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Trials and Travels OOC

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Sorry I haven't posted! I'm kind of waiting for Blue_Apollo to post so I have have an Isis and Promise post together.

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I'll get a post up for you soon, Silver. I've been waiting on Aamina, but I guess Renzo's reply can take a backseat for now. Luna needs to get some shtuff done, anyway.

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Apollo - I interacted with Luna~


The Guardians of Light ARE heading to Cumulus, right? *hopes I didn't muck up my post...*

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Yes, they are. :3 And I do think we should do a timeskip soon, but the problem is that Kai and Noe are about to go to Cumulus and they'd arrive before morning. ^^ We'll see what LL says when she gets back. Or comes back. Wherever she may be. :3


And Silver, if Promise can get on Jahanshah's good side it's not that hard to become his ally... unless Betzalel finds a treacherous thought in your head and eats you. >:D


Anyway, Yuaki is pretty much done for the night but Aketsu's still awake. It's funny that about half the group is leaving; Luna, Kai, Noe, Eirikr, and now Tractus.

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Oh, LadyNatasha... Because she'd been traveling a lot, is it possible for her to have recognized Jahan? Cause otherwise, I've got nothing.

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Where's Rak? I hope she doesn't mind that Luna is tagging along in Kai's mind (I can edit if need be). Technically she isn't really leaving, she's just sitting in a weird meditative state in the camp, so she'll be quiet for awhile.

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Oh, LadyNatasha... Because she'd been traveling a lot, is it possible for her to have recognized Jahan? Cause otherwise, I've got nothing.

I'm not sure what happened to Rak. sad.gif I hope he's okay, because I haven't heard from him recently. He's always 'online' but never talkative. >.> *Cough* RAK, I'm CONCERNED. You should un-concern me by responding. :-P


@Silver: Well, I doubt she would simply because he's never been in public in ordinary clothes without metal skin...


I guess if she had a really photographic mind, or if Jahan was one of the royalty that she had visited more often than most, she could recognize his voice or something. :3 But don't worry about it too much; however you respond, I'll find a way to get you into their group. xd.png As long as you don't do something completely out of character, that is. ~


I think LL and Rak have been busy recently. That is my best and only guess. o.O

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Okay! I'll have her recognize his voice.


Edit: There, done! I just edited my earlier post so I wouldn't double post.

Edited by Silver_Voices

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Yes, they are. :3 And I do think we should do a timeskip soon, but the problem is that Kai and Noe are about to go to Cumulus and they'd arrive before morning. ^^ We'll see what LL says when she gets back. Or comes back. Wherever she may be. :3


And Silver, if Promise can get on Jahanshah's good side it's not that hard to become his ally... unless Betzalel finds a treacherous thought in your head and eats you. >:D


Anyway, Yuaki is pretty much done for the night but Aketsu's still awake. It's funny that about half the group is leaving; Luna, Kai, Noe, Eirikr, and now Tractus.

They were supposed to be heading directly to whisper *glares at Loren* but thanks to that one, they are now going to Cumulus to restock because of the battle too.\


Sorry I haven't been on earlier, been super busy with homework and planning mom's party....which is today!!!


Nobody tell her wink.gif It's a secret. So, I won't be on much today at all because we are going to be gone all day today getting her a dress, getting pictures and finally going to the party. I'm so excited!!!!

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Your mom's birthday? We wouldn't be able to tell her anyways. xd.png


Anyone know where Betzalel Lore went?



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lol I don't know where anyone went. I have been so out of commission with everything going on that I haven't been able to look at any of the posts.....


I will try and get one up here pretty soon guys, i am so sorry!

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Don't rush~ I just won't post until the timeskip... Just in case anyone was wondering about all of my hiatusness... e_e

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Oh my gosh. People are actually posting. O_O It's a miracle! Love, are you going to post with Aamina soon?

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I guess I'll divert and come back to you for a bit, if that's okay... We'll get Betzalel to see if she's lying later. I really want to post right now. tongue.gif

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Aamina....omgoawsh yes. Uhm and Blue, the thing you did with Kai is godmodding. I would change it for now and take it up with Rak. I don't mind if you two work something out, but at the moment, I would edit.


So, since Rak hasn't posted yet *glares* I will pretty much just post with Aamina since others seem to be reacting with each other pretty well smile.gif

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lol he's been super busy lately so no worries though. smile.gifP

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I posteth I posteth! sad.gif

sorry, yes I've been quite busy.

I'll pay closer attention though.

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And I edited my post! I'll have a reply up for Renzo as soon as I can.

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odd I couldn't access the forums yesterday. Now to continue to track this forum until the right time.

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Lovey, if you don't mind, could you update the character sheets at the front of the first post? I don't want to have to keep looking for the new characters in the OOC thread. ^^;


Nasa13: I think there was something wrong with the forums that day because I couldn't access it either. *le shrug*


It's a bit slow as well for now...

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