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Trials and Travels OOC

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I reread my last post and realized I called the twins "tins" laugh.gif . I'm editing it now. I'll get a post up soon.


Edit there I go again with "soon" as "son"

Edited by Nasa13

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Sorry about my unplanned absence, family life has taken the forefront recently so my rping has been pushed back a bit. I might still be gone a bit longer, but keep going without me I'll jump back in as well as I can later.

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@jaina: Whew! I was afraid you had disappeared! We shall keep you updated as requested. 3


@LL: Aww don't cry, it was a fabulous post. wink.gif

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Thank you LN smile.gif


@jaina, thank you for letting us know. Hope things get better for ya.



And LN....BEST AKETSU PIC EVER. I think. Here it is

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Ay... that's really good! Gold eyes AND white hair, bonus! Too bad he doesn't have longer hair. xd.png And of course Aketsu has normal ears and doesn't have green on his cheek, nor does he wear a headband because it would cover his mark, and his eyebrows are slightly lighter and his nose-bridge is straighter and his pupils are darker and... hahah, just givin' you a hard time. wink.gif No seriously, that's an awesome picture. Why am I so bad at finding pictures I want?


Feel FREE to look for a Yuaki picture! I can't find any good ones that have long blue hair and very dark blue eyes that look fairly young-ish and not like they're dying or kissing someone. >.>


I am pretty happy with Jahan's picture, though. It reiterates the fact that due to lack of sunlight and rough'n'tumble time, Jahan hasn't really grown much in the last two years. xd.png Poor guy. Maybe I'll have him go through a growth spurt while they're in Cumulus.

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Hey Lachy, Loren pretty much stuck in a hospital, you could introduced your character there.

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Oh well all the more food for everyone to eat. happy.gif We'll figure something out I'm sure.

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@Lach: Haha, that IS perfectly set up for her. "We'll find a random Plant Elementian I'm sure will be hanging around here to do the basic healing. I'm sure we'll find one." xd.png Guess that's Naomi's cue!


@Blue: All the more food indeed! Aketsu's hungry enough to eat a whale or two, and Yuaki isn't afraid to stuff herself either. :3

Edited by LadyNatasha

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Nerio will gladly welcome the help, and the company.


Also, Here are a few Yuaki pics....and you are tooooooo picky!!!!!!!!!! >:|




nvm.... i gave up because Iknew the ones that you wouldn't like wink.gif



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:3 I am posting now, but after this I do think we should wait for Gist and jaina, so we don't leave Tractus, Cello and Celeste behind. I know jaina's been busy, but I haven't heard from Gist in a while...


...that's a fair Yuaki picture, although the outfit isn't quite her style. But I do appreciate you looking, LL! Don't take my criticism seriously, I do like that picture of Aketsu quite a bit. xd.png And I know you work hard to find them/keep the RP running/update the first page of the main topic (which could use an update now 8D)

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You haven't seen me stalk? ohmy.gif I just need to know where the Light side is. I kiiiiind of figgered that the Shadow alliance is going to the inn to get to know Aoi. I'll make a post when I know what's going on with my light side~

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Well Gist. So far the 'Guardians' are basically done with the battle. They are etting settled in for the night and about to have dinner/supper (which ever). The idea is that the next morning they bury the dead.

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Kai earns the achievement: Honorable and Sweet



Whenever someone says you are honorable and sweet, lose an arm... xd.pngxd.pngxd.png

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Gah! I'm back from camp and soooo much has happened? Where are we?

What is happening? I need to know so I can post smile.gif

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Basically everyone who is still alive has returned to a new campsite for the Guardians. They're setting up the camp (unpacking, taking inventory, getting food ready, etc.), and plan on burying all the dead the next morning in the RP. Isis should be with them...although I forget what he was instructed to do....

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Kai earns the achievement: Honorable and Sweet



Whenever someone says you are honorable and sweet, lose an arm... xd.pngxd.pngxd.png

That made me laugh...I'm so horrible!



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