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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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Ambra quaked at the altar. She was terrified. So very, very terrified. The woman prayed to other people that she had wished that she had known. She prayed for help from Altair and Ezio, who were sure to be gazing down at her from heaven. The amber haired woman listened to what Alan said. He said that he knew Casio, Scipio, Aelia, Aero. That sent even more fear catapulting through her veins. How did he know?! A Templar... "God," she whispered out loud. "... What does my poster say?" she whispered louder so he could hear. "Does it say like very assassin? Does it say that I have participated in treason and treachery toward Rome and the Pope? That I have killed innocents and slaughtered the people of Rome?" she felt tears in her eyes and she held them back. She continued to remain in her kneeling position, back toward Alan. "... ... Are you going to arrest me...?" she whispred, eyes closed. "... Are you going to hand me over to your higher ups and have me hanged in the town square?" she finally turned to face him, and her eyes were hard. They were very different from what condition they were in before. "Are you going to watch me as they tie a noose around my neck, as they open the platform from under my feet and watch as my neck snaps?" she asked. "I... Am an assassin... That is true... And that is me on that poster. What are you going to do now? Are you going to spill my blood on this altar?


[ill post as Casio when Aelia yells at him. xd.png]

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Cullen finished the bottle. Finding an alley he rolled it down it's length. He could complain about a lot if things. But Roman wine was amazing. Buzzed, he walked through the streets. Wasn't Casio going to show him more of the city? No matter, he'd learn by exploration. Eventually he'd need to find a tailor, maybe even dye his robes. But for now he just walked through the streets. His stomach growled and he held it with a hand. Ugh. What went well with wine? Bread would do. But to his astonishment he didn't see a vendor on this street. He went down another alley and took two steps up a wall. Kick. Grab. He pulled himself onto the roof and had to climb another wall. He agonized over doing so. He was better between buildings. When he didn't have to use his hands. He drew his bow, not to shoot, but because he could single out targets better if he was aiming at them. Drawing the string without drawing an arrow he searched the streets. Without putting his weapon down he sprinted across the roof and took a step up the wall, he swung his body over the edge and rolled into a crouch. Now three-stories up he could see for awhile. Putting his bow away, he saw a bread cart.


He hit the deck and dodged an arrow that whizzed by his head. OK. He looked up to see a Templar guard with a crossbow. He was reloading and fired another. Cullen rolled and bounced up. He ejected his hook blade and latched to a clothesline with nothing on it. Flying down it he rolled onto the roof the guard stood. The Templar thought it a good idea to draw his sword. Cullen whipped his out but his stance was open and lazy. He needed to distract the man. No bombs, but he had an advantage. Suddenly Cullen lunged, but halfway into it he spun around and stabbed the man with an arrow. He fell, injured. Cullen made sure the guard couldn't draw another crossbow and broke his fingers. There was no need to kill the man. He was earninghis modest living, and his fingers would heal. Quickly, before anything could happen, he dove off into the street. He landed into a hay cart and laid at the bottom, riding it to the approximate location of the vendor.

Edited by Dusset

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Alan grinned down at the young woman. "No. I came here to do what most people come here to do. I came here to pray. But I also think it's fair to give you a warning, girl. I am telling you now that I protect your little Creed. It is how I know so much about it. But I don't protect you." With that, he bowed and kneeled on the ground. He would be humble before the Saints and before God. So Alan made a cross like many before him and began to pray in silence. He prayed for forgiveness in his actions. He prayed for a swift death. He prayed for those he had seen and those he knew. He even prayed for those he hated. If anything, Alan was modest before God. If anything, he was just a humble sailor.


Aelia saw the cart and locked onto it. Her focus was undivided and her eyes were hard with concentration. Approaching, she took an apple in plain sight. But the cart owner knew better. He knew better than to alarm the mistress of night. He knew better than to let a muscle on her face twitch with anger. He saw what she had done to the last man who questioned her. She had sent more people to take everything the man had and leave him without clothes and tied to a wooden pole. So she smiled briefly and turned to him. "Thank you," she muttered. Well, as long as he kept her content, he could go without an apple. But she paid him, next! She gave him the price of the measly fruit! What had gotten into her mind, he didn't know. Neither did Aelia. But she knew very well how to twist people. Just as the Templars had twisted them in fear, she did. Because they knew that she could kill Templars with ease. They knew that she brought good things and protection if pleased. Most of all, she left the citizens alone if she hadn't reason to do otherwise.

As she left the man with a smile on his face, she saw figures not too far ahead. She saw the bruised blond figure, another blond female, and a shadowy figure. Three figures together. Not good. Never good. Never. Approaching silently, she poked the shadowy figure on the shoulder. Aelia recognized Kristi and Casio, but the one she had touched was a stranger. Her ego took a little hit, but she didn't dare let it show. "Leave." Her single word was riddle and shaking with anger, but she held out a canvas bag of currency. If the woman would leave for free, she would certainly leave for pay.

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The man's grin made Ambra shiver. This was scary. How she wished that Scipio was here. How she wished that anyone was here. She had no weapons and no way to defend herself. But she would surely provide a fight for Alan. But then he said that one word. No. Ambra had just realized that she had her eyes shut. Opening them again, she looked at Alan. He said that he protected the Creed. What? How could a Templar protect the Creed? Ambra just stared at the Britishman before she actually spoke. "How can you defend the Creed? You are a Templar, I am an assassin. We are sworn enemies- you should kill me, and I should kill you." the man was spooking her out, making her confused. Ambra was not one for seeing something out of the norm. When she did, she was highly confused, and she wouldn't be able to get used to it. "... What is your name, Templar? And how do you know about our Creed?" she questioned, blinking at the man. Her hair flowed like streams over her shoulders and neck, and she was surprised that no one knew that a red haired woman was an assassin. There was only two red haired people in Roma; Ambra and Cullen. At least, that was what she guessed. In her deep blue eyes she held curiousity. Fear. She wanted to know how Alan knew about the Creed of Rome so much.


Casio was getting lost in the lips of the woman he held against the wall. The woman pulled him closer still, making him chuckle under his breath. Ah, this was a wonderful day~ surely it made up for last night! The woman's fingers in his hair, her sweet, sweet lips on hers... All of a sudden, a voice sounded, and Casio immediately looked up out of instinct. There was Kristi, saying that it was hard to find him and that she wanted to ask him a few questions. The woman in front of him looked quite annoyed at being taken away from her... Source of attention, but Casio was in no hurry to go back to smooching the lovely maiden. "Ah. Sure. I will be happy to answer any of your questions." he said with a smile. But then something horrible happened. Aelia arrives and gave the woman a canvas bag full of money, and demanded her to leave. Casio knew that he was on big, big trouble. He couldn't just run away from this. Madonna tipped her head and took the money, and scurried away. Casio gulped. "Ah, I will answer your questions... That is, if I am still alive in the next few minutes."

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Alan looked up from his unfinished prayers ans into the woman's eyes. "I am a traitor, assassin. You can call me Templar." And he returned to his worship. She didn't need to know him. He only needed to know her. He needed to hear her voice and see her face. It was amazing the likeness of it to the poster and he smiled to himself in his silence. It was something God had given him. He was good with his hands and always would be. He would always be a sailor with a bad taste in women and in people. But that was okay. He liked being alone. He liked the silence. He liked the waves beating against the bow of his empty sailboats. He liked the jingle of coins in his pockets after the sale of a particularly amazing boat. He liked his simple life. He wished it had stayed that way, but it could not. No one was looking for his boats anymore. Only the finest and snootiest craftsman were hired.


Aelia growled slightly as the woman left. What an idiot Casio was! He could not afford a woman for pleasure in the desperate times they were going through! He could not even afford his drinking fix! Besides, there were plenty of female assassins if he could not help himself. But maybe he liked the easy ones. The ones he could afford to kill if he had to. But she was still hurting inside. She was still gushing crimson and scarlet shades of pain. She clenched her fists in an attempt to calm herself. No. There was no calm before her storm. She was about to create a full-on disaster. She was going to yell and scream like an unset and undisciplined child until her voice gave out of his ears bled. She decided, to avoid trouble, to pull the family card again. But she would be his sister. She would be a disappointed sister. They shared no likeness, but it didn't matter. She didn't want to have to pretend she had feelings for him again. It would hurt her too much. It would make her crumble into pebbles. "Semper fidelis? Semper? Tu es videtur, non fideles!"


(Translation: Always faithful? Always? You are apparently not faithful!)

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Lucia stretched and rubbed her face. Casio would be mad if she left, but she really needed casual clothes. The cloak was heavy, especially when she was just going to be lounging around. Moving to the front of the lobby, Lucia checked to see if Casio or anyone was there to rat her out. Lucia also checked her pouch. Just enough for a simple dress, if she augmented it with some florins from people wouldn't miss it one bit. Or maybe she would cut her hair and get pants and simple shirt, dresses were expensive, and kind of useless. Once she was positive that she was in clear as she poked her head outside. Moving quickly through the people and snatching purses as she went, Lucia was clear of the area outside of the HQ in a matter of a few minutes. Moving over to the market, Lucia made sure to avoid the little area where she spotted the others. Moving into a small shop where the tailor almost exploded in joy. Moving her over to the dress rack, Lucia was shown various styles of fluffy, lacy, and corset torture devices. Shying away from the man, Lucia said, "I'm shopping for my brother. I just need some brown wool fabric and some wool material for the shirt."

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"Templar." Ambra narrowed her eyes and stared at the side of Alan's face. H was clearly Britannic, with his blondish hair and his light skin. Yet, she did not trust him. Not one hair on the fabric of his chain link. Not one hair on his head. He was a Templar, and she was sure that if she let her guard down he would kill her. And she did not want that. She wanted to live and fly, not get shot down by a Templar. "Then you will call me Assasssin. Nothing else, got it?" her voice was sharp, and her fiery side was coming through. She preferred to stay cool and collected. But when she had to, she would be as fiery as a flame in the night. "I hope you are telling me the truth. How can I trust you if you are a traitor to your own kind?" she questioned. Of course, that was a good question. A traitor couldn't be trusted. A traitor wasn't worth the dog censorkip.gif on the sides of the street. "I swear, if you hurt one hair on any of our heads... I'll make sure that you won't have a head any longer." she did not mean to make a death threat. She wouldn't fufill it. And she was in church. Who did she think she was? She silently prayed, guilty. One could not bring words of violence into the house of God. "So, they're after me too? I have not done anything wrong. I simply abide by the Creed, that's it." she became silent again.


Casio quirked an eyebrow at Aelia. The woman seemed very flustered and angry. What the hell..? She was saying that he was unfaithful. What had he done? Was she talking about two nights ago? Well, that was not a thing of faithfulness. She herself had said that it was over when she left. So he had the right to go around with any woman that he wanted. He was not in a relationship with Aelia. Not did it seem that they would ever be. "Relax, Aelia." he raised his hands to try and calm her down. His eyes shone with concern. She never let him out with any woman! And when he dare lay a hand on a woman who was an assassin like him... He would get a tongue lashing. It wasn't fair! She wasn't giving him enough room! Scowling, something rare for Casio to do, he lowered his hands and spoke once more. "You know, you should really relax. Calm down. You know?" he said. There was an aggressive stance to his form. He was still sour about last night. If Aelia wanted to fight, he would freak out and fight as well. At least he had his sword on him. If she tried anything with her blades he would not give her a chance to pierce his skin. Not one. Only he could cut himself. Which he definitely didn't do. "Just leave me alone."


Tano let out a breath of air as he slipped off his helmet. His medium length choppy black hair was wet due to sweating for so long. The day was humid and sweaty and uncomfortable. Tano scowled as he rubbed the stubble on his chin and cheeks, and grumbled when sweat poured down his face and into his eyes. The bowl that was in front of him was his brunch; a steaming hot bowl of watery soup that the Templars handed to their men. He preferred to eat it outside rather than the cramped dining hall next to their barracks. Tano raised the bowl to his lips and he sipped at it. It was nice, but he would like if it was a bit more meaty... He wiped the soup from his chin and continued to feed. Soon, he was done eating the soup, and he tipped his head all the way back as he lapped at the small stream that remained from the watery soup. Ah, that was tasty. Sniffing, he sat there, watching as people passed by and watched the people pass by. He felt old. He was going to turn forty soon, and he had no seed to continue his legacy. Oh well.

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Alan did not want to continue his conversation with Ambra. Why was she so questioning? Scipio? The other assassins? Well, they all seemed a bit edgy around him. They did not understand his reasons for being a Templar. He just needed the money. Once he saved enough, he would blow Roma and return to England. He would return to his little port city and keep making boats to sail around his stretch of sea. He dreamed of finding land to live on alone. He dreamed of finding his own place to live and just...living. He didn't want to have to have money. He didn't want to have to kill to survive. He didn't like his life. He hated it, in fact. He hated Otto and the other Templars. He hated the rounds they had to make and the armor they had to wear. He hated the weapons they had to carry and the extents they had to go to. He hated the way they all had to act. Like they were important and aristocratic. But they all just wanted the money. Did any of them like killing? Probably not. He doubted even Tano liked it. "I wouldn't hurt anyone. I just want to make boats." As he spoke he rose and patted the woman on his head. "I just want to make boats," he repeated as he left and made his way back home.


Aelia was mad. She wasn't sure of anything except for that fact. She wasn't sure if her feet were in the ground or if she was sinking into a pit of lies. She wasn't sure if the sky was fixed or falling upon her shoulders. She wasn't sure why she cared. She wasn't sure why she even bothered. She wasn't sure why she had bothered to lumber out of bed that morning. She wasn't sure of why she was so eager to leave Casio two nights previous. She wasn't sure why her brother had left her or why she still cared. She wasn't sure why she tried so hard. Who was she trying to impress? She had already reached the top. There was nowhere to go but down. There was nothing to achieve but death. She had done everything she had wanted to do. But was it really ever for herself? Or was it for others? Had she ever done something that she wanted to do, even if others were against it? She couldn't say for certain, for she wasn't sure of her own intentions, either. "Do you want a rematch?"

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Cullen rose to the top of the hay cart. He startled the driver when he offered a Irish pound for using his cart. The man of course accepted and continued driving. Cullen feasted on hot bread he had just stolen. Mmm. Went well with his earlier chosen breakfast. As they drove about the city he took in the sights. Rome was truly beautiful. Up ahead he noticed a tailor shop. Finally, he thought he'd never find one. He thanked the driver and hopped out. When he reached the storefront he was greeted by an elderly man. After dispensing with greetings the old man showed Cullen some of the more popular garments. Looking in his pouch he figured he could swing some of the higher-end clothing. But absolutely not the things displayed on mannequins. It looked restricting. He chose his clothes and pad the man. Black pants, white shirt and a brown vest. Wait! He turned around and spoke with the man about expanding the slots on his throwing knife belt. To his pleasant surprise there were similar pouches to the ones already on the belt. Paying for this as well, he rigged it next to the others. He was content with his purchase and left. As he looked back into his pouch he frowned. That was a considerable fee. At least everything was well made.

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Ambra felt the pat on her head, and as Alan walked away, she began to quake. And quake. And shiver, and shiver. She collapsed onto her knees again, sobbing wildly. They had her face everywhere around town. People afraid of her. Looking for her, for money. She didn't want to be in the gallows. She wanted to live, to live, to live. To breathe in the soft winds of spring and the sharp burn of winter. She stopped her crying and staggered to her feet, whimpering as she wiped at her eyes. She toppled onto the streets, crying out as she skinned her knees. A good samiaritan walked over and offered her a hand to stand up, but she buried her face from his gaze. She staggered back to her feet and darted off, feeling the blood pool from under her clothes. Oh, it stung badly. But she felt worse before. She slipped into an alleyway and came to a dead end. Ambra sighed shakily and turned and walked back into the open. Ambra decided that it was better if she just stayed calm. But she couldn't. A Templar had touched her. A Templar had showed her a picture of her on a poster. A Templar had spared her. Ambra suddenly felt faint. Knowing that if she was going to topple over, she had to get to cover. Staggering to a shadowy overhang, Ambra sat against the wall, and passed out. Her heart couldn't stand the fear that had just been shot into her. And so she had her head tipped against the wall, the shadow of her hood covering her face. God, what a day. No master or apprentice would believe what had just happened.


The last words that she uttered. Did he want a rematch? Casio's fingers trailed to his side and curled around the hilt of his sword. "Of course, mi amor. Sword fight?" his eyes went to her middle to see if she had brought her sword with her. This time, he didn't really mind if he spilt blood. Blood. What a wonderful color. The color the sky turned when the sun set. Colored with hues of purple and blue and all of that. His eyes flashed a burning challenge. Not to mention that Kristi was there, watching them. Impressing another babe! That was what he was good at. Not to mention that he would impress Aelia as well. Her brown hair and her brown eyes... It poked out of her hood, and shone in her sun. It was a caramel color in the early morning. Her face, the color of a sandy beach. She was pretty. Beautiful even. But Casio was not known for staying with a woman for long. He was not known for staying as his woman gave birth next to him, holding his hand in a vicegrip. But... He had come across a birthing once. Or rather, after a birthing. Casio had been walking down the street and heard a cry of distress. Instantly he had walked over to the sound and peered through the window. It was a woman and a man, and a few women as well. The woman was holding a small child, who wailed and cried in her hands. The woman looked exhausted and sweaty. The man next to her smiled, his chest puffed out with pride. Casio frowned at the memory. It had caused a sore, sore pain in his chest that ruined his day. He wasn't sure if it was jealousy or want. "Come on, Aelia," he smirked. He pulled the sword from the hilt and pointed it at her. "You first?"

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Aelia grinned and drew her own sword. It was short and sharp, but very well balanced for her strike. "Dilectione mea ... cur tu tam confidentes?" She mimicked what he called her with such ease that it surprised her. How she had never used the coupling of words. My love... Was it possible to love without pain? Was it? Perhaps. If it was, though, love was making that feeling evade her so skillfully. It was watching her suffer and grope for a handhold. But she was falling into a pit of darkness. A pit that swallowed her up in all entirety and burped at its meal. How it loved the taste of live lovers. But only ignorant ones. Ones who could deny their own feelings forever and ever. They could dance with flames until they burned in Hell. When she heard that she could go first she smiled and started the circle. The spinning circle. The motion of two enemies or rivals circling each other until one moved. After she was confident with the effect of the gesture, the woman lunged at Casio's midsection with her sword. When fully extended, she made and spinning motion in an attempt to give him a shallow cut on his side. In that very same process, she also receded to protect herself from any of his blows. That all took place in a matter of seconds, though, and Aelia wasn't fully aware of her surroundings in that second.


(Translation: My love...why are you so confident?)

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Head slightly tipped to the side, Casio followed the spinning circle. That was one of the favorite parts of battle. When they sized each other up. Casio watched Aelia closely. Her sword glinting in the pale sun. Her legs; her legs were strong and dangerous, he remembered from last night. Aching in a distinct place, he noted her lunge for his midsection, and he quickly got out of the way. But the slice to his side almost pierced his skin, but ripped a hole in his cloth. Growling, Casio whirled around and sent a few quick blows to the woman's side. Now that he wasn't drunk, he was deadly accurate and deadly fierce. But he wasn't sending the sword's blows on Aelia with all of his force. That would be cruel. They didn't hate each other like Templars hated assassins and so forth. They hated each other's guys. They hated how they smiled right in their face. They hated when they defied them. But Casio felt great. He had an aggressive stance, his eyes quickly darting over her body to sense for the lightest twitch of a muscle. And then, he forced his mind to enter an intense form of concentration. His pupils dilated and his heart beat faster, he could hear it roaring in his ears. What would Aelia do? He wouldn't let her do anything. He feinted to his right, and to his left, and then back again. This time, he aimed for a nick on her shoulder.


[Anyone can interact with Ambra.]

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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(Another perfect song for this RP: Resistance - Muse)


Aelia waited for the blow and smiled when she angered Casio. At least she hadn't missed. When he aimed for blows on her side, she sidestepped, grinning like an idiot. Why was she so happy he had missed? Was she scared of him? No. That wasn't possible. She wasn't afraid of anything. Not even death daunted her. She had a mind of steel. But Casio had penetrated it. He had cut through her mind's armor and made her fear. What was it she was fearing, though? She wasn't afraid he would kill her. Death was something she embraced. She danced with it every night in her dreams. She dreamed that her parents were coming to get her and death smiled down on all of them. She looked at death as something to reunite her with them. Sometimes she wished it would come for her. As she thought of that, she didn't notice Casio's second attack. Blood stained her skin and dress as a cut opened in her shoulder. Nothing awful, but it still hurt a bit. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she backed away from the tip of Casio's sword and jumped back, landing on a bread cart. The man running it was surprised and scared, she he ran and abandoned it. She backed away even more. The more distance was between them, the safer she was. The woman was more of a defender than a fighter. Her weariness was too great for her to always put in attacks. Besides, it was more fun to let opponents tired themselves out.

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Kristi watched Casio and Aelia talk and then in what seemed like the blink of an eye they were fighting. "That escalated quickly." She said to herself. She reached onto her belt and grabbed two heavy weight slightly blunt throwing knives. She waited for them to try and attack each other before she threw them at their sleeves trying to throw off their attacks and get their attention. "Stop fighting!" She said loudly. "You two have a responsibility to the guild and its members but you can't act on that responsibility if you're always worrying about each other and fighting all the time. With all do respect I have questions for Master Casio but I can't ask them if you're going to fight like this!" She said angrily.


((Short post, on a phone))

Edited by Danniphantom

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[Danni, if you want, Aero can interact with Ambra on his way to the church?]


Casio smirked at the sight of blood on Aelia's lovely, soft skin. The skin that he kissed with tenderness what seemed like years ago. The skin that he had loved to touch. It was hard to believe that he was making it bleed now. That he was causing her pain. He watched as Aelia leapt back onto a bread cart, and he followed closely. His eyes were still horribly focused, concentrating on very little thing she did. As she backed away more, it was his turn to leap onto the bread cart. It squealed and groaned under their weight, and it swayed back and forth on its wheels. "Are you afraid, mi amor?" he taunted. The wind blew, making the cart roll forward slightly. It was because of them that it didn't roll all the way. Dully, he heard the sound of Kristi, saying that he couldn't answer her questions if he was fighting. Challenge accepted. "Why don't you try?" he called back toward her. "I bet you five florins that I will be able to answer your questions if you keep up with me." he glanced back for a moment, keeping one eye on Aelia. In an instant he turned back toward Aelia, and tipped his head further. "C'mon, Aelia!" he challenge loudly. He had a boastful sound to his voice. His pupils were still dilated and his eyes focused on everything she did. "Why can't you hit me?" he laughed as he swung the sword toward her again.

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Aelia kept backing away from the man. She decided that she wasn't fearful. She wasn't afraid of him. She was cautious. She was weary. She was incredulous. Jumping back down onto the ground, she held her sword out in front of her while extending the Hidden Blade that was attached to her other arm. Her cloak hid it, though, so she doubted Casio would be able to see it. "You saw how I beat you last night, dilectione mea. You know how I am a much better lover than any woman you could ever pay two nights ago. You know I can't be replaced by any paid woman on the streets. You know that I am better than you are. I am just saving you from a world of pain, carus." So she kept backing away and holding out her sword. Out of the corners of her eyes, she saw mothers wrapping their arms around their children. To them, she said, "Non faciam vobis nocebit. Exercitamur, ut custodiant nosmetipsos acumen."



dilectione mea - my love

carus - dear

non faciam vobis nocebit. Exercitamur, ut custodiant nosmetipsos acumen. - I will not hurt you. We practice to keep ourselves sharp.)

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"Better than I?" Casio watched as Aelia fluidly leapt onto the ground, backing away with her sword outstretched. He glanced at the women in the streets hugging their children, and frowned for an instant. What Aelia said was true. They were only training. They were only practicing. And they wanted to let steam out at one another. He relaxed from his position and sighed. How was Aelia better than him? He blazed up the ranks like fire in a forest. Aelia had gotten to the rank of master a bit before him, but Casio's focus on missions was incredible. Casio didn't know what she was going to do. So he prowled towards her and smiled his normal, cocky smile. "Why do you not wish to hurt me?" he asked. "I am pretty sure that you want to see me bleeding, at your feet, bowing to you in surrender. You want me to hurt, love." he stood in front of her now, leading her towards one of the stone walls, and hoping that she would not realize his tactic. If he could corner her there... She would have no room to fight. "Maybe you should show me how much you want to hurt me?" he asked. "You know, they say that with each heartbeat, you lose blood. You watch it spill around you. You watch it splurt from your body. Like that wound on your shoulder. It will clog and stop bleeding, but so far it doesn't stop bleeding. Don't you want to make me bleed as well? Or are you chicken?" he smiled at the taunt. "I though that the Catos were much more better than this."

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Aelia was playing it cool. Her face held almost no emotion. She only smiled occasionally. She only backed away. She almost didn't notice the wall behind her. When she finally did, she tried to go sideways and evade the man, but he was already too close for her to get away with it. Hearing his remark about the Cato family, she burst into rage. "You do not insult my family, you stupid mushroom!" With that she aimed a rage-filled punch at his face and used the arm with the hidden blade attached to try and stab him in the shoulder. He wouldn't get away with such a remark. No one would. "Tu es spumae quod vivit mendacium! Scitis quia tu es miser filius de censorkip.gifferreo canis exprimamus!"


(Translation: You are scum that lives on lies! You know that you are a wretched son of a censorkip.gif!)

Edited by Mousia

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Casio smirked when Aelia bumped against the wall. Ah, that was what he wanted. He wanted her to be cornered. Helpless. But then, all of a sudden... Aelia snapped. She smacked her fist into his face and made him cry out, backing off slightly. But what he noticed then, was that there was a deep, deep pain in his shoulder. It felt like someone was stabbing... Stabbing him. He felt blood pool out of the wound, and Aelia would not get her hand out of the wound for him to nurse it. Groaning loudly in pain, he grabbed her hand and aimed to slide her hidden blade out of his wound. He couldn't. The pain was too much. So with a growl, he brought up his knee for her to get hit and let go. The pain was horrible, horrible. He didn't know how deep the blade had gone, and he swore to god that if she used poison... He waited for the liquid, if t was there, to take his life, but nothing happened. "Aelia!" he hoarsed out. If she didn't let go, he would be forced to attempt a harsh blow on her. He had accidentally offended her when it was a challenge, but she usually didn't go after him with a knife to his shoulder. His Eagle Vison faded, and he was left squrming, trying to get out of the blade. Oh God, he would have to patch that up. The crowd was screaming now, swarming for cover. Some called for guards. That concerned him. "A-Aelia! Let me go!" he cried out, raising a hand to strike her across the face, that is, if she let him.

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Cullen returned to the rooftops. He bounded from one to the other, paying attention to where guards were. He stumbled on one edge but caught himself with his hook blade. After pulling himself up he chose to sit on the edge. Just take in the view. He had to stop this when a guard squad wandered through the street. He didn't mind getting up and running. The wind running through his hair, only hindered by the clothes he carried with him. He bounded and rolled. He even caught a few zip lines. But then crossing one particular gap he noticed an amber coloring on the ground. It reflected as the sun hit it just right. What was that? Catching the roof edge with his hook blade he fell the rest of the way, landing in a crouch. Upon closer inspection it was a figure. He cautiously walked over. It was her hair that had reflected.


He got closer and flipped the figure over.

"Ambra?" He said louder trying to awaken the unconscious assassin. Her knees were bleeding. But no other wounds. What happened?

Edited by Dusset

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Aelia smiled when her fist hit flesh and wider as her other attack hit, too. It quickly faded, though. What was she doing? Why was she stabbing him? Why did she care what he thought? But she had stabbed him nonetheless. Swiftly retracting her blade, she though for an instant. "Casio..." Her voice was rich with worry and fear. Oh! He was bleeding! No! He could not be! But he was. He was bleeding from a wound that she had inflicted. After more thought, she grabbed her cloak and pressed it against his shoulder. "Can you move it?" Aelia was horrified. She had become a war machine. A machine that retaliated too much. A machine that hurt its human friends. She had fallen very ill. She had become sick with the virus of war. she had been rash. She had been stupid. She had been impersonal.

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Ambra woke up, eyes dull, and looked up at the man that had been standing over her. The man had hair as red as hers, and eyes as bright as suns. Growning, she looked away from the light, having a headache. "Cullen," she murmured, eyes closing again. Ugh, she felt horrible, so horrible. She felt lightheaded and fatigued. She struggled to her feet, but fell into the arms of her comrade. Why was she feeling so... Sick? It had been because she passed out. And the fabrics around her knees was tight and sticky. "Cullen..." she whispered, putting her head on his shoulder. His Celtic scent was rich in her nose. She wanted to go home. Wanted to go back to the HQ. Wanted to be in her bed and eat something... Like an apple with bread. "A... Templar," she breathed in his ear, "He... Knows who I am... He knows who everyone is... He... Frightened me..." although Alan had said that he did not want to injure anyone, she did not trust him. Who could of told him such things? Was there a traitor in their midst? Someone who had spilled the beans..? "Can.. You take me back home? Please... I feel cold..." she said, clutching at his fabric of the cloak. Cullen was the only male around her to provide comfort. She needed that right now.


Casio hissed when the blade retracted and a cloth was pressed against his wound. He was bleeding heavily, but he didn't mind. He had suffered greater wounds. What matter was that Aelia was right where he wanted her. Off guard, not worried, not wary. Growling, he raised his sword and smacked hers, or at least tried to with the pain he was going through, out of her hand. He wasn't sure if he heard the clatter of a sword, but he smiled wearily under the pain. At least she was unguarded. "I win, mi amor." he brought his face a breath apart from hers, their noses rubbing together at the very tips. He felt her warm breath on his, and he wasn't sure if he had been feeling right. But... Aelia was wonderful. But he was not one to stay with a lady. Grumbling under his breath, he pressed his hand over hers, which was still on the cloth, as if applying more pressure to the wound. "I am... Alright..." he grunted, squeezing his eyes shut as he took the pain. He had been more hurt before. So why was this wound hurting most? "... You are... Ngh... Feisty, aren't you? Haaah, I did not expect that wound. H-Haaaaaaahhh..." he scowled under his breath, and clutched at her hand. Maybe because it had dug so deep that it hurt the most.

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Aelia's eyes were trained on the wound. The blood soaking through the dark brown fabric of her cape. Her hand was getting all bloody as well. She watched his crimson run down her arm and drip over her clothes. It didn't matter. She caused it. She inflicted the wound. She would fix it. She would fix it until her actions were almost erased. But then she felt the sword clatter out of her hands. The woman let it fall, though. She let the blade make a loud noise as it landed on the stone below them. He did win, she guessed. He won. He twisted her intentions. He made her do as he wanted. He pushed her into a corner like an expert dancer could lead his ravishing partner in a courting dance. Just like an expert liar could formulate a story of ages to fool even the most prudent of men. "Maybe because we danced together for a moment, carus. For a moment, we fooled each other and the game was no longer a game. For a moment, we were one. And, mi carus, you cannot break a moment of passion."

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Casio grunted as he held the pain. The woman was speaking again, saying that they were one for a moment. Yes, he had felt that. They moved as one, they thought as one. And that was what happened. Aelia and Casio, moving as one; ha! It was hard to believe. She was the water, he was the fire. She the darkness, he the light. She the thunder, and he the lightning. Doomed to forever clash against one another, doomed to ravage themselves up into bits. But they were also together; the calm before the storm, the wind that rustles through the trees, the moon and stars. Casio chuckled softly, staring at her smooth cheek... Her smooth neck... He bent down close to her, softly leaning in to smell her. She smelt of flowers in springtime. Of a field of clover flowers. Taking her cheek in his hand, he pulled her in for a kiss. It was not a normal Casio kiss, but a deep, soft one. It lasted only for a moment before thunder rumbled in the distance, and Casio pulled away, flustered. What the hell was he doing-?! Wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve, he glanced up in alarm. "We must go." he demanded sourly, bitterly. With that, he turned away and gruffly spoke, calling out to Kristi. "Assassina! Come, we must get back to the HQ. You can ask me questions there." with that, he clutched at his wound, and cursed under his breath as he staggered down the street. Ugh.

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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(Well he certainly broke it off, eh?)


Aelia was startled by his lack of words. Nothing to say? No snarky reply? Nothing at all? Really? But she let him handle her again. She had already lost. There was nothing left of her ego to deflate. She had been used again. She had been discarded again. But the kiss surprised her. She let it take over her mind until after her was gone. She was left standing there. She was just standing on the ground with her sword at her feet and blood all over her hands. She just stared on and on. She was simply petrified. She felt her body slip into an odd sort of numbness. She was with her hand out where she had left it and her mouth gaping. What had just happened? What had she just let happen to her? Why? How? Who? Where was she? It was all a blur. Her mind was racing too fast for her eyes to work. So, after Casio and Kristi were gone and the thunder had rumbled a second time, rain came down on her. But she didn't care. She simply lowered her arm, closed her mouth, picked up her sword and let the rain wash her. She let it cleanse the dirt and blood off of her body.


Scipio wandered the streets without aim. He didn't care where in the world he ended up as long as there was someone to steal from and a way back home. Seeing no one of interest, he sighed loudly. How could no rich people be out? Was it annual 'no rich person' day? As he made his way back towards the HQ, he decided to take a shortcut. Well, it wasn't really a shortcut, but it was away from the main streets. He could not afford to be seen by too many people. He had done enough. But then he saw something curious. The two Celtics! Ambra in Cullen's arms! Oh no. He was fully sober and knew what he was seeing was reality. Approaching fast, his face was flushed red with anger. "Have I missed too much?"

Edited by Mousia

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