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As Tyra flew, she glanced back at Grehyen. He...was actually being nice to her? Maybe he really did care about her safety. She smiled slightly and continued flying, even though she wanted to go see the battle and help, Trentum needed her more. She continued to search until she finally came across her friend's crumpled body on the forest floor. "TRENTUM!" Tyra practically screamed, seeing him in that condition. She dove to the ground and nudged Trentum gently with her slender, blue muzzle.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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Something wasn't right... Ri'Dan felt as if his soul was losing it's grasp on his body. Someone yelled at him from above. He yelled back, "Why? Does me being around her make you nervous? It doesn't even matter. She's not here anymore..." He stroked Shawnee's face, remembering when they used to travel together so long ago. But that singing coming from behind him... it was murder on his ears! He knew at once that it was the Siren of the Forest, of whom he had heard so much about from the other dragons in the forest. She was trying to lull him, he felt it in his bones. They were ready to collapse underneath him in weariness. Ri'Dan remembered from a creature he had met to not look at her wings, they would hypnotize him into sleep. I think I'll have to disobey you, beast... Ri thought. He spun around, ready to shoot a fireball into Siren's face, but her wings entranced him. Without thinking, he shut his eyes and blew fire, hoping his aim struck true. He stumbled backwards, tripping over Shawnee's body. In a last attempt of making the Forest Siren stop singing, he beat his wings as hard as he could, blowing puffs of Hemlock at the nebula before he finally collapsed next to Shawnee, unable to keep his eyes open. He was so tired... the siren had accomplished what she had meant to do.

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Tyra slid underneath her unconscious friend and lifted him up, seeing he wasn't responding. She then made it back to the cave as soon as she could, though it was difficult, Trentum being heavier than her. Finally, she reached the cave and she laid her friend down on some soft moss. She licked his cheek, uttering concerned clicks and chirps. "I'll be back, I promise...," she whispered in his ear. She laid some of the frosted fish in front of him so he wouldn't have to walk very far for food if he woke up.


With that, she surged out of the cave and leapt into the air, flying to the battle. She she arrived at the scene, her violet eyes widened and she gasped at what she saw. There was a strange, powder in the air that gave off a weird smell and there was fighting everywhere. She looked down and saw a dead ridgewing dragoness lying on the grass. "....w-what happened here....?!" she whispered to herself as she hovered over the battle.

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Grehyen's frills rattled furiously as the green spoke. "What do you mean she's not here anymore!!" He beat his wings powerfully to blow away the powder that was still left in the air. "If you have hurt her I swear I'll tear your heart out while you still live!" He roared furiously and dove at the green as he stumbled backward over Shawnee's body. He then heard the singing and felt the wearyness set into his body. What's this? He could feel his body growing weaker. He had to at least hit his mark. With his remaining grasp on reality he aimed so that he would slam down on the green even if it was more of a haphazard crash than deadly dive. He aimed to slam down on the green's head or neck so that he would have a better chance if the green still had fight left in him. But the frilled adolecent could feel his conciousness slipping away from him as he dropped out of the sky.

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((Pehaps Lymu could be an evil dragon as well O.o? Hey, I thought I picked up Tobias as well as the other hatchlings there?))


"Gald you're talking now," she cracked a smile, she sounded so tomboy. But Lymu didn't care, she saw Midnight as a new path to her furture. The thunder dragon climbed up his long back carefully and sat down in the middle, between his spines. He looked so much bigger when she was sitting on his back, it looked almost snake like and long and agile and powerfully built. She sat besides Sombra, the small shadow walker whom was also sitting on Midnight's back.

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Tyra suddenly realized what the green powder was. Hemlock! By the time she realized it, Grehyen was already falling out of the sky. "Grehyen!!" she shouted, holding her breath as she dove swiftly under the falling frilled dragon. She grunted and strained against the weight, Grehyen being a slightly larger dragon than she, but she managed to land on the ground clumsily and they toppled head over heels a few feet.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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((@ Tiffashy Flaming did pick up Tobias who I think was the only hatchling there and Grehyen and Tyra arrived at the battle site after they left the only other one I know is there is Siren))


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Trentum was vaguely aware of a familiar presence. Cold. A living thing... "Mmhrrrr..." he mumbled softly. "T-Tyra..." he whispered. Tyra! It's Tyra! She's always saving me... Oh, I must be pretty heavy... Maybe I can try to walk on my own... he thought. Trentum wiggled weakly and his limbs stiffened. He flopped off of her back in the least graceful way possible. Not feeling better. Not better at all.


Fyrefly didn't even look up to Midnight. She inhaled and exhaled softly. Calmness washed over her as her icy coldness chilled the air around her. "Sombra, are you still hungry?" she asked, cokcing her head. The hatchling did eat a lot.

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((-Reads Drakossozh's paragraph more carefully- AhHH, I get it now xd.png))


"We...would had..." she panted lowly as she leaped over a small log and carried on running. "You would had died if you stand in that...poison." Flaming nearly tripped over into a root, nearly causing both of them to crash. "Any...longer," she finished after herself. The smell of the poison was getting fainter as she ran further away from it. The hellfire wyvern ducked under a branch and did a sharp turn at the cliff, avoiding it narrowly. The poison was already in her syterm, weaking her body dangerously fast and her legs felt like jelly, shaking uncontrollabley as she started to slow down, panting loudly. Flash backs of Shawee lying on the ground striked though her mind without warning, one fat tear rolled down her cheaks, she didn't want to believe it. The sweet, loving dorsel that was her friend was dead. Murdered. Murdered, she repeated in her mind. Anger flashed into her body, filling it up with hate and the thirst for payback. "We will get our payback," she snarled lowly, sharing her hate for the green dragon with Tobias. The hellfire wyvern pulled to a stop to take a quick breath, her chest is breathing out and in hard, trying to get the air it needs for another run. "But we would need to find the others, cannot allow them to be captured or worse." She flapped her wings a few times, a sharp joint of pain whipped her in one of her wings, she letted out a low curse and folded it back to her sides. Without warning, she fell to her knees from the poisoning, nearly throwing Tobias off her back. "Sorry," she whispered lowly before pulling herself back up carefully.

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Sombra nodded her head for both questions. She looked at the cave mouth, thinking that Tuinya would appear, but it was just her eyes playing tricks. She stood up, then focused. She made a few words out of shadows.. 'Tuinya disappeared. I'm worried about her....' It read. Sombra shook her scales, yawning. She wouldn't go to sleep...not until Tuinya returned.

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((Thats what I thought xd.png

@seacatsmew: Midnight just picked up your characte by the way, and right now you should be on his back along with me. Not like i'm angry or anything xd.png))

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Siren was half-expecting the ball of fire, but not the poison. She dove out of the way, seeing that the seed of sleep had been planted. She managed to dodge the hemlock, but one of her wings had been charred by the heat of the passing flame. She fell on her side, rather than landing on her feet as she had anticipated. With a cry of pain, she curled in on herself, holding the burned wing tightly against her chest. She heard another thump behind her, and a frilled dragon that had entered the fray landed heavily on the green. She hadn't been aware of another dragon in the area, the others having fled. She whimpered, the edges of her left wing having been blackened and burned raw on the very tips, still smoking along the tender membrane.




Windsong huffed and puffed out his chest, trying to make himself appear a little larger without causing the hatchlings distress.


"Sombra is fine where she is. If you leave, that is your business. You are not the little one's guardian any longer. She ceased being yours and became Crisie's when you agreed to join the Clan."


He took a step forward. Something about the Black didn't set well with him. If there had been danger, am honorable member of the clan would have stuck around to make sure everyone was alright, rather than leaving.


"Explain yourself, Midnight. Ever since you came to the cave, you've never acted like a true Clan member. Disappearing in the night, running away from trouble and leaving your fellow clanmates behind...Why are you really here?"

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"What are you talking about? You're making Midnight sound like a trailor or something," Lymu spoke unhappily. She moved up the black dragon's neck, agilely dodging his spines as she climbed higher and higher in till she reached the top of his head. Gripping onto one of his long, seek, horns to balance herself as she kneel over. She eyed Windsong carefully in the eyes to see if he was lying or not, she does this when she isn't certain about something. The thunder hatchling looks deep into their eyes to try and discover what they are hiding. All she could see was curiously and surpiousnes (Spell error alert v.v) in his great eyes. Lymu could tell that he didn't trust Midnight anymore... does that mean Midnight is hiding something? Was that other dragon right? About him disapearing in the night and running away from his allies when they need him?


"Midnight?" She asked slowly, her eyes seemed to grow huge. "Is that true?"


((-Thinks of Lymu jumping up and down saying "TAKE ME MIDNIGHT! NOT SOMBRA D:"- Random thought rolleyes.gif))

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Siren struggled to her feet, a feat that was easier said than done after the damage had been done to her wing. She knew she would be fine, but she wouldn't be flying for a while. Even the vivid coloration of the wing was fading, as if the hot blood running along the edges were taking the colors with it. She balanced as well as she could and walked over to the two dragons, holding her good wing over her nose to prevent herself from inhaling any wandering clouds of hemlock.


The Green, who had practically confessed to the murder of a clanmate, lay sleeping as soundly as a newborn hatchling. She moved over to the Frilled dragon, lifting him partially onto her shoulders to move him from the poisoned area. She looked back at the innocent purple dorsal that had been slain. She looked up to the sky, wondering what had become of the Black that smelled of death. She growled and looked back at the Green. She realized that in his weakness, she could easily snap his neck just as she had her prey. It would be foolish not to take this opportunity; a revenge kill for the Clan.


She set the Frilled dragon down outside the area, then walked back to the Green. She looked over him, snoring on the ground, oblivious to everything around him. She stood over him and placed her talons at his throat. Never had she needed to kill another dragon, nor had she ever wanted to aside from her early years. Now, it only seemed the right decision. A life for a life, and to help protect the good of the Clan. She pushed down on his throat out of anxiety, uncertain if it was really the right thing to do...

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Glace struggled her feet, despite being in pain. "No, no. Glace, stay here. Are you sure that you don't know what hurt you?" Jigsaw asked worriedly. "Um, well, it was big. And red. And black. And... Scary!" She shivered as a picture of the creature flashed through her mind. "May I ask you one more favor, Glace?" "Sure, what?" "What does the healing herb you went looking for with Sha-" Jigsaw couldn't bring herself to let out the rest of the name. "What did that healing herb smell and look like?" She asked, voice shaking. "Oh, that! Well, it was minty and the leaves were big and kinda looked like this," she said, dragging a shaky claw through the mud. The shape she drew resembled a round heart, the shape of the leaves that would sooth her pain. "Get on my wing," Jigsaw suddenly said, carefully bending down to let Glace on. "Sure, why?" she peeped, rising to unsteady legs and painfully climbing up. Her cuts and scrapes cried out with every movement, but Glace trusted the red Nebula. Once she was up, Jigsaw walked over to the back of the cave and set her down in the exact same scoop with soft moss that Shawnee had put her in when Jigsaw had fallen from a tree. Both their scents still lingered, but only slightly. She carefully set Glace down in the moss, whispered a quick "Stay there, please" and was gone.



Gizmo trotted through the grass, leaving blood red pawprints behind him. If only that stupid little hatchling hadn't tried to steal my food. Little moron deserved it, he thought, trudging along angrily. He soon found himself in front of the Echo River and dipped his paws in. The red floated away, staining the pure water. He looked up across the river and found him standing face to face with a red Nebula. Her nose twitched and her eyes narrowed. She could smell the hatchling's blood and it didn't make her happy.

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The teenage ice dragoness groaned, Grehyen still collapsed on top of her. Suddenly, she felt the weight lifted and turned to look. Was that a Nebula? Siren? Tyra quickly rolled to her feet and stood up sorely. The shouting and growling had calmed down somewhat but the hemlock was still thick in the air. Tyra coughed and held her breath as much as possible. Seeing Grehyen was safe for now, she turned, trying to find the target she should be attacking that caused all this pain and suffering. Anger and sadness were slowly filling her violet eyes. How could someone do this to their own kind?!

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Tobias was jolted back into conciousness as Flaming tripped over the root and dug his claws into her scales and held on as best he could. He listened as Flaming talked as she ran and managed to catch most of it as he struggled to stay concious. He could feel her rage building up and could feel his own hate for the green well up as well. He listened as she promised they would get their payback and growled in agreement, "We'd better..." He then listened when she said they would need to find the rest of the clan and realized that they where not heading towards the clan cave. He lost his grip and slid down her back to the base of her tail when she dropped to her knees before catching himself and slowly working his way back up to the area between her wings where he clung and tried to catch his breath.


Grehyen only half felt it when he slammed down. But it felt like he had landed on something other than the green. Something slightly smaller than himself. Whattever it was collapsed under him. The next moment he felt himself being picked up and carried. He managed to open an eye and got a hazy veiw of Tyra as he was set down by the nebula who had carried him. He tried to get to his feet but could barely manage to get his feet under his body, let alone stand. He watched Tyra and the nebula dragon groggily as he struggled to stay awake.


Midnight sighed deeply and reached up with his tail to curl it gently around Sombra and Lymu and set them back down on the ground. He locked eyes with the ridgewing and spoke, "There are some questions one might be better off not asking, Windsong. You say I have never acted like a real member of the clan. But I have also never been treated as a real member of the clan. Being made to sleep outside, never trusted even when I tried to help. Let me tell you something Windsong," the ground began to tremble sending small rocks bouncing about the cave and the air pricked with a massive buildup of magic power, "This is not the first time I have been distrusted by a clan. I would tell you the story of a young black dragon, cast out by his own clan and rejected by every clan he managed to stumble upon." The air around the black dragon began to twist and fracture as the magic power around the him continued to increase. "I could tell you of how his own family had called him a monster on the day of his hatching. And how every other clan he stumbled upon did the same, save for one dragon who saw the potential in the little one." The dragon opened his mouth and let his upper fangs slide out to their true size. "I would tell you this but I suspect that it wouldn't change any of your opinion of me. I have come to accept what I am. A monster." Midnight took a step forward, towards Windsong. "I can never have the life of a normal dragon. So I shall remain true to my real clan. Inkhearts Clan."

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Windsong hissed and reared his head.


"Inkheart?! You would trust that vile hatchling-slayer?! Don't you know that he only uses you for your power?"


He growled, but just for a moment, lowered his snarling lips.


"I always knew there was something different about you. Look...if you must blame anyone, blame me. I've been around since the beginning. I should have spoken out against the way you were being treated. It may be too late for apologies, but if you stay...I will personally make sure that you are treated as one of us. But...to betray the Clan means to turn your back on your own kind. We are not just a pack of random dragons living together. We're working for the betterment of the species. You've seen the horrors that Inkheart has committed. Why else would he still be out there, plotting against us?"


He took a cautious step forward.


"I am not afraid of you. You can have a family, if you stay with us. If not...death will haunt you wherever you go, and even as a member of Inkheart's clan, you will never know what it really means to have someone you can rely on."


He looked the Vampire in the eyes, standing firm.


"If you leave, it is your choice. Do not make a hard life even harder for someone as young as Sombra, however. I will not fight you if you choose to leave, but if you try to ruin the future of the little ones...I will not hesitate to strike you down."




Siren looked at Tyra, then back at the Green.


"Go on, little one. Go back to the cave and rest. I will bring your friend back shortly."

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((So wait, where is Midnight currently?))


Tyra turned to Siren, her face determined. "N-no...I don't want to go back to the cave! I want to help! It's about time I earned my place in this clan," she protested firmly.

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Trentum was lying still, too tired and weak to get up. He felt dirt in his mouth and coughed. "Where am I...?" he rasped, hoping that Tyra or at least some dragon was there. He stretched his crumpled wings. "Tyra..? You there? I fell off, in case you haven't noticed." he said.


Fyrefly studied Sombra carefully. She appeared so unnerved. She cocked her head. Maybe Sombra saw that weird shadow cat thing that she saw. Tuinya? Was that its name? "It's okay..." she said, blinking nervously.


Lotus scanned the forest. Looking for a little frosty patch of tree. Or a gleam of a golden scale... Something. But no, there was nothing. Maybe it would be easier if she touched down and searched on paw. But that would take too long... Lotus stretched her wings as far as they'd go. She spotted... Was that a Black dragon? With others? Perhaps they'd seen or knew the hatchlings. She was too far up to tell who exactly was with the Black dragon. Lotus somersaulted gracefully in the air, and landed by the dragons. "Hello." she said.

Edited by Anquatic

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((Oh, sorry! D: I had Tyra lay Trentum in the cave on a bed of moss, I didn't know you were going to have him fall off. ^^; lol))

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Siren looked at Tyra.


"Then be a dear and take him back. You'll be helping a fellow clanmate get to safety."


She looked at the Green at her feet. She closed her eyes and crushed his throat beneath her talons, the telltale snapping of bones signaling that the deed was done. She looked away and walked toward Tyra, holding her injured wing close.

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Tyra growled and looked away, frustrated. She hated feeling useless and put down. Reluctantly, she walked to Grehyen and nosed under him so he was on her back. She then slowly made her way back to the cave, head bowed and despressed.

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