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computer, why you hum so loud whenever I try to play a game? Do you need a cleaning?

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I didn't get the "change your DC avatar" memo.


I looked at a 3G Witchlight x yellow Sapphire lineage and I got the phantom taste of lemon drops in my mouth.

Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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\Life is short. It's just an instant in time. Don't wait. Don't expect others to be what we want them to be. It ain't happening. I have  my own path to follow. God has  a purpose for me, and its not to follow other people around. I'm going to be happy, and no one is going to stop  me. 

Edited by anonymous

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43 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

please tell me it isn't so

It t'aint so.


Do I get a cookie now?

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5 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Do I get a cookie now?

You were right. So, have a cookie!

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It's not Wonderland, Alice.


Why must I be cursed with a slow phone?

(and slow fingers)

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Huh... Does that mean the words you say come across as all drawn out like in slow motion?

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19 hours ago, Syiren said:

computer, why you hum so loud whenever I try to play a game? Do you need a cleaning?

it did in fact need a cleaning. That poor graphics card was choking.

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You know the term "losing your marbles" probably meant the same thing as ragequitting originally.

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wha? Am I actually tired at a normal time for once? wow. That's new. I should probably take advantage of it.

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805 was one of my apartment numbers when growing up in Toronto.

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I want to add the so called "song-part" to SnowGhost's description as well ... But I don't dare to do it. No one will understand it unless they look at his lineage and how many would do that while reviewing it? Yup, probably no one. So I'd better not, I guess. I could probably use that part of his description somewhere else ... Hopefully.

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If you need me, I'll be in @AsymDoll13's kitchen, eating sugar out of the bag.


Not another phone update!

"For security. " More like for new ways to cause glitching.

Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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On 11/1/2022 at 3:49 PM, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

My almond milk is almond ice. The fridge froze it. 🥶


I have to keep my milk at the very front of the fridge otherwise it will freeze. Anything that gets pushed to the back always ends up at least half frozen. And then we have our freezer, which will melt any ice cream or ice cubes if anything large is put in it. (That's why we bought another freezer that we keep in my room...)


Too many tabs open. Too much to do that I'm just not doing. At least it's not so flipping hot now, last night I was even able to open a window for a bit.

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That site's acting weird.... wonder what's happening behind the scenes? 

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