed.



[ηλίθιοι= Idiots.

tongue.gif I guessed, better safe than sorry.]

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((Aella and Cyrus should really speak more. I think they'd be the best of angry friends.))


Hermes nodded. "This is true." He admitted. "Hey, look at that. You're already teaching me stuff. Bet you got plenty in that head of your's." He joked, grinning as wide as his face could. "And you were worried this wouldn't work out. I don't know why." He pulled his coat closer, still finding it hard to get warm. He hoped he wasn't coming down with a cold. He didn't want to die. "So... Hey... Uhm... About that sharing, you know, a coat. That would be pretty great right now, to be totally honest." He also wanted to pres against her and... She was his master, so he had to keep this professional, didn't he? Would it interfere with his advancement if they did do something?

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"A little jumpy today aren't we." Aris said pushing her and away from his neck with surprising strength, given his condition. He sat up and clutched at his side which was still in extreme pain. "My name is Ariston, from the word aristos, meaning "The Best." I'm from a town in Sicily called Akrai. It's close to the city of Syracuse." He began to explain. "I'm here because I got lost one day while on a trip with my family. For whatever reason they never came for me. I'm am here in the literal sense because some old geezer decided to jab a knife into my side when he decided that 5 gold coins from his coin purse meant more to him than my life, so I wandered, bleeding up Mount Olympus where I thought I could get to somewhere populated where I could be fixed up. I didn't think I would bleed out so fast." He narrowed his eyes. "As for the three reasons that I shouldn't have my throat torn out. 1. I am no threat to you, 2. I didn't even know about any Athenians coming I was gone before they arrived. And 3. You just spent that time carrying me inside and dressing my wound, if you were just going to kill me anyway then why even dirty your hands by doing this much when you could have saved yourself the trouble and left me to die outside."

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Helena had been worried the entire hike up the mountain that her brother would be left behind. But as she looked back, she could see a figure drawing closer and closer until it took up the rear. That figure, she realized, was Zero. It brought joy to her that she would not have sorrow lull her to sleep.

When everyone climbed into the cave to rest and stay for the night, Helena immediately went to the side and stayed in the front, looking into each assassin's eyes as they clamored in. She said nothing when Zero entered. The young man, in turn, went to Kaethe, his lover, and knelt down beside her. Pulling out a roll wrapped in a white cloth, he offered it to her. "Hungry?" It was no pomegranate, but it was something.

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Mildly surprised by his compliment, Calypso blinked and tried not to let the heat rise to her face. Even though she was cold, she could still blush apparently. She'd been musing about this when Hermes's question caught her off guard, making her look back at him, and she lose the battle to not blush. She swallowed and processed the request. "Sure, I'd almost forgotten." Calypso stammered out. She adjusted her coat and awkwardly held it out like a wing. She tried not to think that he would be touching her. She tried not to think about the last time she was this close to someone was when she had been so little, how he had gripped her throat, and how she could barely breathe...


Aella smiled, a cruel, twisted, smile. "I don't like it when people mouth off to me. I have half a mind to let you bleed out, here and now, but apparently I'm just a little too nice." She aimed to punch the boy's stomach, just to make him squirm a little. "Now, if you're lying, I won't have to worry about feeding you. If you aren't, then I suppose that would be a mistake on my part. Also, what idiot child would somehow just wander lost onto the land of the Gods? Do not think for one moment that I'm a fool. I didn't become a Master for nothing."



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[i ate a pomegranate yesterday...]


Kaethe looked up in surprise when Zero offered her the bread. She snatched it from his hands and devoured it. "... Tastes delicious..." she said through a full mouth.


[i wasn't hungry before but now I'm hungry.

See. That's what I meant when I say I eat like a GW.

To the fridge!]

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(Haven't eaten one in months.)


He nodded and rubbed his temples. "Mhm. I just stole it. There's more if you're still hungry. I already ate my fill." That was a lie. He had eaten half a roll before feeling sick to his stomach again and throwing it to the birds. What a waste!

Zero looked around the cave, observing its cracks and crevices, not lingering on any one thing for an extended amount of time. His head was still reeling from being alone with his thoughts for so long. It was like...he was somewhere else.


(Not much to say. Sorry. sad.gif)

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[it was weird...

And sorry. Was eating.]




The bread was soft against her lips, and she stared up at Zero as he said that he stole it. Stole it? Kaethe tipped her head to the side, and she grinned. "I love you, you know." she explained to him. "You really are the greatest man that I have ever known." she laughed. "Probably the only one that I reall have gotten close to." she rubbed the back of her head and looked at the cave. It was somewhat large... There was a hot spring in the corner. And water trickled down some of the walls.


"You're my Zeus, you know." she told him, and looked over at him. Leaning over, she pecked him on the lips and grinned. "Do you wanna share the sheets with me? I heard that its supposed to be cold tonight. You can feel it in the air." she laughed and pulled a cloth from behind her. "We can sleep under this sheet."

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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