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Dragon Warriors of Rosario

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As Vita was pulled into the den, Fedora sighed in relief. What took her so long? She thought and looked at her own wounds. The Magi had cleaned most of it, but some dust still stuck onto it. She wanted to leave the camp, but she remembered that Elferd was bringing her food and decided to stay, at least until she's strong enough to leave. However, the thought of staying with Rosario slowly lingered in her mind.


The Sunset Dragon returned to her with some fish and a flower. She raised a brow when he asked her to sniff the flower, but she did it anyway. She was soon filled with a sweet, soothing scent and her anger slowly subsided. As for the fish, she gave them the same extreme test before eating them one by one. She froze when Elferd mentioned joining the clan. "Give me one good reason why I should. My kin isn't welcomed in this sort of place." She said to her with the same cold, deep tone, but with less anger in it.

Edited by Vocalia

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" well i got a couple" he replied he actulay did "one you dont seem to survive to well on your own. two the other clan would probably kill you since the beach clan deosnt have many in it and you helped almost kill tashrin. three we helped you all this time even though we could have killed you." Elferd gave the reasons in a happy tone plus

he had a lot on his mind with the red dragon."and also what do you mean by you arnt welcome here."

((i dont know what that was with the deformed dragon))

Edited by 9pmg5665

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((Deformed dragon? What do you mean?))


Fedora growled. "Why don't you just kill me then? Is it because I'm small and weak? Because I'm not as skilled as the warriors of your clan?" She snarled and bared her fangs at him. His last reason really set her off. She felt extremely looked down upon.

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"What i meant is that you were hungry and losing blood fast if we wanted to we could have left you out side of the clan clearing instead of helping you but rosario is by far weaker than the mountain clan if everybody is like tashrin" Elferd said lightly it seems the flower has already warn off.


(( the dragon thing was i put alot.png and a deformed dragon came and was put on it also it was a lot))

Edited by 9pmg5665

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((Ah, ok...))


Fedora sighed. "I can't say I disagree with you on that part." She replied with less hostility. As she finished the last fish, she licked her claws clean and looked at the flower. She gently sniffed it again and picked it up to look at it. She had never seen such flower before. Taking a deep breath, she uttered something to Elferd that she might regret for the rest of her life. "I'll think about it." She curtly said to him and left to rest somewhere in the territory where she could rest undisturbed. However, she took the flower with her.

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Vita was hauled off into the medic den. As she healed he did his best to not move to much as she dressed his wounds. When she made his neck wound transfer to her he frowned "Don't you now need to close that now?" he asked.


Tashrin was laying there when he smelled another scent "Navira? what are you doing here?" he asked trying to growl but plain did not have the energy to do so and then coughed. "Don't tell me you sat there watching the whole thing." he finished off voice barly there but his eye's still showed a fight in them. He just could not move though so he laid there.

Edited by little lost dragon

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Fedora sat near the border where she first encountered Vrans. Siting on the ground, she looked at the flower in her claw. Her wounds finally stopped bleeding, but they still hurt and she figured that they would most likely scar. The burn would probably heal and the singed scales replaced with new ones as she healed. The dragoness was confused. She never feel welcomed, not even by her own kind, so why must she put her faith in a small clan who most likely wouldn't accept her anyway. She remembered Elferd saying that she would have a deputy's vote should she chose to join the clan. At this point, she wondered if she would ever be a use to anything; she was barely surviving on her own for so long.

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Amira was shocked to see them injured. She went to Baine and then walked away almost immediately. Maybe she could find more flowers again. Or maybe just help Baine. She rushed to Baine's side and peered at Vita with a sad eye and then thought about Tashrin..

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Navira shrugged, cover blown. "You're lucky I was here, Tashrin. I saved your butt." She snorted and looked over the extent of his wounds, but she didn't have the eye of a medic. "Baine told me to look for some flower, but I couldn't find it. Anyway she wanted to get you to the spring on the border of our territory, but seeing as you can'tmove..." The silver hatchling smirked. But she would do anything to save a fellow warrior. "Can you just try? I don't care how slowly you go."


Baine shook her head at Vita. "It's...fine. It should go away soon if I did the spell correctly. Will you please tell me what happened Vita? I need to know." She stepped back looking over her work. It wasn't neat but it would suffice and she wasn't in the perfectionist mood for once in her life. The nurse kept her gaze locked on Vita, still not aware that her apprentice was right next to her. This was a story she needed to hear.

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Vita sighed. "Tashrin left the border and then Moku went after him. She attacked him in full sight and in his clans territory. I went in to stop her but her head was set on getting back at him. Needless to say he went into a rage to fight us off. Moku's lucky you saw her charge at him. If you had not shouted her name I most likely would have failed to arrive in time. Me and the red fought as I told her to head back to camp still she did not listen. Her mate showed up and bought me a little bit of time but he ended up getting a broken wing from the whole thing. A rogue helped us. Then shortly after that Tashrin revealed a new attack I haven't seen him use before. A flame beam like attack. Anyway we got away.... not with out wounds though. He took massive damage to the scales and skin. Last I saw of him he was also stuck with poison barbs but still fighting. I don't know how he does that." Vita said


Tashrin glared at the silver. "I don't need you help!" he got out but voice was barly able to come out due to lack of energy. He tried to roll but even then he could only really shake him self very minorly. He gritted his teeth and fought the dark rim that was form in his vision. He was not going to pass out not in front of that one. But he still could not move.


((Heh don't remind him about the pain))

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Navira rose a nonexistent eyebrow. "Oh really?" she smiled. The silver needed Baine. In fact the white dragon would probably be the only thing that could keep Tashrin from dying. She smirked, sniffing around. Her body relaxed and....


"Baine! I found it!" The white dragon jumped, and quickly replied, "Drip the nectar into his nose but don't let him breathe it in. He can't fall asleep." The silver carefully uprooted the flower and did as told, not caring if the red dragon protested. "There," she huffed. "Now you won't bleed as much!"


Baine returned her focus to Vita. "Ichimokuren has proven herself a fool several times," she said quietly with a smirk. "But I do hope she has learned her lesson. You say that Tashrin was near death?" She choked on the last sentence, and ducked her head in shame. The white dragon had brought this upon the red. He would be safe if it wasn't for her. She blinked back tears and turned back to Vita, composure regained.


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Vita nodded and had noticed her reaction as she asked the question. He noted it in the back of his head for later though. "Yes sadly he was. Otherwise I don't think he would have let us go. Top it off the Moku was still attacking the whole time I had not choice or I would have been shredded more." he expalined.


Tashrin watched the silver come up to him "Really what?" he shot back then she started to drip something into his noes. Oh joy now she's poisoning me? he thought. "Watching me die does not take long enough?" he asked weakly though trying to sound like he could still fight.

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"Tashrin!" Navira snapped, barely refraining from a swat. "Shut up with the apocalyptic comments! Baine is risking her wings to save, but I have no idea why, you're rather ungrateful." She scowled at him. He could be so smug at times, the silver hoped she would never be such a dragon. She sighed and tried to contact Baine, but there was no answer.


"Vita..." Baine had no idea how to word this request, but an idea shot through her head. "I need to get a plant from the forest, but I need to go alone. If I go with any other dragon the scents will become weaker. It's a medic thing." She didn't have any idea as to whether or not this would work, but she turned to Amira and told her where to find the pastes that were used to stop bleeding.

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Tashrin just looked at the silver with almost a glare. Maintaining it when Baine was mentioned. "I'm ungrateful? Like I have much to be grateful about!" he croaked. "You know how many of the clan would love to pick and make fun of right now?" he asked getting a part of a growl out "You know how many would kill me if offered the chance hmmm?" he asked again "And I'm suppost to not think about them showing up soon when I can't seem to do anything." he tried to say. But talking was depleting what little he had left. "Though I guess your not one of those bunches or you would be at my throat right now." he got out in a horse whisper. He went limp but his eye's still showed activity.


Vita looked at Baine. She had just asked how a enemy was, then asked to head out of camp. He decided to do a plan. He just hoped he could get it done in time. "Alright, but don't take to long. Vrans and Moku still need patching." he said.

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Baine nodded. "Don't say anything to Zadar," she said lowly to him, having a feeling that he knew what she was doing. "Please. I don't want to die the way Gaius did." She looked at him with pleading eyes, but then took off. The white dragon first went to the spring, but finding Tashrin wasn't there, she went back to the battle scene. She couldn't have felt more sick.


Navira was about to rebut what Tashrin had said, but she saw Baine appear and immediately hushed. The white dragon didn't even care she was on Teratio territory at this point.


A healing will take place without a doubt

what was pain is now without

one could clearly see

what was unwanted energy

is now healing violet fire

burning away with great desire

this form will release all negative energy deep within

as the violet fire burns a new energy will begin

a brilliant divine light is filled within

this body's form will begin to sing

any and all fear is now restored into love

great cleansing washing water flowing from above

wash away all remnants of the undivine

return the body to its natural design

cleanse energize, balance divine

cleanse energize, balance divine

the energies sent the energies free

this is my will, so mote it be.


As the enchantment drew to a close, she opened her eyes. The wounds were gone, only scars left a mere trace of his injury. She knew he was still weak, but she was as well. The white dragon hadn't imagined the spell would take so much energy. She lay herself down by Tashrin, running her muzzle over his body to be sure the spell had worked. "If I go the way of my mentor, he will be honored to see me," she murmured, not to anyone in particular.

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Elferd was thinking to himself.(if the magma dragon was really his apprentice it might be harder then he thought to train her. Magmas are obiediant and they burn to the core. but the problem is that magmas are lazy in the rain and would easily turn to the other clan if they offered her a home in a volcano which they can most definitely do. first he must teach her basic ways to block rain in which she would have had to grown wings but it is impossible for magmas to grow wings just harder "scales")) He just remembered he needed to go ask baine if she wanted anything for use of one of the flowers. he looked back in the nurses den to see if baine was there but he just saw vrans and moku sleeping. He decided baine must be out collecting herbs soon to be back.

Edited by 9pmg5665

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Tashrin heard Baine show up. Then she had started chanting. Then he felt all the spots missing skin and scales close and regrow. And after a bit he heard something settling down by him then what felt like a muzzel over him. He opened his eye's to see Baine there. He heard her mutter something about he mentor and stuff. He slowly lifted a paw forgetting about Navira being right there and placed it on her front paw. Slowly due to being so tired. Now all he needed was to rest. "Your the only one who.... even after I nearly killed a few of your own clan still helps me.... why? No ones shown anything like this towards me." he said in a tired voice.

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Baine gazed at him for a moment. "I heal dragons. And I refuse to let my clan keep me from healing a Teratio," she replied softly. "That was my motive at first. But Tashrin, perhaps I have grown a bit fond of you. As a healer, I see things like bug bites and plants others in my clan fail to see. And in you, red dragon, I see..." She paused, not wanting to say the word. But she forced herself to. "Love. You are the only Teratio warrior that has had love in your heart." The white dragon heard a huff, and smiled. "Besides Navira." She brushed his cheek in a cat hug, forgetting for just a moment that she had to get back to camp. Forgetting she would be in so much trouble for this, and forgetting this was a warrior.


He was Tashrin. And Baine wouldn't think of him as anything else.

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Moku needed somewhere to lie down. She was still bleeding badly so she could drop any minute now. She walked over to a small puddle and lapped mouth fulls of water. She really wanted to be alone at the time but she didn't have the heart to tell Vrans that. She knew he was looking after her but she needed to be by herself for a bit.

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Elferd was worried now" Moku you need to be asleep in the nurses den and your about to bleed out" Elferd said half joking "but if you need baine im afraid she is out right now and so is vita" Elferd was now almost crazy. first she get confined breaks that and gets even more confined and without the apprentice and now this.

Edited by 9pmg5665

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Tashrin listened ash she spoke. He nodded what little he could as she said about the healing. But was caught off guard with the love part. I have love? He though in his head. He looked at Baine, to tired to do anything really. But when she hugged him he forced him self to hug back. He could not do the full hug so he partly brushed then just held his head against her's. He blinked and to his suprize a tear slowly rolled down his cheek. He could not match her speech but he could say something "Baine...... your about the only one...... that....." he started "I have come to..... want to care... for and....." there was that word again " love." he said getting it out.


Vrans was sleep now when Moku left. His good wing just flopped when she left. He di dnot mind sleeping right now. All that had happened he thought he was sltill sleeping by Moku even though the cuts he had cleaned had bleed again but he did not mind her getting him all sticky. Partly due to he was to much asleep to notice.

Edited by little lost dragon

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Moku whipped around at Elferd, "I can take care of myself!" She hissed, "I don't need you telling me what i have to do!' She sighed and frowned, "Ugh... I'm sorry about that, I'm just a little on edge right now..." She sat down, staring at her reflection in the puddle.

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Baine dipped her head away from him. "I have to go," she told him, forcing herself to stand. "Rest. Navira, bring him food for when he wakes up." The hatchling perked up at the sound of her name. Baine looked again to Tashrin, her face painted over with despair. She turned and was about to fly, but before she did, said just loud enough for him to hear, "The feelings you have are returned." With that she took to the air and flew to camp.

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"look i am trying to my best but your lost too much blood to be out like this and i owe Baine way to much right now so i cant get the plant i will see if i can get the apprentice to dig up the flower" Elferd said almost running out of breath. this was wierd as far as the info near the leaders den was correct moku was a year younger then him witch meant he could give blood but nobody knew the correct magic exept baine and uncle hawke who was in a different clan.

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Tashrin really did not want her to go but it was true. She had to get back. Before she took off she said that his feelings are returned as well. He just laid there partly due to he could not do much aside from that and what he had just leaned. He started thinking about it hard. Why was she a medic? Love is forbidden for medics. But even those like him could have it as well. He closed his eye's. She also seemed to trust Navira. "Navira, I'm going to rest now. If others come and see you and ask where I am tell them I'm on a walk." he said the normal hostile note in his voice was gone for now. He closed his eye's and almost fell asleep right there.

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