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Our War~ Accepting!

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((Kronos; She managed to drag herself away. CX))


(Fyrefly is charging at Midnight, encased in fire)


Trentum lay still on the grass, twitching. Slipping in and out of consciousness, he could feel the pangs of pain, and watch himself bleed. Is this the end? he wondered. Trentum swallowed hard, his throat hoarse from all the noise he'd made. I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying. I just know it. he thought optimistically. Trentum's shredded wing trembled. He turned his head slowly, staring at the membrane, hanging limp. Unable to hold on for too long, he passed out again, head thudding onto the grass.


Lotus was still trying to carry Siren away, holding her inside the summoned flower bud. Is she still alive? How is she faring? the Purple mature wondered. She spread her wings, and took off from the battle scene. Maybe, if I can get here away from here, I can try to heal her.

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With a squeal, Tyra hit the hard ground and slid a few feet. However, it didn't deter her and she was soon up and running back towards the battle. Her shoulder ached from landing on it but she was still furious. With a roar, she slammed her pays on the ground, freezing the ground beneath Midnight's feet and frosting his paws. She trembled as she looked directly at Midnight.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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Ri'Dan sat crouched on top of the mouth of the Clan Cave. He watched with sadness weighing on his heart as a small hatchling drowned in the Echo, failing to resist the urge to fish the hatchling from the cold water. He lept off of the cave roof, spreading his wings to glide over to the river. He reached down the bank and into the water and gently grabbing the baby with his mouth. He pulled her up onto the bank and nudged Glace with his snout, whimpering softly. He looked back at the fighting dragons, was this all worth it? The death of little ones? The green dragon charged at the nearest dragon, a nebula who was clawing at Midnight's eyes.

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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Crisie could see the hatchling at Echo River, dying. Tears filled her eyes, dripping out. She ignored her fighting and raced over on all fours, tail flickering in the air. She watched the blood spiral down the water, as well as her life. She beant over the hatchling and looked down at her. Was she still alive? Her healing abilities kicked in, she put sat and put her paws above her limp body, tears dripping into the river. A glowing green light came from her claws and into her body, but she was already gone, it was no use.


Crisie poured over her. "Your... not... gone... just.... your not... dead" She gulped in between sobs of sadness. Her clan was dying due to these idiotic dragons, she wished it would just stop. She could give her soul and body up to Inkheart to protect her clan. One was already lost. 1 soul for a whole lot of dragons, a fair deal. She frowned and whiped a tear away, half her power was drained from the healing. Crisie looked down at the body. "It's all... my f-fault" She whinced "I'm such a b-b-bad leader... I'm such an... an idiot" "I hate myself... it's all my fault. I'm just a little.. newborn... I lost one already, thats enough.." she sniffled and looked behind her. She couldn't just leave her in the water, the scavengers would get her. She lifted the some earth, weakly, it was a small hole but big enough. Her claws scooped her up, halfly pushing her limp body towards it. She dropped it in and looked at her. The little hatchling. Dead.


Crisie buried her quickly, and then stared at the dragons fighting. She ran in and growled. "Stop! We're just going to loose each other! If we all fight everyone will die! An innocent little hatchling has already died, because of us. Stop! Now!" She yelled.

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(Fyrefly is still charging at Midnight, encased in fire. Waiting for a reply lol.)


Trentum groaned. His entire body was in pain and bleeding. He felt his scales torn, some even ripped off. Midnight's wing had done a lot of damage. He opened his glowing green eyes, watching blood trickle out from between his scales. "Hnnnnf." he mumbled, licking blood from his paws with a forked tongue. I just wish this fight didn't happen..n he thought mournfully. But then again, bad things happened all the time, somewhere... Trentum coughed, and passed out for a third time. Trentum could hear Crisie yelling, but her voice sounded far away...


(Lotus is bringing Siren to another place to let her heal, waiting for a reply.)

Edited by Anquatic

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At Crisie's voice, Tyra jerked around and looked at the Guardian of Nature. She was breathing heavily. There was fear and sadness in her eyes as a trickle of blood ran down her shoulder.

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Now she needed to try and save someone else. An unfamiliar dragon was unconsious, but from the clan. She ran over to him, ready to heal. She would never let another dragon loose their life. She was just the healer right now, too weak to fight. She took him with her wings, trying to pull him out side. She eventually did, and tried to heal, she did a little, covering up some wounds and blood, she sat next to him. Waiting for him.


(( Gah, lazy. Short. ))

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Looking down at the ground, Tyra stared at the blood staining the grass. She grimaged and began backing away. "I-I should never have come here...I-I should never have j-joined this clan...I-I wouldn't have to d-deal with this..." Suddenly, she laid her eyes on the black dragon next to Crisie. "TRENTUM!!" she screamed, bolting over them. She laid next to the young black dragon and nudged his cheek. "T-trent? Trent, are you alright?! Please wake up!" she whimpered.

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Trentum heard the pitter-patter of a hatchling's pawsteps. A powerful aura drifted from them. The scent was familiar, but his mushed up mind could not place it. Something like a warm, comforting glow surrounded him... The young Black dragon let loose a hoarse squawking, chirping noise. His eyes flittered open to see a purple-blue dragon and a darker blue dragon... Familiar, that's what she was. Both of them were. Familiar... Who was this hatchling again...? Who was the other...? His head was still aching, and his ears rang, despite the healing powers. He'd hit his head pretty hard on the earth.

Edited by Anquatic

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Tyra continued to nuzzle him gently. "Trentum, it's me, Tyra...r-remember?" She licked his cheek comfortingly with her frosty tongue. Her eyes glazed over with tears. "Please be ok..."

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Trentum felt coldness, the touch of another dragon. He felt frost on his cheek. As usual, he wasn't particularly bothered by the cold. Trentum could feel the lingering healed feeling. Everything was so... murky... As if he was drifting about in a bubble of water, and things were happening around it that he could feel only through ripples. He strained to remember, but the thoughts he still had were ricocheting about in his head, eluding him.

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At the voice of his leader, Windsong's mind snapped again, but in a different direction. He came to, his maddened self gone in an instant. He looked around, confused. The violent winds around him dissipated immediately, as if he had lost all control of them.




He looked around, confused. What just happened? He had blacked out for what seemed only an instant. Then he remembered, his childhood friend, the hatchlings...The hatchlings! Where were they? He saw some of them had piled on top of Midnight, but...Crisie said that one had been lost. Who was it? He whirled around to look at her, shaking his head as tears began to spring to his eyes as he realized who was now missing.


"Crisie...This is my fault...I couldn't tell them that you were injured. I couldn't let them take you away..."


He looked away in shame.


"I've caused more harm than help. Now, Siren...She's gone."




Siren slowly started to come to, finding that she was trapped inside something. It smelled like a giant flower.


Am I dead? Is this...Is death supposed to smell so sweet?


She cracked her eyes open, but barely had the energy to do so. She closed them again and released a ragged sigh.

Edited by kronosdragon

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Lotus soared across the sky. She paused, and slowly turned around. Her heart broke at having to leave the others... But Siren was already dying. They would forgive her, right? Lotus touched down far away from the clan cave, by the river. She set the blossom down, gently, and pulled it open. "Are you alright?" she asked softly, tearing some moss from the base of a tree. Lotus dipped it into the water and began to clean Siren's scales.

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Tyra snuggled closer to Trentum and draped her wing over him protectively. She then rested her head in the snow, avoiding looking Crisie in the face. She still didn't know if she'd be accepted. Not after all this...

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Siren groaned. So she wasn't dead. That or, she was seeing the Purple from the other side.


"Where...Where are the others?" she groaned, hissing as something cold and wet touched her aching body. "Where...are we?"

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Ri'Dan skidded to a halt before he reached Jigsaw. Who was that yelling? He turned around, it was that Nature Guardian... The one that Inkheart wanted. Ri looked at Midnight and Dracouraca but back at Crisie. Reaching into his satchel, he pulled out two vials. One he swallowed and his body was gone in a insant, invisible. He walked silently towards Crisie and appeared behind her, the Potion of Breif Invisibility wearing off. "Here, Guardian," he said, holding out a Potion of Vigorous Healing. "Use this. It will speed up recovery."

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The teenage ice hatchling slowly looked up at Ri'Dan with her large violet eyes. She quickly averted her gaze and sniffled, laying her head gently on Trentum.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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Trentum felt the coldness grow closer. It was comforting, but who was the young dragon... He racked his brain, but found nothing. Then, my oh my, more speaking from another dragon! Trentum sighed inwardly. Another he didn't recognize... He felt weak, but better, albeit a little sick for some reason. Was that... the taste of grass in his mouth? Now, when did I eat grass? he wondered curiously.


Lotus flinched at the hissing. "We're by the river and the forest. Not too far from the clan cave... Well, I'm sure you recall singing and passing out. You really tired yourself out." she said sadly. Lotus grew a patch of grass by the flower and motioned for Siren to get onto it, likely more comfortable than the flower. "I just wanted to take you here to rest and heal for a bit... The fight is still going on, I presume. But you did good." Lotus didn't even mention that she'd knocked out the other clan members.

Edited by Anquatic

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"No...No, I en-endangered the c-clan even more..."


She snorted and attempted to push herself up onto her own two feet, but her legs gave a great tremor and collapsed beneath her. She gave another sigh. Despite being an adult, she was still unable to truly do good for the Clan.


"I failed to put them to sleep...two still stood. Midnight..."


She spat the name out like a rancid piece of flesh.


"He...was there."


She struggled to get back onto her feet. Tears streamed down her face. She was certain that something in her side was injured when her efforts made her cough up blood. She could feel a rib jabbing at her lung. She managed to stand for a few moments before falling back onto her side, wings draped limply on the ground. She gave a loud grunt before finally giving up, her tears leaving a salty aftertaste to the blood in her mouth.


"He...was there when my sister was killed..."


She gave a few disheartened sobs, feeling utterly helpless.

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Dracouraca felt the wind picking up all of the sudden, a torando circled around him and before he knew it, it become much stronger without warning. Knowing that he had to escape, he used his vanish spell but the wind knocked him off his feet, inrupting the spell and he got lifted up at a dangerous height and the tornado carried him around, spinning and twisting around. His black mist was being carried around and it looked like the tornado gone nightshade black, being painted the same color as his mist.


"Windsong!" He roared in fury as he felt himself go upside down. I'm so going to get you for this... Dracouraca tried to make himself vanish but there wasn't enough mist to cover him and he kept being yanked around as if he was being toyed.


"Midnight!" she cried out, pounceing onto him like a cat without him expecting it. She splated onto his eyes, blocking his sight so he could only see the Thunder hatchling in his face. Sraight away she knew that she would get thrown off if she wasn't quick enough, so she rised her tail in the air, whipped it at his strange marking. Lymu was also trying to claw it while she was holding onto the closest thing sticking out of his face as she wildly whipped and clawed the marking. Lymu prayed that it wouldn't hurt him nor blind him.


Flaming was expecting herself to hit Midnight, not the ground. She quickly placed her wing in front of to protect herself as she fell in air as she smacked into the ground. Groaning a little, she pulled herself into her feet, a loud snarl escaped though her lips as she used her tail to slap Midnight's leg, trying to trip him over. She wouldn't dare to attack him so close when he is crawling with hatchlings all over his face and neck.

Edited by Tiffashy

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((PFFFFTCHCHCH I can't stop laughing! xd.png ))


Windsong looked up, hearing his name being roared in anger. He turned to see that a cyclone was assaulting Dracouraca. He couldn't help but give a sinister chuckle.


"Ha! Eat it, misty-boy! You can stay in there, for all I care!" he laughed.

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Lotus was pained just to heard Siren speak. "No," she said. "Your efforts were valiant. Daring." she said quietly, making ripples in the water with a pawtip. "Just... Rest now. If the war's still going on later, we can go back." she promised, yawning. "I'll go when you go." the Purple she-dragon added. Lotus fell asleep beside the blossom, with no more words to say.


(Fyrefly is charging at Midnight, encased in fire - waiting for a reply)


(Trentum is just sort of lying there...)


((EDIT; Gahaha, you two. xd.png))

Edited by Anquatic

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Siren lay, wallowing in her own self-loathing for not being of more help. Her throat was hoarse from her defiant singing, and she could already feel her voice cracking and trembling, coming as no more than a whisper. She would need at least a full day's rest before she could sing again. As the tears rolled down her face, she closed her eyes and snarled at herself.

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"Gah... um... be right back..." Ri'Dan mumbled before setting down the potion and flaring his wings. He flew at the sky with all the speed he could muster. Ri flew as high as he could above the tornado, wondering if what he was about to do was incredibly stupid. The green dragon pulled in his wings and dive bombed at Dracouraca. The tornado pulled at him, nearly sent him twirling with the Black Marrow. But he held fast to his speed. His forehead made contact with Dracouraca's side, something he considered an achievment. With one more trust of his wings, he pushed them both out of the tornado. Ri'Dan felt the hard ground crash beneath him. Pain... His bones rattled with the impact. Atleast they were out of the whirlwind.

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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