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Lokie grabbed the now human lycan by his feet with his tail and threw him towards the other enemy hoping to knock them out. So that he could tie them up and make them pay for disturbing his week long nap.While he was doing this he was imagining quite a little torturous game to play with them.

(insert evil face here) (insert audio for maniacal laughter here)

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Vamprah painfully got up. Alright, no more acting like Halas when he was born! He caught the Lycan by the arm, trying to keep him intact. He had wanted to kill Wolfe, but he was incapacitated, and Lok'Rov had interrupted them. He waited for the dragon to come closer, acting sluggish to trick him. The ember cloud slowed down, to a speed where you could move through it harmlessly.

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((From what, exactly? Vamp doesn't want to hurt him at this time.))

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(acctualy Lok,Rov (lokie never ran towards you only trew a wolf at you tongue.gif)

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(Sorry for epic fail copy post...flood control got mad at me)

(Yes, with a broken spine the best he could possibley hopebfor is paralysis, I'm really stretching it with you guys...)


Wolfe yowled. (What don't you people understand about slight and he would die...jeez, you'ree really KILLING me here...get it? xd.png epic fail.) The sudden abuse woke hisbup from his daze and the pain kept him up. At this rate, though, he would not last much longer. He tried to hold on to his last bits of life.


(Sorry for all these typos. I am trying to type fast on my kindle...grr. I hope you can semi-understand what I'm saying)

Edited by Mousia

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Vamprah used his telekinesis to lie Wolfe down next to Sarisha, in the hopes that she would heal him. He kept up his fake-out, trying to pull the dragon closer to him. He was starting to lose the form he was in, flames dying down to red, and his black skin becoming red and orange again. Nitrogen-rich blood started to flow from the bitemark on his face, giving off a poisoned scent. No..... nooo... He wanted the dragon to be attracted by his false weakness, not repelled by it.

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( You sniper you. tongue.gif )

Sarisha looked up and then felt her broken wing. It hurt badly and she most definately could not fly out of the hole. She looked at the surprisingly smppth sides and realized that she couldn't climb out either. 'Damnit!' She thought. 'Now I need help.' Then, she heard a painful yelp that came from Wolfe. 'What's going on up there?' She thought, worried. Being a fae and all, she hated animal cruelty. The only reason she helped Wolfe escape was because he was a caged animal and she believed that that was wrong. Now Vamprah was up there torturing Wolfe and Sarisha couldn't help but blame herself. (She can't see what's going on so she just assumes that he's torturing him.) Suddenly, Wolfe had floated down beside her in extreme agony. She fell to his side and looked at him, straight in the eyes. She pushed a layer of water over the top of the hole to create a sound-proof wall. (Sorta.) Then, she sang. Not for the reasons anyone expected though, but for reasons of her own that she wouldn't share.

Edited by Quhanta

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Wolfe got quiet, his yowls and yelps of pain wasted too much of his breath. The earth crumbled slightly below Wolfe and his arm and left side sagged into the hole. He bit down hard to keep himself from crying out. Even the smallest things hurt.

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((Remember that Wolfe just landed next to her via Vamp's kinesis. And calling Wolfe an animal is an insult to his sentience, in Vamp's mind.))

Edited by vamprah9588

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Vamprah sensed behind him that a cover of water blanketed the hole Sarisha and Wolfe were in. He heard a very muffled noise ((Sound does move through water...)) in a pitch that only a select few creatures could hear, Kalemai being one of them. The wounds on his face healed slightly, the blood clotting to prevent any more seeping from his veins. Edited by vamprah9588

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Wolfe remembered her voice. He smiled, at least if he died, he would die while listening to a beautiful voice. He closed his eyes and waited. He just waited for death to come fetch him.

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lokie laid down on his stomach and put his hands over his nose. Something was smelling horrible and it was affecting him because of his superior sense of smell. just as he was planing on burning the whole place down to ashes his stomach started rumbling. Sleeping for a week left him really hungry with a strong flap of his wings he took of to hunt down so food. He was feeling like sea food today. The gust of wind that his wings created made some of the peculiar red liquid fall down the hole he hadn't noticed was there.


(dramatic exit tongue.gif)

Edited by alexxo97

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Sarisha scenced that he was waiting for death and she couldn't let any more people die. She sang a little louder and more intricately, hoping that that would wake him up. She pinched his shoulder trying to get him to open his eyes. 'Come on!' She thought. 'At least open your eyes.'

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Damn it. The dragon had left, without a standoff. Then again, Vamp was in no shape to fight. He stumbled over to the pit where Sarisha and Wolfe were stuck, and fell onto the layer of water. He floated on his side, barely displacing anything. He was slipping out of consciousness, but he made no move to let those below him know that. He had angered the Fae without knowing the real reason why, and his waking is what was keeping himself safe.

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Wolfe waited for a long time. He opened his left eyes to see if he had gone yet, but he was still in the pit. He sighed loudly and struggled to sit up and lean adainst the wall of the hole. He savored the sweet sound and slipped into sleep again, snoring within minutes.

Edited by Mousia

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Sarisha was glad wen Wolfe tried to sit up. 'He's okay.' She thought with a sigh. She leaned over and tried to help him sit up by gently grabbing the shoulder that was closest to her and his arm that was further from her.

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Vamprah looked on below himself as the water started to mix with the blood seeping from his face and chest. He needed to get healed. The Kalemai started towards the edge of the pit, inadvertently splashing the water being held up by the Fae. He crawled along the grass weakly, inching forward to the Health Ward. He felt an emptiness in his mind and muscle. Not here... not now... He couldn't faint when he was so close; just around a hundred feet away! Every tendon screamed as he kept going. He gritted his teeth to block the pain. Edited by vamprah9588

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Lokie having satiated his hunger had cleared his mind and had suppressed the more feral side of him. He returned to the grounds where he saw Vamprah crawling towards the ward leaving a trail of blood behind him. He picked him up with his tail and gently doped him on the ward. he then moved towards the whole where wolf had fallen and tried to lower his tail for them to grab on so he could pull them out.

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((xd.png change of heart win))


Vamprah was surprised when the dragon from earlier simply picked him off the ground like a toy, and brought him to the health facility. Whoa! wait- wait- wait-... The creature was smaller than he, how was this possible? Either way, he was safe now. He winced as he leaned on the wall, moving towards a healing bed, and laid down. The nursing drone connected to the bed started the healing process, and Vamprah felt would-be scars disappear. His breathing became lighter, and all the pain faded.

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