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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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(I'm going to sleep so I can wake up at six tomorrow morning. Sorry, but I can't skip. See y'all on the other side?)

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Aella remained in the background, a sneer on her lips. They had no choice but... the land of the Gods was where the mortals would be trampled. Trodden down upon like insects. The whole blasphemous thing was stupid. Running away wasn't what warriors did. The Ankh, whatever it was, wasn't of this plane. Of Hades, Tartarus, maybe. Not of Earth. "You keeping up?" Aella snapped back at the group. She had surged ahead, mostly to get away from them all. Incompetent fools. They were all going to die. No two ways about it, and maybe if the lovely Athenians decided to, she would come back for a brief amount of time until they killed her again. All because she was a 'Master'. She hated the title, she hated the job, and she hated the people. The only reason she remained was because these idiots needed her and the shame of running away was too great to bear.


Calypso was towards the back, ready to flee at any moment. She could hear them... the voices whispering that any moment they were going to kill her, or do something worse. Her golden eyes flicked back and forth across everyone's back, her hand resting on her dagger. The second they know where you were born, if they learn for the first ten years you swore allegiance to the flag of Athens... you're expendable. They're going to kill you... or lock you up for longer than the Athenians did... whichever they feel like will be more fun... Her hand gripped the handle of the dagger, tightening around it until her knuckles were white with terror.


[Just gonna... skip here...]

Edited by RainDash

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((I was already asleep.))


Hermes was up front, seeing as he knew the way. He was better. Not back to one hundred percent, he was winded easily now. His sleep was plagued with nightmares he didn't understand. But he kept on. In fact, he was, just then, standing on his saddle to get a good view of the route. He hadn't lost his balance, that was for sure. He told one of the assassins up front to just follow that pathway and fell back towards Calpyso. "Hey there." He said with a grin. "We're nearly there. Have you ever been to Olympus? It's beautiful up near the top. Land as far as you can see. Almost endless."



Edited by Dusset

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"It certainly would be endless, if the Gods truly will it." She was quiet for a moment, thinking. "Hermes? Do you think that the Gods would just step on us like a bunch of insects? I mean, they have allowed the Athenians to have the Ankh... Why should they start helping us now?" They had abandoned their children. She thought they were in the right, absolutely right and correct and had god-given tasks. Was she wrong?



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[Question. Is the air thin where they are? Is it snowing? Because I have homework and I'm too busy to search the height of Mount Olympus...]

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((I'll look it up sometime or another. I'm Hw-less today.))


"I think that the Gods have a plan for all of us, and that in the end, those who are good come out victorious." Hermes said, almost being deep. "Besides! You've got me! Hermes saved my life when I was a baby! I'm clearly very important." He knew that was a bold-faced lie and that it had been the brotherhood spreading propaganda in their favor, but he liked it anyways.


((But I do have to go help with groceries!))

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Elevation: 9,570' (2,917 m)]


"Heh, I'll trade you childhoods..." Calypso mumbled. "Well, I guess I'm lucky to be traveling with a half-blood as lucky as you." She smiled, laughing. Maybe they were Demi-gods after all, she could almost see the relation between Hermes and his namesake. Thieves and travelers the both off them. You think he's going to stop them when they figure out that you're Athenian? When they cut off your head, you'll be nothing but another shade. A Shade hoping to be a Demi-god. Biting the inside of her lip, she tried to shoo the thoughts and voices away. "You think that we'll stay here longer? Do you think that they'll finally leave us alone?



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"If they know what's good for them, they won't touch the mountain. Normally, no one goes up there. Not even monks. Remember Prometheus? He's chained to a cliff now, with that vulture that eats out his liver. Not to mention, the Gods like to play with mortal minds so they can never find it. But when I was little, I activated Eagle Vision while looking for Hermes, I thought he was my dad at the time, and saw a golden flicker at the top of the mountain by Larissa, my home city. I know in my heart they're there, but I doubt we'll find the peak. Hiding on the mountain itself is a different story." Hermes explained. "So as long as we don't over step boundaries, we're safe from them, because they wouldn't dare."

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[Quick question; should Circe have a few pounds on her already? They must have been traveling for a while, no?]

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((Should only be about 18 hours by horse for non-stop travel. I know I put Hermes on a horse but he's injured and couldn't walk it.))

Edited by Dusset

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[How do you do that calculation? o_o

Anyway, shouldn't it be a bit longer? There are other injured assassins and they have to stop and eat and stuff... So maybe a day? Day and a half?]

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((Median of the average speed of a horse, divide the distance from Thebes to Larissa by that, and boom.


Edited by Dusset

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Circe had started walking, but soon, she had to take one of the Brotherhood's donkeys. The lash wounds were stinging too badly... Every step she took made invisible flames lick up her back. She had paused for a moment, leaning against a rock, and asked someone for their donkey. Now she rode upon it. But she was worried... Not about the baby, but about the wounds on her back. Were they supposed to hurt this much? She ground her teeth and pressed her face against the neck of the donkey. The poor animal kept on walking, floppy ears swaying in the chilly breeze.


Their journey had been a rough one. They had stopped once, but the sick and injured were beginning to die off. Why, she didn't know. But the man who had a horrible cough had passed last night. Perhaps he could not travel?


Circe looked up again. The peak of Mount Olympus was within view, and she gazed up at the mountain over the hem of her cloak. Maybe... "... How are we going to go and get supplies?" she wondered out loud, her eyes dull. She couldn't sleep. She couldn't have eben a moment of her time withiut thinking.




Well, this sucked.


Not to mention that there was a ****ing ancient piece of censorkip.gif that revived whoever that passed... But they had to run for a second time. That was why Typhon sat, sunk down on his saddle. He didn't care what people said. This was his horse, and he had the right to ride it. The man had an angry look in his eye... One that said that he didn't care anymore. He was about to leave this stupid organization. Maybe become one of the Athenians' army.


Of course, he didn't mean it.


"Oy! Aella!" he yelled over the sound of the wind lashing against his ears. "Are we any closer than we were an hour ago?"


Suddenly, the cliff's edge crumbled under an assassin's foot. With a yell, the boy disappeared over the edge. Typhon watched as some assassins screamed prayers and ran to the edge, but only to retreat in sadness. The boy was dead. As everything was now...

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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"So many have died getting here though…." As if to prove her point, the younger assassin fell screaming onto the ground below. "What if the Gods are telling us to turn back? They couldn't be this cruel... could they?" There had to be a cave or something nearby so they could rest.


"I don't know!" Aella yelled back to Typhon. She didn't bat an eye when the apprentice fell, it was his own fault after all. "Tsch. Idiot." She'd deal with that later, because in the distance, she could almost make something out... A cave maybe? She couldn't quite tell.



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"I can't tell you the will of the Gods." Hermes said with rolled-back eyes and a slumped, leaning-back posture. The priests at Larissa sure like that phrase, and he hated it. He snapped back up when that boy fell off the cliff and sighed. "If I die here, do me a favor and get that shiny ankh thing. I don't want to decompose for that long." He said, jokingly, trying to lighten the slow and tragic mood.


((Off to do AP!))

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"I'll try, but I don't think they're going to just let me take it. Besides, I think that the Shades don't need it really, it's just a shiny trinket. They're undead after all. They just come back after a while." Calypso said, smiling a little at Hermes's joke. "It would be a lot simpler if the Gods just showed up and told us what they wanted. Although I still think that Aella would try and kill them..."


[in school still. dry.gif ]

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"Bah, she's just a crabby old lady." Hermes laughed. "I just think if she pulled the stick out of her rump, she'd be a lot happier. Look at Cyrus! Living proof that not all Spartans are dicks." He squinted out into the short distance and said, "I think we've got a cave coming up here shortly." He scratched, "I would love to get out of this cold for a bit." Maybe find a lonely assassin girl to share some body heat with? He could play the 'I almost died' card. Or the 'I rescued myself and another assassin from a dungeon while bleeding out' card. He had many cards in his hand now. "Coat Just isn't doing it for me anymore."


Cyrus was walking beside Circe on the way. Sophia was bundled up about as tight as she could be and was in his arms, asleep. He was on edge, tense. The apprentice falling over this cliff reinforced it. He felt the pull to protect Circe and Sophia, but on the sketchy mountain passes, he thought he could only save one if something happened. But he pushed those thoughts away. They weren't helping. He turned his head and asked, "How are you holding up, Circe?"

Edited by Dusset

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Circe was one of the people who had cried out in shock and horror as the apprentice fell to his death. She gazed at the narrow pass with wide, frightened eyes, and tightly pursed lips. She was very afraid, indeed. What if Thais or Sophia fell off? What if one of the women fell? She didn't care much for the men, except for Cyrus, because they had enough men and their utter jokes about "making the women make them something to eat" was extremely annoying. Luckily, Cyrus had never said no such thing, and that made her grow closer to him.


"I have to admit, I'm cold." Circe said to him. "But I'm hearing rumors of a cave up ahead. We can sleep there and eat again."


She ran her hand through the soft hair of the donkey, giggling as it huffed. "I've been thinking of names..." she told him, hoping he would get the reference to which she was talking about. "I can't wait to hold it in my arms."

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Cyrus was cold, too. It was hard to not be. He wasn't conditioned for it and he wasn't a fan. "Oh yeah?" He asked. "Have you come up with any favorites? I'm sorry, but I can't really be any help, I've never had to name someone." Sophia already had had a name. She'd been two, but she'd had a name. It was pretty much the only record he'd found in the house he'd rescued her from, which meant her birth parents hadn't been literate. Granted, it'd been burned, but there hadn't been much of any paper, let alone books or scrolls, there. He had made sure she was, and she was already reading. "Perhaps after a flower? Or maybe after a bird?" Birds were majestic creatures.

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"After a bird sounds great." Circe told the man, grinning at Sophia. She was sleeping soundly in her father's arms. "... How about Kestrel?"



OMG. This game.

I'm sorry to say, it bypassed AC. By an eyelash, but it bypassed it.]

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"We could maybe share a coat or something when we get to the cave... Or you can just have my coat, the cold doesn't bother me as much." Calypso offered, trying to be polite. Plus, she didn't like the idea of him warming up to some other girl. It formed a pit in her stomach.



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Cyrus smiled then, "That sounds like a lovely name. Works for either gender, as well, though I imagine it would fit a girl just a bit better." He said. He didn't care much about birds or their species, but he knew how Kestrels looked, and they were majestic birds. "Brave birds, they are. They can wait in the sky before striking. Perfect name for an assassin."


She wanted to share a coat with him? "Uhm... Thanks. You don't have to give your's up. But I'd love to share one." censorkip.gif! He sounded forward. Or did he? Or was she just being kind? Or was he over thinking this? Objectively, it made sense to share body heat. It was cold, that was a solution. But it normally indicated some form of bond. Strangers didn't do it. She was his master now... But... Oh, looking at it this was wasn't helping much either. He just kept his trap shut after he thanked her.


((Was unsure how to lengthen either of those by much.))

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