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Coexist or War

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((I'm at a dead end. x_x))

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Under the cover of the night, Unah was moving once more. Her aching human body was tired, so she changed to the ever youthful dragon. Picking up Richmond, she snuck out of the camp, hoping to avoid questions. Successfully avoiding the unfriendly eyes of any of her Clanmates, Unah started the trek to the wall. Once there, she laid the man down. Without another thought, she left.




Lora saw the white dragon leave an unconscious Richmond outside of the wall. It had been what she had expected. Standing up after waiting for the dragon to leave, she walked towards the body and knelt next to it. Lora retrieved a dragon's tooth from her glory days. Carefully pulling on her gloves, she picked up the man's head and twisted it violently. The crack was sickening. Then, she quickly replicated the bite marks of a dragon, a small one. Leaving the body there, Lora returned to Catos. She slipped her heels back on, and walked to General Vang's house. Lora rapped her knuckles sharply on the door. "General Vang, this is Mayor Lora. I hate to call on you at such an ungodly time of night, but please come here. I've heard some disconcerting news."

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((Ok Kokay must want to make it nearly impossible to read there posts and give seizures. As a result I may not have details correct))


Traddine headed back for the camp and looked for Makaidos. When he found him he approched him "I'm sorry to interrupt if your doing anything." he started looking down "But from what I saw in the battle we need to decide on adapting our ways to combat the humans or move out. There just plain bringing in more power then before. Our arrows are almost useless on some of there suits and other things." he explained "We lost too many to warrant a victory." he said.

((there is no excuse for inconveniencing the other players by not posting accurately and well. If you do not intend on reading the other people's posts, you can always leave. Or, you know, you could just deal with the flashing and read the posts anyway. Entirely up to you. smile.gif Also, makaidos isn't back at camp, he's up on the battlefield with the regrouping dragons. I'll just assume that's what you meant.))


Makaidos walked through the mini border-camp that had been established to guard the territory, checking on all of the dragons that had decided to stay and watch for danger. These were some of his finest and bravest clanmates, he hoped they weren't attacked in the night. He was contemplating the best course of action to take, when he heard his deputy walk up to him. "I'm not busy, i was just thinking." he replied to Traddine, "I know we lost today, but we were caught off guard. Next time we will be ready, and then they will not be so lucky! I am currently working on a plan to overcome the hurdle you have just put into words." he looked at Traddine thoughtfully, while he continued walking.


His thick legs were getting tired of supporting his large draconic frame, especially with the three bullet-wounds in them, so he shape-shifted back to his human form, stumbling as he did. He had refused medical attention, as usual, to allow more attention on the more injured weres, and he was starting to regret it. He had made it through much worse than this and he wished he could have taken the bullets some of his comrades had, instead of them. Sadly he had been too late to help much, but at least he had been there to show himself to his clan and enemies alike.


"Traddine, I've come to a decision, It's time we fought back against these monsters. We and the humans both have better offensive power than defensive. That, I think, is why we lost today; they can attack much stronger than we can defend. I believe we would also have a stronger attack than their defense, due to the fact that most of our dragon's powers are offensive. Kametia is also being attacked too much for them to make aggressions against us. I say we try to rally their help for an attack." he said, being very long-winded. "basically, I am going to request a meeting with akito. No matter what you say to try and stop me, I'm still going. This is the best strategy, there's no other option. I will be back by noon tomorrow, while I'm gone, make recovery top priority. Second priority is security, third is preparations for war. Good bye." he said, heading in the direction of kametia.


Makaidos stopped by the small supply tent to pick up some food and then turned back into his dragon form. Deciding that there was no point in dilly-daddling, he broke into a run and then took off, his strong wings catching the wind and bringing him upwards. When he arrived at the border he landed and walked towards where he believed their camp was. He transformed back into human form to show he meant no harm.

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Akito glided through their territory, searching their grounds, and stealing glances at Catos. It was a very large city indeed, but he knew, even though their numbers were small, then had much more attacking power. Including the fact that in the clans, everyone is either a healer or a soldier. In the humans' city, many of them don't make war efforts, and instead, flee at a sign of danger.


He sighed. Things were not looking up if they would never change unless they fought back, and soon. He flew along the border of Kametia and Catos, following their 'great wall.'


"They just think, they own everything." he told himself quietly. He watched as humans walked aimlessly through the city, and he scoffed. "It's best not to be seen..." Shifting his weight, he turned outward and back into their territory. Noticing a stranger walking though their woods, he stopped.


Diving right for him, he pulled up only feet before hitting the ground. Raising his body, his feet landed on firm ground, and he turned around slowly to face the unknown man. He definitely smelt of Were, which upset him. Not bothering to transform back, he face him.


Upon better inspection and view, he cocked his head. "Makaidos?" As a show of respect, he allowed his human form to greet the other leader. He gave a nod, a slight bow, raising to hear growls of proud dragons in the square. He silenced them with a bark, and returned to his company. "Makaidos, please. In here."


He guided the man into Akito's tent, and allowed him to enter first. Before following, Akito turned to the rest of the clan, signaling and making it clear he didn't want anyone interrupting.


Quickly pulling a stump from aside the wall, he set it next to a table that sat in the corner of his half of the tent. He swiftly dashed across to the other half, gathering Caroline's stool as well.


Akito crossed his arms an stared intently at the other leader as he sat across from him, "Makaidos, what brings you here? Is something the matter?" He fidgeted, like usual when he was nervous and tapped his foot awkwardly. He leaned forward, resting his forearms parallel on the table. Something certainly wasn't right...



Kayon looked up from the dinner table. He glanced around the paperwork, and stacked it nicely like it was before. He marched to the door, and swung the mahogany contraption open. Seeing the mayor there, he went into somewhat of a panic. "Mayor, what it is?" He glanced at his watch. 11:43. He started back up at the mayor confused. "Is it the Weres?"

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"I believe so, General Vang. May I?" She asked. Then, as usual, Lora let herself into the house. A quick glance around made it clear that the house was spick and span. Just as she had expected of such a wonderful servant of the public. She turned to face General Vang, hands behind her back tightly clasped. "I have just heard that Richmond Winarski did not arrive at his house tonight. After a quick once around, I have come to the conclusion that he left the boundaries and headed to the East. As you know, the Kametians have become increasingly violent towards humans. I fear that the worst has happened to our dear Richmond. I request that a search party be sent out as soon as possible to find and bring him back to safety. It is very possible that the Kametians have already found and killed him. But, let us hope... Let's hope it's not so."




Taiga saw the man stirring. At once, he was on his feet. Galatea had told him to get her if he woke up. "Galatea! The man is waking!" He yelled. Of course, there were many an unfriendly eye turned on him. He walked quickly, weaving in and out of the injured people. "Galatea! You told me to get you when he was waking up. So, let's go."

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Kayon allowed the mayor past him and he guided her to his dining room table, where he had been previously sitting and sat next to her. He nodded calmly at everything she told him, not reacting, but thinking to everything that had happened.


Once she was finished, he nodded and spoke, "I see, Mayor Lora. Seeing that it is almost midnight, practically everyone is sleeping. Also, I would prefer to keep my troops out of the forest at night. As much as I hate to admit it, those monsters have a higher advantage over us, especially when we can barely see them." He sat back in his chair, still emotionless. "I will send out a search party first thing in the morning. Until then, we'll only have to hope the dragons haven't gotten to him..."




Again, her name was called from the crowd. Galatea's head shot up, annoyance plastered all over her face. She finished up what she was doing and followed Taiga back to the man's cot.


The only lighting in the tent were dull torches, hung around on the poles that were suspending the leather and canvas of the tent. It was difficult to see as she slid past people, but she could see well enough. As she got to the cot, she could clearly see the man was now conscious, but not quite awake yet.


"Sir..." She laid a hand on his shoulder and the man's eyes shot open. He probably would've jumped up if he had the energy to.


"Where....?" He attempted to raise his hand to his head, but again, he was too weak.


"You're back at the camp; in the healing tent. You're safe." She could see him relax considerably, but it was still clear he wasn't calm just yet. "I've wrapped your wounds, but most of them are infected. I need you to take some medicine." Carefully, Galatea took the medicine that had appeared on the table while she was gone (probably another healer dropped it off) and helped the man swallow it. He was, very weak.


He fell back onto his cot after the medicine was gone, and looked up at Galatea. He was falling asleep again, but she watched as he mouthed the words, 'Thank you." She nodded and patted his shoulder as he drifted off again.


As if suddenly remembering Taiga was standing behind her, she turned to him. "Thank you. I really needed to get that medicine into him..." She gave a faint, tired smile. "Anyway... How's your throat doing?"

Edited by mickiloo97

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"Fine, fine. You know me, fast healer. Hasn't been a time once when I can't heal myself," He grinned. Taiga looked at her for a moment and sighed. "You look really tired, Galatea. I know you're a healer and all, but you need to rest too. Where would we be if you can't help? Why don't you go and lay down or something? I can wake you up if things get out of hand. The last thing we need is you collapsing too. Get something to eat and get some sleep. I'll play the substitute healer while you rest. Least I can do, right?"




"Yes, that is acceptable General Vang. I only hope that Richmond will be smart enough to come back to the wall," She straightened her skirt. Pursing her lips, she looked at General Vang. "May I use your restroom, General Vang?"

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Kayon stared suspiciously at the mayor. Why would she need his bathroom? Wouldn't she be going straight home after this? No matter how much she confused him, or made him uneasy, he still had to respect her. He nodded slowly and pointed down a hall leading away from them. "Just down there, your first left..." His voice was uneasy and clearly suspicious. Was she up to something?




Galatea's eyes widened for a second at Taiga's proposal. She shook her head, "No, no. I'm in charge here, I can't just... sleep! Besides, look. Things are starting to calm down. Heh!" She gave him a goofy smile that she knew was fake. She really was tired, but these dragons needed her, and the other healers. She wasn't one to just bail when her clan needed her, and she seriously doubted that she'd let herself rest, and on the job no less. She sighed. Galatea knew she needed rest, but she was still working. Once everyone could be put down to sleep for the night, then she'd head to her own burrow and everyone would go to sleep until tomorrow. "Eh-it's okay Taiga, I'm alright." She dismissed the thought and continued running around, helping wherever it was needed; an embedded bullet, stitches, or someone who refused to take their medicine.

Edited by mickiloo97

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Lora nodded respectfully and walked to said room. She looked at her face in the mirror and then proceeded to used the sink. As she had walked into the house, she had noticed some blood was left on her blouse. She rinsed the edge of her blouse carefully and tucked it back in. After checking her teeth, she walked out and smiled at General Vang. "Thank you, Kayon. I must say, you run a very tight ship around here. I like that. Keep up the good work. I expect to hear your report in the morning. Sleep well," Lora let herself out and walked back to her home.




Taiga watched as she walked away from him. He sighed heavily and walked after her. Putting a gentle hand on her shoulder, he stepped in front of her. "Galatea, listen to me. The other healers have this covered. And, you know me. I can move fast. Probably faster than any other in the Clan. Let me stay in your stead. You've been working your fingers to the bone all day long. No one would complain if you took a little break. Do it for the sake of the Clan,"

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Galatea's head fell. "I know..." Her eyes met his for a moment before put her hand on Taiga's for a moment, only before gently peeling it off her shoulder. She held it for another moment, then planted it onto his own chest. "Okay, Taiga, fine." She nodded and calmly walked to an empty cot in the corner and sat down. She sighed. Galatea always hated this; feeling useless. She sighed, but now that she was sitting, she didn't mind it quite as much. She lifted her legs onto the cot and laid her head on her hands. She watched as other healers glanced to her, smiled and continued working. She wasn't sure how to take this, but soon, she was asleep anyway.


((I'm too lazy to post Kayon's part. I'll either do it later...))

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((sorry I didn't have a chance to post earlier today. Lol, thank goodness I only have one character. It's boss posting time.))


Makaidos watched as a dragon, obviously akito, dived towards him. He held his ground, while akito dived, knowing he wouldn't hit him. When the great dragon landed and cocked his head makaidos smiled. "it's me!" he said with a chuckle. When he walked over to greet the now-human leader of kametia, he raised his head in acknowledgement instead of lowering it. He had dominance and he knew it, he was far more experienced than akito. His clear "I'm superior to you." body language might upset akito, but he did not fear his wrath like most did.


Makaidos casually followed akito's invitation into the tent and sat down on the stool he brought him. It was somewhat uncomfortable due to his minor injuries but he didn't let it show. He had to maintain the dominant air he currently held, and he was determined to do so.


He folded his hands in front of himself and rested his head on them, staring into akito's eyes sternly as he sat down. "Is that i want to see my old friend again not a good enough reason to come here? Not that that's actually the reason I came of course. as a matter of fact, something is the matter." he observed akito's nervous tapping and knew he had already got this in the bag, "you want to know what it is?" he asked, leaning in real close to akito and looking him in the eye, "you."

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Taiga held his hand at his chest for a moment as she walked away, eyebrow cocked. Taking a deep breath, he let it fall to his side. Galatea was running herself to death. He was glad she'd listened to a bit of good old common sense. He stood stock still, watching her until another healer brushed past him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Let's go, Taiga. Keep your eyes open. There's still a lot of work to be done," He said. Taiga nodded and turned away from Galatea, walking to the other side of the tent. From what he could see, there was nothing out of the normal range of bad happening. That was more than just a little bit good. That meant that the Clan was keeping its injured members. He cracked his knuckles nervously as he stalked the tent. There was so much to pay attention to. He now had the slightest inkling of what Galatea went through daily. He didn't know how she did it, but he promised himself that he'd thank her for it when she woke up.


"Hey, hold down the fort for a moment. If anything happens, wake Galatea. I'll be right back," Taiga told one of the healers. She nodded, and he left the tent at a jog. Reaching his own tent, Taiga gathered up a simple meal and ran back into the tent. Sitting in the empty cot near Galatea, he tapped her shoulder lightly. "Hey, wake up. Nothing bad is going on. Just thought you might be a bit hungry. Here, have something to eat."

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Akito leaned back quickly in his stool. His eyes widened considerably, before he remembered it was Makaidos he was talking to. He replaced his forearms on the table and leaned in, playfully punching Makaidos in the shoulder. "C'mon now. We're in a serious time." He sighed and put his arm back down, laying it perpendicular to his other.



Galatea rested for some time, drifting in and out of sleep. When she felt a poke at her shoulder, she rose and looked around cautiously. Taiga was there and she instantly relaxed and sat up. She saw he had brought some food. Galatea took a deep breath, before letting out a small yawn, covering her mouth. She shook her head and folded her legs up at her chest and rested her chin on her knees. She let her eyes wander and she searched around the tent. There really wasn't much going on anymore; maybe only two or three urgent patients left. Almost everyone else was resting, but there were still a few with wounds which needed to scab over first. She glanced over to Taiga and simply watched him.

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Makaidos kept his eyes on akito the whole time, except for when he jokingly punched him, then he looked at akito's arm. "...I was being serious, akito. I don't know how I'm gonna defend against these humans much longer, when I have to leave a chunk of my militia back at camp to make sure YOU don't take it over." he looked meaningfully at akito. "And I know you won't be able to hold out much longer either, doing the same thing."

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"What? You're going to refuse this food that I made for you?" Taiga grunted. He shifted his body so that he could look behind him. There wasn't anything urgent for her to do. So, why was she refusing him? Maybe she didn't like what he had to offer. "Y-You don't like the food? I guess I can give it to someone else. I mean, you all have been working pretty hard lately. But... I dunno. I just thought that you might appreciate a bit of food more than the others would. It's fine, don't worry about it. Ah," He set the food down next to him on the cot and looked at her. His golden eyes searched hers for answers. Clearing his throat, Taiga ran a hand through his short hair. The silence was getting uncomfortable. As he rubbed his beard, Taiga stood up. "I... Uh, I'll see you tomorrow, I guess."

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Akito's head fell. "I understand, Makaidos, and I have the same issue." He pulled his arm away and sat up, rubbing his temples. "We can't stop the humans if we're also battling each other." He sighed. "If we are going to stop them, we're going to have to put our differences aside for a short amount of time." He lowered his hand from his forehead and laid it back on the table. "I'm willing to trust you if our clans can work together."



Galatea watched silently as Taiga stood and walked off. Her chin fell into her knees again and she stretched her legs and stood. She walked through the tents, trailing her hand against all the healers' shoulders as she walked off. It was kind of a good-bye ritual for them at the end of the day.


She left the tent and found Taiga walking towards his home. She walked up to him and put a light hand on his shoulders, like he had her earlier. "Taiga..." She could tell he was hurt, and it was surprising how bad she felt about it. She hesitated, then suddenly wrapped her arms around his torso. "Look, I'm sorry. Alright?" Her head barely passed above his shoulders, but she didn't quite focus on it.


She released her grip and stepped back, "I'm sorry. I've just been... really stressed lately. And I-... I've just been too tired to do anything lately besides work and sleep." She rubbed her head, avoiding looking up at him. "I'm gonna go..." She glanced up at him, nothing more nothing less. She sighed as she walked away and towards her own tent, hoping she make things a little better...

Edited by mickiloo97

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Taiga was more than a little surprised by the apology. Before he could react, however, Galatea was gone. He sped his pace, passing his house to walk next to her. He sniffed and looked up at the moon. "Isn't it a lovely night?" He said before returning his gaze to Galatea's eyes. "Figure I could walk you home. Make sure no stray humans get you or anything, you know," He said, grinning once more. Perhaps he had been upset with her before, but he wasn't any more. To be honest, he wasn't even sure that he had been particularly mad at her in the first place. Maybe it had seemed that way. Taiga did seem terribly serious in his human form.

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She almost jumped when Taiga came up to her side. Talk about a quick recovery.


Galatea gave a small laugh when he mentioned the weather. She was also slightly confused. Why was he doing this? They didn't live that far apart, so there wasn't that long of a distance for her to walk, but he still joined her.


But she expelled anything besides calmness from her mind as they walked. She guessed, "Why not?" "Oh yeah. Who knows how many humans are out at midnight. Good thing you came, they might be everywhere." Galatea smiled and watched their shadows in the moonlight. "It is pretty nice out, I guess."

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Taiga grinned. It was little things like these that brought him closer to his friends. He liked to perform small acts for those that he liked. This happened to be one of them. Besides, a little humor never killed anyone. "You never know. Better safe and sound than sorry and hurt, eh?" He said softly. It was interesting, the stark differences between Galatea and himself. Height, of course. Color. While she was a vibrant purple, he was the dull and lack luster colors of earth. Personality was yet another difference between them. Galatea had a less than friendly attitude to those she had never met before. But, Taiga was a social butterfly. He could continue listing the ways they were so different, but he stopped himself. Differences didn't stop people from becoming friends. It shouldn't be such a surprise to him.


When they reached Galatea's house, he stopped. Scratching at his scruffy beard thoughtfully, he waited for Galatea. His strides were longer than hers, so he'd beaten her to her house. Not by much, however. "Remember back in the day? Well, maybe you don't. You were a hatchling back then... But, I couldn't fly like the others. It was upsetting. Then, I worked with another Were. He helped me figure out how to glide instead. And, with my power, it was evident that flying was not essential. I'll bet that you can't tell me who helped me with that," Taiga said. He didn't think that Galatea knew. It was a bit of interesting history, to him. It was also part of the reason why he had gotten to know Galatea in the first place.

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Galatea laughed at Taiga response, and they walked back to her tent in almost silence, but it really wasn't that far. Taiga arrived there seconds before she did. She stood at his side when he began to speak about the past.


She cocked her head. She was very young when she met Taiga. She couldn't even remember the day they met. It like she just woke up one day and he was there.


She shook her head. "You got me..."

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"Your dad," Taiga looked carefully at her for a moment. He knew that she hadn't been particularly close to her father. But, neither had he. Of course, it had meant a lot to him that the grown Were had taken time to try and help him. He would never forget it. But, Taiga never really knew him well enough to miss him. "Just took me out one day. It was something else, let me say. He would push me off of the mountain and then catch me whenever I got too close to the bottom. Which, couldn't have been easy. I've always been a big Were. Eventually he got so frustrated with me, he told me to just hold my wings out. That's how I learned how to fly. If you count gliding as flying. Hah, anyway, he said something about a daughter. So, I got curious, asked around, and found you," He grinned. "Happy story, eh? Anyway, I think it's time that I go. G'night, Galatea. See you some time in the morning."

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Galatea's eyes immediately found her feet. Taiga explained the rest of the story and she thought about it deeply. When he excused himself for the night, she looked up at him and nodded. "Yeah, good night..." She watched her feet as she walked into her tent and when she finally got to her cot and sat down, she took a deep sigh.


"Dad, huh..." She smirked and gave a single small laugh. She laid back in her cot and stared at the pelts above her, acting as her ceiling. Thinking more about her father, a small tear fell down the side of her face. Another sigh and she rolled onto her side, and drifted off to thoughts the past.

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Taiga walked back to his tent, thinking. He did that a lot. Not all the time, but often. He knew he had a big heart. He knew that a lot of Were believed he was foolish for what he did. Taiga knew a whole lot, but he didn't care that much about what others thought about him. For example, since he was a hatchling, Taiga's favorite pass time was playing with the children. He still did so, regularly. The mothers appreciated his help, the fathers scorned him for his choice, and other simply observed. No body truly understood Taiga. Upon reaching his tent, he laid down for the night and sighed. Earlier in the day, Makaidos had called him stupid. He'd ignored it then, too busy doing what he could to help. Now, it bothered him. A leader shouldn't say such things. A leader should be friendly with his Clanmates, even in the face of adversity. Taiga couldn't help but feel as though the younger Were had severely ruffled his feathers. Ideas of leaving the Clan seeped into his mind. Flipping onto his stomach, Taiga forced the thoughts away. Now was the time of rest.

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(( ??????? I thought the clans were usually at war with each other for territory. Or, at least, that's what I gathered from the first post. Makaidos was joking when he called him an old friend. If I'm mistaken, and they are already allies, please let me edit my last post, because he wouldn't have said that if that were the case.))

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