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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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Zsalin shook his head sadly. "Something of mine just caught on fire. That's all..." Yet it had to be his most prized possession. He let out a heavy sigh. "You really don't remember...?" He rubbed his neck with a hand, the wound from the knife already healed. "How far do you remember...?"

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Zsalin sighed, his eyes closing. "You burnt my mother's book..." he said quietly. "Surrogate mother, actually..."

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"I burnt it? I did? YOU PINNED ME DOWN! If you had just let me take a walk YOU wouldn't have burnt your damn book! UGH!" Iso stormed off.

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Zsalin blinked at Iso as she yelled at him, looking rather hurt as he watched her storm off. "Now...there is no one either..." Back to being alone again, it seemed, yet this time he felt like crying all over again. Rubbing his eyes furiously, he rose to his feet. "No matter..." he murmured softly, walking over and taking his staff. "Might as well leave..." The charms on his staff clinked together quietly, but nothing seemed to change the priest's mind as he walked towards the door, sniffing and going in the opposite direction of where Iso went to, so hopefully he didn't run into her again.

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Iso sighed and came back to the room. "Look, Zsalin, I'm sorry I... Zsalin?!!!" She called, and turned to a different hallway.

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Zsalin heard Iso's call, but didn't respond as he kept on walking. However, the charms on his staff clinked together, echoing through the hallway. The priest gave the staff a dark look before picking up his pace, just wanting to part ways without the serious drama. He just wanted to leave in peace.

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"ZSAL-" Iso's yell was cut off, and something clunked to the floor. The orb clinked against the wall and rolled down to Zsalin, curving to a stop in front of his feet.

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Zsalin nearly slammed his foot on the orb, taking a step back to collect himself. He blinked down at the orb, frowning at it. "What do you want...?" he said quietly to the orb, a simple question rather than a demand. In truth, he was curious why the orb came rolling in front of him in the first place. Iso rarely let go of it, so why was it on the floor now?

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The orb rolled back to the hallway entrance and swung around in a big circle excitedly.

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Zsalin blinked, frowning slightly. He didn't have time to chase after the orb, for he had to get away from Iso before he ran into her. But his feet didn't move, half of him not wanting to leave. "Knock it off, will you?" he said with a sigh. "Going around in circles isn't going to help."

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The orb crashed into Zsalin's feet, rolling up onto his toe about the equivalent of a bowling ball drop. "GET HER NOW! Someone's knocked her out. And there's only so much I can do!" The orb spoke into his mind.

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Zsalin nearly yelped as the orb ran over his toes. However, his eyes widened at the message, before they narrowed dangerously, and a dark growl escaped his throat. He turned and ran in the direction of Iso's scent, scales appearing up his neck again.

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Iso was gone at this point, a small trail of blood leading to the nearest door. Too late... it was a dragoness, not sure of what origin... The orb bumbed slightly into his foot, not enough to cause pain. Carry me!

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Zsalin slowed, his eyes falling down to the blood trail. A dark scowl crossed his face as his claws curled into fists, knuckles whitening around the staff. "Dragons... tasteless." He growled quietly, before kneeling down and picking up the orb with his free hand, carrying it in the crook of his arm as he sniffed the air. Iso's scent matched the direction of the blood trail, so he moved towards the door and followed it.

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Zsalin turned an eye to the direction of the movement and the hiss, eyes narrowing. His lips curled as he let out a dark, rumbling growl, an inhumane growl from the very beast contained inside the human shaped shell. The small chimes clinked quietly on his staff, but Zsalin ignored it, his eyes focused on the place of the movement, his ears listening for any other sounds.

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The girl blinded him with a bandana, and held something that was supposed to make him sleepy. "SHhhhhh.... you're coming too..." the girl purred.

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The priest's muscles tensed as he was blinded, the smell of something awful filled his nose. He could feel the effects creeping in, but he wasn't going to give in that easy. He tried to growl, but a rather unearthy snarl erupted from his throat instead, scales shooting up his flesh. The staff came back over his shoulder, whacking the person behind him as he put a burst of speed forward. The bandana was still over his eyes, and his nose was useless with the smell of whatever she was carrying, but he used his ears to run forward, although he was slowed by the slowly increasing effect of the weird smelly thing. He tucked the orb into his robes so he could use his staff with both his hands. Yet he kept tripping over his own feet, before falling flat on his face by tripping over something else he couldn't see. Zsalin tried pulling himself up using his staff, but his arms weren't working right, and his mind was already fuzzy. Only his instincts kept him going, but it would only be a matter of time before he succumbed to the drowsiness that took him over.

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Iso woke up after a while, in complete darkness. She tried to hold her throbbing head with one hand, but was unable to. Someone had restrained her. She fought to free herself, and a scaled hand stroked her cheek. She knew her sister's hands, even the trainees, and this was too rough for one of theirs. It was weathered and harsh, like sun and rain damage. They lived in caves or inside, not in the weather. A dragon.


She pulled away but was grabbed back. She felt frayed hair on her neck, meaning her long hair had been cut, a sign of disownment.


Thank you for bringing the wyvern home... he'll make a nice snack. With your toasted wings for dessert... the dragon breathed into her mind. Iso snarled.


The sister that had brought Zsalin to the mountains now woke him harshly, dumping warm dishwater in his face. She had Dark brown hair, and wasn't half as pretty as Iso. In fact, she was quite hideous. "Wyvern! Wake!" She demanded.

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The wet water woke Zsalin with a start, the water going both into his mouth and up his nose. He first jolted with shock, then he coughed, before spluttering, trying to get the water out of his throat. As the water cleared from his nose, he caught a whiff of something, and he didn't quite like the smell of it. He snorted, before scowling. "Let me guess...you're wearing revealing clothes as well."

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"And it's not for younto stare at either." She pushed a plate filled with onions, garlic, and peppers, covered in a nasty-smelling sauce.


"Eat up. Master says he wants his son's first taste of wyvern to be seasoned well."

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