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little lost dragon

The Great Divide

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Vrans was giving him the T.T look by the time he had finished the part of the stable contact. This was all sounding like a little childs story that its parents told it to keep it thinking everything was safe and happy. "One thing you seem to be good at is either your making this all up or your making sound like it all happened exacly like that which out of the few... thousand we have in encountered which all have had guns and all those guns have been pointed at us even when we don;t know there around and being shot at not one has bothered to make contact short of leave this area or force will be used.... at least that's what the elders have said. Sounds like if this has any truth in it you must be by some old village that's not too large." she said then snorted "I hope your other warriors are better trained then those reds you told me about. I suppose you may want to leave with some training methods we have made to evade the humans aim. If you've had no trouble then it will be hard to stay out of there aim." she explained.

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"By the sounds of it my clan must be near a large village like you mentioned or a small town, and I know the peace isn't just a story, I've seen a couple elders talking to our alpha and our elders, even sharing stories and laughs...it's strange, but better than fighting, I've never seen or heard our scouts or warriors receive bullet wounds or similar injuries, and there are no bugs in the clan but we know theres some just outside of it, the ones outside the clan don't attack us but farther out we notice they start to become aggressive. Make no mistake however, we are prepared to defend ourselves if something bad happens to our clan, evey able bodied dragon is kept on a training schedule on how to fight and defend. Before I leave I would gladly take up that offer for training to avoid being shot, it will no doubt be helpful at some point. The hatchlings are trained how to run, hide, and evade in an emergency and they have countless hiding places even human children would hardly be able to reach. Also, the reds were not warriors, while strong they were ignorant, foolish, and barely had a single brain between the four of them."

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Vrans shook her head "Yeah you guys have it extremely easy. When you return to your clan before you do so you talk about showing up back here with one of these human elders. Set it up with Vita. We don't leave our territory any more as once your out of it its a death trap out there, dragons the venture out are prime targets. But the first issue will you returning back to your camp with out being poisoned or shot too much. We'll send you back with the poisons cure for your own clans medics to study and make them selfs. Because once there through with this clan yours is next." she said then suddenly crouched "Now, you mentioned you have trained. Try your best to take me down." she said eye's seemingly scanning every mustle in him now. She was already reading his body if he even fainted to a direction it would be easy to track.

Edited by little lost dragon

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Talaren grinned and began looking from openings. As soon as he saw her left paw raise slightly he made a feign for it but in the blink of an eye swooped to the right aiming to pull out her leg and pin her down.

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However the raise left paw worked in her favor as she watched him faint his tail was already in position for the other side. Thus allowing her to roll cleanly out of the way as if he had explained what he was about to do. "You are used to normal methods aren't you. You need to be faster." she said already on her paws as if she never left them "Don't try to read my paws, I got 3 others I know how to use for any manover." she said.

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Without saying a word Talaren just blinked his wide eyes twice in surprise and nodded. I'll read her wings then, also see if her tail is any indicator he thought. Immediately Talaren made a low head charge in an attempt to throw Vrans in the air.

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Vrans simply made a quick and graceful leap into the air at that attack her tail having been given a sign on where she would be facing but not an indicator to the jump. Her wings remained as if she where still on the ground as well. Landing behind him now she was tempted to give him a nip on the rump "Head on attacks like that are going to get you killed for sure if you face on a human with a gun like that." she scolded. "Attacking like that your presenting your self to harm more then your first attack did." she said then snorted "Your going to be here a bit if you want training, we need to work on your speed and tactics." she said sitting down showing the session was over.

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"You're right, I didn't think that one through, I was trying to do something unexpected but whenever I trained with Emeraldan he said I have a couple tells which is why I only won occassionally. Thanks for the advice though." Talaren finally sat down across from Vrans. "So who taught you how to evade so fast?" trying to figure out how she got to be as fast as she was.

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Dharsii laughed a bit at Emeralden's joke about how much fun falling was and smiled. She then settled in to tell him about her predecessor.


"The medic before me was another white named Shallen." she explained "He'd been this clan's medic for a long time before I got here and unfortunately passed away shortly afterwards. He was buried next to his mate by myself and his siblings. Fortunately, before he passed on he trained me to take his place as medic. And I am going to do all within my power to carry on his legacy. I know I can never replace him, but as thanks for saving my life I will carry on and be the best medic I can be."


She smiled a bit thinking inwardly on how she had never even thought once about being a medical dragon before she crashed into this clan's life.


"You're mate is also training to be a medic?" she asked, "Please won't you tell me more about her? She seems to have been quite prevalent in your life based on the notes Vrans had."

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Emeraldan's cheeks swelled pink when he heard they saw the notes. "My mate is Serina and she is working to become a medic, sh is kind and has the warmest personality but is not afraid to give someone an extra push. She encouraged me to join a big flying competition which I don't know how I did it but I won." He revealed a small pair of wings painted on his chest. "While Serina is still only learning to be a medic she has a very good memory memory. She has remembered things that would leave me with a headache if I tried. I think the two of you seem like you'd be good friends. As for the old medic here I hope he went peacefully."

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After some minutes of walking around the camp in search for Dharsii, Runara found her talking to another dragon. "Ok, here we go..." - she thought, unsure whether to wait for the end of the conversation or not. After some moments of hesitation she finally approached the pair and cleared her throat. "Umm... Dharsii?" - she spoke as calmly as she could.

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"You're right, I didn't think that one through, I was trying to do something unexpected but whenever I trained with Emeraldan he said I have a couple tells which is why I only won occassionally. Thanks for the advice though." Talaren finally sat down across from Vrans. "So who taught you how to evade so fast?" trying to figure out how she got to be as fast as she was.

Vrans looked at him "One can't be taught speed. One has to work out there own methods for the speed, for some it lays in the legs others neck even just a slight dip in the wing. It sets the balance for them allowing the movement to happen. You won't move quickly if your going to fall over, Ever notice how you slow down when you feel like your about to trip or fall off to the side? But when your not about to lose balance you can go faster." she explained "Your attacks say you and your clan have no need for such training. In this clan when we are being attacked being able to move quickly is a humans weakness. They like to just walk in shooting there weapons. However if they can't aim at you then your that much less likely to be hit by a bullet. Our hides have adapted to bullets and now somethings stop them but that is still rare. Battle harden scales are tough to claw and tooth and ice and fire. But not metal the size of a hatchlings claw going so fast you can't see it." she explained before standing up "That is why-" she shot to his side and wrapped her tail in a whipping manner around his hind leg while grabbing his for leg yanking to the side to unbalance him and then shoving him tot he ground and pinning him with a strong forpaw on his shoulder "-we move fast. Notice I did not do a head on attack. Instead I went off to the side."

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"That is smart, and I can only imagine being shot, that has to hurt badly. In that case it's good you are fast." As Talaren easer her paw off him to get up he noticed a leaf covering much of her other shoulder. "I've been clawed, burnt, and slammed, but not shot. Is that why there is a leaf covering your shoulder? I saw small holes in some areas around here, it looks like bullets will tear up most anything."

Edited by Orion97

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Vrans gave him a look like he was intruding now and backed up suddenly not so friendly looking "Yes bullets hurt a lot. And yes they also tear up almost everything she said. "However that's not the reason this leaf is here." she explained looking defencive now. She clearly did not like talking about her shoulder and the leaf that was there to cover up something. "Though it worked for you till I was right up at you." she said seeing as he had not seemed to notice it before.

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It didn't take Talaren long to figure out he hit a nerve. "I'm sorry, and didn't notice until now, I don't mean to pry, that's your buisness." Talaren quickly regret asking about the leaf. "Would it be okay to take a walk around your clan, I'm still new to everything."

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Vrans snorted but showed she did not mind the subject change. "Alright, I'll show you around." she said standing up "If your staying a few days while your brother heals might as well know your surroundings." she reasoned "We'll start with the river, the only source of water here the humans can't seem to poison." she explained starting to head towards the camp entrance.

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Dharsii smiled and nodded.


"Yes, Shallen went peacefully. He nearly didn't but his training allowed me to stave off the heart attack that would have killed him before his natural passing." She stretched her wings a bit and fiddled with the cloth over the scarred side of her face with her tail. "If your mate is as you describe her, and he notes suggest she is, then I see no reason to think she and I wouldn't get along."


The white then heard another dragon call her name and turned her head to look at Runara as the electric dragoness approached.


"Yes? Is there something you need?" she said kindly.

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Emeraldan smiled. "Hopefully you two can meet soon" Then Emeraldan sat quietly and waited for Dharsii to finsih her buisness with the young electric dragon.




"Sounds like a good idea." Talaren followed her and thought about asking her another question, like what does she do when not busy or how she arrived here, then he remembered how that went only a moment ago and kept quiet following a short distance behind her.

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Vrans lead him to the river and sat down "This is our bathing and drinking water. All other sources are tainted. Bathing happens further down the river to keep the drinking stuff clean." she explained before getting up "The easy land mark to find here is this bent tree, an old medic of ours tended to it when it was young, sadly he's dead now killed by his own stress." she explained then started to lead him to the hunting ground around the territory "These are about our only hunting grounds we have left, if you see a human hunter in these don't kill or confront it. They will treat you like they treat the animals. If you kill it then the chances of the humans attacking the clan are raised substantially."

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"Vita sent me" - replied Runara - "He told me to look for you, so youcan check me if I got the bugs." - she silenced for a while, waiting for Dharsii's reply. Runara didn't want to bother her further, as she knew that the usual medic is often busy and is not to be troubled by useless things.

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"Sounds fragile" Talaren responded, as he finished he looked into the woods, thinking he heard something moving. In any case he carefully lowered himself if it wasn't friendly.




"He HAS to be around somewhere!" Serina mumbled under her breath, she was growing somewhat tired running and remembered that Talaren had told her to wait in the first place, he never did listen to him much but she listened to almost everything Emeraldan said. Something that tended to frustrate him. As she approaced a river she heard talking and stopped, she ducked down low and peered from behind a large shrub so she wouldn't be seen, although all she saw was several paws shifting around. Serina knew to be wary of any strangers so she thought it would be better to get the jump on them first. She slowly backed up and got a running jump through the air, all she saw was a large figure and she dove for it. In an instant she had the figure pinned down and realized it was Talaren. "Talaren!!!???" Serina shouted very surprised. "I'm getting very familiar with the ground today aren't I..."Talaren mumbled under his breath. "Serina? I can't believe it's you, I thought you were going to wait at the clan? And could you also let me up please?" Serina just gave him a smile he knew all too well, a signal that she of course didn't listen to him. Finally she moved and let him get up. "Well what are you doing here?" She said, sounding slightly defensive. She looked away and got a good look at the other dragon, taken back at how beautiful and shiny she was. Hiding a note of jealousy in her voice she asked quietly, "and who is this?"

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Vrans grunted "Sometimes the fragile is what makes you tougher. Also if your talking about the riv-." she stopped eye's scanning the area. A noise had sounded.... leafs under weight and now under there own feet. Seeing movement but right before the figure came out and rammed Talaren to the ground. She spun around and went into a battle stance in case she was next. Then she heard the name from the notes Talarens brother had dropped. She smiled a little at his joke about getting to know the ground but before anyone noticed it was gone. She relaxed a bit enough to stay in a normal stance but was clearly not taking chances. After all this one had just came out of no where in a hostile manner at first.

She watched as the 2 exanged some words then looked the white over when she asked who she was "I'm Vrans, beta of the clan of this area, don't worry, here you won't be attacked by other dragons, I hope you haven't found out how the humans are over here the hard way?" she asked looking her over "I assume you would like to see your mate? He's being taken care of in our medic area. He crashed in our camp, but he's making a full recovery." she said with a nod.

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"It is nice to meet you, Vrans, I'm Serina" Then she realized all of what Vrans said. "Whoa, wait you know of Emeraldan? He's okay? thank you, it's the best news I could hear, I would love to see him, as well, I did not see any humans, saw a couple little metal bugs but I destroyed them carefully when I saw one try to poke me with a barb of some sort."

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Vrans nodded relaxing a bit more enough to sit down. "Yes we have Emeraldan but he won't be leaving for at least a few days, his wounds where many and with the humans around here wanting us dead and there poison bugs where in no way allowing an injured dragon travel home." she explained and started to turn around when a bang sounded and suddenly Vrans seemed to flinch then jerk as her neck seemed to sprout red as some scales suddenly seemed to shatter. She let out a cry then growled and shot in the direction the shot came from. Her neck bleeding but allowing the hunter to take aim maybe her end. In a zigzag pattern she shot towards the hunter who was not running but did not get far. He was quickly pinned under her for paw with her looking very very angry. Her eye's narrowed her fingures starting to pinch the humans neck. A trail of blood going down her neck now and dropped scattered on her path to the human.


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Talaren at the moment ran as fast as he could to get help. Serina followed just behind Vrans, she saw him ready to kill the human and as she opened her mouth to speak she glimpsed a small boy crying his eyes out behind a tree. He emerged sheepishly. "Please! Just don't hurt my daddy! The boy was now sobbing uncontrollably. Serina's expression vanished instantly from an angry squint and looked at the boy as surprised as she could be. The boy ran over hopelessly trying to move Vran's paw up off his dad. "Please! He didn't mean it! The dad was now slowly starting to pass out and the boy would do anything to help him. He frantically looked around and seeing Serina ran right up in front of her begging, "Please help him! We just want to go home! The boy fell to his knees, so many tears in his eyes he could barely see. Serina had the most guilty expression and tried to calm Vrans down, she was already feeling more sad by the moment just by seeing the poor boy.

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