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I need attack/item ideas for this fella, since his attacks are all Weak right now...


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Trying to get the courage to get the Jirachi exploration started laugh.gif. Not liking the level 100 task though.

Edited by Storm_Dragoon

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My Tepig hunt made it to 1,000 recently, as well. I'm tired of them. :/

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Random Lab Shiny biggrin.gif.




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Edited by Storm_Dragoon

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Phanpy's are in need of dry berries. Please and thank you

*returns every interaction favor here*

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Girafarig and riolu are on the lead, those were voted alot.png last times too and didn't made the top 3 so. No surprise there and i think the little girafe is cute smile.gif


btw are there still people who need autumn tropius? i have 2 whole boxes full of shinyfails ready to release, so poke me to arrange a time to release a bunch so you can hunt the shelter.

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