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little lost dragon

The Great Divide

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Kadaen didn't mind the on lookers. He just fell asleep where he was. He didn't put his wing over her only because he thought that the others would think that he was sucking on Vrans' blood. He didn't show any sign of the blood lust.

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Vrans just stayed in a light sleep, half worried about those fangs. When it was her around him she could easily restrict them. Now she could not if the worst happened. But with a sigh her eye's closed and her breathing went to normal for that of a sleeping dragon. A few others left the den a bit weirded out.

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Inside that den a on looking black dragon was watching the couple. She was disguested at the site. A vampire that was mainly all bark and no bite, or so he clams. She knew he was right when he said that he didn't attack anyone from this clan, but she wondered who he had bit before. She would love for him to magorly mess up and him under her paws.


Kadaen was just still sleeping.

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Another one came up to the onlooker "I would never have expected to see her bring her self so low." he whispered "what are the beta's coming to if there doing that with vamps." he whispered but in a disgusted manner. He left the den after saying all that.


Vrans continued to sleep.

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"Still that vamp is a beta, Disgusting really. Anyone would be better then a vamp, even if the vampire used their fangs for good, they're still evil devilish creatures that should of never been born," whispered the black dragon. She kept an eye on Kadaen more then Vrans. She really could not wait until Kadaen messed up and he gets punished for it, and she really hoped that she did the pounishment of the vampire. She'll make sure that he couldn't bite anything once she was done. She didn't care that would kill Kadaen, she viewed it as justice.

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Another one of the the dragons that where leaving paused as she spoke. "They are a plauge to the dragon kind. They only spread through biting others eggs." he muttered on his way by.


Vita took notice of the camp, a small crowd was forming by the warriors den. He started to decend. What was all the commotion about?

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Brittany felt highly uneasy with the vampire inside her den. She would kick him out, but she knew that the vamp could easily kill her, and everyone inside the clan and that he was also Beta. She had high loyalty to the clan, but not to the darn vampire. She went to her nest and curled up there.


Tetra fell asleep inside her new bed.


Kadaen was still asleep.

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Dharsii smiled and gently picked up the little mint hatchling and set her down on her back as well, raising her scales a bit to give the two hatchlings better grip. The young white then folded her wings back at an angle so that they would border her frame in a manner that would prevent the hatchlings from falling off, it wasn't very comfortable for her but it would keep the little one's safe.


"Well, young ones. I will first take you to our leader's den to see if I can find out which cave our little blue friend might have wandered from. I believe it will be good for the both of you to meet him." she said in a clear, bright tone.


The young medic walked through the main area of the Clan's main camp as she navigated her way through the rocks, dens, and other dragons; occasionally exchanging a quick hello with another dragon. She felt the eyes of some of the older dragons resting on her. She must look fairly odd carrying a mismatched pair of hatchlings on her back, but she had seen others of the Clan doing so, despite most of them being mothers with hatchlings of their own.


After several minutes of walking she reached Vita's den. She stopped outside. She lightly rapped her tail against one of the stones outside the den, sending the knocking sound into the cavern.


"Lord Vita? I hope I'm not interrrupting anything urgent, but I would like to speak with you." she said into the den. Not hearing a response she lifted her head to look about for him. She spotted him gliding down towards the warriors den and headed in that direction, hoping to intercept him when he landed. But as she drew nearer she noticed the dragons gathering and muttering around the den. What's going on here? she thought to herself. She approached with caution, keeping a safe distance and checking to make sure the hatchlings were still secure on her back.

Edited by Drakossozh

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Vita landed and looked around. He saw the what the others saw. He looked at the others. He frowned at them and a few went back to there own stuff. But most looked a mix of fear, and disapproval. "This couple this interesting?" he asked loud enough for everyone gathered to hear. "Be on your way, Brittany, meet me at the camp entrance." he ordered then looked at Dharsii and saw the 2 hatchlings. He went over to her "everything alright?" he asked


Vrans woke up when Vita spoke, she sighed feeling all the eye's on her through Kadaens back.

Edited by little lost dragon

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Brittany nodded and she got up and went to the camp entrance. She hoped that Vita would say keep an eye on the vampire and if anything goes wrong then she has the right to get his tail away from Vrans. She didn't look like she was thinking that at all, instead she looked like she wanted to see what Vita wanted her for.


Kadaen was slowly getting up. He didn't hear what Vita said though. He slowly raised his head and saw that Vrans was still there. He smiled, again non threating way of showing his fangs. "I guess others don't like us together," he said as he saw the faces of the others looking at them, even though Vita had basically said to knock it off.


Tetra was still sleeping.

Edited by polos1993

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Vrans looked at Kadaen then laid her head down again. This was going to be one hard set of days at this rate. But she owed it to Kadaen and did promise to give him a chance which met putting up with the clan in the process. She already had to stop one of her friends. She got up and looked at every one. Everyone who was still looking and the works quieted down. "This is not forced on me. Nor has he shown that he will bite me." she said but before she could continue "Then explain the bandage on your shoulder. I heard you where poisoned through the paw." a voice said and Vrans looked at them again then took off the bandgedge. Showing the 2 holes that Kadaens fangs made when he bite to suck out the poison "Yes he bite there, otherwise I would not have this arm or paw right now. Heck I may not even be here alive." she said "Now go find something else to make your selfs useful with!" she growled threateningly.

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"But what was he really going after? Since he had bit you, why do you still want him around you?" said a voice, not really looking at Vrans or Kadean.


Kadaen only rolled his eyes. "Okay I know I am a vampire, but guz you guys act like I don't have any self control. Even a pationt dragon has there limmints you know," he said to the group. His words were true.

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Vrans looked for the voice who had spoken. "Had it not been for him doing what he did in the medic den, I would not be whole, or alive maybe. Its easily said that he saved my life there." she growled "I am in his debt now. He wants to try to have a life many of those cursed like him don't get. He earned that chance. Plus I promised him I would give him a chance as well. Now, get before I floor some of you." she growled again and went into a combat stance. She was fed up and just wanted some rest with out having to worry or get stared at.

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"Easy Vrans," Kadaen said, and he thought that never inside his life he'll met a dragon that will get mad and angry before a vampire will. Usally he is calm and relaxed but quick to anger due to his kind, but he never thought that a wonderful holiday dragon would never get mad before a vampire, not even him, but he was proven wrong.


The one who had asked left the den.

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Dharsii bowed her head respectfully when Vita approached her.


"Everything is fine Lord Vita. I happened across a couple new friends here. I believe that the Royal Blue is of one of our Clan members as his scent is vaguely familiar to me but I cannot recall whose it is and in the Clan's home area here so many scents mix and jumble that it is hard for me to trace where his family is." she said softly.


"The Mint hatchling is named Spearmint. She is apparently not from around here and she speaks quite wonderfully for a hatchling of her age." she continued.


The White noticed through the other dragons that were moving away that Vrans and Kadaen were apparently the cause of the commotion. seeing the two of them curled together made her a little jelous again for not having a male persuing her as well. But mostly she was relieved to see that Vrans' arm was apparently doing better.

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Vrans let out a slow quieter growl. She looked at Kadaen "I don't know about you, but I'v been poisoned, nearly died thanks to that. Lost my scales on my arm, had to floor one of my friends and now I'm being stared at." she said then went to the back of the den and curled up in the shadows in a tightly packed ball. A few tears started to escape from her eye's.


Vita nodded "Its alright. That little guy takes after his mother. His family are the ones that live in a little shelter beside the nursery den. His mother has been snoozing all day so I'm not suprized he got away. Thanks for bringing him back. Where one less panicked mother today." he said "As for Spearmint, Welcome to the clan." he said "I'm Vita." he introdused him self.

Edited by little lost dragon

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Kadaen saw the tears and he just couldn't deal with her crying. He looked at the others, the look that ment most vampires were blood lusting showed, but it came to him as he felt protective to Vrans. He bet that Tetra would call that the lusting gardain mode, which is what he felt like. His back was to Vrans, not facing her. "You guys, and girls, judge to quickly on who will do what," he said calmly, dispite looking like he was blood lusting. He didn't feel it as a real blood lust though, but more of protecting Vrans which he had gladly accepted it. He did not make a move though, waiting for the others to go agest him.

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"Look the vamp is going to go in sane." a voice said noticing the blood lust like look.


Vita heard this and looked at the still small crowd. He looked at the hatchlings and Dharsii "Excuse me." he said with a nod. He went to the meeting rock. "Those still gathered around the warriors den. Get over here." he said in a calm but firm voice. "You either find something better to do or I'll put you all to work. Those are beta's your staring at. Do I need to take more severe methods or are you going to start showing some respect?" he asked. He was clearly not happy. Not yelling but that tone of voise that you don't need to yell with and everyone knows your not happy.

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"You would go insane if everyone was watching you and not giving you a moments peace, but I am not gone all the way yet, not get going to do something else then just wasting time," Kadaen said. He was clearly not happy and he didn't attack anyone yet. He then heard Vita. He was calulating how long until he saw his look, but he wasn't turned at Vrans, but at the small crowd. He had yet to attack and he more or less felt to protect Vrans and not his normal blood lust when he normally got into this look.

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The small group of dragons dispersed quickly after hearing Vita. He jumped down from the rock and landed in front of the den. He looked at Kadaen then at Vrans. "Both of you, this evening, by the river, by the bent tree on the left side." he said. He then turned and went back to Dharsii and the 2 hatchlings "Sorry about that. Not often we get that happening." he said shaking his head.



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Kadaen didn't look like he was inside his blood lusting mood when Vita looked at him, mainly because the group was gone. He nodded at Vita. "I'll make sure we're there," he said then returned to Vrans' side. He gently nudged her to see if she was alright emotionally.

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Vrans just curled up tighter, her nose and eye's covered so right now she did not know who was nudging her. When he nudged her a few more times she suddenly uncurled and snarled teeth bared. When she realized who it was she stopped and half fell on her side and curled up again. She was clearly distressed. Too much happened including nearly dieing. She maybe a beta but she had her limits as well.

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Kadaen didn't do anything when Vrans got up quickly, snarled and teath bared at him. He was wondering what was inside Vrans' mind. When she curled up again, he wrapped himself around him. He didn't know if his cold body would help her. "Easy Vrans. I wont let anything happen to you if I have a say about it," he promissed. He was out of his gardain blood lust mood. He wondered when Vrans was stable if he should tell her about what had happened to him.

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Vrans took a few deep breaths and seemed to calm down a little. Too much had happened. "My life seems to be just falling apart." she said after a while "One day everythings fine, helped a dragon to safety, then today shows, and everything breaks lose." she said quietly, voice portraying how she felt "Seems I let one into my life and suddenly a bunch of other things are suddenly being shaken around." she said.

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"If you don't want me around all you gotta do is tell me," Kadaen said. "I know that some of the others will never accept me inside this clan just cause I am a vampire. You're a lovely dragoness and even though I want to be with you, I want you to be happy and not cry." He used his claws to gently whip away the tears that he saw comming out of her eyes.

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