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Trials and Travels (Semi-lit)

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It seemed like he had managed to escape the bakery. If he was noticed or not he didn't care anymore. He was outside and could breathe the fresh air without hearing those weirdos talking about babies, with feathers at that?! He had started to walk a couple of meters away when he was suddenly approached by yet another person. She looked slightly... to say the least, out of place, but so was he. Not that many black haired person in Sola.


"Hi I'm new here and don't really know where a good place is to get a drink here like a bar or restaurant and was wondering if you could direct me in the direction of one of those two places."


He stopped walking and turned to face her. She was a stranger to this city too then. Probably not one of the guardian too, even with her weird look, since he highly doubted she was trying to deceive him with that innocent question. She was also smiling a bit, which troubled him. Most people glared at him and avoided him because they thought he might be a Shadow, which he was, but his story of being from the Space place was still plausible and people accepted it as an answer to his look.


”I saw a bar not that far, the food was pretty decent.”


He pointed in a direction he thought he remembered had the said bar. He didn't eat there at all, but she didn't need to know. She looked a bit lost and he was very bored, maybe she could be used to remove some of his boredom since she didn't seem to judge him yet. He started with a rather simple question. Hopefully her presence would also keep the bothersome people of Sola away from questioning him further about his origins.


”What brought you to Sola?”

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"Okay thanks," Ash said in reply after looking in the direction that he had pointed out to her where the bar he mentioned was. She started to head in that direction when she heard his question. She stopped walking before turning back towards him while hesitating a bit before she spoke again.


"A couple of things," she said after a few minutes of silence. "I heard rumors that this place was really friendly and thought I'd come here for a bit since I've never been out of my hometown before and I also wanted to see if there were any people with metal abilities here to remove a troublesome metal bracelet that's on my wrist."


She held it up for him to see before adding, "It won't come off and it's rather ugly." She didn't mention that an assassin gave it to her and that it had a tracking device on it. She really did want to get it removed but just not for the reason she gave when she said that it was ugly. It was but it wasn't the primary reason for getting it removed.

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She really did look a bit odd. She had turned around to face him after his question and was taking an awfully long time answering, which he used to study her. It was a nice hair color, very strange, but still nice. Maybe she came from the Water or Plant place? Then again he had been deceived by Yuaki completely off look. For all he knew she could be coming from anywhere. When she finally decided to speak though it was to talk about this place being nice. It might be that his own view is very biased by the fact that he's a Shadow and they clearly loathe his kind and shun him for his look, but he was not too sure he agreed on the REALLY friendly part.


When she mentioned a metal bracelet and showed it to him he was curious. How did she get stuck with that? Either a Metal user put it there or she was dumb enough to get stuck with it. He was fairly sure there was a metal user in town, but not about who it might be. Maybe that other weirdo with feathery children? He had show quite strange thing to them in the Bakery. He examined it a bit and concluded that it would be possible to remove it with his own powers. Of course a metal would be quicker and much more adequate, but he could probably with a bit of preparation warp it out of her wrist through the shadows. Problem was, he had no reason to help her and even less to show her his powers. It was a near sure way to get a one way ticket to prison or a sentence.


”I don't know any metal in the area. I am new to this place too and I've been wandering town as well, though people are not too friendly with me because of my look. If you are still hungry we could go to the bar and you can talk to me about your hometown? I'm a traveler so I'm very curious about different places.”


Hopefully she'll agree to let him tag along so he would have a small goal while he was waiting for Yuaki to finish with her business.

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Kai, never being good at social interactions and in particular how to break into an awkward pause, decided to launch a joke in order to fix the pause. In the past this had worked really well, at least to Kai's knowledge. The truth was that normally his jokes weren't actually that funny, or didn't make a lot of sense, or were not socially acceptable for reasons he was unaware of. The honest truth was, people laughed because he was well known and well liked. The way they laughed would have made it obvious to almost anyone that the joke hadn't actually been that funny. But, in his usual way, Kai missed this key piece of information, and thus was not deterred from using humor in many circumstances...


"So Isa, your dad's still intent on starting a war... But don't worry, I've come up with a perfect solution!" Kai leaned in and whispered, "we overthrow the council, put you on the throne, and voila, peace throughout the realm!"

Unfortunately this plan would A, never work, B, not bring about peace, and C, was probably just a liiiiiitle insulting, even though he didn't intend it to come across that way. Fortunately this was on his list of things to talk about anyways so he continued in a more serious tone.

"But in all seriousness.... What are we going to do about that?" it was clear that by "we" he meant, himself, and everyone else involved in the travel of trials a little over a year ago. It was important that they discuss such things, time was short, and there was no doubt in Kai's mind that the king would be calling upon them soon to undertake a similar quest, though now aimed at war rather than peace... When that time came, they had to have a plan.

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Cut. Parry. Turn. Move. Cut. Reverse. Club. Kill.


How easily they came back, the long hours in her old school's hall, drilling with the other girls until her freshly-minted legs were as strong and as fast as the girls in the sixth form. How easy it was to look back on all the old friends from those days, how they'd turned into little squads, lost in the sea of war but kept together by friendship. How easy it was to remember every little piece of love she'd felt, and how hard.


Cut. Parry. Turn. Move. Cut. Reverse. Club. Kill.


She remembered the first time her helmet had fastened itself to the gorget of her armour. She'd been practicing putting it on from the outside for the past week, and even though the directions were reversed it had gone off without a hitch. The ranks had cheered, there had been beautiful patterns in the sky, and they'd all gone off to war. It had been a good day. Hadn't it?


Cut. Parry. Turn. Move. Cut. Reverse. Club. Kill.


War takes, and takes, and gives nothing, not even victory. War is a mill, unceasing and uncaring, grinding all the world can give it into some dark powder, feeding who-knew-what with the remnants of souls. War had taken her joy and her light, and it would come for her life one day. She knew, and did not care, because that was simply what war did. It would be like blaming the cat for killing the mouse. Animals killed, war killed. Murder, though, murder took humans.


Cut. Parry. Turn. Move. Cut. Reverse. Club. Kill.


Was what she did war or murder? To stand before them, the Iron Wolf in all her splendid, brutal majesty, no paint on her four-tonne armour and no colours save a muted silver... was that murder? No arrows could penetrate the armour. She'd taken a trebuchet's payload to the stomach and kicked it aside like the bodies of the dead. She'd waded through a regiment, Greyfang whirling around her, no challenge, no tests of skill, only a litany of killing and more laurels on her brow.


Cut. Parry. Turn. Move. Cut. Reverse. Club. Kill.


But that didn't matter.


Cut. Parry. Turn. Move. Cut. Reverse. Club. Kill.


Because this was who she was.


Cut. Parry. Turn. Move. Cut. Reverse. Club.


And who she chose to be.




"My lady?"


Aife turned, paused. "Oh. Didn't see you there. I was... miles away."


The adjutant smiled a little. "On the front lines, I expect. Court's no place for the Iron Wolf; you should be out there, seeking vengeance for-"


"What do you hold dear?"


"Um, well, uh, I... my brothers, I guess?"


"Then by them, do not tell me what I should seek vengeance for. I already know."


"I..." The shorter man - barely a man, more of a boy than anything else - gulped nervously. "Right. Your appointment with the Queen is, uh, right about now. Go up the stairs to the left and down the Long Gallery-"


"I've been before." With that, she strode off to talk with Zillah. Aife was begging fate for an assignment that wasn't training. She knew it kept her sharp, but some of the new recruits were almost painful. Besides, against a talented Elementian, a swordsman had no chance at all. She was living proof.


The Solans in her head were dead proof.

Edited by colourcodedchaos

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“You mistake me.” The queen's voice had an edge to it, but it kept its balance. Her gaze was like a fire, staring right into his eyes. He wouldn't know what went through the dark woman's mind, but something about her look caused him to relax subtly. It didn't last long, however. The queen had suddenly placed her hand on his chest and he stiffened once again. Only then was he aware of his deep breathing and his heart. He could feel his heart pounding away against her hand like the pulsations of an impeding earthquake.


“Understand that we were all once there. I only wish for you to come to terms with the fact that you were not weak, but young.” Her gaze led him back to the mirror. He hesitated for a second, unsure if the image that it held was still the one that caused his shakiness. Once he saw that it wasn't, he looked full on.


A.. girl? She was a beautiful girl, and it didn't take him long to recognize the queen in her pale face. The images flashed one after another, and he gathered she had lost her brother in war. That happens all the time, he thought to himself. This time would be no different.


“We each view ourselves as weak, however you must view it as a moment where you can grow stronger. I only wish to show that which you need to work on to avoid being harmed.” Queen Zillah's voice cut through his thoughts. “My intent is not to rile, even if I do enjoy seeing where people’s weak points are. I am not my mother.”


It was true that she wasn't like her mother. Her mother was ruthless. She was softer. At lot softer.


“Weakness, and to imagine that your stony surface can be broken through with the image of a broken child. All people are broken by one thing. All of them have to grow from that one point while constantly remembering what had happened to them. Shadow’s represent pain but from that pain, comes a beauty that none of us will realize. I have lived many years more than my twenty-three year old body would admit. Don’t let your weakness hold you back. Use it to shoot you forward.”


Gear grimaced. Indeed, he had used his past. He had used it to fuel his hatred for others, but he didn't intend for it to hold him back. The memories had faded long ago, but the hatred was still there, lingering after the dreaded hangover of his adrenaline pushed actions.


Zillah had made her way to the balcony, and was laughing to herself as she looked over the balcony to the rest of the city.


“I will say, however, it was nice to see some emotion other than unrefined cockiness displayed on your face.”


That statement threw him off guard. It was bad enough she managed riled him up, but to let his facade drop- that wasn't acceptable. He had to hand it over to her, but he wasn't ready to.


"And you yourself, the queen." He walked over to her. "I would say that you're right, yourself in all honesty, but sorry, that doesn't work for me."


He grinned, leaning on the stone balcony, as he looked out to the city. "And you're displaying an awful familiarity to me with your past. If it's something that doesn't drag you down, that's understandable. But never show my past to me again, even if you believe that it can help me change."


His golden eyes were like a fire when he glared up at her.

Edited by lachrymation

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Zillah looked at Gear, as he leaned over the balcony. An odd flush crept to her pale cheeks which could easily be misconstrued as the sun warming her. However, the queen was rather perturbed at his glare. It made her unsure if he would be willing to serve her or not. She had been rather open with the boy, but it was to an avail. He had noticed something about himself.


“A queen will do as she wishes.” She said her voice not authoritative, but more so challenging. She didn’t mind flirting with losing his support, but to see how he would react again, would be rather amusing. Besides, those golden eyes were something that she liked to see. They weren’t the typical light elementian gold, but a rather intense, true gold.


“Besides, what I have shown is nothing more than what is already known by every subject that I take care of. Each of them know how my brother was killed, and each of them know the abuse that was suffered at my mother’s hand. It is nothing more than common knowledge.” Zillah stepped lightly onto the balcony, her balance impeccable as she took a deep breath.


“Gear, you will come to understand someday, that to serve me, have me as your queen, is like having every piece of information readily in your grasp. To have every army at your back, ready when you give the call. To be honest, I am needing protectors for the good Prince, but I also need those that are willing to follow the Light Elementian Princess, Isa. She and her followers have become thorns in the ways that I have been working in the Aero committees. Your skill set not as a murderer, but as a spy would be priceless.” She turned to Gear on her toes, still balancing on the thin balcony.


“And the rewards are, of course, very great.” She said with a chuckle. A shadow swirled around her hand, laying a rather large, fire-imbued gem that Marcus had crafted for her treasuries. As she stepped off the balcony, shadows formed steps to the ground.


“You have your choices Gear. I do wish you will choose the one that will lead you to greater glory.” She balanced the gem on the balcony and walked back to the living area where she sat on a rather plush pillow. She whistled lowly and a large panther came running into the room to pounce gently on the queen’s long hair. Her hands gently stroked the back of the great animal as it purred loudly. It’s golden eyes were turned to Gear, head cocked slightly to the side.


Zillah sipped at the wine that was brought to her by a servant dressed in fine black clothing. It was light to combat the slight heat of the day. The man that brought the wine was young by the looks of it and no less enamored by the queen than any other young man that knew the face of the queen. She smiled at him kindly and dropped a coin in his hand.


“Please, take this to your mother. I know she was ill last time we spoke.” Her gentle words brought tears to the young man’s eyes for the queen knew that that one piece would pay for a doctor to tend to his mother.


“Thank you my queen.” The young man bowed with only a second glance at Gear before walking out of the room with as much dignity as he could muster.


Zillah tilted her head to the side, her eyes looking distant as shadows enveloped themselves around her, creating a dark haze. “Aife.” She whispered then shook the shadows away. The woman had been in her army for many a year. Her war tactics were unprecedented, and knowledge valuable. That, and her sheer hatred for any and all Light elementians was always a boon.


“Come,” she said waving her hand in dismissal. “If you wish, you may join me for a drink. I am sure you are parched from your travels.” She said her blood red eyes looking at him with a masked interest. The room around her suddenly seemed to pulsate with darkness and a sweet aroma arose from the thuribles around the room.



((I’m just going to start RPing characters to get them going. I think we can say that LN’s charries are on hiatus for sure))


Isa giggled but her face did turn serious, as did Noe’s. “That is something that we can talk about in safety here.” She turned, knowing that the newcomer was a good friend of Yuaki’s and locked the door. “Isis, do you mind?” she said as she turned up the lights. “I cannot find us doing anything other than making sure that we get to all of the cities that hope for peace. We can go to Cumulus again, Noe’s heritage will help us there. Aero is one place where my love will have to go and still fight for us there. No longer is this truly a war, but the queen seems to be acting more politically lately which worries me.” Isa pulled her long rainbow hair out of her face.


Noe looked at her adoptive sister, ignoring the moving in her stomach. It was strange how the girl that she had known as a little girl, was now making these decisions against her father. ‘Twas humorous hwo the world twisted things over time. Their loss of Leith and Nerio was also a devastation to their team. They were smaller and only the gods would be able to help them with their mission now.


“it seems to me, that many have been hurt by the Light Alliance due to the heinous act of harming all with negatively seen abilities. I think that we should do as Isa says and go to Cumulus to try and gain back the people. Then, we have to go to Whisper. We have to. We have to try and offer peace.” Noe looked worriedly at her stomach, gently rubbing the very tiny bump that showed where her three little ones were growing.


“I know it will be hard, but we must do this.” She said and looked at Isis, hoping that he would agree.

Viara looked at Julian strangely. Strangely enough for Aamina to clear her throat at the girl. Aamina knew that no man had been that timid and kind towards the girl for quite some time. Of course, she knew that Viara wouldn’t say that and neither would V for that matter. It seemed to her that the true Viara, the one that Aamina had grown to respect, was the one that called herself V. Viara was the crazy psycho that actually threw Aamina for a spin every now and then.


“You could help me get her to the bath.” Aamina said to destroy the uncomfortable silence that had grown.


“yeah, that might be nice.” V looked at Julian as Aamina touched him. It was difficult for Aamina to show any kindness to anyone other than V so the sudden removal of the dust that had gathered on Julian was as much as he was probably ever going to get. V chuckled slightly as Aamina walked into the bathroom that V had been given. The water was running smoothly into a large metal tub.


“I’m sorry to ask, but if you could just help to the bathroom.” V didn’t look at Julian when she asked and it was very easy to see that asking anyone for help was more like torture than it was a kindness from the person being asked. She knew that Julian was already uncomfortable, which was funny, but for him to be helping her to her bath? That was kinda odd after just meeting someone.


Marcus looked around the house, proud of his handy work. It was definitely something that had been difficult to achieve thanks to the persistence of their queen. She had wanted them to live on the castle grounds so that he could be at her every beck and call which was not exactly on Marcus’ to do list. So, instead he had agreed to build a home that was halfway between his and Sky’s house and the castle. They were technically closer, even if it were in the middle of a small forest near the town of Whisper.


“Well,” he smiled like a vagabond as he swept his fiancé up. “My ideas revolve around going in her, shutting the door, and ignoring the rest of the world for a while. How does that sound?” he asked as he shut their bedroom door behind them.

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"That sounds wonderful," Sky said in reply to everything that Marc said before he closed their bedroom door behind them and after he had swept her up in his arms. She really did love the idea of having another house in the woods but what she didn't like was that the queen wanted them to do more things for her as well as be closer to her but she kept all that in her head and didn't voice it. She was aware of all the things that she had signed up for and knew that if she complained to Marc about it, he would just get mad at her again.


So she just kept her thoughts to herself and enjoyed being with her fiancé during the time that they could have to themselves before they had to meet up with Jahan and the others later for their meeting. She couldn't wait until the time when they could officially be married and share the same last name but knew at the same time that it might be awhile until that happened.




"Sure that sounds like a good idea," Ash said in reply to everything that her new friend said. She then started to lead the way to a bar that she had seen on her way to where she was now earlier while she had been looking around the town. Once she got there, she waited a few minutes for him before going inside and sitting at the counter on a bar stool.


She ordered a water and then looked around the inside of the bar while waiting for both her drink and her new-found friend. She hoped that this place was where the former had mentioned and if it wasn't then maybe it would still have some good food.


She then had her attention go to the bartender as he brought her drink to her and she thanked him before starting to sip the cool water from the glass. She then had her attention go to being around the inside of the bar before looking at the wall in front of her and at the pictures there. She didn't want the other people there to give her weird and mean looks if she looked at them for too long.


((sorry for my long awaited response as well as my short post as Sky; I couldn't think of anything else to put as her))

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Kai sighed, "It would be so much easier of one side or the other was clearly in the right... but both sides have done terrible things." He shuffled his feet uncomfortably. Kai had never been much good at politics, neither in understanding them nor in seeing their justification. Why couldn't people just do what was right, and agree on it?


But Noe knew about such things, and she seemed to understand the need for them. He trusted her with this and did his best to fill in when she was gone on her diplomatic trips.


"Where we go, who we talk to, what we say... all of that I'll leave up to you two..." Kai smiled slightly, "you both know I make a terrible politician." He cracked a kink out of his neck and continued, "I'll keep you safe, that's my job." Kai grinned more widely this time, "not that you're helpless, it just makes me feel useful to say so."


Kai draped his arms over Noes shoulders, "besides, I've got to start practicing my overprotective father routine mmm?"


He knew well enough that Noe was a powerful weather elementarian and with her griffin form hardly needed someone to protect her. And Isa, well she was the rainbow child, her abilities with light never ceased to amaze. In truth, he felt a bit overshadowed by them. But he didn't spend a lot of mental energy on that train of thought. He was more occupied with considering his impending fatherhood, and how one was supposed to raise a child... much less three of them at once. Would he be a good father?


What made a good father? Love of course, discipline, rules right? Devotion, caring, and making them laugh. Kai had always been good with little kids... but those had always been other people's little kids. Would his own be the same? What if they didn't like him...


Kai shook his head, trying to focus on the here and now.

Edited by Rakashua

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She heard the voice in her head about halfway down the Long Gallery.


"Aife," it said, echoing in her brain. Nothing else. Just the Queen of the Night acknowledging the presence of her Iron Wolf, or possibly of her mad dog, depending on who you asked. It was nothing but a word, a name, and if you believed that names were only words then you should probably stay away from books of magic.


Just hearing her Queen address her was enough to disrupt the old soldier's long-honed stride. Still, she recovered after a second and sped off to the royal chambers at double time; it simply wouldn't do to be perceived as dawdling on royal time. She eventually made her way to the chambers, the door held open for her by a footman apparently sobbing with delight over something. Aife thought for a moment that it was from the sheer joy of service, which she could sympathise with, but then spied the gold in his hand and realised that it probably wasn't the only reason. Probably a relative with a plague of some description; the Naturans had, if her reading was anything to go by, been pretty inventive in that regard during the last war, and a lot of their creations still ravaged the lands around Whisper and Electra. Indeed, it was something of an urban legend that this tactic had inspired the great distillers and brewers of those cities; boiling your water in a mild antiseptic was certainly one way of making it less likely to kill you.


Still, she entered, her feet softly-shod for a court appearance because hobnails and varnished flooring really don't mix, and knelt before her Queen. She invited another man to drink with her, which meant he was probably an agent of the Crown and therefore to be trusted implicitly. The chain of command was there for a reason, so she thought, and not just because it gives the troops something to complain about.


"Your majesty... you summoned me? What news is there from the front?" It was perhaps a misnomer to refer to the borders of the Shadow Alliance's lands as 'the front', since they weren't technically at war with the Solans even after they'd killed don't think about it I said don't think about it YOU ARE THE IRON WOLF YOU ARE STRONG YOU WILL ENDURE. "How may I serve the Alliance?"

Edited by colourcodedchaos

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Gear kept his gaze steady on the Queen as she leap gracefully up onto the balcony and kept her balance on it, as she started to walk down and away from him.


“Gear, you will come to understand someday, that to serve me, have me as your queen, is like having every piece of information readily in your grasp. To have every army at your back, ready when you give the call. To be honest, I am needing protectors for the good Prince, but I also need those that are willing to follow the Light Elementian Princess, Isa. She and her followers have become thorns in the ways that I have been working in the Aero committees. Your skill set not as a murderer, but as a spy would be priceless.”


A choice not for him to make, but the queen's entirely. She had him again.


"You mistake me;" Gear stated, using the line the queen had a few moments earlier, almost in a light form of mockery, "I'm not interested in having quantities of armies behind me, nor do I want to spend quality time with Light Alliance filth. You called me in as a murderer, you employ me as a murderer. Unless the rewards are worth my time and trouble." He added hastily.


“And the rewards are, of course, very great. You have your choices Gear. I do wish you will choose the one that will lead you to greater glory.”


With that, Zillah stepped off, encased in her shadows. Her hand lingered on the balcony for a second longer, and as it parted Gear could see a ruby-gem left in its wake.


"A.. spy, eh?" He muttered to himself. He didn't like the sound of it, but if there was one thing he learnt from his occupation and lifestyle was to be willing to do anything for his goals. Then again, his goals never really were satisfied.


He refused to move from his spot, especially since now he could suddenly feel the presence of another being in the room, enveloped around shadows. As the woman stepped forth, he could see her in a clearer light. She was certainly a trained fighter, and she looked as sanguinary and fierce as hell itself, a trait so unique that Gear recognized her all at once.


Aife. The Iron Wolf. A great warrior of the army, as it were.


Gear fingered the gem that had disappeared from the top of the balcony and appeared into his pocket a few moments ago. His certain slight of hand clearly hadn't worn over the years. He looked on with keen curiosity, but withheld from speaking, and wondered if the second person knew he was there. Wouldn't want to get on her bad side...


Ah, he would discuss more with the queen later.

Edited by lachrymation

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He followed the girl as she went to a bar close-by. He was glad she had agreed on speaking about her home, wherever that was, so he could get a better idea on who she was. Knowledge was the best weapon against pretty much everything after all. He followed her to the counter where he took a seat next to her and ordered water as well. Having already eaten water was more than enough and it was a bit early to start drinking. Probably a very bad idea for him to drink anyway, him being in the middle of enemy territory and adding to that his bad tendencies. Best not to show his bad side... He noticed that the girl only ordered water.


Water is not going to feed you.


He said glaring at his own water. He tried to see if his eyes were still well hidden, but gave up soon enough. He was worried for nothing, he was way too used to this trick to suddenly fail it. He had his hood on anyway and only bright light would dispell his shadows and reveal his red eyes. He knew why he was nervous though... he just had a very VERY close meeting with THE super Light user in the world and a couple of the other 'good' element users in a small bread shop and ended up listening to a very creepy conversation before he ran out of the house and met this strange girl. He was probably still shaken from the experience.


You don't seem too comfortable. Is the place so strange to you? Well in any case where are you from?


He took a small sip of water waiting for her to resume her story.

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"I'm just thirsty right now but I'll probably get something to eat later when I'm hungry," Ash said in reply to the boy's statement that he had said to her after he noticed that she had only just gotten something to drink and not a meal to go with it. She then heard his questions as well as the other statement that he had said to her and thought about how to answer them. She took another sip of her drink before setting it down again and looking back over at him so that she wasn't looking away as she answered him.


"I just don't want people to get the wrong idea about my being different from them," she said in reply to his statement. "No it's not and I'm from Cumulus. I've lived most of my life there and have never stepped foot out of it before the last couple days or so that it took in me getting here. I was raised by one of my teachers after my parents and brother died and then I got my own place in the woods on the outskirts of Cumulus when I was 18 and then I decided to travel here after I turned the age I am now which is 19."


She took a long drink of her water after she was done talking since that had taken a lot for her to say some of her life story. She wasn't sure what all he wanted to know so she just tried to hit some of the highlights of her life and why she had traveled to Sola. She then set her cup down again and waited for his response and reaction to all that she had just said.

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He looked at her as emotionless as he was before she started speaking. Well that was unexpected. He had simply asked from where she was from and he got a resume of her life mixed in it as a bonus gift. So she was from Cumulus... that city was close to his home country with Triton and Natura, but it was the closest. When a storm was coming it was said it would always come from the east because of that country. Still... she was worried about her look way too much... worst came to worst she was an orphan elementian...


I heard Cumulus temperature changes very often and fast... Well in any case, looking too different could mean you are an elementian, but as far as I can tell would it not be from one of the neutral or light sided type? I don't see the problem the people would have with it.


He looked at her straight in the eyes. Was she an elementian?


What are you actually scared of? Why should you care what the people think of you anyway.


That last was more of a statement then a question. If people had a bone to pick with him he would deal with them as he saw fit. If this was not Sola he'd probably kill them if they crossed him, but right now he was most likely the prime suspect of any problem the city might have. In a way... the idea of Princess Sunshine being just two roads from here made him very calm and not prone to trouble.

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Aife stayed knelt for a while, the pungent incense of her Queen's chamber filling her mind with thoughts of long battles yet to come, because she'd been briefed here before and the outcome had always been slaughter. So she breathed deep, and remembered...


Zillah's beastmen had needed a training run once - an isolated hamlet, figures hooded and cloaked, flashing swords in the darkness, no survivors, probably just bandits, isn't it terrible, sign of the times you mark my words, we shall all be murdered in our beds. Sometimes, she woke to remember it. She had fought without her armour then, not wanting to be recognised, but she still had the strength of ten men, or so the reports of the "bandit chieftain" had attested. They'd dumped some prisoners in an abandoned old hill-fort, left them weapons and a few raggedy old horses from the village, just after having had their whereabouts leaked to the Solan government. Two birds, one stone, no survivors from the bandit group. The mayoral chain had clinched it, apparently, once they'd cleared up the gently-smoking mess that the Light Elementian seconded to the unit had made of the place. Another easy win over the forces of disorder, we may all sleep well at night with them a-watchin', you mark my words-


"A spy, eh?"


Aife was dragged out of her memories by the words, spoken from somewhere and by someone she could not yet see; the Queen obviously having left, or made herself intangible in a cape of shadows. So she reached out with her powers, looking for anything metal he might be wearing that she might sense... nothing. It was a pretty useless skill, all told; your target practically needed to be wearing platemail for it to be of any use, and by that point you could probably find them by having them charge at you. So she narrowed her eyes and looked into the darkness, dimly lit by torches, her mind clouded and yet oddly clear.


Something touched the hairs on the back of her neck - possibly a breath of wind, possibly the hand of a man she'd killed, who could say for sure - and she straightened up, her eyes fixed on a man in the gloom. Clearly he had the ear of the Queen, which meant he was to be trusted, but equally clearly he was a spy for her, so he wasn't to be trusted with anything important. Suddenly, a few gears turned and a thought snapped into place, connections made. The ceremonial sword was a heavy cavalry officer's broadblade, but where Greyfang was straight and true this one was bent like a banana and had a tassel on the end, which was just silly if you asked her. Still, she unhooked the scabbard from her belt and held it balanced gently on her outstretched palms, walking towards him.


"So it would appear, sir. And one who has taken the Queen's coin, by the look of that lump in your hand. I've a feeling that you won't be going alone to... wherever it is you're going. You might just be in need of a bodyguard." She smiled, thin and cold and bent like a khop-hesh blade from the peoples of the far desert, over the sea. "You have the trust of the Queen, and therefore you have mine. What do they call you, master spy?"

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"I am an elementian and on the light side but that's not what I'm worried about," Ash said in reply to his question about whether she was on the light side or neutral. She took a sip of her water that was in front of her just as he asked her a couple more questions. She sighed before setting down her glass and then looked back over at him.


"Well if you haven't noticed I have two different colored eyes as well as different colored hair and I'm not sure how the people here would react to that," she said in reply to them. "I also don't know if there are other people here that are like me since I've never been here before today."


She had no idea that there was another dual elementian like her (Kai) close to where they were now since she hadn't seen them. She had just bumped into the boy that she was talking to now and was having a drink with. She let out another sigh and had her attention go to her glass as she picked it up and took another sip of her water.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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Well good for her if she didn't have to fear from having the 'wrong' kind of power. He himself was worried he'd be hanged, if they could catch him that is, as soon as they found out. What caught his attention a lot more though was the importance she was putting on the fact she had two eye colors and strange hairs. Maybe she was not a pure type then if she was so conscious about that. That or... she had been bullied because of it? It would be very easy to do so with such a look like hers.


"You do look very odd how can anyone not notice it." He said before finishing his glass of water. "You are so scared of being a prey you don't even take the time to look around. You got this deep inside of the city and no one threw you a rock." He looked at her straight. "It's the center of the Light Alliance, they should know what an elementian is and that they can look strange. Look at their princess... She's a freaking rainbow..." He muttered the last part, looking away, remembering her flashy look and forgetting where he was.


He was looking at the bottom of his empty glass lost in his thoughts. The way Isa had looked at him made him feel very uncomfortable like she was looking a bit too deeply into him somehow. That and she was a very bright light... it was not safe to be too close to her. He had gotten a job in the castle which was quite miraculous in itself so he would most likely get the chance to learn more about the Light Alliance.

Edited by Skarx

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Ash picked up her glass of water again and drank more of it while she listened to the rest of what the boy said. She wasn't scared per say that they might execute her for the way she looked since she figured that people of these cities were very open to elementians. She was just weary since she didn't know how many other dual elementians there were, if any, in this particular city.


"I've never seen her but I'm sure she might look different," she said after a few minutes of silence when he was done talking and she had drank the rest of the water that had been inside her glass. "I'm not scared that they'd execute me; I'm just afraid that there aren't other people like me here that have two powers."


She looked down at the counter for a few minutes before the bartender came over and refilled her glass for her. She looked up then and thanked him as well as ordering a few chicken strips to eat while she was there. She had gotten a bit hungry while they talked so she thought that she'd order something to eat now.

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((just bumping the main so it doesn't get eaten but guys are we going to pick up again ;w;))

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Username: georgexu94

Name: Winterstream

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Looks (can be a picture or a description): Winterstream has white hair that has silver streaks. The mark of the Ice Elementians, an iceberg with ripples around can be seen on her left arm. Her eyes are light blue. She usually wears a light blue dress. She can be generally said to be beautiful.

Personality: She may have a kind voice but her eyes are stone cold, showing no emotions. Little is known of her real colours.

History: Winterstream was born by two great Ice Elementians. She was well cared for as she was the only child. She is great in Ice control and has mastered ice manipulation at the age of 14. She is currently undergoing training

Element(What can they do with their Element?): Ice


Ice manipulation

Immunisation to cold (as all the people in the city of Frigid are)

Ice transportation- Transporting to different places by creating an arch of ice to go across quickly—also allows for quick use of any ice in the atmosphere

Other (optional): -

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((accepted, I guess but to be honest I don't think this rp's as active anymore as it used to be. if enough people want to continue it later on, then I guess it would be enough to get it going again))

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