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Wasn't the mystery counter supposed to be activated?


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Edited by demonicvampiregirl

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I'm just going to use Influence Power, instead of trying to hatch the nature by chance (as I usually would) ^^;

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I'm just going to use Influence Power, instead of trying to hatch the nature by chance (as I usually would) ^^;

That's the entire point of influence power...

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That's the entire point of influence power...

I know, but I'm actually going to use it for once.... That's all I meant.

Edited by FluffyPillow

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Altaria seems to be dragon too and it evolves earlier then the asked levels

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wow, I totally forgot when I hatched my swablu a few hours ago that I would need to influence it to get the nature required for the scavenger hunt until I just read it here and reminded me. I just went and checked it and it actually hatched, without influence, with the correct nature, lucky me!

Edited by Kigurumix

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does anyone know why firefox would suddenly keep logging me out of everything? When I log into GPX and any other site, if I close the page and reopen it, I'm logged out. I don't have the "clear history button everytime" checked off and have, to my knowledge, not touched anything. It was fine yesterday, then my mom used it to watch something online and said it wasn't working right and that it kept shutting down.


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One of my non-shine recorder hunts, got it fairly quickly too :D.

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