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Sorry for the short post, Blue, but I'm really tired right now and my internet's about to shut off. Night everyone.

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Just wanted to finish the Water Guide~


Water Elementians - 3 out of 10 taken


Water Elementians are from the underwater city of Triton. The city is made of walls that are see through and they have their own technology that allows them to build small machines that make it so that they can breathe under water.


Basic Control

- Putting out a fire with water is pretty much basic control. The ability to move water in whatever direction wished.


Secondary Control

- The ability to form water into a single weapon and only be able to barely move them.

- Beginning to be able to separate large masses of water into individual strands and controlling them.


Tertiary Control

- Ability to use water as a solid object in the form of a shield.

- Ability to slightly change the forms of water there are at present.


Journeyman's Control

- Ability to conform the form of water you have at present to whatever you wish. (Celeste)

- Ability to control many strands of water at once.


Mastery and/or Specialization.

- Ability to derive water into its individual elements, as hydrogen and oxygen, making the oxygen into a usable form. This can let one breathe underwater. (What I want Celeste to have.)

- Ability to recreate water-based weather conditions.

- Ability to have more than one form of water under control at the same time.

Edited by gistofeverything

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Thank you gist for reminding me of that....


Also, what castle is Celeste going to?

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I thought that I would have her go to the Cumulus Palace, but if it isn't structured, I can change it. I'm not going to do anything major there. I'm going to have Celeste stay at the palace until the timeskip to morning, then I'll have her come back to the inn and give Jahanshah the money that she had earned the night before.

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Hmmmm, I think that that is fine... AND it will cause extra DRAMA....muwahahahahahahhaa!

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Quick question to everyone who has multiple characters: blink.gifHow do you manage it? How do you keep the ideas flowing? I've tried but my ideas end up drying out fast.


Edit: I'm posting now.

Edited by Nasa13

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Quick question to everyone who has multiple characters: blink.gifHow do you manage it? How do you keep the ideas flowing? I've tried but my ideas end up drying out fast.

I didn't create Celeste until about page 20 or so... When I first joined the two RPs I was in, I only had one character, then I gradually progressed. The most I had in one RP, though, was... three I think.


Edit: Nasa. Could Tractus be friends with Elrikr? It would gice the two of them something to do...

Edited by gistofeverything

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Man, Loren is going to be REALLY alone when he rejoins you guys. xd.png


It helps if your characters are vastly different then one another. The general direction I'm heading with Loren is probably to make him into an empty shell, he's already been broken emotionly once, has nearly been killed, and is most likely going to end up as the only single person in the light alliance's group xd.png


(Joking about that last bit, that kind of stuff can never be planned.)


As for Betzalel, take the Batman's seriousness and tactics, the Joker's funny, yet psychopathic nature and mix it with psychic and shadow powers, and you got Betzalel.


Creos is rather aloof for a former mercenary. He tends to have a light-hearted attitude when fighting, and rarely gets serious. Out of battle, I tend to make him very social, and very flirtatious with women.



Having a good mixture helps with the idea process, having similar characters tends to impede the flow.

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Hehehehehe, it's fun! Leith...dark and broody Nerio, narcissitic (however you spell that) and fun loving. Isa, prudish and self-confident Noe sweet and loving, Ayame, a total dork but loves everyone.


Queen Viosa quiet, but has something to hide. Battlemate, he's just quiet and contemplative.


I think that's everyone. If you make them different like Lore said, it makes it easier to distinguuish how to deal with them. If I had Isa exactly like Noe it would be a bit weird to make them individuals.


Sometimes, styling characters after people you know makes it easier. Like Leith and Nerio are a mixed combo of two of my best guy friends and my brother. Isa? she's like a friend of mine that I have known all my life and absolutely adore. Noe is more so me though and Ayame is like an overly happy version of my dad.


Associating characters with people makes things a world easier. But in that, you have to make them an individual character instead of copying everything because then that is just awkward.....

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Multiple characters can be tricky, but I've found that I have a lot more fun keeping up with more characters than I would with just one. I tend to have certain "types" that I base my characters off of for a basic skeleton of their personality, then I add more details to create individuality


Luna happens to be my "shy and insecure" type character. She's a bit of an experiment as I normally don't even play girls in the first place (they seem to overpopulate every board I come across). Renzo is my "intelligent guy" type. He has the basic personality of a lot of knowledge and wit, but to separate him from my other characters he has developed into an unforgiving and restless killer with not much of a need for strong social relationships. In another RP I have a character that is similar to him but is a few years younger and is actually a good guy He uses his intelligence to his advantage (kind of like Renzo), but he is more willing to undertake social relations and is definitely not as annoying or deadly.


So yeah....I guess that's how I handle multiple characters. They all have a base that I just build off of to make them more unique.

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For keeping ideas flowing, I just make certain to interact with someone every other post at the least. If I see someone who's not being interacted with AND my character could LOGICALLY interact with them, I'll usually take that opportunity. Usually, but not always. I like to ask myself, 'what would Yuaki really be thinking?'


Aketsu is actually my most diversely-based character. Some of his traits are based off four of five anime characters, some off my siblings and some off people I happen to be in the same room as at one time (aka people I don't really know). He was sort of a new try for me. His 'original' personality was something I had wanted to try out for a while, but Isa broke that pretty quickly. xd.png


Yuaki is the one I can relate to the most. She's not really like me, but she's one of those 'what if' characters. In other words, if I could do things twice over, I might handle things like she would the first time through just to see people's reactions around me. 8D Because if I became like her, people would definitely notice the change. >.>


Jahanshah... I don't really remember what inspired him :/ I think I just wanted to try out a royalty character, and a younger one. I didn't expect Aketsu to go royal too. xd.png Or Aero to split. That was a little surprise LL threw in once I revealed Aketsu's mind-lock.


Like Blue said, it is easier to keep things flowing with two characters because then you don't feel obligated to keep them both busy at once.


And... Lore, your comment on poor Loren being the only single guy made me LOL twice. Seriously, the poor dude. I could imagine him an empty shell. But... I dunno, Luna sure seems to care for him... wink.gif


I think we have more men than women, not including Z'fan.


Aketsu --- Isa

Kai -------- Noe










Did I miss anyone?

And Blue, I think you missed Tractus' mental scream that Luna would have noticed. :3 But it seems he's moved on anyway.


And LL... I am ALMOST done with that document you sent me. Just a bit longer~~~

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You forgot Renzo! xd.png


And I'm going to go with the excuse that Luna has shut down all mental communication except with Isis because she just doesn't want to listen to anyone at the moment....That sounds about right....eheheh....

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Eyyy I'm going to make Naomi spy in... not intentionally, of course. That way she's in play.

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@Blue: You're joking, rig't? xd.png Renzo is a bad guy. B-A-D bad. Well, according to t'ose w'o were mentioned. O.o I left all t'em S'adow folks out, every single one. BUT not including Betzalel,





Marcus -------- Skylar






Now I feel as t'oug' I really did miss someone. >.<


O, by t'e way, tonig't at my 'ouse we're attempting to speak wit'out using t'e 8th letter of t'e alp'abet in any of our words. xd.png 'ence my funny writing. So yea. We're weird like t'at. :3 But it kinda forms an accent of its own sort of, one t'at's rat'er familiar sounding as t'oug' it could be a real accent.


So for example, rig't is no longer pronounced with a silent 'g'; it is now (rig-et). <3 Doesn't matc' t'e accent, but 'tis so fun.


*But back on topic, I do think Naomi should do a little spy work there. >:D She might get in biiiig trouble...

...either way, she'll meet Jahan tomorrow when Betty (I'll admit I was calling him that long before Creos did, and I LOLd my head off when I saw Creos call him that) and Creos take him to meet Loren.



*from this sentence on I will spare you all of my h-less speaking and other weird customs.

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I didn't notice there was fine print on that first list....


But yay! List of bad guys makes more sense now. happy.gif

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... Guys. I've created a character in my story... And she's totally evil. I kind of want to make a bad character like her.

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Speaking of evil characters, my Dungeons and Dragons group has started a new campaign.


At the very beginning, some leader of a merchant guild hired us to find the cause of an abyssal disease that turns people in horrible frog-demons. We got to the first town... and after the DM said "not a single soul walks the streets", I made my wizard use two cantrips, to summon a tumbleweed and make a sound like in those cowboy movies, right before a high noon showdown.


When we learned of the mortality rate of the disease (50% death, 25% turning into frog demon, and 25% survival rate), the fighter began to pull a empty wagon as my wizard used his third cantrip to create a small cowbow, and made him ring it as the cleric said "Bring out your dead! bring out your dead!"


As the DM discussed the situation in this farm town, we pretty much decided to kill everyone infected with the disease before torching the place. The only people who would survive are the fighter, since she failed her saving throw, and a woman who would give us a reward.


I'm looking forward to next week biggrin.gif (Coincidentally, we talked about real estate as well)

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lol D&D....on campus there is a group of dudes and one girl that are always playing it when i am on my way to Pilates...at the same time....every Tuesday and Thursday. it's so much fun to listen in on them because it is like a whole other world smile.gif



A LN, no worries, I know you just got back. I'll keep watching my e-mail though wink.gif


and yeah, i noticed that earlier which is why I was considering making another female character, but naaaah. The ones that are in here are pretty strong characters.


@Silver- do whatever you want smile.gif it's a free world...just warn me and make sure it follows through with the Rp and maybe it isn't a free world...lol jk jk!


@Blue- I think the only type that I have ever really created is what I call the Heedana type. Heedana was a character I had in Pern (an RP that lasted for like 2 years then crashed) and she was totally awesome in my opinion. she was a strong character, but had a background of some serious trials that she ahd to go through not to mention a daddy's girl so whatever he said went even though she was a Jr. Weyrwoman. With that said, I think I kinda designed Isa after her more than I did Noe but just made Isa more of a snob who loved her mother more than her father. I guess that is my type. The strong character who breaks when certain buttons are pushed. Simple, but effective wink.gif


I love Luna though. She confuses me sometimes but she makes things interesting to see what is going through her mind.

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Hey, Blue, I've seen that you've taken a look at the thread a couple times but haven't posted. I wondered if you didn't see my post. Just to let you know that Isis has responded. So... Yeah.

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I know. I'm just in class all day (I'm stuck 'till about 9 tonight). I'll have a reply up by tomorrow morning though.

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*cheers* Go Blue!


Edith: I have about ten more minutes before my internet router shuts off. If it's not up by then I'll have to post either when I wake up in the morning or when I get back around 5:30PST.

Edited by Silver_Voices

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Posted! Sorry 'bout the wait. My spelling tends to forget itself when I'm sleepy.

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