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Our War~ Accepting!

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Tyra stumbled backwards, sitting down. She couldn't believe it. This dragon had seen another Ice Dragon, one of her kind! She breathed heavily, eyes wide. Who could this Ice Dragon be? and why did he want to seek her out? She needed a place where she could be alone and ponder this. In a flurry of her thoughts, she got up and aimless hurried off into the clan cave in a random direction. Not watching where she was going, she accidentally ran into someone. "Oof!" she grunted, shaking her head and backing up a step. Blinking, she looked up into the face of the frilled dragon, Grehyen. "O-Oh, I'm sorry!" the teenage ice dragoness apologized as she backed up but only succeeded in bumping into Tobias, the Ochredrake, instead.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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Windsong watched in mild confusion as the young ice dragoness blundered about.


"Uh, well...if you have any further questions, my next run doesn't start until tomorrow evening. I'll be here!" he said, shaking his head. He turned around, looking at the red-winged nebula by the river. He had the strangest feeling that he had seen her somewhere before. In his curiosity, he approached her.




Siren looked up at the sound of someone crying out. Her instincts told her to go searching for the source of such a painful shout, but before she could stand, another dragon approached her.




Siren turned around to see the tan ridgewing. She bowed her head in greeting.




The other dragon looked confused for a moment, then said, "Who...You look very familiar."


Siren cocked her head, then shook it.


"I don't believe I know any tan ridgewings, sir," she stated. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I thought I heard someone calling for help. Until later."


She bowed her head respectfully before taking off, seeking the source of the cry. She stopped when she spotted a dark figure circling the trees. She flew up higher, her starry body blending in with the night sky. She watched the figure, seeing two others in the forest far below. She gave a shudder when she identified the dark figure as a vampire dragon, and that one of the dragons below was dead. She circled high above, listening in to what they were saying. If this dragon meant trouble, she would do what she could to retrieve the survivor and get it back to the cave.

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Grehyen cast about as he and Tobias looked for Shawnee, "Where could she be?" he quietly asked himself. "Oof!" something thumped against the teenage frilled dragon's chest and he turned to see an ice dragon who appeared about he and Tobias's age in front of him. She backed up and Tobias quickly moved so that she wouldn't completely back into him but she still thumped against his haunches as he tried to get out of the way. Grehyen's frills began to rattle in annoyance. Who was this newcomer? "Watch it!," the frilled dragon snapped, flaring his wings and drawing himself up to show his size to the ice dragon.

Tobias cut in, placing himself between his friend and the female, "Calm down Grehyen. We don't even know her name and you're already trying to scare her. Just chill out for once" The ochredrake spread his wings and rose up as well. He was about the same size as the frilled dragon but his sleeker body made him look smaller. Grehyen shook his head and spat a puff of flame off to his right, "Whatever." He stayed looking off to the side with his frills still rattling. Tobias then turned around towards the ice dragon and gave a friendly smile, "I'm sorry about that. I'm Tobias and this is my friend Grehyen. What is your name, miss?" His voice was calm and slightly soothing and melodious.

((@kronosdragon and anyone else who is unfamiliar with Midnight. He is a vampire yes, but he looks like a normal black dragon aside from his fangs which he can retract as well to hide what he is. Just a heads up about his appearance smile.gif ))

Edited by Drakossozh

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((ok! ^^))


"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Tyra exclaimed after accidentally bumping into Tobias. When she could finally get a hold of herself, she moved off to the side so as not to bump into them again. She was about to explain but was cut off by the frilled dragon threateningly rattling his frills. Her violet eyes grew wide, seeing his size which appeared to be bigger when he flared his wings. Also, Tyra, being a female ice dragon, was more slender and a bit smaller than the two males in front of her. "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to!" she tried to apologize, tucking her tail between her legs and backing up some more. She calmed down slightly as Tobias introduced himself. "Hello...my...my name is Tyra," she explained, "I should have watched where I was going."

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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Grehyen snorted conteptuously, "Yeah you should have." Tobias whipped his head back around and hissed at the frilled dragon who only rattled his frills and hissed back. The young ochredrake then turned back to Tyra and spoke, "Don't let him get to you. He's like that to everyone. It's very nice to meet you Miss Tyra. And don't worry about bumping into us. It's completely fine. Nobody was hurt." Grehyen huffed and shook his head before moving off and saying, "I'm hungrey. I'm gonna go get something to eat." The young frilled dragon spread his wings and leapt into the air and flew out of the cave before turning to fly towards the river. Tobias watched his friend leave before turning back to Tyra and smiling pleasantly again, "So what brought you to the clan cave Miss Tyra?"

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"I-I...well..," Tyra stammered nervously. She finally took a deep breath and sat down. "It's a long story....but I really have no home. I met Trentum out in the forest and he brought me here." She smiled politely, flicking her tail back and forth. "I-I still don't know if I'll really be accepted here though..."

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"Neither do I. I've hardly been here for more than a few minutes." Kylla chimed in.

Edited by CinderTheCat

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Windsong stepped in at that moment, his shimmering wings spread high above his body even in their relaxed state.


"You two will be accepted here just as everyone else has," he purred. He looked at the Ochredrake and smiled pleasantly. "I see you've met our newest recruits, Tobius."


He looked off into the distance, where Grehyen was grumpily flying off.


"Looks to me like Grehyen likes you," he said with a chuckle. "You should take Tobius's words to heart. That grouchy old lout has swallowed too many thorns. Makes his stomach itch anytime there's a newcomer."


He smiled down at Tyra and Kylla.

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Tyra smiled up at Windsong. "Thank you very much...," she said, thankful that she now had a home.

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Windsong smiled at them both.


"I know what it's like to be alone. You won't have to worry about that while you're here. We'll take good care of you."


He looked around, but couldn't spot the red-winged nebula from earlier.


"I wonder where she ran off to..."

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Tobias nodded at Tyra, "I understand. Thats the way that Grehyen and I wound up here was while we were wandering after losing our homes. We happened to meet up before finding the clan cave and have been living here ever since." He then looked over at Kylla and smiled, "Its nice to meet you, I'm Tobias. What is your name?" He was happy that the ridgewing had agreed to let them stay here. He look off into the distance where Grehyen had flown off ans sighed. If he wasn't back in a few hours he would have to go find him. The teenage ochredrake then returned his attention to the three dragons in front of him.


Grehyen circled down over the river before plunging into the river. The young frilled dragon moved quickly through the water with powerful strokes of his tail, aided by the large fan on the end of it. He coursed through the water and found what he was looking for. Fish. A school of medium sized river fish swam away as he approached but he easily caught up to them and snapped up a few in his jaws before hauling himself out of the water and laying down on the riverbank, watching the water while he ate the fish he had caught.

Edited by Drakossozh

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"So, Tobius!" Windsong said. "I have news from the battlefield. If and when your frilled friend returns, I will need you to inform him."


He leaned in closer to the Ochredrake, and his once jovial voice took on a more sinister tone.


"The humans are moving deeper into the forest. They've begun moving dangerously close to the cave. Someone - or something - is driving them toward us. Camps are being set up at the forest's perimeter, close to the fighting. We need to dispatch someone to drive them off, before they endanger our entire mission."


He looked away for a brief moment, checking to make sure that the little ones were occupied.


"We need to find Crisie, and soon. She hasn't been here for a long time, and I have yet to spot her during my travels. I fear that something is terribly wrong. Even the winds carry the stench of decay further into the forest than we would like."

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Tyra then stood. "No, it's alright. I should go find him. I need to apologize anyway..." She smiled and nudged Tobias gently with her muzzle. "Thank you for your kind words." She then leapt into the air and flew off. She soared over the forest, looking for prey. Spotting a young deer, she silently flew above it and then flew in for the attack. She quickly bit its neck and snapped it, killing the deer quickly and painlessly. It was a small one, but still it would do for an apology gift. She remembered seeing Grehyen fly off towards the river so that's where she headed. She soon found the Frilled dragon and took a deep breath, gathering her courage. She strode forth and dragged the deer to Grehyen. She sat down and bowed her head respectfully. "I want to apologize about earlier...I should have been watching where I was going. It was rude of me..."

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Tobias smiled at Tyra and nodded, blushing a little bit when she nudged him with her muzzle. After she left, Tobias looked up at the ridgewing with concern. "What could be driving them toward us when all of the dragons who have gone into battle are there? Are they really breaking through the dragons' lines?" He began to beat his wings frantically, "What about our parents that went to join the war?" He was starting to get worked up. His heart was pounding in his chest. His parents had left to join the war against the humans. What if they had been in the area the humans were pushing through?


Grehyen had just finished his fish when Tyra appeared with the deer she had caught. He flicked a frill at her arrogantly when she first walked up to him but he listened to her apologizing and saw her bow her head in respect. He lifted his head high and spread his frills proudly. But he couldn't find it in himself to talk down to the ice dragon. She seemed so sincere about the whole thing it just seemed wrong to him to be rude to her again. The frilled dragon folded his frills and looked back out across the river and spoke quietly, "Don't worry about it."

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"I think it is the craftier ones who are trying to get around our forces by skirting the forest's edge, instead of fighting head-on. They still have forces fighting, but what if they're only sending them out there so we continue fighting in one place?"


Windsong kept his voice low, hoping to keep Tobius calm.


"If we don't figure something out soon, they WILL bring the fight here, and that means that every egg and hatchling here will be slain," he whispered. "You know, as well as I, that we cannot let that happen, for the good of our species. When dawn comes, gather the oldest and wisest guardians of the Clan and bring them together. We have to move now, or else the humans will be invading our home and killing our kin before we know it. They've already begun to slip past the main battle. How long will it be before someone notices? What if nobody notices? We can't risk the amount of time it would take for someone else to see that things have been going wrong."


Windsong took a deep breath.


"We need to get the oldest dragons together and come up with a plan. I've seen the terrors that go on at those killing fields. We can't let those disgraceful humans bring their savageness upon our young."

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Tyra smiled, a relieved look upon her gentle face. "Thank you. I'm a stranger here really... I haven't had a home since when I was just a new hatchling. Before the humans captured me and tore me away from my only family. I was too young to even remember my parents...," Tyra explained solemnly. "I had just gotten word that there's another Ice Dragon out there, looking for me. It shocked me so much and that was why I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Her tail wrapped around her as she spoke, a habit of hers. Her thoughts seemed to wander as she looked out in the distance.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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"I am Kylla. I practically raised myself, and I heard about this place when I passed the dragons' camp of the war-zone. I traveled for just about every even slightly intelligent moment of my life. I came from the other side of the region." she answered.

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Tobias smiled at Kylla when she introduced herself, "Its nice to meet you Kylla." The young ochredrake then turned his attention back to Windsong. "I understand what you mean. But there aren't many adult dragons here. The only three I know of are Shawnee, you, and that scary black dragon. Aside from that, everyone else here is a hatchling that I know of." Tobias sat back on his haunches and looked up at the adult dragon. "What do you suggest we do? I'm sure that some of the older hatchlings could fight them off but I don't want to risk getting anyone killed." His tail flicked from side to side as he sat and tried to think of how they could stop the humans.


Grehyen continued looking out across the river. Why was she still talking to him? Anybody else except for Tobias would have just left after he was mean to them the first time. Why was she still being so nice to him? "It's alright. I understand you were focused on something else. And I'm sorry to hear you were taken from your parents so early. I was separated from mine because of the war with the humans. My parents were both called off to battle a few months ago and I tried to follow them, despite them trying to keep me home. But I got lost in the forest and couldn't find my way home. I wound up meeting Tobias, who had gotten lost the same way I had, in the woods and we stumbled upon the cave by coincidence." The young frilled dragon flicked his tail to the side. Why had he just told her all that? He'd never told anyone aside from Tobias about his past before. He hadn't realized what he'd been talking about until he had already spilled it all out. His frills began to rattle quietly in frustration, but this time it was at himself.

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"I'm sorry to hear that..." Snapped out of her daydream, Tyra turned back towards the Frilled dragon and smiled sheepishly. "Well, at least we have something in common," she said quietly. The young indigo ice dragoness rose to her feet and stretched her wings. "I'm glad we could work things out. Your name is Grehyen, right?" she asked, her eyes reflecting the moonlight that washed over them both.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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Widnsong thought for a moment.


"I'm not sure..."


He looked around, seeing that the Ochredrake was right. Everyone here was too young, too inexperienced. Battle was not something they would be able to handle at this age, not to mention that many of the hatchlings weren't even close to maturity yet.


He looked at Tobius, then to the western forest.


"I thought that Crisie would have been back by now...She would have known what to do..."


He looked back at Tobius, a rare glimmer of ferocity in his eyes.


"Dawn. Gather the oldest and most capable. We're going to come up with something tomorrow, whether or not Crisie is here with us. We can't wait on her. Time is not in our favor."


He looked away from the Ochredrake, steam spiraling from his nostrils. He took a deep breath and calmed his nerves.


"If Crisie cannot lead us, then we have to find someone who can, before it's too late."

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Jigsaw, worried for Shawnee, started getting anxious. Her tail swished back and forth as she got more and more worried. Shawnee? Shawnee! Are you okay? Where are you? She projected the message as far she was mentally capable of. "I have to leave for a short while. Please do send a message if anything comes up," she called, jumping up and gliding into the air. With her sharp eyesight, she looked around. Jigsaw cringed as Inkheart's cave came into her view. Her nose twitched as the sharp tang of blood hit her. A pile of rocks were covering most of the entrance. A rock slide? Hah, those freaks of nature deserve every misfortune that could ever befall them. She lifted her eyebrows as another scent made contact with her nostrils. It was so familiar.... But what was it? She tried to pinpoint the source, drawing closer to the ground. Jigsaw desperately tried to find the source. She didn't know why, but she felt the smell was important. Down there! She made a dizzying kill spiral down towards the source. Upon landing, she closed her eyes and shook her head, dizzy. She gasped and drew back at the sight that lay before her.


"Sh-Sha-Shawnee...?" Jigsaw gasped, mortified. A strange scent came off her. What was it? Poison? Death? ......Poison? She looked up and saw Ri'Dan standing nearby. He also smelled of poison. Her eyes narrowed with hatred. "You," she growled, taking a step forward. "You did this.... didn't you?" The patterns of her wings flashed and burned, as if the real fires of the Ignitus Galaxy had come alive. Those flames burned into her eyes as Jigsaw bared her dagger-like teeth. A red flash filled the area and dissipated as quickly as it had appeared. She leaped towards Ri'Dan, a sphere of fire shooting from her mouth. Pay for what you did, Dragon! Be killed like you did to Shawnee!

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Tobias nodded as Windsong spoke. He was also surprised that Crisie was still gone. "Alright. I'll bring everyone who can fight to you in the morning. If anything Grehyen and I will be able to help you out." The young ochredrake lurched to his feet and spread his wings. "I'm going to go look for Miss Shawnee. She's our guardian here so she'll be able to help." He ran to the mouth of the cave and launched himself into the air. He circled into the sky, trying to pick up Shawnee's scent. He managed to pick up the dorsal dragon's scent, but there was something not quite right about it. Heart pounding in anxiety, the young drake shot off like an arrow towards the source of the smell. He came upon the sight of Shawnee laying in the clearing. Jigsaw was there attacking another dragon he had never seen before, a green. Flaming was there to. The black dragon Midnight was circling in the air and Tobias could see above him was another dragon he had never seen before. The young ochredrake landed and rushed past Flaming to Shawnee's side. "Miss Shawnee!" he cried out frantically. He nudged the dorsal dragoness's face with his muzzle, hoping for a response. Tears began to stream down Tobias's cheeks as he buried his face in Shawnee's neck just behind her jaw, hoping that he would feel a pulse. She couldn't be dead. She couldn't be....


Grehyen nodded his head, "Yeah, I suppose we do have something in common." He turned toward her and smiled a little awkwardly, "Yes my name is Grehyen. I'm glad we could work things out too...er...Tyra was it?" His frills opened but did not rattle aggressively. This was...nice. Being able to sit and talk with someone else without being mean. He thought about all the times he had been rude and mean to Tobias, who had stuck by his side through it all. He'd have to appologize to him the next time they met. Tobias was the closest thing he had to a brother and though he normally only picked on Tobias in a friendly manner he was still far too prideful and arrogant towards him. He'd be sure to appologize to the ochredrake later once he was back at the cave.


Midnight watched as the nebula dragon appeared on the scene and attacked the green dragon. Shawnee's apparent killer. He sensed another dragon above him but brushed it off, not fearing any attack. He saw the ochredrake from the clan cave rush in and join the hellfire wyvern by Shawnee's corpse. He laughed as he continued to circle above them. "You're doomed now young ones. With your guardian dead the guardian of nature will soon be in Master Inkheart's claws! There is no hope left for any of you!"

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Siren gasped as she spotted Jigsaw leaping toward the other dragon. She was too far away to do anything about this. She was forced to watch, lest she be discovered by the black dragon that smelled like decay. However, she heard what the dragon said, and gave a snarl.




With a hiss, she dove out of the sky, wings blazing as she went into a tight spiral, claws outstretched toward the black dragon. She aimed to at least knock it out of sky, and grapple it to the ground. She wanted answers.

Edited by kronosdragon

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Ri'Dan smirked, this was more fun than he thought it would be. One of the hatchlings launched at him and spat fire, Ri'Dan dodged it easily, stepping to the side. The green dragon reached into the small satchel that he kept at his side, pulling out a cloth bundle that smelled strongly of Hemlock. He released the poisonous powder to the air in one slick move. "Better run, foolish whelps! Unless you want to end up like Dearest Shawn over there. Go back to your cave if you don't wish for death." The dragon inhaled deeply, savoring the smell of his favorite poison. Ri'Dan stepped towards Tobias and Flaming, sizing up the Hellfire's strengths and trying to appear threatening to the Ocredrake. "Go home. Prepare yourselves and guard your cave. We'll be coming." Ri looked up at Midnight, sending a telepathic message to the vampire. "Hold your breath and fly higher so you can get away from the poison. If this toxin does a decent job, these dragons will be too weak to fight once they get back."

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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