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Trials and Travels OOC

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S.A.I is Lore's. I don't care whether or not your character is an agent or whatever they are, just as long as you get the lowdown about it from him.


I will go through the power abilities and then i will do my best to make a post here pretty soon since I finally have time. I have had a good day so i am in a good mood to post which means that either a) people will die cool.gif enemies will grow stronger, or something else. Muwahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!! * cough cough *

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@Gist: Your post seems just a bit... god-moddy, like not giving Renzo enough time to respond. You might want to change it from 'she did this' to 'she attempted this'. :3 Because I doubt Renzo would hold still through all that. wink.gif

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These are just basic Earth elemtarian ability classes. Kai has achieved Stone Sense IV and Movement of earth V when dealing with sand, only IV when dealing with stone or earth, and II with wet dirt/sand/mud.




Movement of Earth I: this includes the ability to move small patches of earth or sand from one location to the next so long as they remain in contact with the ground. This includes the ability to soften or harden preexisting earth.


Stone Sense I: Earth Elementarians can feel vibration in hard stone surfaces and be able to detect the approach of even an invisible enemy who is touching the ground.




Movement of Earth II: This includes the ability to move large amounts of earth from one place to the next and to form it into shapes, harden those shapes, and even the ability to create tunnels, displace large amounts of dirt, and throw dirt or stone objects and move dirt around without it needing to be in contact with the ground.


Stone Sense II: Same as I but works now on dirt and sand.



Movement of Earth III: Adds the ability for the user to walk through earthen objects, morphing the stone or dirt around their body and increasing or decreasing its density in such a way that it doesn't actually cause the object to change form, they simply appear to step through it like ghosts. While doing so they must continue to breathe but gain oxygen from the air trapped in the dirt or stone that is released as room for their body is made. This is extremely strenuous and hard to maintain, but useful for short distances.


Stone Sense III: Can now detect a heartbeat and begin to learn to detect lying.



Movement of Earth IV: Ghosting (moving through stone or dirt/sand becomes a simple task. Earth Elementarians also gain the ability to cover themselves in stone, able to manipulate it on a macro or micro level in order to craft perfect replicas of anything they see. Because of this earth elementarian warriors are highly feared, as they can continue to fight even after sustaining debilitating injuries by forming stone around their disabled limbs and joints and continuing to fight by manipulating that stone, in order to stop them completely their bodies must be virtually disintegrated or their vital organs shut down completely. They can move and form earth on a very large scale. The larger and more detailed the movement the harder, the smaller and more general the easier.


Stone Sense IV: Can duplicate bone structure of individual, useful for detecting breaks in bones, or someone in disguise. Can feel the locations of many enemies at once even while fighting and not standing perfectly still.




Movement of Earth V: The earth becomes an extension of your body and your will, forming and moving at the bidding of your thoughts, still draining just as much energy, but little other effort is needed to control your abilities at this stage. Entire buildings can be constructed in seconds, and intricately detailed objects can be created in short order. Sand and dirt can be distinguished by the color of the different grains and pieces giving the ability to cover one's self in a disguise to match another object in color and appearance. When traveling through the earth, the user can move at a hugely increased speed of up to thirty miles per hour as the earth propels them through it to their destination.


Stone Sense V: Everything from I - IV, but now to include the ability to feel the vibration of people's voices through the walls and floors of the stone buildings they are in (only works indoors where there is a chance for echo), allowing the user to eavesdrop on them from a good distance away and from behind closed doors.





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Hey guys, sorry for not posting as much... life stuff and a near heart attack.


Anyway, I posted as Loren, will try to get a Betzalel post up soon.



And S.A.I is simply "Shadow Alliance Intelligence." A.K.A agent stuff.

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Hey guys, sorry for not posting as much... life stuff and a near heart attack.

Eeek, take care of yourself.


Speaking of life, I cannot post tonight (I see I must respond to several peeps) because it's 11:20 here. But I shall hopefully post tomorrow night when I arrive at the hotel we're staying at. So don't go too far without me. wink.gif

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Eeek, take care of yourself.


Speaking of life, I cannot post tonight (I see I must respond to several peeps) because it's 11:20 here. But I shall hopefully post tomorrow night when I arrive at the hotel we're staying at. So don't go too far without me. wink.gif

Aw, ok. Drive safe!

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Aw, ok. Drive safe!

Thanks biggrin.gif I shall tell my mom that.~


Bai for now everyone!

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I'm having way more fun with Renzo than I should. I'll get a power guide up for the Lightning Element as soon as I can. Gist's guide for the Space Elementians looks great.

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In case you were wondering was Loren used, it was Wind's Love.

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Seriously? I post at too late at night, and then I look and i is now 11am and ya'll have posted that much?! OMGAWSH! Okay, it's not bad, just irritating because I have to do homework.


Be safe LN!!!!!!!!!!


And Lore.... * smacks * you need to take better care of yourself mister! *huggles* just be careful m'kay?





And I guess the war has begun then....*rubs hands together mischeviously* who gonna die? BTW, don't worry if you want to kill a character off. You can make a new one too wink.gif

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Aww be careful, Lore. And have fun, LN!


Nao vee musht continue and walk to ze city. Becaush zees has been too long.


Nah, jk, take your time. tongue.gif

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Okay, i posted. I may be missing a few characters, but that was the key things needed. Uhm, so 2 shadow beast riders left and then maybe a few with the foot soldiers. Get in there and fight fight fight!!!!



Aaaaand, i got something around an 80+ on my Chem exam! Whooopie!

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That's great, Lovey! Way to butcher that Chem!


Anyways, I sent my other character form to ya, Lovey. I'm going to make her follow the bad side even though she's not...y'know.. evil.

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@lach: THERE! biggrin.gif I got the group in the city. Now post as Aoi!


@All: I got super sick last night and I feel awful. If I posted something that needs to be edited please tell me (like if it's too long), I just wanted to bunch it up so I can get some sleep and let y'all continue. ^^ Terrible timing to get sick, I am now at a hotel near my brother's college. Gnight!

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* glares at Rak * oooooh, Noe is gonna kill you! wow....that was a shocker....now Noe is gonna freak....hehehehehe, I shall release the daughter of a dead over 300 year old ball of joy wink.gif

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Is it alright if Eirikr unleashes a volcano?


I was thinking he could allow the promethans to finally be destroyed before telling the other to run for it. Then he would open a crack in the ground for the volcano to form.

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Nice going Noe, in your fit of emotion burst of Kai's (possible) death, Loren is now going to be a P.O.W >_>


... I love how cruel I can be to my characters.



And I don't think that's alright Nasa, if 1000 Clay Men is overpowered, a volcano is godmodding.

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I know. but the thing is he isn't controling the volcano. besides I can't seeing as how Loren managed to be taken prisoner.

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There's a crazy storm up above him, Noe's emotions are going berserk and Kai went Macro Missiles with the lighting... how the hell can't something that's airborne be hit by lighitng?


And if you got struck by lighting, your going to be knocked out cold... assuming you managed to survive in the first place. All the worse for Loren since he was flying as well, being knocked out mid-flight is NOT good.

Edited by Lore_Master

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I don't think you quite under stood me but I'll let it go.No worries, Eirikr is trying to find Loren now. Unless he escapes wink.gif

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Luckily there were some of those shadow bat creatures left, otherwise that would have been an asspull biggrin.gif


Loren's getting captured, nice try though.

Edited by Lore_Master

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I'm going to hold off on posting Renzo until gist gets a post up for Celeste. Other than that, I think we've got a really awesome battle going on. This is way more fun than it should be....

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You do realize Loren is going to totally blame himself for letting Luna get injure?


I agree, this is fun biggrin.gif

Edited by Lore_Master

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