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It jumped out of its shell, and ran away


How can I see released dragons?

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Talk to a realtor if you want to re-lease a dragon after the paperwork expires.


Where did this tombstone sprite come from?

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Oh, that's nothing, it's just a special type of zombie. Don't worry about it.



Why am I getting a message at the top of my scroll that an egg is sick?

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Ignore that. It was a part of April Fools long time ago. The warning still comes up sometimes.


I attempted to name my dragon "Hi", but it says ink disappeared. Why?

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The disappearing ink is a failsafe to prevent your dragons from receiving unoriginal names.


Why can't drakes breed normally?

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They don't have eggs, they have to be bred from dinosaurs.


Where can I get a custom dragon?

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You take genes from two dragons, and put the two genes into the rare blank egg, which will create a new dragon.


What is the legendary trio?

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Articuno. Zapdos and Moltres, of course!


How come you can't incubate hatchlings?

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Incubation involves placing an object underneath a red dragon to be heated. The process is often quick and scorching, meaning hatchlings which have no protective shell have an unfortunate chance to be denatured, especially amongst breeds such as Pillow dragons (which would catch fire) and Ice dragons (which would melt.)


Why can't I abandon my Leetle Tree?

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If you were to abandon a lettle tree, it would give off seeds. When those seeds grow to leetle trees, they would spread tons of lettle pollen. It would make the dragons sneeze, and they would sneeze on you.


What are alts?

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Alts are dragons that are tweaked by nature, they're not valuable at all.



How do you breed vampire dragons?

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Attract them to one another with lots and lots of glitter~


What is a GoN?

Edited by Denwayasha

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A Guardian of Nature is a common dragon, usually found in the abandoned cave.


What biome are Soulpeace dragons found in?

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The secret ocean biome. You can also find shallow water dragons there


What are tinsels?

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Tinsels naturally grow on the ultra-rare and legendary Tinsel Tree, found deep in the Forest, and (usually) every year, plops out several shiny, egg-shaped Tinsel seeds which are gifted out in a raffle, deemed extremely valuable by egg-collectors. Be warned, however, as how they now grow as dragons due to a mana imbalance, they will stop at nothing to eat all your sweet pasties and baked goods!


How common are wild vampires?

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Someone got mad at you and decided to kill one of your eggs.



How do you incubate a hatchling?




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Just take your hands and move them slowly over the egg, while chanting the gender of your choice and closing your eyes.



What do red dragons do?

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Red dragons like to do a lot of things, such as going out on nice, sunny walks with their owners or burning down entire forests. They can be taught how to do tricks (involving fire), learn another culture (involving fire) or just sit dormantly for the rest of their lives in a cave incubating eggs all day.




Holiday dragons are usually confined to their own type of holiday but can be found in the elusive Holiday biome all year round. Now with this information, all you need to do is just need to find it..


Where do GoNs come from?

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Dragons are a type of treat. They taste like meat, ice cream, and sugar. But for some reason it's really popular


What is the AP?

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