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Hetalia: W, P, or R OCC

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Well, it really sort of depends on what I come up with. I mean, Russia did blind him after all.

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Dang. That was my number one idea. :< I guess I'll have to think of something else.

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I actually love that idea, though. XD


Imagine, if he were to find out about their relationship? Russia would have to practically act as Czech's slave to keep him from telling anyone. North Korea, too. Though honestly, NK'd be the only one at risk of being shipped to Yodok and beated half to death for it, but it'd still be quite fun, don't you think?


I'll post in a bit. Things are going on.

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... Well... Okay... Though I really don't want NK to be shipped away. Russia would be doing anything and everything to keep NK safe, because he loves him so much.


Okay, Ace.


If NK is killed, seriously, Russia'd kill himself. D8


Oh, maybe deep into Russia and NK working for Czech, he feels sorry for them..? I dunno. RussNoKo is my fav pairing in the RP...

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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Oh, Czech may be sweet, but he takes revenge seriously. He used to be in the mafia, remember? You will pay for any wrongs you do to him.


Though, I kind of like the idea of poisoning the water supply...

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No. Poison the vodka. Yes. Czech. The ultimate revenge. It's happened in Russia before, and there was a huge uproar.

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I feel like poisoning the water supply would be more...like epic or something. Or he could put something in it that would mess up everyone's genes.

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Wait, wait, wait, If I have the option of screwing up Russia and North Korea, then I want to do that. It sounds like it would be the most hurtful.

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What would mess up one's genes? Unless he's putting in a nuclear unstable isotope in the water..? o.o


In which case, why not just add in mercury? It's a fatal element when ingested, but since they're countries, it probably wouldn't kill them, right? He'd probably get really ill.


Though I'd liked the thought of Czech figuring out their thing and then bossing the two of them around... why doesn't he do both ewe

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Alright... Only if no one dies gets sent away. Maybe Czech could hold a massive grudge and then feel a bit for them (since it relates to CzechxRomania) and promises not to tell..?



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I happen to really love the thought of all the drama that will possibly unfold. I don't get what your problem is. This is only a RP after all, and any damage done can be repaired rather easily later. XD

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It's not like Czech is completely innocent either. He really hates Russia, and would love to see his head on a platter. Well, not see...

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Lol, I just freaked out for a moment. xd.png


Maybe Czech can get his revenge on Russia in the murder arc? He could kill NK and then him. xd.png

No. Czech should kill everyone. Kill Russia's love, his friends, his family, and kill him last. >D

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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Well, they would just come back to life like nothing happened afterward. If he broke up North Korea and Russia, it would last much longer.

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Well, what would you expect him to do? Just sit there and know about it? I think not.

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No, I only agreed to Czech finding out, you just made the assumption that I wanted to do that. I never said that.

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