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It refers to a cheese dragon when it is bitten by a vampire. Instead of another vampire you get a sponge.


Why do my Gemstone dragons keep breeding different colored hatchlings?

Because your other Gemstone...is NOT the father! biggrin.gif

(Every other dragon on that scroll flies into a fit of unbridled rage)


"My Black Dragon doesn't have a yellow belly like everyone else's. What do?"

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place to find your eggs.


Why isn't my egg hatching?

Sometimes eggs need a little, um, "help". Try dropping it on the ground, that always works!


My dragon's growing up, but I don't want it to become an adult! How do I stop it?

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Hit it over the head 10 times to knock it out. If that fails then just release the hatchling to the AP to keep it from ever growing up. xd.png


How do I get CB gold eggs? D:

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Have your Gold dragons breed in a cave. Caveborn, see?


I breed my two Thalassa's but they gave me a totally different egg! How did that happen?

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Because one of them is actually in the VBI (Valkemare Bureau of Investigation) Witness Protection program and isn't really a Thalassa. What they were before is being kept at the highest level of confidentiality.


How come some players have moving pictures as their avatar?

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Someone hacked the images and turned them into moving animations.


Why can't I have a pink easter basket?

Edited by wtf

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Oh silly! You forgot to paint it pink! Just make a donation to the site and you'll get a bonus gift of being able to paint everything you want different colors, including your Easter basket! biggrin.gif Yes I mean, EVERYTHING. wink.gif Solves your gold dragons crises now doesn't it?~


Why can't my dragons breed with the ones in the wild and get me eggs? o-o

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Because wild dragons have been "fixed".


Why can't I bring wild dragons onto my scroll?

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You can only lure them with roast chicken. You get roast chicken by killing a chicken.


Why are there so many eggs on the abandoned page?

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Because that's where you can find eggs for dragon omlettes, they're quite popular, so the supply is kept up to meet demand.


Why did my egg suddenly turn a sickly shade of green?

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OH NOES they're deceased! D: Quick abandon the eggs or else they'll infect the rest of your dragons! If they hatch before you do, you must release all your dragons into the wild because there's no hope for them! ;-;


Why can't I name my dragon "Goldman." D: It's not accepting my names and I've been trying a lot!

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Because the dragon you're trying to name is actually a girl, so try "Goldlady".


How does the BSA "Teleport" work?

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See that can here? And this string? And that can over there? Your magi dragon will frog march your hatchling or roll your egg over to the other can.


What does 'Splash' do?

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It creates a "splash" in the space time continuum, and gives you as many CB Golds equal to how many times you "splash" in the next .00000001 seconds.


How do I trade dragons?

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Go door to door asking if anyone would like to trade with you.


Why can't I catch any CB Hellhorses?!



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You need a very strong bridle.


How do I get a neglected dragon?

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Go to the local dragon shelter, there's lots of dragons that need a new home. ^-^


I just bred my Guardian of Nature with a Heartseeker and they refused! What did I do wrong?



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Um. Better ask your mother.


What's so special about a Z code?

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It's short for zip code! :3 Each dragon that has a code starting with "Z" details an actual place that you can go to in the world and find CB golds! Happy hunting!


Why did my egg turn green all of a sudden?! Did I do something wrong?

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Looks like it caught the flu that's been going around. If you send it to me it won't infect your other dragons, and mine have all been vaccinated.


What is a fansite?

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It's an historical landmark indicating where the first standing fans were invented. Be sure to send me a postcard when you go!


Why is my dorsal egg red? Both its parents were purple.

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Did you put it in a dragon nursery or hatchery? It was probably accidentally swapped at birth.


I want a zombie dragon but I don't want to kill anything! Can't I just trade for one?



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Yeah, it should be easy to trade for one since they aren't very rare.


How do you trade adult dragons? They don't show up when I try to Teleport them.

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That's because you have to feed them Cheese dragons and shove them to the Magi dragons to finally make them learn the HMO2 move Fly. Only then can they be flown to the other scroll of your designation. They may not be able to fly you back however...... And some may not choose to stay! Don't look at me that way, do you want to argue with a 25 ton dragon?


What does "freezing" my hatchlings do? o.o Why can't I do that to eggs or adults?

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