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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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"No, I doubt that anything in this world would ever be even close to the value of Eyrawvin the Basilisk," Hxleir growled. "Now go, or I'll have your eyes too."


Sirocca nodded. "Okay," she said, floating down the hallway towards the library.

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"Even Beelzebub?" He smiled. "I guess I will have to sweeten the pot... is there anything at all you would trade for him? I happen to know many greater collections, much more legendary without him." This wasn't going too well.


"We have to make sure the baby is safe... tell the girls to take you to Iro's room... it's the most secure." Ito murmured.

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Hxleir sneered. "Nothing is more precious than Basilisk eyes," he hissed through sharp fangs. "A stare that can literally kill you! You never get to tell a soul what color they are because you'll be dead! I have all eyes of all colors within my hold, and now I have the King of Basilisks himself in my clutches, I cannot just let him go!"


Sirocca frowned. "Where are we going?" she asked, floating beside him and cradling the dragon. "What are these Hounds of Hades?"

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"The eyes? You're after his eyes." Terryn smiled, and reached into one of his pockets. "I robbed an alchemist... I have all of Argos' eyes... much like peacocks... too bad no one else does. Such a variety of colors... Iris' eye, only one. Because, you know, she needs the other... and a son of Nyx's eye. She is the goddess of judgement you know... her son traded it to me for the ability to see past the actions of others, a rather stupid trade..." Terryn prattled on, and by this time several covered jars laid around him. "You could have all of this for just him... and regular old basilisk eyes are pretty common. I have the only remnant of the Amazonian basilisk at my study. If you just want the eyes you can have them. I removed those first, because of the stare. I already sold all of the teeth." Terryn shifted. "Well... I know what you don't have... but I don't think I would be allowed to give them away since they are the only pair of eyes like that... but they are so rare perhaps it would sway you... one is human, and boring. The other is wyvern-human mix. They turn purple with an absorbic power, but I don't think you will be allowed to have those... no. I think its owner would be much too swayed to keep them. He would only be able to give those away with a trade for Rendsol. And maybe not even then."


"I don't know. Apparently pretty bad. And we're going back to my mother's home." he said, already anxious.

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The demon's cold hard glare remained, glaring down at Terryn as he pulled out jars. Sytr seemed quite interested, the tiny creature leaning his head forward to look at all the pretty contents of the jars. Hxleir sniffed. "Your collection is in poor taste," he sneered. "The Basilisk King is not just a petty thing. Comparing him to common fodder is disgraceful. And anyone who knows of one looking for the Falsified Judge is no friend or trader of mine, and never will be, especially you Terryn. Why you come back while they're still trying to throttle your scrawny neck for the Basilisk King is beyond me, and I prefer to keep it that way. I don't need the Overlords breathing down my neck by trailing your leaking scent to here. Now GET OUT."


Sirocca frowned. "Back to that horrid place?" She sighed. "If we must," she murmured, floating into the library and watching Atelo get ready.

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"Afraid I can't. Not without the King. And it would be a shame if the Overloads heard about you harbored me. Just give me the king, and I'll be on my way."


Ito looked hurt. "It wasn't horrid... Just needed some cleanup."

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Hxleir snarled, stepping back into his room and slamming the door shut. "That went over well," small Sytr commented, looking up at Terryn. "I can sneak around and see if I can locate your precious snake eyes, I could, I could!"


"If you two are done, I still need the key to open this portal," Atelo said, looking up at Ito and Sirocca.

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"Then let's go. I'll leave him four Argo's eyes and we can sneak around to find him..."


Ito held out the dragon's leg and removed one scale, it whimpering.

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Sytr nodded happily, his tiny body slipping up to another door and creeping around it.


Atelo held up his hand to take the scale, the other hand and his attention on finishing the circle.

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Atelo murmured as he worked, using the scale in his work. Soon the floor in the circle dissolved, like a window staring at the ground at the place where Ito said to go. "Portal's up," he said, rising to his feet. "Get the people in here."


It was only a few minutes until Sytr came scurrying back to Terryn. "I found it," he said excitedly. "In the freezer!"

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"Great!!!" Terryn put a hand on its head and teleported into the freezer. "B-brrr..." Terryn shuddered.


Ito nodded and dashed off to find Zalala and the others. The baby dragon woke up and wriggled in Sirocca's arms.

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"That's what I said!" Sytr said as he hopped towards the back of the freezer. There was a giant ice block, an impressive sized serpent curled inside. "See? I found the Basilisk King!"


Sirocca cradled the dragon, patting her gently. "It's alright," she murmured. Kerana waltzed in, leaning against a bookshelf, a grin on her face. "This is rather exciting."

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"Seems so... I guess this is Eyrawvin... I'll ask real quick." Terryn sighed.


Ito tensed up, and headed back to the library. "Atelo?! Can Eyrawvin turn into a giant Basilisk?! Zalala is coming with the people."

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"It is," Sytr chirped. "I saw! He was like this when he came in and when he came out! He is small snake, then large snake, then medium snake, then ginormous snake! He is small snake now."


Atelo's brow furrowed. "I...guess?" he said slowly, not really knowing who they were referring to.

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"Alright, let's teleport him out then..." Terry's sighed, and lit his hand on fire to begin melting the ice.


Ito just sighed, and Zalala's and Atelo's people wandered in.

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Sytr hopped from foot to foot. "You should get him out before we are spotted, indeed!" he said, though he was looking a bit more fidgety than normal.


Atelo saw the first group of people in. "I'm sorry to usher such a rush, but a dire situation has arrived and we'll all perish if we remain. Please go through the portal as quickly but safely as possible."

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Terryn was close to the skin. "Almost there. Take my other hand." He demanded.


The people obeyed in a panicky state, Farrah looking at Ito longingly before exiting with her family. He seemed perturbed by this. "I just need to find Rendsol..." He whimpered.

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Sytr nodded, curling his small hand around the other's fingers.


"We'll conduct our search once we get everyone in place," Atelo said, making sure the people went through the portal without trouble. "For now we need to leave before the Hounds come out to greet us."

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As soon as Terryn's skin touched the Basilisk's he teleported to Ito's home country. This was where he had lived close to for most of his life as a human.


Ito was starting to pace, quite nervous about the whole thing.

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Sytr blinked around, quite curious at the place they were at.


Atelo sighed and patted Ito on the shoulder. "You should go through," he murmured, gesturing to the portal. "I'll make sure everything gets through. You see to it that Sirocca and your dragon gets through."

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"I'll try to help you. It's fine, I'll make sure Sirocca gets through, and stay to protect you as well." Ito nodded. "Sirocca...?"

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Sirocca looked over at Ito before floating over. "What is it?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

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"You need to go through with the baby... I'll be back soon... Promise." He smiled at her to reassure her.

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Sirocca nodded softly, cradling the dragon. "Make sure you hurry," she murmured as she disappeared through the portal.

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