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Hetalia: W, P, or R OCC

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Well, Russia and North are one of my fav characters. I'm disagreeing with this plan till Ace says Russia and NK will get back together.

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You can disagree all you want. I don't really think it would be fair if they just go to go on about their lives without punishment. Especially, if you think about it from my perspective. I'm basically being told I can't do something with my character, despite me having every right to.

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I'm not saying that they can't go on living without punishment. I think it'll be cool if North Korea and Russia get sent to a concentration camp together (since Russia is Communist and thus will be punished as well).


I just don't want RussNoKo to end forever.

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It's just a RP, and as an RPer I feel that I have every right to say so. This RP is not all about pairings, sex, and relationships. It makes me sort of upset to see that it's the main focus anyway. I'm actually trying to drift away from that because I want something else to happen besides that. So, they break up. It's not the end of the world. It opens the doors for something else besides romance to happen with them.

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I know. It annoys me too, Ice, but RussNoKo is my favorite pairing. They could seperate for a while and have something other than romance, like angst. I simply am requesting that they back together at the end of this.

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Yeah, but it isn't any big deal if they break up. I honestly don't think Acey would mind. I mean, she was totally fine with Romania and Czech falling apart, and so was I. All I'm saying is that you really need to chill. I don't see what the big deal is about a relationship among fictional characters breaking up. I also don't really think it would make sense if they got back together. You do realize what would happen if Czech told, right?

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I am chilled, man. Am I cursing at you? Am I saying anything offensive..? No. Please, leave this be between Ace and I. It's our pairing and we decide what to do with it.

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TMD, it is your and Ace's pairing, nobody will dispute that, but that doesn't mean that nobody else can interfere in any way shape or form without total express permission from you both. Part of being in an RP is the freedom of doing pretty much anything, and it would be pretty unrealistic if every single character in the RP was in a totally stable relationship with whomever they loved and lived happily ever after.

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Thank you, Blob. See, listen to him. I shouldn't even have to ask permission for that kind of thing. It should just happen. RPing is about freedom to write what you want, and I feel that telling me that, and being rather rude about it as well, is controlling me. I have every right to to what I want with that pairing. I am not lower than you just because it'd your and Acey's pairing. This RP is not special, no one's characters have special preference over others'. I'm a member of this RP, and I have every right to do what I want.

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Who says that they're gonna be together "HAPPILY EVA AFTER"? I'm saying that they are going to be sent to Yodok for God's sake. They ARE going to be punished, I promise. But I still request RussNoKo after that. If its even possible.

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That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that we shouldn't have to ask someone if our character could interact with theirs, or if we can do something with our characters in general. It's not fair, and I am simply suggesting that this is not overlooked. Now, I suggest we drop it before one of us gets angry.

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Ice... What are we fighting about..? I said that Czech could tell, but I am merely saying that when this is over, can there still be RussNoKo.

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Look, I'm just going to state my opinion really quickly because I'm not technically a part of this and I'd actually like to get back to the RP instead of arguing about it:


Ice has the rights and freedoms to do whatever she likes with Russia and North Korea, like telling about their relationship or poisoning the water, or WHATEVER. It's up to TMD and Ace to determine the overall effects of the actions, ie they could say that their bosses don't care if they so pleased. However, if it's something COMPLETELY UNREALISTIC, it can drive other RPers away and caused issues, so keep it at least mostly reasonable, and it's the ACTIONS of our characters we determine, not the effects of said actions.

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Exactly. I cannot be told what to do with my characters unless I'm doing something like God Modding. Other than that, I have complete freedom. Like it was said before, this sort of thing probably would make new RPers not want to join. I mean, would you honestly want to join a RP if you had to ask permission to do something with your characters all the time? I also agree with it being reasonable. We can't go around and have our characters react to things in an unrealistic way

Edited by Icepelt

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Ice. Czech can tell. But I'm saying that RussNoKo have a possibility of getting back together.

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And what I'm saying is this, there would then be no point in him telling in the first place. What's the point, if they're going to get back together? Also, that doesn't really make sense. Homosexuality, along with even speaking to foreigners, is illegal in North Korea. He would get punish severely for that, and it plain wouldn't make sense for them to just get back together like nothing happened. Whether it's your favorite pairing or not, you really need to consider the consequences.

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Guys... I'm going to absent for a while today, because, believe it or not, it's my birthday tomorrow, and since it's the unveiling of my cousin's grave on my birthday, I'm having the party today.


Thanks for the arguing and all, but I'm just going to post once and then go. I can't stand this...

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I suggested dropping it, but apparently that's not going to happen. You know what? From now on, if I feel that someone in this RP is doing something wrong, I'll just report them. I'm tired of arguing with everyone.

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Oh, and Sunday mornings I probably won't be here. I've started going to church again. Also, I think I'm going to the doctor sometime for my stomach, again. But I'm not sure when that is. Just a heads up.

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What the heck is this I come to suddenly see such a quarrel-


Sorry TMD, but I'm afraid I'll have to side with Ice and Blob on this one. I've said before that all the romance in the RP put me off, and I've been getting a bit unhappy with how I can't even use North Korea anymore without having some sort of romantic dilemma tossed onto him. There's a reason I don't have any of my characters married - flexibility. I want characters to be able to get together and split apart and become friends and enemies at any time. I hardly ever have a solid set plan when I RP because that just isn't fun. So Czech tells the world. What happens then? NK gets dragged off to a concentration camp in his country somewhere and Russia would be terribly unhappy about it. That's pretty good revenge, if one were asking me.

I wanted to play North Korea because, quite frankly, it is arguably the most messed up country on the planet. Not to pair him with Russia. It's fun to play a place that sounds so fictional and creepy. What's it matter if they split up?


Also, for your earlier comment on how Russia may be locked away with NK as well, I'd have to disagree with that as well. It isn't like anything illegal in NK is illegal in other communist nations. Last time I checked, China had the internet. Lao people can leave their country if they want. You have to keep in mind that NK has the worst human rights record for a reason - there are no freedoms. Heck, buying and selling your things is illegal, because that's capitalism. Plenty of the people locked away are sent there for listening to South Korean radio or stealing copper wiring from dead electric lines to trade for some food.


I see no problem with Czech finding out and telling the world. The only minor issue I have with it is that, legally, the fact that NK was with Russia at all would be breaking so many laws and taboos that he would probably be kept in a total control zone forever and I have no idea when I would get to play as him again.

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Okay, Ace. I just wanted to hear you say it... Or this case... See it..? X3


Did you get my PM BTW..?

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Whoa.... I walked into an argument...


TMD - Is there a place for me to come back to? I was asking how I fight in the war, with no response from anyone... I apologize if I'm disturbing something, but it has been 5 days since I posted my question.

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I answered you. ^^ I said that you can just walk to Ukraine or someone and you can speak to them..?

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Oh, okay... I didn't see that... Thanks! *walks over the the RP and starts typing... Comes back* Who controls Ukraine? I thiiiiiink it's Ace, but I'm not quite sure.

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